Therizinosauria Russell, 1997
Definition- (Therizinosaurus cheloniformis <- Tyrannosaurus
rex, Ornithomimus edmontonicus, Mononykus olecranus, Oviraptor
philoceratops, Troodon formosus) (Zanno, 2010)
Other definitions- (Alxasaurus elesitaiensis, Enigmosaurus
mongoliensis, Erlikosaurus andrewsi, Nanshiungosaurus
brevispinus, Segnosaurus galbinensis, Therizinosaurus
cheloniformis <- Ornithomimus velox, Troodon formosus,
Oviraptor philoceratops) (modified from Russell, 1997)
(Therizinosaurus cheloniformis <- Tyrannosaurus rex,
Ornithomimus edmontonicus, Shuvuuia deserti, Oviraptor philoceratops,
Troodon formosus) (Sereno, online 2005)
= Segnosauria Barsbold and Perle, 1980
= Segnosaurischia Dong, 1987
= Therizinosauria Sereno, online 2005
Definition- (Therizinosaurus cheloniformis <- Tyrannosaurus
rex, Ornithomimus edmontonicus, Shuvuuia deserti, Oviraptor
philoceratops, Troodon formosus)
Segnosauria- While
therizinosaur taxa were known before the 1980s, Barsbold and Perle
(1980) were the first to propose a group greater than family rank for
them, using Segnosauria for Segnosaurus,
Erlikosaurus and the still
unnamed Enigmosaurus.
Their only comment on segnosaurs' relationships within theropods was
"we presume that Segnosauria took to their particular mode of life,
very different from that of other theropods, relatively early" implying
an early divergence. Despite describing braincase characters
shared with ornithomimosaurs and troodontids, Barsbold (1983) later
states "a certain conditionally regarding the segnosaurid condition
[within Theropoda] is maintained (Segnosauria); this is possibly a
group equivalent to it in rank" and ends up merely saying "that
segnosaurids ... should most likely be classified a carnivorous
dinosaurs of indefinite systematic position." It was perhaps
Barsbold's failure to propose any ideas for their relationship within
Theropoda that led workers in the 1980s and early 90s to concentrate on
relationships with herbivorous dinosaurs instead. Paul (1984a,b)
used manual cladistic analysis to propose segnosaurs were sister to
ornithischians, with prosauropods more basal in this
Phytodinosauria. Ironically, Paul was also the first to notice
the tall astragalar ascending process and fibula backed by the tibia
were more similar to Cretaceous theropods than Triassic ones.
Gauthier (1986) and Sereno (1989) both also used cladistic methodology,
proposing segnosaurs were broad-footed sauropodomorphs (equivalent to
modern Plateosauria) or the sister taxon of prosauropods within
Sauropodomorpha respectively. Barsbold and Maryanska (1990) noted
characters shared with theropods (e.g. "lack of a process of the
dentary passing dorsal to the external mandibular fenestra, presence of
pleurocoels in the vertebrae, ... expanded pubic foot") and
sauropodomorphs, but nonsensically stated "many derived characters of
the Segnosauria ... make it impossible to include the segnosaurians
among theropods or sauropodomorphs." Despite this, they found
Gauthier's hypothesis most probable but in need of further
testing. The remains of Alxasaurus
were discovered in 1988, and this more basal genus would be the
downfall of Segnosauria and the lynchpin for their coelurosaurian
identity. Already in 1991 Olshevsky stated "recent work by D. A.
Russell (pers. comm.), however, suggests instead that they were very
highly derived theropods — as originally classified — and that their
resemblance to sauropodomorphs was homoplasious." Russell and
Dong's (1994) seminal publication of Alxasaurus
confirmed most of Gauthier's proposed saurischian, theropod and
tetanurine characters were present in segnosaurs, with several
exceptions, and their computerized analysis recovered segnosaurs
closest to an oviraptorosaur-troodontid clade, then to
ornithomimosaurs. Clark et al. (1994) redescribed Erlikosaurus'
skull later that year and noted several characters most similar to
ornithomimosaurs, oviraptorosaurs and troodontids among theropods, as
well as disputing most character evidence from Paul (1984b) and Sereno
(1989). Interestingly, there was not then and has never been a
published computerized phylogenetic analysis of dinosaurs including
segnosaurs and the proposed characters linking them to various
herbivorous dinosaur groups.
Therizinosauroidea to Therizinosauria-
was originally described as a turtle, but Rozhdestvensky (1970; and
possibly as early as Rozhdestvensky and Khozatsky, 1967) used the
discovery of Chilantaisaurus
to propose the type manual unguals were actually those of a
carnosaurian theropod. Only a couple years after the discovery of
segnosaurs, Perle (1982) described a hindlimb he referred to Therizinosaurus and noted
similarities between that genus and Segnosaurus,
proposing therizinosaurids and segnosaurids were closely related within
a larger Deinocheirosauria also including Deinocheirus.
While the few vague pectoral and forelimb similarities ("very similar"
"morphology in the scapulocoracoid region", "the rather specific
topography of the superglenoid enlargement ... is the same", "The
deltopectoral crest of the humerus was more highly developed ... and,
respectively, the flexors M. coracobrachialis and M. humero-radialis
were stronger") and uncertain referral of the hindlimb to Therizinosaurus
kept the relationship controversial, the hindlimb was recognized as
segnosaurian (e.g. Barsbold and Maryanska, 1990). Russell and
Dong (1994) confirmed the relationship with the description of Alxasaurus
and its pectoral girdle and forelimb, stating "the morphology of the
hands and feet thus suggests that Therizinosauridae Maleev, 1954 is a
senior synonym for Segnosauridae Perle, 1979." Following this,
"Therizinosauridae Maleev 1954 is available for a superfamily
containing Alxasaurus and the
Therizinosauridae; the group is referred to below as
"therizinosauroids."" This publication tends to use the term
"segnosaur" as unofficial in quotes, perhaps based on ICZN rules
granting a 1954 date to Therizinosauroidea versus Segnosauria's 1980
date, or a wish to distance their tetanurine therizinosauroid concept
from the oddball concept of Segnosauria that existed up till that
point. Note that priority-wise, while Therizinosauroidea has
priority over a potential Segnosauroidea, the ICZN does not regulate
names above family level like Segnosauria. So it would have been
possible to retain a Segnosauria containing both families, or even
containing Therizinosauroidea in the same way Oviraptorosauria contains
Caenagnathoidea. In any case, following 1994 the use of
Segnosauria in the literature plummeted with Therizinosauroidea being
used instead even for more basal examples such as 1999's Beipiaosaurus and 2005's Falcarius.
It is ironic then that Russell (1997) proposed Therizinosauria
seemingly as a synonym of Therizinosauroidea (without comment or
justification) when this certainly lacks priority over
Segnosauria. Russell's Therizinosauria was largely ignored over
the next decade, and in 2004 Clark et al. happened to provide a
node-based definition for Therizinosauroidea which limited it to taxa
within the Beipiaosaurus plus
clade. Zanno's extremely important 2008b thesis on therizinosaurs
(published in 2010) followed Clark et al.'s definition "which serves to
exclude Falcarius from
Therizinosauroidea on the basis of its relatively primitive
morphology." With Therizinosauroidea now a subset of
therizinosaurs, she followed Russell's usage of Therizinosauria for the
stem-group of all therizinosaurs. This has been the consensus
through today, finishing the transition from Segnosauria (1980-1993) to
Therizinosauroidea (1994-2009) to Therizinosauria (2010+) for this
Segnosaurischia was a group used by Dong to place segnosaurs on an
equal rank with Saurischia and Ornithischia, with his 1992 phylogram
showing it independently derived from 'thecodonts'. Although
Segnosaurischia is often cited as being named by Dong in his 1992
Chinese dinosaur book, there was a 1987 edition which used it
first. Dong and Yu (1997) were among the last authors to use the
term as by the mid-1990s most experts agreed by then segnosaurs were
theropod saurischians.
Phylogenetic position- Placing
therizinosaurids with deinocheirids as Perle (1982) and Barsbold (1976)
did takes 13 steps in Hartman et al.'s matrix, effectively making Deinocheirus
the basalmost therizinosaurian. Making them closer to an
oviraptorosaur plus troodontid clade than dromaeosaurids or
ornithomimosaurs as in Russell and Dong (1994) takes 35 more steps, so
is highly unparsimonious. The pairing of therizinosaurs with
oviraptorosaurs, first in Makovicky's (1995a) thesis then published by
Holtz (1995) and Makovicky (1995b), was almost universal for the next
15 years but takes 13 more steps. Sereno (1998) placed
therizinosaurs sister to ornithomimosaurs, then in 1999 added
alvarezsaurids to the analysis and placed these closer to
ornithomimosaurs. The former takes 6 steps, while placing them
sister to ornithomimosaurs plus alvarezsaurids takes 4 steps.
Zanno (2008a,b, 2010) recovered therizinosaurs sister to
alvarezsauroids plus pennaraptorans, which takes 6 more steps.
Hartman et al. (2019) found therizinosaurs to be sister to
alvarezsaurids in basal Maniraptora. Placing therizinosaurs
sister to Pennaraptora is only 3 steps longer though, and placing them
outside Maniraptoriformes (which has never been recovered in published
analyses) is only 6 steps longer.
Therizinosauria defined-
Russell (1997) attempted the first definition, which doesn't use any
alvarezsauroid as an external specifier so would fail in Hartman et
al.'s topology where alvarezsauroids and therizinosaurs are sister
taxa. It's also inefficient in using five additional
therizinosaurs as
internal specifiers when only the eponymous taxon is needed.
(2010) published a variant of Sereno's (online, 2005) definition,
with the useless change of switching Shuvuuia
with Mononykus. It is
used here although the inclusion of Tyrannosaurus
hasn't been
neccessary for any proposed phylogeny. If anything, I might
suggest using Plateosaurus and Stegosaurus as
additional specifiers instead, just to ensure views like Paul's (1984,
1988a,b) and Sereno's (1989) are covered.
Ex-therizinosaurs- Russell (1984) referred a supposed astragalus
(AMNH 5027) from the Hell Creek Formation of Montana, US to
Therizinosauridae indet.. Russell and Manabe (2002) revealed this was
the element properly identified as a Tyrannosaurus quadrate
by Carpenter (1992).
Sues (1978) identified frontal CMN 12349 as Dromaeosaurus
and frontal CMN 12355 as Theropoda indet., although note his plates 7
and 8 are switched so that they are given each others' captions. Currie
(1987) accepted CMN 12349 as Dromaeosaurus,
but with regard to CMN 12355 stated that
"comparison with Mongolian specimens suggests that it may represent Erlicosaurus (Currie, in
preparation)." Currie (1992) again stated CMN 12355 "may
represent the segnosaurid Erlicosaurus"
(although note that as in Sues' paper it is mislabeled 12349 in his
Figure 2) and also referred TMP 1981.016.0231 to Segnosauridae.
(2005) listed CMN 12349 as a tentative "therizinosauroid similar to Erlikosaurus", but figured CMN
12355 so probably meant that specimen. Indeed, it seems CMN 12349
was correctly identified as Dromaeosaurus
in the first place as it is similar to the holotype and has only been
referred to Therizinosauroidea accidentally due to Sues' original plate
caption mistake. Larson et al. (2014) performed a morphometric
analysis of Dinosaur Park coelurosaur frontals, and found that CMN
12355 grouped with Troodon, so is troodontid instead. Yet
without including a therizinosaur such as Erlikosaurus
itself, the study only had so much explanatory power. More
Cullen et al. (2020) expanded the analysis to include both Erlikosaurus
the Bissekty therizinosaurid, still recovering CMN 12355 within the
Dinosaur Park troodontid range and far from therizinosaurids.
Both it
and the less complete TMP 1981.016.0231 are here referred to Troodon formosus sensu lato.
Mateer (1987) described a pedal ungual which Nessov (1995) referred it
to Therizinosauria or "groups most closely related to them" (which in
his opinion consisted of spinosaurids and dryptosaurids). Provisional
comparisons suggest it more closely resembles pedal unguals of Sinraptor
and Poekilopleuron than those of any therizinosaurs (e.g. Beipiaosaurus,
Alxasaurus, Nothronychus, Erlikosaurus), which
tend to be deeper and more curved. CCMGE 456/12457 was figured as a
segnosaur by Nessov but reassigned to Dromaeosauridae by Sues and
Averianov (2014).
A distal phalanx was discovered in 1931 and referred to Theropoda
indet. by Riabinin (1937), but referred to Therizinosauridae based on
the unequally deep collateral ligament pits by Averianov et al. (2003).
Zanno (2008b) noted both sides having well defined pits (albeit better
developed on one side) is unlike therizinosaurs.
Currie (1992) described TMP 1979.015.0001 from the Dinosaur Park
Formation of Alberta, Canada as a possible segnosaurid pedal
ungual. Ryan and Russell (2001) listed cervical vertebra TMP
1986.207.0017 from the Scollard Formation of Alberta, Canada as
Segnosauridae indet. in their faunal list. Cullen et al. (2020)
found both specimens "to be most similar in morphology to
Curtice (2000) reports that "In 1997 at the DinoFest 2 symposium
Ratkevich suggested the specimen was a therizinosaur (McCord, personal
communication, 1999)", referring to the sauropod Sonorasaurus.
AMNH 21597 is figured as therizinosaurid ungual on the AMNH online
catalog, but the low curvature and distally placed flexor tubercle are
instead almost identical to Archaeornithomimus
(e.g. AMNH 6570, 6576).
References- Riabin, 1937. A new discovery of dinosaurs in
Transbaikalia. Ezhegodnik Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo
Obshchestva. 11, 141-144.
Rozhdestvensky and Khozatsky, 1967. Late Mesozoic terrestrial
vertebrates of the Asian part of the USSR. Stratigraphy and
Paleontology of Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene Continental Beds of the
Asian Part of the USSR. Nauka, Leningrad. 82-92.
Rozhdestvensky, 1970. Giant claws of enigmatic Mesozoic reptiles.
Paleontological Journal. 1970(1), 131-141.
Sues, 1978. A new small theropod dinosaur from the Judith River
Formation (Campanian) of Alberta, Canada. Zoological Journal of the
Linnaean Society of London. 62, 381-400.
Barsbold and Perle, 1980. Segnosauria, a new infraorder of carnivorous
dinosaurs. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 25(2), 187-195.
Perle, 1982. On a new finding of the hindlimb of Therizinosaurus
sp. from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. Problems in Mongolian
Geology. 5, 94-98.
Paul, 1984a. The archosaurs: A phylogenetic study. Third Symposium on
Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Short Papers. 175-180.
Paul. 1984b. The segnosaurian dinosaurs: Relics of the
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Paleontology. 4(4), 507-515.
Russell, 1984. A checklist of the families and genera of North American
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Gauthier, 1986. Saurischian monophyly and the origin of birds. Memoirs
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Currie, 1987. Theropods of the Judith River Formation of Dinosaur
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Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems Short Papers. Tyrell Museum of
Palaeontology, Drumheller, Alberta. 52-60.
Dong, 1987. Dinosaurs from China. China Ocean Press, Beijing. 114 pp.
Mateer, 1987. A new report of a theropod dinosaur from South Africa.
Palaeontology. 30(1), 141-145.
Paul, 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster: New
York 464 pp.
Sereno, 1989. Prosauropod monophyly and basal sauropodomorph phylogeny.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 9(3),38A.
Barsbold and Maryanska, 1990. Saurischia sedis mutabilis: Segnosauria.
In Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds.). The Dinosauria. University
of California Press. 408-415.
Olshevsky, 1991. A Revision of the Parainfraclass Archosauria Cope,
1869, Excluding the Advanced Crocodylia. Mesozoic Meanderings. 2, 196
Carpenter, 1992. Tyrannosaurids (Dinosauria) of Asia and North America.
In Mateer and Chen (eds.). Aspects of nonmarine Cretaceous geology.
Beijing, China: Ocean Press. 250-268.
Currie, 1992. Saurischian dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous of Asia and
North America. In Mateer and Chen (eds.). Aspects of Nonmarine
Cretaceous Geology. China Ocean Press. 237-249.
Dong, 1992. Dinosaurian Faunas of China. China Ocean Press, Beijing.
188 pp.
Clark, Perle and Norell, 1994. The skull of Erlicosaurus andrewsi,
a Late Cretaceous "segnosaur" (Theropoda: Therizinosauridae) from
Mongolia. American Museum Noviates. 3115, 39 pp.
Russell and Dong, 1994. The affinities of a new theropod from the Alxa
Desert, Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China. Canadian Journal of
Earth Sciences. 30(10), 2107-2127.
Holtz, 1995. A new phylogeny of the Theropoda. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 15(3), 35A.
Makovicky, 1995a. Phylogenetic aspects of coelurosaurian vertebral
morphology. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 15(3), 43A.
Makovicky, 1995b. Phylogenetic aspects of the vertebral morphology of
Coelurosauria (Dinosauria: Theropoda). Masters thesis, Copenhagen
University, Copenhagen.[pp]
Nessov, 1995. Dinosaurs of nothern Eurasia: New data about assemblages,
ecology, and paleobiogeography. Institute for Scientific Research on
the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
Russell, 1997. Therizinosauria. In Currie and Padian (eds.).
Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. 729-730.
1998. A rationale for phylogenetic definitions, with
application to the higher-level taxonomy of Dinosauria. Neues Jahrbuch
für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen. 210(1), 41-83.
Sereno, 1999. The evolution of dinosaurs. Science. 284, 2137-2147.
Curtice, 2000. The axial skeleton of Sonorasaurus
thompsoni Ratkevitch 1998. Proceedings of the Southwest
Paleontological Symposium. 7, 83-87.
Ryan and Russell, 2001. Dinosaurs of Alberta (exclusive of Aves). in
Tanke and Carpenter (eds). Mesozoic Vertebrate Life. Indiana University
Press. 279-297.
Russell and Manabe, 2002. Synopsis of the Hell Creek (uppermost
Cretaceous) dinosaur assemblage. In Hartman, Johnson and Nichols
(eds.). The Hell Creek Formation and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
in the northern Great Plains: An integrated continental record of the
end of the Cretaceous. Geological Society of America Special Paper.
361, 169-176.
Averianov, Starkov and Skutschas, 2003. Dinosaurs from the Early
Cretaceous Murtoi Formation in Buryatia, Eastern Russia. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. 23(3), 586-594.
Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004. Therizinosauroidea. in In
Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria Second Edition.
University of California Press. 151-164.
Currie, 2005. Theropods, including birds. In Currie and Koppelhus
(eds.). Dinosaur Provincial Park, a spectacular ecosystem revealed.
Part Two, Flora and Fauna from the park. Indiana University Press.
Sereno, online 2005. Stem Archosauria - TaxonSearch.
[version 1.0, 2005 November 7]
Zanno, 2008a. The phylogeny of Therizinosauria (Theropoda:
Maniraptora): Implications for the evolution of coelurosaurs. Journal
of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 164A.
Zanno, 2008b. A taxonomic and phylogenetic reevaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Theropoda): Implications for the evolution
of Maniraptora. PhD Thesis. The University of Utah. 329 pp.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Larson, Cullen, Todd and Evans, 2014. Geometric morphometrics of small
theropod frontals from the Dinosaur Park Formation, Alberta. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2014, 165.
Sues and Averianov, 2014. Dromaeosauridae (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from
the Bissekty Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Turonian) of Uzbekistan and
the phylogenetic position of Itemirus medullaris Kurzanov,
1976. Cretaceous Research. 51, 225-240.
Button, Zanno, You and Kirkland, 2015. Dichotomous evolution of tooth
growth and replacement strategies in herbivorous dinosaurs. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2015, 100.
King, 2015. Morphometric analysis of semicircular canals in
Therizinosauria (Theropoda: Maniraptora) with implications for
endocranial modification during a trophic shift. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2015, 154.
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Cullen, Larson, Zanno, Currie and Evans, 2020. Theropod biodiversity
patterns in the Dinosaur Park Formation (Late Cretaceous: Campanian) of
Alberta revealed through morphometrics and biostratigraphy. The Society
of Vertebrate Paleontology 80th
Annual Meeting, Conference Program. 115.
Senter, Kirkland and DeBlieux, 2012
M. greenriverensis Senter, Kirkland and DeBlieux, 2012
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Yellow Cat Member of Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, US
Holotype- (UMNH VP 21400) cervical neural arch fragment, first
dorsal centrum (62.1 mm), incomplete distal caudal centrum, incomplete
scapula, distal radius, partial ulna, distal metacarpal I, proximal
phalanx I-1, distal phalanx I-1, manual unguals I (one fragmentary),
distal phalanx II-1(?), distal phalanx II-2, manual unguals II, distal
phalanx III-?, manual unguals III, distal pubis(?), proximal ischium,
metatarsal I, incomplete pedal ungual I, proximal metatarsal II, distal
metatarsal II, proximal metatarsal III, distal metatarsal IV,
incomplete phalanx IV-?, three proximal phalanges II/IV-1, two proximal
pedal phalanges, three distal pedal phalanges, proximal pedal ungual,
Diagnosis- (after Senter et al., 2012) cervical prezygapophyses
not flexed; anterior dorsal vertebrae with hypapophyses and a single
pair of pleurocoels; distal end of scapula expanded; manual unguals
without proximodorsal lips and with prominent flexor tubercles and
strong curvature; manual unguals in which total length perpendicular to
the articular facet is subequal to total height parallel to the
articular facet; ungual of manual digit III nearly as large as that of
digit II; proximal end of ischium laterally compressed; metatarsal I
proximally attenuated and distally reduced in transverse width relative
to the other metatarsals; all metatarsals distally non-ginglymoid;
fourth metatarsal distally attenuated immediately proximal to condyles;
pedal unguals laterally compressed and strongly curved; first pedal
ungual smaller than the others.
Comments- Senter et al. (2012) found this to be a basal
therizinosauroid between Beipiaosaurus and Alxasaurus
using his version of the TWiG matrix. Similarly, Hartman et al.
(2019) recovered it as a therizinosaurian excluded from the Alxasaurus+Segnosaurus clade.
References- Senter, Kirkland, Deblieux and Madsen, 2010. Three
new theropods from the Cedar Mountain Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of
Utah. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2010,
Senter, Kirkland and DeBlieux, 2012. Martharaptor greenriverensis,
a new theropod dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Utah. PLoS ONE.
7(8), e43911.
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Qian, 2011
"T. sifengensis" Qian, 2011
Late Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Laijia Formation, Zhejiang, China
Material- (~5.5 m) twelve cervical vertebrae, nine dorsal
vertebrae, thirteen incomplete dorsal ribs, twenty-eight caudal
vertebrae, incomplete ilium, incomplete pubis, distal ischium, distal
femur, tibia, astragalus
Comments- The genus was spelled "Tiantaisaurus" by Qian et al.
(2012), which Zheng (pers. comm. to Creisler, DML 2016) indicates Dong
wanted to name it. Discovered in 2005, Qian et al. state Dong, Chen and
Jiang wrote a manuscript describing it in 2007, but that it had not
been officially published. Thus citations to "Dong et al., 2007" after
the name are incorrect. The material has been mounted as of 2006
however. The name is a nomen nudum due to being said to be unofficial
(ICZN Article 8.3), not having a listed holotype (Article 16.4), and
not being explicitly cited as gen. et sp. nov. (Article 16.1). Among
the pertinent notes, Qian et al. state at least one cervical is missing
(atlas?), cervicals 7-8 are the longest at twice dorsal length,
cervicals are pneumatic with amphiplatyan centra, dorsals also have
flat ends, and the pubes and ischia lack distal fusion.
References- Qian, 2011. Chinese dinosaur spectrum (60) -
[Shifeng Tiantai dragon] (Tiantaiosaurus sifengensis Dong, et
al, 2007). Journal of Geology. 35(4), 385.
Qian, Zhang, Jiang, Jiang, Zhang, Chen and Xing, 2012. Cretaceous
therizinosaurs in Zhejiang of eastern China. Journal of Geology. 36(4),
Creisler, DML 2016.
undescribed Therizinosauria (Dmitriev, 1960)
Late Barremian-Mid Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Mogoito Member of Murtoi Formation, Russia
Material- (ZIN PH 2/13) proximal pedal ungual (Averianov et al.,
(lost) manual ungual II (Dmitriev, 1960)
manual ungual (Starkov pers. comm. to Nessov, 1995)
Comments- Dmitriev (1960) described a large theropod manual
ungual found in 1959, which was later referred to Carnosauria by
Rozhdestvensky (1970). Nessov (1995) noted Rozhdestvensky's specimen
was a possible therizinosaur and remarked on another similar specimen.
Averianov et al. (2003) confirmed the therizinosaurian identity for
Dmitriev's specimen and an additional partial pedal ungual they
describe and illustrate.
References- Dmitriev, 1960. New findings of dinosaurs in
Buryatia. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal. 1, 148.
Rozhdestvensky, 1970. Giant claws of enigmatic Mesozoic reptiles.
Paleontological Journal. 1970(1), 131-141.
Nessov, 1995. Dinosaurs of nothern Eurasia: new data about assemblages,
ecology, and paleobiogeography. Institute for Scientific Research on
the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
Averianov, Starkov and Skutschas, 2003. Dinosaurs from the Early
Cretaceous Murtoi Formation in Buryatia, Eastern Russia. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. 23(3), 586-594
undescribed therizinosaur (Nessov, 1995)
Mid Albian, Early Cretaceous
Lower Khodzhakul Formation, Uzbekistan
Material- ungual
Reference- Nessov, 1995. Dinosaurs of nothern Eurasia: new data
about assemblages, ecology, and paleobiogeography. Institute for
Scientific Research on the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State
University, St. Petersburg. 1-156.
undescribed Therizinosauria (Nessov, 1995)
Early Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous
Upper Khodzhakul Formation, Uzbekistan
Material- (CCMGE 457/12457) manual ungual
(ZIN PH 33/16) proximal humerus (Sues and Averianov, 2015)
(ZIN PH 1157/16) tooth (Sues and Averianov, 2015)
few teeth, humeral fragments (Sues and Averianov, 2015)
Comments- Sues and Averianov (2015) found the Khodzhakul
therizinosauroid did not differ from the Bissekty taxa in preserved
Reference- Nessov, 1995. Dinosaurs of nothern Eurasia: new data
about assemblages, ecology, and paleobiogeography. Institute for
Scientific Research on the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State
University, St. Petersburg. 1-156.
Sues and Averianov, 2015. Therizinosauroidea (Dinosauria: Theropoda)
from the Upper Cretaceous of Uzbekistan. Cretaceous Research. 59,
undescribed therizinosaur (Sues and Averianov, 2015)
Late Turonian-Coniacian, Late Cretaceous
Aitym Formation, Uzbekistan
Material- fragmentary coracoid
Reference- Sues and Averianov, 2015. Therizinosauroidea
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Uzbekistan.
Cretaceous Research. 59, 155-178.
undescribed possible therizinosaur (Nessov, 1995)
Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Syuk Syuk Formation, Kazakhstan
Material- unguals
Comments- This is based on unguals tentatively referred to Alectrosaurus
by Prinada (1925, 1927) and/or Riabinin (1938), since the well known
unguals originally referred to Alectrosaurus by Gilmore are
References- Prinada, 1925. Search for remains of large
vertebrates of Upper Cretaceous age in Turkestan. Report on the state
of activities of the Geological Committee for 1924. Part II, III.
Izvyestiya Gyeologichyeskogo komityeta. 44(2), 257.
Prinada, 1927. Report on the excavation at the localities where
dinosaur bones were discovered. Report on the state of activities of
the Geological Committee for 1925. Part II, III. Izvyestiya
Gyeologichyeskogo komityeta. 45(4), 453-454.
Riabinin, 1938. Some results of the study of the Upper Cretaceous
dinosaur fauna from the vicinity of st. Sary-Agachin, Southern
Kazakhstan. Problyemy palyeontologii. 4, 125-135.
Nessov, 1995. Dinosaurs of nothern Eurasia: new data about assemblages,
ecology, and paleobiogeography. Institute for Scientific Research on
the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
undescribed possible therizinosaur (Carpenter, 2009 online)
Late Albian, Early Cretaceous
Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, US
Material- few teeth
Comments- Carpenter (online
2009) notes "A therizinosaurid may also be present in the Mussentuchit
based on a few teeth."
Reference-Carpenter, 2009 online.
undescribed therizinosaur (Manning, Joysey and Cruikshank, 1997)
Santonian-Campanian, Late Cretaceous
Nanchao Formation, Henan, China
Material- embryos, eggs
Description- This belongs to the oospecies Macroelongatoolithus
xixiaensis. The eggs are elongate, unlike the dendroolithid
therizinosaur eggs.
Reference- Manning, Joysey and Cruikshank, 1997. Observations of
microstructures within dinosaur eggs from Henan Province, Peoples
Republic of China. in Wolberg, Stump and Rosenburg eds. Dinofest
International: Proceedings of a Symposium held at Arizona State
University. Philadelphia: Academy of Sciences. 287-290.
unnamed possible therizinosaur (Young, 1958)
Campanian, Late Cretaceous
Wangshi Group, Shandong, China
Material- ungual
Comments- Described as a carnosaur by Young (1958), but
identified as a probable segnosaur by Nessov (1995).
References- Young, 1958.
Nessov, 1995. Dinosaurs of nothern Eurasia: new data about assemblages,
ecology, and paleobiogeography. Institute for Scientific Research on
the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
undescribed therizinosaur (Long, 1992)
Late Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous
Miria Formation, Western Australia, Australia
Material- proximal humerus (~350 mm)
Reference- Long, 1992. First dinosaur bones from Western
Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts
and Sciences. 9, 21-28.
unnamed possible therizinosaur (Rauhut, 1999)
Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous
Wadi Milk Formation, Sudan
Material- (Vb-839) incomplete pedal ungual (~50 mm)
Comments- Rauhut believes this is a manual ungual and places it
in the Coelurosauria based on its proximodorsal lip, but a lip is
variably present thropughout Avetheropoda. This ungual has several
strange characters, but of described manual unguals resembles Elmisaurus'
the most. It differs from the latter in being shallower, being wider
proximally, having a wider proximodorsal lip, a slightly more
proximally placed flexor tubercle that is less separated from the
ventral articular lip, a groove ventrally distal to the flexor
tubercle, artery grooves that run dorsodistally to join ~1/3 down the
ungual, and a more concave articular surface with no central ridge. The
ventral groove, lack of a central proximal ridge and artery groove
arrangement are unique among described manual unguals. Elmisaurus
is said to have a very indistinctly divided articular surface however,
and even that is only present in the ventral portion. The broad
proximal surface and lack of a central proximal ridge are more similar
to a pedal ungual, but the prominent rounded flexor tubercle,
proximodorsal lip and narrow main body are not. Some dromaeosaurs (Saurornitholestes,
Achillobator, Sudanese taxon) have pedal unguals with such
flexor tubercles (on their second digits), and these have especially
distinct central proximal ridges, slender proximal ends and sharp
ventral edges. These and therizinosaurs have narrow main bodies on
their pedal claws. Among therizinosaurs, it resembles "Chilantaisaurus"
zheziangensis the most, especially in the slight proximodorsal lip
and prominent flexor tubercle. Additionally, the proximal outline is
similar to Nothronychus. I provisionally consider this a
therizinosaur pedal ungual, the priminent proximodorsal lip and
dorsally angled artery grooves indicate a diagnosable taxon.
Reference- Rauhut, 1999. A dinosaur fauna from the Late
Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of Northern Sudan. Palaeontologia Africana. 35,
undescribed therizinosaur (Zanno, 2010)
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Yellow Cat Member of Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, US
Material- (CEUM 52399) pedal phalanx IV-2
(CEUM 53282) pedal phalanx III-2
(CEUM coll.) (at least 25 individuals; some adult) hundreds of elements
including lacrimal, jugal, frontal, postorbital, quadrate, dentary,
vertebrae, ilium, pubis, femora (to 400 mm)
Comments- Zanno (2010a,b) noted these materials from the Suarez
Quarry differ from the Falcarius type locality in vertebral and
pelvic characters, but pending further preparation and study could
merely be different due to ontogenetic and/or individual variation.
Zanno et al. (2014) later revised this interpretation, finding that
maximum femoral length and length distribution is similar in both
quarries, and that histological analyses show individuals of comparable
age groups are present in both. They proposed the Suarez taxon is more
derived than Falcarius due to- mandibular condyles of quadrate
highly displaced ventrally; "relatively straight and acuminate
symphyseal aspect of the dentary"; reduced dentary tooth recurvature;
ilium with higher preacetabular process; pubic boot larger, >50% of
pubic length. The taxon is also apparently troodontid-like in some
characters, and the authors note that the Geminiraptor type
maxilla is from the same quarry, where no other troodontid material has
been recovered.
References- Zanno, 2010a. Osteology of Falcarius utahensis:
Characterizing the anatomy of basal therizinosaurs. Zoological Journal
of the Linnaean Society. 158, 196-230.
Zanno, 2010b. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Zanno, Kirkland and Herzog, 2014. Second therizinosaurian mass death
locality in the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation yields a new
taxon. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2014,
undescribed therizinosaur (Kobayashi et al., 2013)
Late Cretaceous
Javkhlant Formation, Mongolia
Material- seventeen egg clutches (510x430 mm; eggs 130 mm in
Comments- The eggs are dendroolithid, prompting the authors to
refer them to therizinosauroids.
Reference- Kobayashi, Lee, Barsbold, Zelenitsky and Tanaka,
2013. First record of a dinosaur nesting colony from Mongolia reveals
nesting behavior of therizinosauroids. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2013, 155.
Thecocoelurus Huene,
T. daviesi (Seeley, 1888) Huene, 1923
= Thecospondylus daviesi Seeley, 1888
= Coelurus daviesi (Seeley, 1888) Nopsca, 1901
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Wessex Formation, England
Holotype- (NHMUK R181) partial posterior cervical vertebra (~68
Comments- After a long history as a generic small theropod,
Naish et al. (2001) and Naish and Martill (2002) identified Thecocoelurus
as an enigmosaur based on the ventrally hourglass-shaped centrum with
ventrolateral ridges joining the parapophyses, and as an oviraptorosaur
based on the round pneumatic foramina and gracile neural spine.
However, Kirkland et al. (2004) later noted strong similarities with
their new basal therizinosaur Falcarius, suggesting placement
in this clade instead. Indeed, Zanno (2010) found Falcarius has
both of the supposed oviraptorosaurian characters, and Jianchangosaurus
does as well. However, Naish (online, 2007) has suggested Thecocoelurus
isn't a therizinosaur after all (citing Naish and Martill, in press).
Naish later (2011) noted Noasaurus has the enigmosaurian
central morphology, and shares the low neural spine and U-shaped
prezygapophyseal gap with these taxa and Thecocoelurus as well
(though note Naish and Martill believed the latter was too broken to
code for gap shape). As Naish found the Early Cretaceous age and
European location more congruent with abelisauroids than caenagnathids,
he tentatively referred Thecocoelurus to
Neoceratosauria/Abelisauroidea. Most recently, Allain et al. (2014)
believed Thecocoelurus was identical in form to their new
supposed Angeac ornithomimosaur. They distinguished both from Noasaurus
based on their concave anterior central surface, but this is true in Masiakasaurus
as well. They also paired Thecocoelurus with the Angeac taxon
based on pneumatic foramina above the prezygapophyses which invade the
neural arch. Yet these are present in cervicals 6-10 of Masiakasaurus,
at least cervical 9 of Heyuannia, and in Conchoraptor
and "Ingenia". They are also only present on the left side of Thecocoelurus,
placed more posteriorly than in at least Masiakasaurus and the
Angeac taxon, perhaps suggesting breakage of a naturally hollow area or
pneumatic asymmetry. The only preserved posterior cervical of Falcarius
doesn't preserve this area, nor does the illustrated cervical of Chirostenotes.
Comparisons- Given the diversity of proposed relatives, a
detailed comparison is in order. Contra Naish and Martill, the specimen
resembles posterior cervicals more than anterior ones, and indeed the
supposedly identical Angeac vertebra matches the seventh or eighth of Harpymimus
based on elongation, central articular surface orientation,
prezygapophyseal length and orientation, etc. (contra Allain et al.,
2014). The elongate parapophyses resemble Falcarius, Chirostenotes
and Similicaudipteryx more than Masiakasaurus or the
Angeac taxon. The anterior pleurocoels are placed in an obvious fossa,
like Falcarius and the Angeac taxon, but unlike Masiakasaurus,
Chirostenotes or Similicaudipteryx. The
infradiapophyseal fossa is developed as an elongate groove, as in Falcarius
but unlike Masiakasaurus, the Angeac taxon, Chirostenotes
or Similicaudipteryx. The centrum is taller than wide (midline
height / width minus parapophyses 133%) as in Falcarius (118%),
but unlike the Angeac taxon (95%) and especially Chirostenotes
(74%) and Masiakasaurus (64%). The anterior peduncular fossae
are well defined as in Chirostenotes and at least anterior Falcarius
cervicals, but unlike Masiakasaurus or the Angeac taxon. They
are also placed far below the diagonal prezygapophyseal surface as in
at least anterior Falcarius cervicals, but unlike the Angeac
taxon, Chirostenotes or Masiakasaurus. These two
characters are found in Masiakasaurus anterior cervicals too
though, so the resemblence to Falcarius anterior cervicals may
not be important. The prespinal fossa is broad like Chirostenotes
and Masiakasaurus but unlike the Angeac taxon. It has
anteroposteriorly broad exposure dorsally as in the Angeac taxon and at
least anterior Falcarius cervicals, but not Masiakasaurus
(including anterior cervicals of the latter).
Overall, Thecocoelurus is most similar to Falcarius and
least similar to Masiakasaurus. There are four good characters
shared with Falcarius to the exclusion of the Angeac taxon, and
three characters that are more similar to Chirostenotes than to
the Angeac taxon, but two characters that are more similar to the
Angeac taxon than to Chirostenotes. Falcarius does
differ from Thecocoelurus in having a ventral median ridge on
its centra, but this is an autapomorphy not seen in other
therizinosaurs. Besides this, no characters differ between the specimen
except exact size and shape of pneumatic features, which themselves
vary between right and left sides of Thecocoelurus. Both are
Barremian, and Thecocoelurus is 58% the size of the Falcarius
individual that preserved the posterior cervical (though a growth
series is known, where that individual falls is unreported). Whether Thecocoelurus
and Falcarius share derived characters to the exclusion of
other therizinosaurs would require more study, but at the moment is
seems most parsimonious to consider Thecocoelurus a basal
therizinosaur and not closely related to oviraptorosaurs, the Angeac
taxon or noasaurids.
References- Seeley, 1888. On Thecospondylus daviesi
(Seeley), with some remarks on the classification of the Dinosauria.
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London. 44, 79-86.
Nopcsa, 1901. Synopsis und Abstammung der Dinosaurier. Foldt. Kozl. 31,
Huene, 1923. Carnivorous Saurischia in Europe since the Triassic.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 34, 449-458.
Naish, 1999. Studies on Wealden Group theropods – an investigation into
the historical taxonomy and phylogenetic affinities of new and
previously neglected specimens. MPhil thesis, University of Portsmouth.
Naish, Hutt and Martill, 2001. Saurichian dinosaurs 2: theropods. in
Martill and Naish (eds). Dinosaurs of the Isle of Wight. The
Palaeontological Association. 242-309.
Naish and Martill, 2002. A reappraisal of Thecocoelurus daviesi
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of the Isle of Wight.
Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. 113, 23-30.
Kirkland, Zanno, DeBlieux, Smith and Sampson, 2004. A new, basal-most
therizinosauroid (Theropoda: Maniraptora) from Utah demonstrates a
Pan-Laurasian distribution for Early Cretaceous therizinosauroids.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 24(3), 25-26.
Naish, online 2007.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Naish, 2011. Theropod dinosaurs. In Batten (ed.). English Wealden
Fossils. The Palaeontological Association. 526-559.
Allain, Vullo, Le Loeuff and Tournepiche, 2014. European
ornithomimosaurs (Dinosauria, Theropoda): An undetected record.
Geologica Acta. 12(2), 127-135.
Naish and Martill, in press.
Falcarius Kirkland,
Zanno, Sampson, Clark and DeBlieux, 2005
F. utahensis Kirkland, Zanno, Sampson, Clark and
DeBlieux, 2005
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Yellow Cat Member of Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, US
Holotype- (UMNH VP 15000) (subadult) incomplete braincase
Paratypes- (UMNH VP 12283, 12285, 12286, 12288, 12290, 12292,
12293, 12315, 12321-12329, 12343-12345, 12347-12349, 12360, 12363,
12366, 12369-12373, 12377, 12380, 12383-12384, 12386-12389,
12392-12394, 12396-12400, 12402-12404, 12406, 12410-12417, 12419-12425,
12427-12439, 12441-12443, 14530-14533, 14537-14538, 14542-14557,
14560-14565, 14568-14582, 14584-14656, 14658-14666, 14668-14670,
14672-14676, 14678-14680, 14682-14690, 14692-14699, 14701-14999,
15002-15149) (at least ten individuals; up to 4 m) basioccipital,
splenial, fifteen anterior and mid cervical vertebrae, two mid dorsal
vertebrae, posterior dorsal vertebra, eight dorsal vertebrae, few
dorsal ribs, gastralium, sacral vertebrae, fifty-eight caudal
vertebrae, four chevrons, ischium, three proximal fibulae, astragali,
three distal tarsals, seven pedal phalanges, few pedal unguals
(UMNH VP 12279) incomplete scapula (234 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12281) partial coracoid
(UMNH VP 12280) scapula (290 mm)
(UMNH VP 12282) coracoid
(UMNH VP 12284) humerus (255 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12287) ulna (197 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12289) radius (184 mm)
(UMNH VP 12291) semilunate carpal
(UMNH VP 12292) distal carpal I
(UMNH VP 12293) distal carpal II
(UMNH VP 12294) scapholunare
(UMNH VP 12295) intermedium?
(UMNH VP 12296) metacarpal I (42 mm)
(UMNH VP 12297) metacarpal I (43 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12299) metacarpal II (96 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12301) metacarpal III (76 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12303) manual phalanx I-1 (89 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12305) manual phalanx II-1 (69 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12307) manual phalanx II-2 (87 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12309) manual phalanx III-1 (31 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12311) manual phalanx III-2 (28 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12313) manual phalanx III-3 (47 mm)
....(UMNH VP 12314) manual ungual I
....(UMNH VP 12316) manual ungual II
....(UMNH VP 12320) manual ungual III
(UMNH VP 12298) metacarpal II (91 mm)
(UMNH VP 12300) metacarpal III (75 mm)
(UMNH VP 12302) manual phalanx I-1 (81 mm)
(UMNH VP 12304) manual phalanx II-1 (69 mm)
(UMNH VP 12306) manual phalanx II-2 (85 mm)
(UMNH VP 12308) manual phalanx III-1 (38 mm)
(UMNH VP 12310) manual phalanx III-2 (30 mm)
(UMNH VP 12312) manual phalanx III-3 (48 mm)
(UMNH VP 12317) manual ungual II
(UMNH VP 12318) manual ungual II
(UMNH VP 12319) (juvenile) manual ungual I (82 mm)
(UMNH VP 12330) pedal ungual II
(UMNH VP 12331) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12332) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12333) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12334) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12335) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12336) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12337) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12338) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12339) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12340) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12341) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12342) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12346) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12350) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12351) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12352) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12353) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 12354) metatarsal II
....(UMNH VP 12355) metatarsal III
....(UMNH VP 12356) metatarsal IV
(UMNH VP 12357) metatarsal IV
....(UMNH VP 12358) metatarsal III
....(UMNH VP 12359) metatarsal II
(UMNH VP 12361) femur
(UMNH VP 12362) tibia
(UMNH VP 12364) astragalus
....(UMNH VP 12365) calcaneum
(UMNH VP 12367) (subadult) proximal fibula
(UMNH VP 12368) partial ilium
(UMNH VP 12374) ischium
(UMNH VP 12375) ischium
(UMNH VP 12376) pedal phalanx I-1
(UMNH VP 12378) three fused sacral centra
(UMNH VP 12379) mid caudal vertebra
(UMNH VP 12381) proximal caudal vertebra
(UMNH VP 12382) first sacral vertebra
(UMNH VP 12385) mid caudal vertebra
(UMNH VP 12390) proximal chevron
(UMNH VP 12391) proximal chevron
(UMNH VP 12395) proximal chevron
(UMNH VP 12401) mid chevron
(UMNH VP 12405) distal caudal vertebra
(UMNH VP 12407) distal caudal vertebra
(UMNH VP 12408) distal caudal vertebra
(UMNH VP 12409) distal caudal vertebra
(UMNH VP 12418) distal caudal vertebra
(UMNH VP 12426) distal caudal vertebra
(UMNH VP 12440) posterior dorsal vertebra
(UMNH VP 14524) frontal
....(UMNH VP 14525) frontal
(UMNH VP 14526) partial maxilla, teeth
(UMNH VP 14527) partial dentary, teeth
(UMNH VP 14528) incomplete dentary, teeth
(UMNH VP 14529) incomplete dentary, teeth
(UMNH VP 14534) mid dorsal vertebra
(UMNH VP 14535) mid dorsal vertebra
(UMNH VP 14536) first dorsal vertebra
(UMNH VP 14539) pubis
(UMNH VP 14540) pubis
(UMNH VP 14541) incomplete ischium
(UMNH VP 14558) quadrate
(UMNH VP 14559) quadrate
(UMNH VP 14566) frontal
(UMNH VP 14567) postorbital
(UMNH VP 14583) pedal phalanx
(UMNH VP 14657) incomplete posterior cervical vertebra
(UMNH VP 14667) (adult) femur
(UMNH VP 14671) furcula
(UMNH VP 14677) (juvenile) atlantal intercentrum
(UMNH VP 14681) posterior surangular fragment
(UMNH VP 14691) second dorsal vertebra
(UMNH VP 14700) mid cervical vertebra
(UMNH VP 15000) incomplete braincase
Referred- (UMNH VP 12447) distal tarsal III (Zanno, 2010b)
(UMNH VP 12451) distal tarsal IV (Zanno, 2010b)
(UMNH VP 12476) distal chevron (Zanno, 2010b)
(UMNH VP 16020) posterior surangular fragment (Zanno, 2010b)
(UMNH VP 16021) partial anterior tooth (Zanno, 2010b)
(UMNH VP 16022) nasal (Zanno, 2010b)
(UMNH VP 16023) partial anterior tooth (Zanno, 2010b)
(UMNH VP 16024) (juvenile) partial fibula (Zanno, 2010b)
Diagnosis- (after Kirkland et al., 2005) hypertrophied
basisphenoidal recess; extensive, deeply depressed subcondylar and
subotic recesses, each with multiple pneumatic fossae; flexor tubercle
of manual ungual I with deep collateral ligament pits.
(after Zanno, 2010b) antorbital fossa extends onto lateral surface of
nasal; at least five pairs of conical anterior dentary teeth (also in Erlikosaurus);
anteriormost teeth lingually cupped (inapplicable in other
therizinosaurs); median ridge on ventral sulcus of cervical vertebrae;
infraprezygapophyseal fossa on mid dorsal vertebrae divided into three
accessory fossae; accessory caudal centrodiapophyseal lamina on mid
dorsal vertebra; hypertrophied, obliquely oriented humeral
enteipcondyle with concave posterior margin; pubic tubercle well
developed and posterolaterally oriented, placed on anterior edge of
Other diagnoses- Of Kirkland et al.'s (2005) original diagnostic
characters, several are now invalid. A ventrally directed basisphenoid
recess is plesiomorphic for theropods. The reported enlarged first
dentary alveolus is either a preservational or preparation artifact, as
there is a small replacement crown preserved in part of it (Zanno,
2006). Zanno states the posterior tuberosity on the distal end of the
humerus opposite the radial condyle is more widely distributed among
coelurosaurs. In addition, she finds the laterally deflected and
biconcave apex of the deltopectoral crest is diagnostic of a more
inclusive clade of therizinosaurs, based on unpublished data. The depth
of manual ungual I's flexor tubercle is not diagnostic, though the
ligament pits are. The lack of a lateral dentary shelf and the elongate
distal caudal vertebrae are plesiomorphic for coelurosaurs, while the
short distal caudal prezygapophyses are present in all therizinosaurs.
Of Zanno's (2010b) diagnostic characters, an inflated basisphenoid is
present in Erlikosaurus and Nothronychus. The
postorbital facet on the frontal which extends anterior to the
postorbital process is primitive, being seen in Incisivosaurus
as well. Anterior teeth which lack serrations are primitive for
maniraptoriforms. The groove extending proximally from the
entepicondyle of the humerus may be plesiomorphic, as it is also
present in Tanycolagreus, Coelurus and Khaan.
Zanno also lists "midseries chevrons possessing markedly distinct
cranial tubercles", but this is plesiomorphic, being also seen in Caudipteryx
and Nomingia.
Comments- The above material comes from at least ten
individuals, which were excavated starting in 2001. Some of the pedal
phalanges listed under UMNH VP 12331-12353 are pedal unguals. Several
mistakes are present regarding the numbering of elements by Zanno
(2010)- UMNH VP 14526 is listed as UMNH VP 14565 in her text; 14525 is
mistyped 12525 in figure 2; 14539 mislabeled 14529 in figure 13; 12359
is mislabeled 12357 in figure 20A. In addition, UMNH VP 12401 is
mislabeled as 12391 in Kirkland et al. (2005).
References- Kirkland, Zanno, DeBlieux, Smith and Sampson, 2004.
A new, basal-most therizinosauroid (Theropoda: Maniraptora) from Utah
demonstrates a Pan-Laurasian distribution for Early Cretaceous
therizinosauroids. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 24(3), 25A.
Smith, Kirkland, Sanders, Zanno and DeBlieux, 2004. A comparison of
North American therizinosaur (Theropoda: Dinosauria) braincases.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 24(3), 180A.
Zanno, 2004. The pectoral girdle and forelimb of a primitive
therizinosauroid (Theropoda: Maniraptora): New information on the
phylogenetics and evolution of therizinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 24(3), 8A.
Kirkland, Zanno, Sampson, Clark and DeBlieux, 2005. A primitive
therizinosauroid dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Utah. Nature.
435, 84-87.
Zanno, 2006. The pectoral girdle and forelimb of a basal
therizinosauroid (Theropoda, Maniraptora) with phylogenetic and
fuctional implications. Masters thesis, [institution]. [pp].
Zanno, 2006. The pectoral girle and forelimb of the primitive
therizinosauroid Falcarius utahensis (Theropoda, Maniraptora):
Analyzing evolutionary trends within Therizinosauroidea. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. 26(3), 636-650.
Zanno and Erickson, 2006. Ontogeny and life history of Falcarius
utahensis, a primitive therizinosauroid from the Early Cretaceous
of Utah. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 26(3), 143A.
Zanno and Erickson, 2006. Ontogeny and life history of Falcarius
utahensis, a primitive therizinosauroid from the Early Cretaceous
of Utah. in Yang, Wang and Weldon (eds). Acient life and modern
approaches: Abstracts of the second International Paleontological
Congress. University of Science and Technology of China Press, Hefei.
Zanno, 2008. A taxonomic and phylogenetic reevaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Theropoda): Implications for the evolution
of Maniraptora. PhD Thesis. The University of Utah. 329 pp.
Zanno, 2010a. Osteology of Falcarius utahensis: Characterizing
the anatomy of basal therizinosaurs. Zoological Journal of the Linnaean
Society. 158, 196-230.
Zanno, 2010b. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Smith, Zanno, Sanders, Deblieux and Kirkland, 2011. New information on
the braincase of the North American therizinosaurian (Theropoda,
Maniraptora) Falcarius utahensis. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 31(2), 387-404.
Lautenschlager, Rayfield, Perle, Zanno and Witmer, 2012. The
endocranial anatomy of Therizinosauria and its implications for sensory
and cognitive function. PLoS ONE. 7(12), e52289.
Button and Zanno, 2013. Tooth enamel microstructure of the Early
Cretaceous therizinosaurian Falcarius utahensis (Theropoda,
Maniraptora). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts
2013, 98.
Herzog, Zanno and Kirkland, 2014. Histological analysis of an enigmatic
microstructural paleopathology on limb bones of the theropod dinosaur Falcarius
utahensis. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and
Abstracts 2014, 146-147.
Smith, 2015. Craniocervical myology and functional morphology of the
small-headed therizinosaurian theropods Falcarius utahensis and
Nothronychus mckinleyi. PLoS ONE. 10(2), e0117281.
unnamed possible therizinosaur (Werner, 1994)
Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous
Wadi Milk Formation, Sudan
Material- (Vb-722) tooth (3.6x2.5x? mm)
Werner, 1994. Die kontinentale Wirbeltierfauna aus der unteren
Oberkreide des Sudan (Wadi Milk Formation). Berliner
Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Reihe E. 13, 221-249.
Rauhut, 1999. A dinosaur fauna from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of
Northern Sudan. Palaeontologia Africana. 35, 61-84.
undescribed therizinosaur
(Saegusa, Ikeda and Handa, 2012)
Early Albian, Early Cretaceous
Kamitaki Quarry, Ohyamashimo
Formation, Sasayama Group, Hyogo, Japan
Material- (MNHAH coll.) tooth
Comments- Saegusa et al. (2012)
reported "From 2010 to 2011, an archaeological excavation of Tambatitanis
in Sannan-cho, Tamba City revealed one missing tooth each of
Ankylosauria and Therizinosauria. Although it is difficult to identify
the detailed taxa of the fallen teeth, the Therizinosauria teeth from
the Sasayama group may not be primitive Therizinosauria like Falcarius because of the coarse
denticles." (translated)
Reference- Saegusa, Ikeda and
Handa, 2012. Additional dinosaur materials from the Sasayama Group of
Hyogo Prefecture, SW Japan. Abstracts with Programs the 2012 Annual
Meeting of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. 14.
Pu, Kobayashi, Lu, Xu, Wu, Chang, Zhang and Jia, 2013
J. yixianensis Pu, Kobayashi, Lu, Xu, Wu, Chang, Zhang
and Jia, 2013
Barremian-Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Yixian Formation, Liaoning, China
Holotype- (~1.9 m; juvenile) incomplete skull, mandibles, hyoid,
atlas, axis (25.2 mm), third cervical vertebra (42.5 mm), fourth
cervical vertebra (33.2 mm), fifth cervical vertebra (42.6 mm), sixth
cervical vertebra (47.4 mm), seventh cervical vertebra (45.5 mm),
eighth cervical vertebra (45.9 mm), ninth cervical vertebra (45.5 mm),
tenth cervical vertebra (47.2 mm), cervical ribs, first dorsal
vertebra, second dorsal vertebra (23 mm), third dorsal vertebra, fourth
dorsal vertebra, fifth dorsal vertebra (25.4 mm), sixth dorsal
vertebra, seventh dorsal vertebra, eight dorsal vertebra (27.4 mm),
ninth dorsal vertebra (27.3 mm), tenth dorsal vertebra, eleventh dorsal
vertebra, twelfth dorsal vertebra (26.9 mm), dorsal ribs, sixteen
gastralia, first sacral vertebra (29.9 mm), second sacral vertebra,
third sacral vertebra, fourth sacral vertebra (30.9 mm), fifth sacral
vertebra (28.6 mm), first caudal vertebra (26.6 mm), second caudal
vertebra (18.2 mm), third caudal vertebra (23.2 mm), fourth caudal
vertebra (24.2 mm), fifth caudal vertebra (25.5 mm), sixth caudal
vertebra, seventrh caudal vertebra, eighth caudal vertebra, ninth
caudal vertebra, tenth caudal vertebra, eleventh caudal vertebra, four
chevrons, scapulae (170.8 mm), coracoids, partial furcula, humeri
(158.5 mm), radii (112 mm), ulnae (124.3 mm), scapholunares, partial
semilunate carpal, carpal, metacarpals I (28.3 mm), phalanges I-1 (46.6
mm), manual unguals I (54.7 mm), metacarpal II (61 mm), phalanx II-1,
phalanx II-2 (40.7 mm), manual ungual II (45.4 mm), metacarpal III
(43.9 mm), phalanx III-3 (29.7 mm), incomplete ilum (202.9 mm), pubis
(177.8 mm), ischium (148.2 mm), femora (206.6 mm), tibiae (316 mm),
fibula (167.1 mm), partial metatarsals (mtIII ~171 mm), five pedal
phalanges, four pedal unguals, feathers
Diagnosis- (after Pu et al., 2013) 27 tightly packed maxillary
teeth; dorsal border of the antorbital fenestra formed by maxilla,
nasal, and lacrimal, with the majority of the border formed by the
nasal; no participation of jugal in margin of antorbital fenestra; a
short diastema in anterior tip of dentary; concave labial surface and
convex lingual surface of dentary teeth (except six anterior teeth);
lack of prominent hypapophyses in anterior dorsal vertebrae; proximal
caudal centra with an oval cross section and articular facet as tall as
wide; weakly curved manual unguals with weak flexor tubercles ventral
to articular facet; shallow and elongated ilium; a ridge bounding
cuppedicus fossa confluent with acetabular rim; extensive contact
between pubic apron.
Comments- The holotype was bought by the Henan Geological Museum
from a private dealer, so lacks an exact stratigraphic position and has
been partially rearranged with mostly sculpted metatarsals. In
addition, the authors misidentified some elements. The supposed right
surangular and angular seem to just be the left surangular, while the
supposed left jugal is the left prearticular. The supposed left
articular is too large, and seems better identified with the supposed
left angular as the right surangular. In the postcranium, the supposed
right metacarpal II is shorter and differently shaped compared to the
left. It would make more sense as a phalanx II-1.
Pu et al. (2013) recovered Jianchangosaurus
intermediate between Falcarius
and Beipiaosaurus
using Zanno's TWiG matrix, a placement confirmed by Hartman et al.
(2019). Cau (2018) oddly found it as the basalmost
alvarezsauroid, but that takes 18 more steps in Hartman et al.'s amtrix
so is extremely unlikely.
References- Lu, Kobayashi, Xu, Pu and Wu, 2010. A new basal
therizinosauroid from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of
Liaoning, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and
Abstracts 2010, 124A.
Kobayashi, Lu, Pu, Xu and Wu, 2012. Ornithischian-like dental
arrangement in a basal therizinosaur dinosaur from Northeastern China.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2012, 122.
Pu, Kobayashi, Lu, Xu, Wu, Chang, Zhang and Jia, 2013. An unusual basal
therizinosaur dinosaur with an ornithischian dental arrangement from
Northeastern China. PLoS ONE. 8(5), e63423.
2018. The assembly of the avian body plan: A 160-million-year long
process. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. 57(1),
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Therizinosauroidea Maleev, 1954
vide Russell and Dong, 1994
Definition- (Beipiaosaurus inexpectus + Therizinosaurus
cheloniformis) (Zanno, 2010; modified from Clark, Maryanska and
Barsbold, 2004)
Other definitions- (Therizinosaurus cheloniformis <- Ornithomimus
velox, Oviraptor philoceratops, Velociraptor
mongoliensis, Passer domesticus) (modified from Zhang, Xu,
Sereno, Kwang and Tan, 2001)
(Therizinosaurus cheloniformis <- Oviraptor philoceratops,
Passer domesticus) (modified from Hu, Hou, Zhang and Xu, 2009)
References- Maleev, 1954. New
turtle-like reptile in Mongolia. Priroda. 1954, 106-108.
Russell and Dong, 1994. The affinities of a new theropod from the Alxa
Desert, Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China. Canadian Journal of
Earth Sciences. 30(10), 2107-2127.
Zhang, Xu, Sereno, Kwang and Tan, 2001. A long-necked therizinosauroid
dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Iren Dabasu Formation of Nei Mongol,
People’s Republic of China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 39(4), 282-290.
Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004. Therizinosauroidea. in In
Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria Second Edition.
University of California Press. 151-164.
Hu, Hou, Zhang and Xu, 2009. A pre-Archaeopteryx troodontid
theropod from China with long feathers on the metatarsus. Nature. 461,
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
undescribed Therizinosauroidea (Dong, 1992)
Middle-Late Campanian, Late Cretaceous
Iren Dabasu Formation, Inner Mongolia, China
Material- (Erenhot Dinosaur Museum coll.) dentary, teeth (Currie
and Eberth, 1993)
(IVPP coll.) (isolated) many limb elements (Dong, 1992)
(IVPP and PIN coll.) tens of specimens (Cuirrie and Eberth, 1993)
Comments- Currie and Eberth
(1993) stated "A rough tally of Sino-Soviet field
identifications shows that ... 'theropods' (including large theropods,
small theropods and segnosaurs, but not ornithomimids) were more common
(400 specimens)" and that "The apparent high numbers of carnivorous
dinosaurs can be attributed mostly to ornithomimids [>1000 elements]
and segnosaurids" indicating some significant number of those 400
'theropods' found in June-July 1959 were therizinosaurs.
Dong (1992) reported "In July 1988, the expedition of the CCDP came to
Erenhot (Fig.85) where they collected ... Many limb bones [which] might
be identified as segnosaurs" and listed Segnosaurus
sp. as being present in the formation. He later (1993) said "at
least two taxa of segnosaurs" were represented. Currie and Eberth
(1993) stated "isolated elements were commonly recovered by the
Sino-Canadian expeditions in 1988 and 1990. A well-preserved dentary
with teeth is in the collections of the Erenhot Dinosaur Museum. The
isolated elements are indistinguishable from Erlicosaurus andrewsi and Segnosaurus ghalbiensis
bones in the collections of the Paleontological Institute (at the
Central State Museum) in Ulaan Baatar. There are a few elements from
the Iren Dabasu that may also be referable to the more poorly known
segnosaur Enigmosaurus."
They listed both Segnosaurus
sp. and Erlikosaurus
sp. as present, but given the poor state of knowledge of therizinosaur
diversity in the early 90s, they may actually belong to the
contemporaneous Erliansaurus, Neimongosaurus, and/or the
taxon to which the forelimb AMNH 6368 belongs instead. Precise
localities have not been published, but the CCDP excavated several
(Currie and Eberth, 1993: Table 3), all around Iren Nor and far from
Sanhangobi where Erliansaurus
and Neimongosaurus were found.
References- Dong, 1992. Dinosaurian Faunas of China: China Ocean
Press. 188 pp.
Currie and Eberth, 1993. Palaeontology, sedimentology and palaeoecology
of the Iren Dabasu Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Inner Mongolia,
People’s Republic of China. Cretaceous Research. 14, 127-144.
Dong, 1993. The field activities of the Sino-Canadian Dinosaur Project
in China, 1987-1990. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 30(10),
undescribed Therizinosauroidea (Watabe and Weishampel, 1994)
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Bayshin Tsav, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
(IGM coll.; 010725 AMT-N) scapula (Watabe, Tsogtbaatar, Ichinnorov
and Barsbold, 2004)
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Bayshin Tsav, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
(HMNS 94-3-11; 930820 BTs-II-4) humerus (Watabe and Suzuki, 2000a)
(HMNS 94-3-15; 930820 BTs-II-8) pubis (Watabe and Suzuki, 2000a)
(IGM coll.; 940625 BTs II) partial skull, mandible, cervical vertebrae
(Watabe and Suzuki, 2000b)
(not collected?) sacrum, anterior ilia, pubes (Watabe and Suzuki, 2000a)
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Khara Khutul, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
(IGM 100/84) femoral (or tibial?) shaft (~1050 mm) (Zanno, 2010)
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Urlibe Khudak, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
(IGM coll.) ulna, radius, carpals, manus including manual ungual I,
metacarpal II, incomplete metacarpal III and claw sheath (Kobayashi,
Tsogtbaatar, Tsogtbaatar and Barsbold, 2015)
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Shine Us Khuduk, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
(IGM coll.) material ( Barsbold, Kobayashi and Kubota, 2007)
Watabe and Wishampel (1994) originally noted in an abstract "several
well-preserved segnosaur specimens ... were collected from Baishin
Tsav", but more details were given in the 2000 papers about the
expeditions. Watabe and Suzuki (2000a) listed field number 930820
BTs-II-4 as "Segnosaurid left humerus" and field number 930820 BTs-II-8
(in part) as "segnosaur pubis", both found in August 20 1993.
photograph "pelvic part of segnosaurian from Bayshin Tsav (eastern Gobi
region)", showing an articulated sacrum, anterior ilia and partial
pubes, but do not provide a field number. This is presumably the
"well preserved pelvis (M. Watabe pers. comm., December 2006)" cited by
Zanno (2010). The humerus and pubis were prepared the next
year and given the specimen numbers HMNS 95-3-15 and 94-3-11
respectively (Matsumoto et al., 2000). Watabe and Suzuki (2000b)
"cranial and postcranial elements of Segnosauria were found" in June
1994, and "A skeleton of Segnosauria was collected from BTs-II,
had been discovered in 1993." They listed 940625 BTs II as "Segnosaurid
lower jaw, part of skull, cervical v.". Watabe and Suzuki (2000c)
summed up the finds as "partial bones of the skull, cervical vertebrae
and pubis of a segnosauria." Erlikosaurus
and cf. Segnosaurus are known
from that locality, and Enigmosaurus
is also known from the formation. 930820 BTs-II-4 could be
compared to all three, 930820 BTs-II-8 could be compared to Enigmosaurus and Segnosaurus (though the photo can't
be distinguished from either), and 940625 BTs II could be compared to Erlikosaurus and Segnosaurus.
Watabe et al. (2004) report a "large-sized scapula" discovered on July
22 2001 at Amtgai, and excavated on July 25. They stated "The
coracoid was missing in the scapula, however, the relative size of the
coracoid to the scapula is estimated as disproportionally large."
"The morphology of the scapula is close to that of
therizinosaurid." It was photographed as plate 5 figure 1, and
prepared in 2003 (Tsogtbaatar and Chinzorig, 2010).
Barsbold et al. (2007) report disarticulated therizinosauroid material
from Shine Us Khuduk found in 2005-2006.
Zanno (2010) stated "A large left femur (estimated length 105 cm) is
labelled IGM 100/84 [the holotype specimen number of Enigmosaurus], yet is clearly not
associated with the pelvis due to its massive size, which more closely
approximates that of Segnosaurus."
Segnosaurus is also known from
that locality, so this may be its actual identity.
Kobayashi et al. (2015) reported a therizinosaur from Urlibe Khudak
found in 2012 which has a strongly reduced metacarpal III and no
preserved digit III phalanges. This could be compared to both Segnosaurus
and Enigmosaurus, but notably no other Baynshiren specimens are
complete enough to evaluate manual digit III form.
References- Watabe and Weishampel, 1994. Results of Hayashibara
Museum of Natural Sciences–Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of
Mongolia Joint Paleontological Expedition to the Gobi desert in 1993.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 14(3), 51A.
Matsumoto, Hashimoto and Sonoda, 2000. Report of preparation works for
Mongolian specimens in HMNS from March 1994 to December 1998.
Hayashibara Museum of Natural Sciences Research Bulletin. 1, 113-127.
Watabe and Suzuki, 2000a. Report on the Japan - Mongolia Joint
Paleontological Expedition to the Gobi desert, 1993. Hayashibara Museum
of Natural Sciences Research Bulletin. 1, 17-29.
Watabe and Suzuki, 2000b. Report on the Japan - Mongolia Joint
Paleontological Expedition to the Gobi desert, 1994. Hayashibara Museum
of Natural Sciences Research Bulletin. 1, 30-44.
Watabe and Suzuki, 2000c. Cretaceous Fossil Localities and a List of
Fossils Collected by the Hayashibara Museum of Natural Sciences and
Mongolian Paleontological Center Joint Paleontological Expedition
(JMJPE) from 1993 through 1998. Hayashibara Museum of Natural Sciences
Research Bulletin. 1, 99-108.
Watabe, Tsogtbaatar, Ichinnorov and Barsbold, 2004. Report on the Japan
- Mongolia Joint Paleontological Expedition to the
Gobi desert, 2001. Hayashibara Museum of Natural Sciences Research
Bulletin. 2, 69-96.
Barsbold, Kobayashi and Kubota, 2007. New discovery of dinosaur fossils
from the Upper Cretaceous Bayanshiree Formation of Mongolia. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. 27(3), 44A.
Tsogtbaatar and Chinzorig, 2010. Fossil specimens prepared in Mongolian
Paleontological Center: 2002–2008. Hayashibara Museum of Natural
Sciences Research Bulletin. 3, 155-166.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Kobayashi, Tsogtbaatar, Tsogtbaatar and Barsbold, 2015. A new
therizinosaur with functionally didactyl hands from the Bayanshiree
Formation (Cenomanian-Turonian), Omnogovi Province, southeastern
Mongolia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts
2015, 157.
Beipiaosaurus Xu,
Tang and Wang, 1999
B. inexpectus Xu, Tang and Wang, 1999
Late Barremian-Early Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Jianshangou member of Yixian Formation, Liaoning, China
Holotype- (IVPP 11559) (~1.85 m; 45 kg; subadult) (skull ~265
mm) nasal?, postorbital, parietal, prootic, skull fragments, dentary
(~172 mm), teeth, three cervical vertebrae (~32 mm), four fused
posterior dorsal vertebrae (each ~44 mm), four proximal dorsal ribs,
fourth sacral vertebra, fifth sacral vertebra, first caudal vertebra,
second caudal vertebra, third caudal vertebra, fourth caudal vertebra,
fifth caudal vertebra, sixth caudal vertebra, seventh caudal vertebra,
eighth caudal vertebra, ninth caudal vertebra, tenth caudal vertebra,
eleventh caudal vertebra, twelfth caudal vertebra, two mid caudal
vertebrae, mid caudal centrum (lost), eight distal caudal vertebrae,
two fused distal caudal vertebrae, pygostyle, fourth chevron, sixth
chevron, tenth chevron, incomplete scapula, coracoids, partial furcula,
partial humeri (distal humerus lost), proximal radii (one lost), distal
radii, proximal ulna (lost), distal ulnae, scapholunare, proximal
carpal, distal carpal I, distal carpals II, metacarpals I, partial
phalanges I-1, manual ungual I, metacarpals II (70 mm), phalanges II-1,
phalanges II-2, manual unguals II, metacarpal III, phalanges III-1,
phalanges III-2, phalanges III-3, manual unguals III (one proximal),
ilia (193 mm), incomplete pubis, incomplete ischia, ischial fragment
(lost), femur (265 mm), femoral fragment, tibiae (one incomplete) (275
mm), incomplete fibula, astragalus, calcaneum, distal tarsal,
metatarsal I, pedal ungual I, metatarsal II (97 mm), metatarsal III
(107 mm), metatarsal IV, metatarsal V, three pedal phalanges, pedal
ungual (lost), feathers
Referred- (STM31-1) skull, sclerotic ring, mandible, atlas,
axis, third cervical vertebra, fourth cervical vertebra, fifth cervical
vertebra, sixth cervical vertebra, seventh cervical vertebra, eighth
cervical vertebra, ninth cervical vertebra, tenth cervical vertebra,
eleventh cervical vertebra, seventeen cervical ribs, dorsal vertebrae,
twelve dorsal ribs, scapulae, coracoids, humeri (one proximal), radii
(one distal), ulnae (one distal), carpals, metacarpal I, proximal
metacarpal II, proximal metacarpal III, feathers (Xu, Zheng and You,
(~2 m) vertebrae, fragmentary limb elements including humerus and
tibia, skin impressions, feathers (Yao, Zhang and Tang, 2002)
Diagnosis- (after Xu et al., 1999) large skull, about equal to
femoral length; proximodistally elongate lateral articular surface on
the flexor side of manual phalanx I-1.
(after Zanno, 2010) four fused posterior dorsal vertebrae; pygostyle;
lateral buttress of metacarpal I triangular; obturator process of
ischium sinusoidal with ventrally deflected distal portion; ischial
boot twice width of distal shaft; mediodistal ridge on anterior femur.
(proposed) lateral buttress of metacarpal I developed about 40% down
Other diagnoses- Several characters listed by Xu et al. (1999)
in their diagnosis are plesiomorphic for therizinosaurs- short and
bulbous tooth crowns; large tibiofemoral ratio (104%); first metatarsal
does not contact tarsus; proximally compressed metatarsus. The elongate
manus (>110% of femoral length) may be plesiomorphic too, as it is
shared with Protarchaeopteryx and avialans, and approached by
microraptorians and Jinfengopteryx. The large skull (about
equal to femoral length) may not be plesiomorphic though (contra
Zanno), as outgroups (oviraptorosaurs, most basal troodontids,
scansoriopterygids, alvarezsauroids, Ornitholestes) have
smaller skulls. The discovery of a complete ilium by Xu et al. (2003)
shows the preacetabular process is not shallow.
Clark et al. (2004) listed the subequal pre- and postacetabular
processes and uncompressed ischial shaft in their diagnosis, but these
are primitive for therizinosaurs.
Comments- The holotype was discovered in 1996, with the quarry
reexcavated by 2002 and further material discovered (Xu et al., 2003).
The cervicals were about 32 mm, while the posterior dorsals were 44 mm.
The cervical series is estimated to be 304 mm, and the dorsal series
was about 430 mm. This is based on comparison to Neimongosaurus,
compensating for a vertebral count of twelve cervicals and ten dorsals.
The preserved caudal is most similar to the fourth of Neimongosaurus
in central proportions and was about 32 mm, suggesting a tail length of
635 mm. The sacrum may have been about 220 mm, assuming it had five
vertebrae. The skull length is difficult to determine precisely because
how much of the dentary is preserved is neither described, nor
discernable from the photos. The preserved length is said to be 65% of
femoral length, which results in 172 mm. In Erlikosaurus, the
dentary is 68% of mandibular length, so Beipiaosaurus' mandible
was at least 253 mm long. Again, using Erlikosaurus for a
craniomandibular ratio results in a skull at least 265 mm long. The
total length of Beipiaosaurus was therefore about 1.85 meters
References- Xu, Tang and Wang 1999. A therizinosauroid dinosaur
with integumentary structures in China. Nature. 399, 350-354.
Yao, Zhang and Tang, 2002. Small spheres preserved in a
therizinosauroid dinosaur's blood vessels from northeast China. Acta
Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 38(2), 221-225.
Xu, Cheng, Wang and Chang, 2003. Pygostyle-like structure from Beipiaosaurus
(Theropoda, Therizinosauroidea) from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian
Formation of Liaoning, China. Acta Geologica Sinica. 77(3), 294-298.
Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004. Therizinosauroidea. in In
Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria Second Edition.
University of California Press. 151-164.
Xu, Zheng and You, 2009. A new feather type in a nonavian theropod and
the early evolution of feathers. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences. 106(3), 832-834.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
unnamed possible therizinosaur (Averianov, 2007)
Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Bostobe Formation, Kazakhstan
Material- (N 601/12457) (~3.26 m; adult) femur (512 mm)
Comments- Nessov (1995) referred the femur N 601/12457 to Tarbosaurus
sp., but Carr (2005) determined it lacks the synapomorphies of Tarbosaurus
+ Tyrannosaurus and of Alectrosaurus. Averianov (2007)
later excluded the femur from Tyrannosauridae (cylindrical anterior
trochanter, extensor groove absent) and noted particular characters
similar to therizinosauroids (low and rounded greater trochanter;
straight lateral margin with little or no lateral expansion of the
lateral condyle; low crescentic fourth trochanter). In particular,
Averianov found it to be virtually identical to Neimongosaurus,
except for being larger and more robust, referring to it as cf. Neimongosaurus
sp.. However, Zanno (2010) noted the femur lacks three characters found
in Neimongosaurus and other derived therizinosaurs- elevated
head; greater trochanter separated from head by cleft; head with
constricted connection to greater trochanter in proximal view. Zanno
did not state whether she believed the femur could be from a less
derived therizinosaur, though Falcarius does lack these
characters, while Beipiaosaurus has the first but not the
second. Alxasaurus seems to have the second two characters at
least. Yet Falcarius and Beipiaosaurus differ from this
femur and Alxasaurus in having wing-like anterior trochanters. Falcarius
also lacks the straight lateral margin and cresentric fourth trochanter
present in this femur and Beipiaosaurus. Thus if it is a
therizinosaur, it seems closest to Beipiaosaurus. Olshevsky
(DML, 1996) incorrectly translated 'femur' as 'ilium', leading to the
records of a Kazakh Tarbosaurus ilium.
References- Nessov, 1995. Dinosaurs of Northern Eurasia: new
data about assemblages, ecology and paleobiogeography. Scientific
Research Institute of the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State
University, St. Petersburg, Russia: 156 pp. + 14 pl. [in Russian with
short English, German, and French abstracts].
Olshevsky, DML 1996.
Kordikova, Gunnell, Polly and Kovrizhnykh, 1996. Late Cretaceous and
Paleocene vertebrate paleontology and stratigraphy in the North-eastern
Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 16(3),
Carr, 2005. Phylogeny of Tyrannosauroidea (Dinosauria: Coelurosauria)
with special reference to North American forms. Unpublished PhD
dissertation. University of Toronto. 1170 pp.
Averianov, 2007. Theropod dinosaurs from Late Cretaceous deposits in
the northeastern Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan. Cretaceous Research.
28(3), 532-544.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
unnamed clade (Alxasaurus elesitaiensis + Therizinosaurus cheloniformis)
undescribed therizinosauroid (Alifanov and Averianov, 2006)
Early Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Yalovach Formation, Tajikistan
Material- (PIN coll.) sacral vertebra, manual phalanges, manual
unguals, femur
Comments- The femur is very similar to Erliansaurus,
Bissekty therizinosaurs and ZIN PH 24/49 from the Bostobe Formation
(Averianov, 2007). Supposed oviraptorids mentioned by Nessov (1995)
from this formation are likely based on therizinosaur remains (Alifanov
and Averianov, 2006).
Reference- Alifanov and Averianov, 2006. On the finding of
ornithomimid dinosaurs (Saurischia, Ornithomimosauria) in the Upper
Cretaceous beds of Tajikistan. Paleontological Journal. 40(1), 103-108.
Averianov, 2007. Theropod dinosaurs from Late Cretaceous deposits in
the northeastern Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan. Cretaceous Research.
28(3), 532-544.
Therizinosauroidea indet. (Averianov, 2007)
Turonian-Coniacian, Late Cretaceous
Zhirkindek Formation, Kazakhstan
Material- (ZIN PH 1/49) distal metacarpal III
(ZIN PH 32/49) (juvenile) sacral centrum (43.9 mm)
(ZIN PH 38/49) proximal femur
(ZIN PH 39/49) proximal femur
Comments- The femora differ from N 601/12457 from the Bostobe
Formation, but are similar to other Bostobe therizinosaur femora, Erliansaurus,
Bissekty therizinosaurs and a femur from the Yalovach Formation.
Reference- Averianov, 2007. Theropod dinosaurs from Late
Cretaceous deposits in the northeastern Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan.
Cretaceous Research. 28(3), 532-544.
Therizinosauroidea indet. (Rozhdestvensky, 1964)
Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Bostobe Formation, Kazakhstan
Material- (IZK 2/1) manual ungual (Suslov, 1982)
(IZK 2/2) pedal(?) ungual (Suslov, 1982)
(IZK 2/3) pedal(?) ungual (Suslov, 1982)
(PIN 2229/19) manual ungual (~200 mm) (Rozhdestvensky, 1964)
(ZIN PH 24/49) proximal femur (Averianov, 2007)
(ZIN PH 25/49) pedal phalanx III/IV-? (42.2 mm) (Averianov, 2007)
(ZIN PH 35/49) tooth (FABL 2.2 mm) (Averianov, 2007)
(ZIN PH 37/49) proximal femur (Averianov, 2007)
(ZIN PH 46/49) frontal (Averianov, 2016)
Comments- Rozhdestvensky (1964) described a manual ungual as a
therizinosaurid, and later (Rozhdestvensky and Khozatsky, 1967)
referred it to cf. Alectrosaurus based on similarity to the
therizinosauroid manual ungual preserved with that tyrannosauroid.
Suslov (1982) described three unguals as dromaeosaurid, but these were
reidentified as therizinosaurian by Nessov (1995). Averianov (2007)
also noted the therizinosauroid identity of these remains and described
additional elements from the same formation. The femora differ from N
601/12457 from the same formation, but are similar to Erliansaurus,
Zhirkindek and Bissekty therizinosaurs and a femur from the Yalovach
Formation. The other material is also indistinguishable from Bissekty
References- Rozhdestvensky, 1964. New data on occurrences of
dinosaurs in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Tashkent State University,
Scientific Publications: Geology. 234, 227-241.
Rozhdestvensky and Khozatsky, 1967. Late Mesozoic terrestrial
vertebrates of Asiatic part of the USSR. in Martinson (ed).
Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Mesozoic and Paleogene–Neogene
Continental Deposits of Asiatic Part of the USSR. Nauka, Leningrad.
82-92. in Russian]
Rozhdestvensky, 1970. About giant ungual phalanges of enigmatic
Mesozoic vertebrates. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal. 1, 131-141.
Suslov, 1982. Ungual phalanges of a dromaeosaurid from the Upper
Cretaceous deposits of the Kzyl-Ordinskaya Region. Matyerialy po
istorii fauny i flory Kazakhstana. 8, 5-16.
Nessov, 1995. Dinosaurs of nothern Eurasia: new data about assemblages,
ecology, and paleobiogeography. Institute for Scientific Research on
the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
Averianov, 2007. Theropod dinosaurs from Late Cretaceous deposits in
the northeastern Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan. Cretaceous Research.
28(3), 532-544.
Averianov, 2016 (online 2015). Frontal bones of non-avian theropod
dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian-?Campanian) Bostobe
Formation of the northeastern Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan. Canadian
Journal of Earth Sciences. 53(2). 168-175.
undescribed Therizinosauroidea (Lee, Barsbold, Jacobs and
Currie, 2008)
Early Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous
Nemegt Formation, Mongolia
Material- (IGM coll.) partial skeleton(s)
Comments- Lee et al. (2008)
state in an abstract thay they "collected fossils, including ...
therizinosaurids" in 2006 and that "most specimens are partially
complete skeletons." Prospected localities were "Ulan Khushu,
Altan Uul, Bugin Tsav, and Guriliin Tsav."
Reference- Lee, Barsbold, Jacobs and Currie, 2008. A short
report of Korea-Mongolia International Dinosaur Project (1st and 2nd
year). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 104A-105A.
Alxasauridae Russell and Dong, 1994
Comments- Russell and Dong
(1994) erected this as a monotypic family- "We thus propose the family
-group taxon Alxasauridae to receive Alxasaurus,
which, in the absence of other known taxa, is also defined by the above
diagnosis for A. elesitaiensis."
No other taxa have been proposed to be closer to Alxasaurus than to Therizinosaurus in published
Reference- Russell and Dong,
1994. The affinities of a new theropod from the Alxa Desert, Inner
Mongolia, People’s Republic of China. Canadian Journal of Earth
Sciences. 30(10), 2107-2127.
Alxasaurus Russell and
Dong, 1994
A. elesitaiensis Russell and Dong, 1994
Aptian-Albian, Early Cretaceous
Bayan Gobi Formation, Inner Mongolia, China
Holotype- (IVPP V88402a; some lost, see comments) (3.78 m; 380
kg) dentary, teeth (3.7-7.2 mm), cervical vertebra (95 mm), cervical
vertebra, cervical vertebra, cervical vertebra (95 mm), cervical
vertebra (90 mm), two cervical ribs (95, 95 mm), posterior dorsal
vertebra, posterior dorsal vertebra, posterior dorsal vertebra (80 mm),
posterior dorsal vertebra (80 mm), posterior dorsal vertebra (80 mm),
posterior dorsal vertebra, posterior dorsal vertebra (62 mm), six
incomplete dorsal ribs, dorsal rib fragments, (sacrum- 345 mm), first
sacral vertebra (61 mm), second sacral vertebra (63 mm), third sacral
vertebra (70 mm), fourth sacral vertebra (77 mm), fifth sacral vertebra
(70 mm), sacral ribs 1-4, caudal vertebrae 1-19 (first caudal vertebra
(60 mm), second caudal vertebra (63 mm), third caudal vertebra (61 mm),
fourth caudal vertebra (65 mm), fifth caudal vertebra (65 mm), sixth
caudal vertebra (62 mm), seventh caudal vertebra (60 mm), eighth caudal
vertebra (60 mm), ninth caudal vertebra (58 mm), tenth caudal vertebra
(56 mm), eleventh caudal vertebra (51 mm), twelfth caudal vertebra (52
mm), thirteenth caudal vertebra (49 mm), fourteenth caudal vertebra (42
mm), fifteenth caudal vertebra (44 mm), sixteenth caudal vertebra (44
mm), seventeenth caudal vertebra (42 mm), eighteenth caudal vertebra
(39 mm), ninteenth caudal vertebra (35 mm), distal caudal vertebra (29
mm), distal caudal vertebra (26 mm), first chevron (114 mm), second
chevron (102 mm), third chevron (91 mm), fourth chevron (85 mm), fifth
chevron (78 mm), sixth chevron (75 mm), seventh chevron (73 mm), eighth
chevron (65 mm), ninth chevron (61 mm), tenth chevron (61 mm), eleventh
chevron (52 mm), twefth chevron (55 mm), fourteenth chevron (45 mm),
fifteenth chevron (40 mm), scapulocoracoids (520+98 mm), humeri (375
mm), radii (245 mm), ulnae (268 mm), scapholunare, intermedium, distal
carpals I, distal carpal II, distal carpal III, metacarpals I (one
fragmentary; 55 mm), partial phalanx I-1, manual ungual I (130 mm),
metacarpals II (one fragmentary; 111 mm), partial phalanx II-1, partial
phalanx II-2, manual ungual II (113 mm), metacarpals III (one
fragmentary; 85 mm), partial phalanx III-1, proximal phalanx III-2,
ilia (500 mm), ischial shafts, femora (one proximal; 555 mm)
Paratypes- (IVPP V88402b; some lost, see comments) (~2.49 m; 110
kg) posterior cervical vertebra (70 mm), posterior cervical vertebra
(70 mm), posterior cervical vertebra (60 mm), dorsal vertebra, dorsal
vertebra (45 mm), dorsal vertebra (48 mm), dorsal vertebra (45 mm)
(IVPP V88501; some lost, see comments) (~2.83 m; 160 kg) dorsal
vertebra (48 mm), dorsal vertebra (48 mm), dorsal vertebra (53 mm),
dorsal vertebra (54 mm), dorsal vertebra (56 mm), first sacral centrum
(55 mm), incomplete second sacral centrum, proximal metacarpal I,
partial phalanx I-1, manual ungual I (111 mm straight, 128 mm on
curve), proximal phalanx II-1, distal phalanx II-2, manual ungual II
(105 mm straight, 121 mm on curve), distal metacarpal III, phalanx
III-2 (44 mm), proximal manual ungual III, posterior ilium, proximal
femora, distal femur, proximal tibiae, distal tibia, proximal fibulae,
distal metatarsal I, distal metatarsal II, phalanx II-1 (69 mm),
phalanx II-2 (43 mm), pedal ungual II (65 mm straight, 73 mm on curve),
distal metatarsal III, phalanx III-1 (60 mm), phalanx III-2 (35 mm),
phalanx III-3 (37 mm), pedal ungual III (63 mm straight, 68 mm on
curve), distal metatarsal IV, phalanx IV-1 (58 mm), phalanx IV-2 (32
mm), phalanx IV-4 (28 mm), pedal ungual IV (55 mm straight, 62 mm on
Referred- ?(IVPP V88301) vertebrae, ribs, appendicular material
(Russell and Dong, 1994)
?(IVPP V88510) appendicular material (Russell and Dong, 1994)
incomplete skull (Dong, 2003)
Diagnosis- (after Russell and Dong, 1994) about forty dentary
teeth (also in Beipiaosaurus); preacetabular process ~170% of
length across peduncles.
(after Zanno, 2010) anteroproximal blade of proximal chevrons with
pronounced lateral flare at region of bifurcation into articular facet.
Other diagnoses- A few of the characters listed by Russell and
Dong (1994) in their diagnosis are plesiomorphic- teeth in symphyseal
region of dentary; ligament pits well developed in manual phalanges;
preacetabular process of ilium moderately expanded; pedal unguals II-IV
shorter or subequal to first phalanx in digit. The absence of fusion
between cervical ribs and vertebrae is possibly ontogenetic, as it is
present in the more basal Falcarius. Contra Zanno (2010), the
elongate preacetabular process is not primitive, as it is only
otherwise seen in Epidexipteryx and some birds. Similarly, the
large number of dentary teeth is not necessarily plesiomorphic, as Falcarius,
oviraptorosaurs, and basal members of paravian lineages have less,
though Beipiaosaurus and arctometatarsalians have at least as
Comments- Note that while volume 30(10) of the Canadian Journal
of Earth Sciences lists its date as October 1993, it was not published
until February or March of 1994.
was discovered in 1988 and first announced in 1989 by Dong et al. who
remarked on "four mediumsized theropods, including one nearly complete
skeleton. An evaluation of the relationships these carnivores will
constitute a very interesting systematic and biogeographic problem",
with a photo of IVPP V88402a in situ as Plate I Figure 2. It was
listed in Olshevsky (1991) as "To be described from China; a primitive
form that according to D. A. Russell (pers. comm.) displays conclusive
evidence that segnosaurians are derived theropods and not
sauropodomorphs." Dong (1992) later stated "A new segnosaur has
been found by the CCDP from Early Cretaceous of the Ordos Basin."
Zanno (2010) notes most of the material of IVPP V88402 could not be
located when she visited the museum. Material which was present is-
five dorsal vertebrae, proximal dorsal ribs, two sacral vertebrae,
fourteen caudal vertebrae, ten chevrons, scapholunare, distal carpal I,
proximal metacarpal I, manual ungual I, proximal metacarpal II, manual
ungual II, and two appendicular fragments. Material of IVPP V88501
which was present includes- three dorsal centra, one and a half sacral
centra, proximal metacarpal I, proximal manual ungual I, proximal
metacarpal II, distal phalanx II-1, proximal phalanx III-3, proximal
manual ungual III, manual phalangeal fragments, distal metatarsals and
partial pedal phalanges.
Alxasaurus elesitaiensis is known from five individuals, but
only three have published measurements. The holotype (IVPP V88402a) is
largest, while IVPP V88501 is about 75% as large, and IVPP V88402b is
said to be about 66% as large. The skull was about 370 mm long, judging
by the dentary. Using Neimongosaurus, but estimating for a more
plesiomorphic vertebral count, generates lengths of 904 mm and 605 mm
for the cervical and dorsal series respectively. The cervicals were
comparatively shorter in Alxasaurus. Finally, the sacrum was
345 mm long, and the tail was 1554 mm long, accounting for the several
missing vertebrae (which also total around 28). This totals to 3.78
meters, remarkably close to Russell and Dong's 3.8 meter estimate based
on a probably inaccurate presacral formula (10 cervicals, 13 dorsals).
IVPP V88501 would then be about 2.83 meters, and IVPP V88402b about
2.49 meters.
References- Dong, Currie and Russell, 1989. The 1988 field
program of the Dinosaur Project. Vertebrata Palasiatica. 27(3), 233-236.
Olshevsky, 1991. A Revision of the Parainfraclass Archosauria Cope,
1869, Excluding the Advanced Crocodylia. Mesozoic Meanderings. 2, 196
Dong, 1992. Dinosaurian Faunas of China. China Ocean Press. 188 pp.
Russell and Dong, 1994. The affinities of a new theropod from the Alxa
Desert, Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China. Canadian Journal of
Earth Sciences. 30(10), 2107-2127.
Dong, 2003. Contributions to new dinosaur materials from China to
dinosaurology. Memoir of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum. 2,
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
zheziangensis Dong, 1979
Cenomanian-Turonian, Late Cretaceous
Tangshang Formation (=Fangyan Formation), Zhejiang, China
Holotype- (ZhM V.001) (~5 m; ~900 kg) proximal tibia, partial
metatarsal I, phalanx I-1, pedal ungual I, distal metatarsal II,
phalanx II-1, phalanx II-2 (74 mm), pedal ungual II, phalanx III-1,
phalanx III-2, phalanx III-3, pedal ungual III, phalanx IV-4, pedal
ungual IV, pedal ungual fragment
Other diagnoses- Dong (1979) distinguished this species from C.
tashuikouensis based on the slightly more robust ungual and later
temporal occurence. Yet he was comparing a pedal ungual to a manual
ungual, so the diagnosis and taxonomic referral are invalid.
Comments- This specimen was discovered in 1972 and initially
described as a megalosaurid referrable to Chilantaisaurus based
on perceived similarities between its pedal ungual I and C.
manual ungual I. Barsbold and Maryanska (1990) considered this a
possible segnosaur based on its short pedal phalanges and enlarged,
strongly curved unguals. Hartman et al. (2019) were the first to
include the species a phylogenetic analysis and found it in a polytomy
with Alxasaurus, Enigmosaurus and
therizinosaurids. Although Glut (1997) stated this specimen may
have been based on part of the holotype of Nanshiungosaurus
brevispinus (based on a pers. comm from Dong to Molnar in 1984),
they are from different formations and provinces. Only pedal
ungual I and pedal digits II and III are illustrated by Dong, but most
of the pes is illustrated in Qian et al. (2012).
The remains are about 77% as large as the referred Therizinosaurus
pes, giving the taxon an approximate length of 5 meters.
Dong, 1979. The Cretaceous dinosaur fossils in southern China. In
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and Nanjing
Institute of Paleontology (eds.). Mesozoic and Cenozoic Red Beds in
Southern China. Science Press. 342-350.
Barsbold and Maryanska, 1990. Saurischia sedis mutabilis: Segnosauria.
In Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds.). The Dinosauria. University
of California Press. 408-415.
Glut, 1997. Dinosaurs - The Encyclopedia. McFarland Press. 1076 pp.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Qian, Zhang, Jiang, Jiang, Zhang, Chen and Xing, 2012. Cretaceous
therizinosaurs in Zhejiang of eastern China. Journal of Geology. 36(4),
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Enigmosauridae Barsbold and Perle in Barsbold, 1983
Comments- Within the
publication of Barsbold (1983), Enigmosauridae fam. nov. is credited to
Barsbold and Perle. They placed the family in Segnosauria,
separated from Segnosaurus and Erlikosaurus. This was
based on several features (narrow pubis and ischium; anterior pubic
symphyseal trough; narrow and elongate obturator process), which at the
time simply distinguished it from Segnosaurus (Erlikosaurus'
pelvis remains unknown). Enigmosaurus could be the pelvis of Erlikosaurus,
but Barsbold and Perle claimed that Segnosaurus and Erlikosaurus
were too similar otherwise to have such different pelves. This is not
apparent, though with the new discovery of a distal humerus in the type
material, comparison with Erlikosaurus is possible.
Forcing Enigmosaurus and Erlikosaurus to be sister taxa in
Hartman et al.'s (2019) matrix takes 4 more steps.
References- Barsbold, 1983.
Carnivorous dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Mongolia. Transactions of
the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Palaeontological Expedition. 19, 117 pp.
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Barsbold and Perle in Barsbold, 1983
E. mongoliensis Barsbold and Perle in Barsbold, 1983
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Khara Khutul, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
Holotype- (IGM 100/84) (~5 m; ~900 kg; old adult) dorsal ribs,
sacrum, distal humerus, radius(?), proximal ulna, ventral ilia (~650
mm), pubes (634 mm), incomplete ischium (524 mm), proximal femur
Diagnosis- (after Barsbold, 1983) elongate narrow obturator
process (also in Falcarius).
(after Zanno, 2010) ischial obturator processes fused.
Other diagnoses- Barsbold (1983) also listed narrow pubic and
ischial shafts in his diagnosis, but these are plesiomorphic. The
v-shaped anterior trough formed by the fused pubes would be matched by
other therizinosaur pubes, as their pubic apron is posteriorly placed.
The proximodistally shallow pubic boot is plesiomorphic for theropods,
while the "shoe-like" shape is common in therizinosaurs (e.g. Nothronychus?
graffami, Segnosaurus).
Barsbold and Maryanska (1990) listed the uncompressed pubic shaft in
their diagnosis, but this is plesiomorphic for therizinosaurs (e.g. Falcarius,
The posterior pubic boot listed by Clark et al. (2004) as diagnostic is
primitive for therizinosaurs.
Of Zanno's (2010) listed diagnostic characters, the subequal anterior
and posterior portions of the pubic boot are primitive, being present
in Falcarius and basal oviraptorosaurs for instance. The fusion
of the pubic symphysis may be due to old age, as Zanno notes large
amounts of resorbed bone.
Comments- Discovered prior to December 1978, the holotype was
first illustrated and briefly described by Barsbold
(1979) as "dinosaur from Khara Khutul." He noted it "has not yet
been described and possibly
represents a new family." Barsbold and Perle (1980) later described and
illustrated the specimen as Segnosaurian indet.. Within the
publication of Barsbold (1983), both Enigmosaurus
gen. nov. and E. mongoliensis
gen. et sp. nov. are credited to Barsbold and Perle. Zanno (2010)
noted additional elements were present in the holotype material (dorsal
ribs, distal humerus, possible radius, proximal ulna, proximal femur),
as well as a large therizinosaur femoral shaft which is not referrable
to the type specimen. Zanno is the first author to photograph the type
material, which differs greatly from the drawing in Barsbold and Perle
(1980). In particular, the pubic peduncle is anteroposteriorly
narrower, the ischial peduncle more massive, the postacetabular process
more complete and deeper than reconstructed, the puboischial contact is
deeper, the pubic shaft is thicker and more anteriorly concave, the
pubic boot is deeper, the ischial shaft is thicker, the puboischial
fenestra is much shorter, the obturator process longer, and the distal
ischium broken.
Currie and Eberth (1993) suggested that "There are a few elements from
the Iren Dabasu that may also be referable to the more poorly known
segnosaur Enigmosaurus"
without evidence, but given their provenence it is more likely these
are Erliansaurus, Neimongosaurus and/or the taxon
represented by AMNH 6368.
Zanno (2010) recovered the taxon as closer to therizinosaurids than Erliansaurus or Neimongosaurus, but outside a clade
of Suzhousaurus, Nanshiungosaurus and Nothronychus. Hartman et al.
(2019), using all of Zanno's data, found it by Alxasaurus, further from
therizinosaurids than Neimongosaurus
or Erliansaurus. Moving
it to Zanno's more derived position takes 4 steps.
Enigmosaurus mongoliensis is mostly known from itsw incomplete
pelvis, which is about 95% the size of Segnosaurus' holotype.
This leads to a tentative length estimate of 5 meters.
References- Barsbold, 1979. Opisthopubic pelvis in the
carnivorous dinosaurs. Nature. 279, 792-793.
Barsbold and Perle, 1980. Segnosauria, a new infraorder of carnivorous
dinosaurs. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 25(2), 187-195.
Barsbold, 1983. Carnivorous dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Mongolia.
Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Palaeontological Expedition.
19, 117 pp.
Barsbold and Maryanska, 1990. Saurischia sedis mutabilis: Segnosauria.
in Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria. University of
California Press. 408-415.
Currie and Eberth, 1993. Palaeontology, sedimentology and palaeoecology
of the Iren Dabasu Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Inner Mongolia,
People's Republic of China. Cretaceous Research. 14, 127-144.
Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004. Therizinosauroidea. in In
Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria Second Edition.
University of California Press. 151-164.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Therizinosauridae sensu Kobayashi, Takasaki, Fiorillo, Tsogtbaatar
and Hikida, 2022
Definition- (Therizinosaurus
cheloniformis <- Alxasaurus
Therizinosauridae Maleev, 1954
Definition- (Therizinosaurus cheloniformis + Segnosaurus
galbinensis + Erlikosaurus andrewsi + Nanshiungosaurus
brevispinus) (Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and
Lovelace, 2019; modified from Zhang et al., 2001)
Other definitions- (Erlikosaurus andrewsi <- Ornithomimus
velox) (modified from Sereno, 1998)
(Erlikosaurus andrewsi <- Ornithomimus velox, Oviraptor
philoceratops, Passer domesticus) (modified from Sereno,
(Therizinosaurus cheloniformis + Erlikosaurus andrewsi)
(modified from Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004)
(Therizinosaurus cheloniformis + Nothronychus mckinleyi
+ Neimongosaurus yangi) (Sereno, online 2005)
(Therizinosaurus cheloniformis + Segnosaurus galbinensis
+ Erlikosaurus andrewsi + Nothronychus graffami)
(Zanno, Gillette, Albright and Titus, 2009)
(Therizinosaurus cheloniformis
<- Alxasaurus elesitaiensis)
(Kobayashi, Takasaki, Fiorillo, Tsogtbaatar and Hikida, 2022)
= Segnosauridae Perle, 1979
= Nanshiungosauridae Dong and Yu, 1997
= "Erlikosauridae" Ryan and Russell, 2001
= Therizinosauridae sensu Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004
Definition- (Therizinosaurus cheloniformis + Erlikosaurus
andrewsi) (modified)
= Therizinosauridae sensu Zanno, Gillette, Albright and Titus, 2009
Definition- (Therizinosaurus cheloniformis + Segnosaurus
galbinensis + Erlikosaurus andrewsi + Nothronychus
= Therizinosauridae sensu Sereno, online 2005
Definition- (Therizinosaurus cheloniformis + Nothronychus
mckinleyi + Neimongosaurus yangi)
Comments- The therizinosaurid topology here is based on the
analysis of Hartman et al. (2019) which included all of the data in
Zanno's extensive restudy of the group.
Maleev (1954) thought his new taxon Therizinosaurus
was closely related to protostegid turtles but "the absence of a costal
element of the rib, form and size of the manual claws, the great
difference in the length is very distinct, which shows a complete basic
appearance of the Mongolian form in a new family of turtle-like
reptiles from Central Asia, Therizinosauridae..." Rozhdestvensky
(1970) first recognized Therizinosaurus
as theropodan, assigning Chilantaisaurus
and Alectrosaurus
(based on the incorrectly assigned forelimb) to Therizinosauiridae and
placing the family in Carnosauria. Barsbold (1976a,b) rejected
the referral of those genera, correcting the Alectrosaurus
issue, and believed therizinosaurids were most similar to
deinocheirids, joining them in Deinocheirosauria. However,
Barsbold's classifications were more form-based than phylogenetic as
evidenced by his 1983 statement "therizinosaurids are now classified
within the present infraorder conditionally, only on the basis of
forelimb dimensions. They may form a lineage not closely related to
deinocheirids." As discussed under the Therizinosauria entry,
Perle (1982) connected segnosaurids with deinocheirosaurs, placing them
closer to therizinosaurids in the group, then in 1994 Russell and Dong
formally synonymized the families and made therizinosaurids sister to
their new family Alxasauridae in Therizinosauroidea.
Segnosauridae was established as a monotypic family of theropods by
Perle (1979) until it was synonymized with Therizinosauridae by Russell
and Dong (1994; see Therizinosauria entry). As the eponymous
genus is an internal specifier of the current definition of
Therizinosauridae, this synonymy is objective at the moment.
Dong and Yu (1997) proposed "segnosaurian dinosaurs possibly include
two distinct groups. A group (Segnosauridae) is similar to the
theropods, another (Nanshiungosauridae) is resembles the sauropods"
without noting particular morphological characters or which genera fall
into Nanshiungosauridae besides Nanshiungosaurus.
The family has not been used since and the eponymous genus is an
internal specifier of the current definition of Therizinosauridae.
Ryan and Russell (2001) only used Erlikosauridae in a faunal list,
making it a nomen nudum (ICZN Article 13.1.1).
credits Eberth et al. (2001) with Erlikosauridae, but any guidebook for
the 2001 SVP meeting wouldn't be out until the meeting's date in
October, whereas Olshevsky (DML, 2001) confirms Mesozoic Vertebrate
Life was out by July. The family has only been used in faunal
lists by authors associated with the RTMP, for frontals and a pedal
ungual from the Dinosaur Park Formation assigned to Erlikosaurus sp.
without merit (see entry above). While it was still used as
recently as Eberth and Evans (2011), no anatomical justification was
ever provided and the eponymous genus is an internal specifier of the
current definition of Therizinosauridae.
References- Maleev, 1954. New turtle-like reptile in Mongolia.
Priroda. 1954, 106-108.
Rozhdestvensky, 1970. Giant claws of enigmatic Mesozoic reptiles.
Paleontological Journal. 1970(1), 131-141.
Barsbold, 1976a. The evolution and systematics of late Mesozoic
carnivorous dinosaurs. In Kramarenko, Luvsandansan, Voronin, Barsbold,
Rozhdestvensky, Trofimov and Reshetov (Eds.). Paleontology and
Biostratigraphy of Mongolia. The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological
Expedition, Transactions. 3, 68-75.
Barsbold, 1976b. New data on Therizinosaurus
(Therizinosauridae, Theropoda). In Kramarenko, Luvsandansan, Voronin,
Barsbold, Rozhdestvensky, Trofimov and Reshetov (Eds.). Paleontology
and Biostratigraphy of Mongolia. The Joint Soviet-Mongolian
Paleontological Expedition, Transactions. 3, 76-92.
Perle, 1979. Segnosauridae - A new family of theropods from the Late
Cretaceous of Mongolia. Trudy - Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongol'skaya
Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya. 8, 45-55.
Perle, 1982. On a new finding of the hindlimb of Therizinosaurus
sp. from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. Problems in Mongolian
Geology. 5, 94-98.
Barsbold, 1983. Carnivorous dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Mongolia.
Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Palaeontological Expedition.
19, 117 pp.
Russell and Dong, 1994. The affinities of a new theropod from the Alxa
Desert, Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China. Canadian Journal of
Earth Sciences. 30(10), 2107-2127.
Dong and Yu, 1997. A new segnosaur from Mazongshan Area, Gansu
Province, China. In Dong (ed.). Sino-Japanese Silk Road Dinosaur
Expedition. China Ocean Press, Beijing. 90-95.
1998. A rationale for phylogenetic definitions, with
application to the higher-level taxonomy of Dinosauria. Neues Jahrbuch
für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen. 210(1), 41-83.
Sereno, 1999. The evolution of dinosaurs. Science. 284, 2137-2147.
Eberth, Currie, Brinkman, Ryan, Braman, Gardner, Lam, Spivak and
Neuman, 2001. Alberta's dinosaurs and other fossil vertebrates: Judith
River and Edmonton groups (Campanian-Maastrichtian). In Hill (ed.).
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 61st Annual Meeting, Bozeman.
Guidebook for the Field Trips: Mesozoic and Cenozoic Paleontology in
the Western Plains and Rocky Mountains. Museum of the Rockies
Occasional Paper. 3, 49-75.
Olshevsky, DML 2001.
Ryan and Russell, 2001. Dinosaurs of Alberta (exclusive of Aves). In
Tanke and Carpenter (eds). Mesozoic Vertebrate Life. 279-297.
Zhang, Xu, Sereno, Kwang and Tan, 2001. A long-necked therizinosauroid
dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Iren Dabasu Formation of Nei Mongol,
People’s Republic of China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 39(4), 282-290.
Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004. Therizinosauroidea. in In
Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria Second Edition.
University of California Press. 151-164.
Sereno, online 2005. Stem Archosauria - TaxonSearch.
[version 1.0, 2005 November 7]
Zanno, Gillette, Albright and Titus, 2009. A new North American
therizinosaurid and the role of herbivory in 'predatory' dinosaur
evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 76(1672), 3505-3511.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Eberth and Evans, 2011. Post-Symposium Field Trip, September 24, 2011.
Geology and Palaeontology of Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta.
International Hasdrosaur Symposium. 52 pp.
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Kobayashi, Takasaki, Fiorillo, Tsogtbaatar and Hikida, 2022. New
therizinosaurid dinosaur from the marine Osoushinai Formation (Upper
Cretaceous, Japan) provides insight for function and evolution of
therizinosaur claws. Scientific Reports. 12:7207.
undescribed Therizinosauridae (Ikegami and Tomida, 2005)
Cenomanian-Turonian, Late Cretaceous
Amagimi Dam fossil site (Loc. 1004), Upper Layer, Mifune Group,
Kumamoto, Japan
Material- (MDM coll.) parasphenoid, basisphenoid, basioccipital,
exoccipital, supraoccipital, three teeth (2.3 mm), incomplete humerus,
pubis (pubic boot 108 mm), partial femur
Diagnosis- (after Ikegami and
Tomida, 2005) "three branched passages for the exit for the hypoglossal
nerve on the postero-ventral wall of braincase unlike the other
therizinosaurs but as in troodontid and ornithomimosaur, lack of a
depression on the exoccipital unlike Erlikosaurus,
and presence of a low nuchal crest along the midline of the
supraoccipital unlike Nothronychus."
(after Ikegami et al., 2019) "pubic shaft is flattened mediolaterally
and the pubic boot projects cranially and caudally."
Comments- Ikegami (2002) first reported two teeth found in 1993
and 1995, and in 2003 reported the braincase which was later CT-scanned
(Ikegami and Otani, 2006). Ikegami and Tomida (2005) reported an
additional tooth (from the anterior dentary) and humeral shaft, noting
the latter has a posterior trochanter as in some
Ikegami et al. (2019) noted the discovery of a pubis and femur, finding
the former has "a fused obturator process and cranial and caudal
processes which have been considered autapomorphies of Enigmosaurus." They stated
"additional specimens are required to resolve whether these elements
could belong to a single individual."
References- Ikegami, 2002. A therizinosauroid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous
Mifune Group, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the
Palaeontological Society of Japan. 129.
Ikegami, 2003. A therizinosauroid braincase from the Upper Cretaceous
Mifune Group,Kumamoto Prefecrure,Japan. Palaeontological Society of
Japan 2003 Annual Meeting Proceedings. 38.
Ikegami and Tomida, 2005. A therizinosaurid dinosaur from the Upper
Cretaceous Mifune Group in Kyushu, Japan. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 25(3), 73A.
Ikegami and Otani, 2006.
産業用x線CTスキャナーを用いた御船層群上部層産テリジノサウルス類脳函化石の内部構造の観察. Proceedings of the 155th Annual Meeting of the
Palaeontological Society of Japan. 88.
Ikegami, Scannella and Tomida, 2019. Additional therizinosauroid bones
collected from the Upper Cretaceous Mifune Group, Kumamoto, Japan.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts, 122.
unnamed Therizinosauridae
(Nessov, 1981)
Late Turonian-Coniacian, Late Cretaceous
Bissekty Formation, Uzbekistan
Material- (CGMP 1980.14) anterior cervical vertebra (Britt, 1993)
(CCMGE 3/11822) tooth (Nessov, 1981)
(CCMGE 443/12457) ungual (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 453/12457) ungual (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 454/12457) incomplete manual ungual (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 455/12457) ungual (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 458/12457) centrum (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 462/12457; frontal morphotype 2) frontal (81.8 mm) (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 479/12457) proximal femur (Nessov, 1997)
(CCMGE 699-702/12457) manual phalanges (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 704-710/12457) cervical vertebrae (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 711-712/12457) anterior cervical or anterior dorsal vertebrae
(Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 713/12457) anterior dorsal vertebra (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 714/12457) posterior dorsal vertebra (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 715-716/12457) distal humeri (Nessov, 1995)
(CCMGE 721-722/12457) proximal humeri (Nessov, 1995)
(IZANUz coll.) material (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(USNM 538146) proximal caudal neural arch (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 16/16) (juvenile) anterior dentary (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 18/16; frontal morphotype 1) (adult) frontal (48 mm) (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 19/16) incomplete manual ungual (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 27/16) metacarpal I (64.5 mm) (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 30/16) manual phalanx I-1 (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 31/16; humerus morphotype 2) proximal humerus (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 34/16) distal humerus (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 35/16) distal humerus (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 40/16) incomplete ungual (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 51/16) manual phalanx II-? (61.1 mm) (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 52/16) anterior cervical vertebra (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 53/16) manual phalanx II-? (69.5 mm) (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 55/16) incomplete posterior cervical centrum (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 56/16) cervical vertebra (68.5 mm) (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 57/16) posterior cervical centrum (68.3 mm) (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 59/16) metatarsal I (84.3 mm) (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 64/16) pedal phalanx I-1 (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 65/16) pedal phalanx I-1 (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 66/16) distal metacarpal II (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 93/16) incomplete anterior dorsal vertebra (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 97/16) ~first or second dorsal vertebra (59.8 mm) (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 101/16) ~second or third dorsal vertebra (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 118/16) manual phalanx II-2/3 (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 136/16) (juvenile) anterior cervical centrum (86.2 mm) (Sues
and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 142/16) anterior cervical vertebra (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 266/16) tooth (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 270/16) tooth (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 356/16) incomplete ?pedal ungual (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 492/16) distal metatarsal II (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 539/16) distal metacarpal III (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 600/16) (adult) proximal tibia (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 615/16) sacral centrum (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 775/16) proximal femur (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 776/16) proximal femur (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 777/16) (juvenile) proximal femur (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 897/16) (juvenile) coracoid fragment (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 978/16) (juvenile) frontal (23.8 mm) (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 979/16; frontal morphotype 1) (adult) frontal (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 980/16; frontal morphotype 2) (adult) frontal (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1001/16) incomplete proximal caudal vertebra (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1153/16) (juvenile) anterior dentary (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1154/16) dentary fragment (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1155/16) dentary fragment (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1161/16) tooth (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1163/16) incomplete last cervical centrum (59.5 mm) (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1165/16) anterior dorsal vertebra (33.5 mm) (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1166/16) partial posterior dorsal vertebra (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 1167/16) posterior dorsal vertebra (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1177/16) manual phalanx I-1 (79.4 mm) (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 1189/16) incomplete ?pedal ungual (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1195/16) distal metatarsal II (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1198/16) pedal phalanx II/III/IV-2/3/4 (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 1240/16) scapulocoracoid fragment (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1242/16; frontal morphotype 2) (adult) frontal (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1243/16) maxillary fragment (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1244/16) manual phalanx III-1 (27.4 mm) (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 1256/16) partial anterior cervical rib (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 1257/16) partial anterior cervical rib (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 1258/16) incomplete posterior cervical rib (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 1290/16) distal humerus (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1348/16) distal metatarsal II (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1396/16) distal femoral fragment (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1426/16) distal tibia (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1428/16) distal tibia (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1432/16) pedal phalanx I-1 (72.5 mm) (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 1805/16) incomplete braincase (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 2068/16) proximal femur (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 2214/16) distal caudal vertebra (77.4 mm) (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 2215/16) incomplete distal caudal vertebra (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 2216/16) incomplete distal caudal vertebra (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 2217/16) distal caudal vertebra (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 2220/16) distal caudal vertebra (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 2221/16) distal caudal vertebra (Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 2237/16) incomplete posterior cervical centrum (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 2242/16) anterior cervical prezygapophysis (Sues and Averianov,
(ZIN PH 2274/16; humerus morphotype 1) proximal humerus (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PH 2298/16) anterior cervical vertebra (80 mm) (Sues and
Averianov, 2015b)
(ZIN PO 467) centrum (Nessov, 1995)
incomplete anterior dorsal vertebra (Nessov, 1997)
? distal scapulae (Sues and Averianov, 2004)
several hundred teeth, 192 elements including several sacral centra
(18-75.7 mm), scapulocoracoid fragment, several coracoid fragments,
three metacarpals I, distal metacarpal I, three phalanges I-1 (one
fragmentary), several distal metacarpals II, six phalanges II-?, three
distal metacarpals III, phalanges III-2/3 (43.7-59.6 mm), distal
femoral fragment, (juvenile) proximal tibia, several distal tibiae,
several metatarsals I (some fragmentary), several phalanges I-1,
several phalanges II/III/IV-1 and several phalanges II/III/IV-2/3/4
(Sues and Averianov, 2015b)
Comments- A tooth (CCMGE 3/11822) originally identified as a
pachycephalosaur (Nessov, 1981), was later identified as theropod
(Nessov, 1997), and is therizinosauroid (Sues and Averianov, 2015). The
cervical CGMP 1980.14 was described by Britt (1993) and Makovicky
(1995) in their theses. Nessov (1995) was the first author to describe
multiple Bissekty therizinosaur elements (as segnosaurs), though
several elements were misidentified. The phalanges were said to differ
from Segnosaurus and Erlikosaurus in being more
elongate, but this is probably because they are manual instead of pedal
(their ligament pits are reduced). The ungual CCMGE 456/12457 was
figured as a segnosaur by Nessov (1995) but reassigned to
Dromaeosauridae by Sues and Averianov (2014). Nessov (1995) also
tentatively referred a basisphenoid fragment (CCMGE 719/12457) to a
segnosaur, but Sues and Averianov (2015) stated it was "too fragmentary
for more precise taxonomic identification beyond Theropoda." A caudal
(CCMGE 725/12457) referred to cf. Dryptosaurus, Segnosauria or
cf. Hypsibema by Nessov (1995) turns out to be ornithomimid
(Sues and Averianov, 2015a). Nessov (1995) figured a centrum (CCMGE
458/12457) as "a theropod(?) or a large non-flying bird", which was
reidentified as therizinosauroid by Sues and Averianov (2015b). The
braincase CCMGE 628/12457 was originally referred to Turanoceratops
by Nessov (1995), reidentified by Sues and Averianov (2004) as
therizinosauroid, and finally described as titanosaurian by Sues et al.
(2015). A dorsal vertebra was figured as Sauropoda indet. by Nessov
(1997), but is therizinosauroid (Sues and Averianov, 2015b). Sues and
Averianov (2004) first reported proximal and distal scapulae (though no
distal scapulae are noted by Sues and Averianov, 2015b). Sues and
Averianov (2015b) describe the Bissekty therizinosaur material in
Averianov (2007) first noted multiple taxa are represented, which was
expanded on by Sues and Averianov (2015b). Specifically, two frontal
and humeral morphologies are present. They included the Bissekty
material in a version of Zanno's TWiG analysis and found the chimaeric
OTU to be closer to Therizinosaurus than Alxasaurus,
but outside the clade containing Erliansaurus, Neimongosaurus
and Therizinosauridae. When added to Hartman et al.'s coelurosaur
matrix, the OTU emerges in the Suzhousaurus
plus Therizinosaurus clade of
References- Nessov, 1981. Cretaceous salamanders and frogs of
Kyzylkum Desert. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR 101, 57-88.
Britt, 1993. Pneumatic postcranial bones in dinosaurs and other
archosaurs. PhD Thesis, University of Calgary (Canada), Alberta.
Makovicky, 1995. Phylogenetic aspects of the vertebral morphology of
Coelurosauria (Dinosauria: Theropoda). M.S. thesis, Copenhagen
University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Nessov, 1995. Dinosaurs of Northern Eurasia: new data about
assemblages, ecology and paleobiogeography. Scientific Research
Institute of the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State University, St.
Petersburg, Russia. 156 pp. + 14 pl.
Sues and Averianov, 2004. Dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous
(Turonian) of Dzharakuduk, Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. 24(3), 51A-52A.
Averianov, 2007. Theropod dinosaurs from Late Cretaceous deposits in
the northeastern Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan. Cretaceous Research.
28(3), 532-544.
Sues and Averianov, 2014. Dromaeosauridae (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from
the Bissekty Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Turonian) of Uzbekistan and
the phylogenetic position of Itemirus medullaris Kurzanov,
1976. Cretaceous Research. 51, 225-240.
Sues and Averianov, 2015a. Ornithomimidae (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from
the Bissekty Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Turonian) of Uzbekistan.
Cretaceous Research. 57, 90-110.
Sues and Averianov, 2015b. Therizinosauroidea (Dinosauria: Theropoda)
from the Upper Cretaceous of Uzbekistan. Cretaceous Research. 59,
Sues, Averianov, Ridgely and Witmer, 2015. Titanosauria (Dinosauria,
Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Bissekty Formation of
Uzbekistan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 35(1), e889145.
Li, Peng, You, Lamanna, Harris, Lacovata and Zhang, 2007
S. megatherioides Li, Peng, You, Lamanna, Harris,
Lacovata and Zhang, 2007
Late Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Middle Gray-variegated Beds of the Xiagou Formation, Gansu, China
Holotype- (FRDC-GSJB-99) ten incomplete to complete dorsal
vertebrae, several incomplete dorsal ribs, incomplete scapulocoracoid
(scap ~705 mm), humerus (550 mm), (?)ilial fragment, incomplete pubes,
Early Albian, Early Cretaceous
Upper Red Beds of the Zhonggou
Formation, Gansu, China
Referred- (FRDC-GSJB-2004-001) eighth dorsal vertebra (115 mm),
ninth dorsal vertebra (115 mm), tenth dorsal vertebra (117.5 mm), seven
dorsal ribs, sacrum (80, 90, 115, 105, 100 mm), first caudal vertebra
(87.5 mm), second caudal vertebra (87.5 mm), third caudal vertebra
(82.5 mm), fourth caudal vertebra (90 mm), fifth caudal vertebra (97.5
mm), sixth caudal vertebra (97.5 mm), six chevrons, ilium (~790 mm),
incomplete pubis (~670 mm), ischium (660 mm), femora (one partial; 840
mm) (Li et al., 2008)
Aptian-Albian, Early Cretaceous?
Xiagou or Zhonggou Formations, Gansu,
? dentary tooth (Button et al., 2015)
Diagnosis- (after Li et al., 2008) transversely expanded distal
ends of sacral and proximal caudal neural spines (possibly in Nanshiungosaurus);
preacetabular process of ilium straight and untwisted in dorsal/ventral
Other diagnoses- Li et al. (2007) listed a pubis with a strongly
concave anterior margin as an apomorphy, but this is also present in Segnosaurus
(Zanno, 2010; contra earlier illustrations) and Nothronychus?
graffami. Zanno notes the glenoid is damaged, so the poor
demarcation noted by Li et al. cannot be confirmed. Further, she notes
the "prominent rounded and striated tumescence on the dorsomedial
surface of its scapular portion" is common in derived therizinosaurs.
Li et al. (2008) also listed posterior dorsal spine tables in their
diagnosis, but these are also present in Falcarius (though that
taxon lacks caudal spine tables) and possibly Nanshiungosaurus.
Lateral deflection of the preacetabular process is present in all
therizinosauroids, nor does the blade seem particularily thin compared
to Neimongosaurus for instance. But the flatness is diagnostic
compared to the twisted blades in taxa such as Falcarius and Segnosaurus.
The preacetabular process has a smoothly rounded anterodorsal edge in Beipiaosaurus,
Nanshiungosaurus, Nothronychus? graffami, and probably Segnosaurus
(Zanno, 2010; contra earlier illustrations).
Comments- The holotype was discovered in 1999 and officially
described by Li et al. (2007) a few months before the SVP abstract
about it and the referred specimen (found in 2004) was published by
Lamanna et al. (2007). The referred specimen was later described by Li
et al. (2008). Suzhousaurus cannot be compared with "Nanshiungosaurus"
bohlini from the same stratigraphic group, and may be synonymous.
If they are indeed synonymous, Li et al. (2007) note the correct name
will be Suzhousaurus bohlini.
References- Li, Peng, You, Lamanna, Harris, Lacovata and Zhang,
2007. A large therizinosauroid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early
Cretaceous of northwestern China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English
Edition). 81(4), 539-549.
Lamanna, You, Li, Peng and Harris, 2007. A new large-bodied
therizinosauroid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceos of
Northwestern China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 27(3), 103A.
Li, 2008. Therizinosauroid dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous of
Yujingzi Basin, Jiuquan area, Gansu Province, China. PhD thesis, China
University of Geosciences. [pp]
Li, You and Zhang, 2008. A new specimen of Suzhousaurus
megatherioides (Dinosauria: Therizinosauroidea) from the Early
Cretaceous of northwestern China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.
45, 769-779.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Button, Zanno, You and Kirkland, 2015. Dichotomous evolution of tooth
growth and replacement strategies in herbivorous dinosaurs. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2015, 100.
You, Morschhauser, Li and Dodson, 2018. Introducing the Mazongshan
dinosaur fauna. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 38(supp. 1), 1-11.
Zhang, Xu, Sereno, Kwang and Tan, 2001
N. yangi Zhang, Xu, Sereno, Kwang and Tan, 2001
Middle-Late Campanian, Late Cretaceous
Sanhangobi, Iren Dabasu Formation, Inner Mongolia, China
Holotype- (LH V0001) (2.33 m; 90 kg) partial braincase, anterior
dentary, axis (~55 mm), third cervical vertebra (55 mm), fourth
cervical vertebra (65 mm), fifth cervical vertebra (72 mm), sixth
cervical vertebra (72 mm), seventh cervical vertebra (72 mm), eighth
cervical vertebra (72 mm), ninth cervical vertebra (72 mm), tenth
cervical vertebra (72 mm), eleventh cervical vertebra (72 mm), twelfth
cervical vertebra (47 mm), thirteenth cervical vertebra (47 mm),
fourteenth cervical vertebra (31 mm), several cervical ribs, first
dorsal vertebra (~35 mm), second dorsal vertebra (~35 mm), third dorsal
vertebra (40 mm), fourth dorsal vertebra (40 mm), fifth dorsal
vertebra, sixth dorsal vertebra, seventh dorsal vertebra, eighth dorsal
vertebra, sacrum, first caudal vertebra (39 mm), second caudal vertebra
(38 mm), third caudal vertebra (35 mm), fourth caudal vertebra (38 mm),
fifth caudal vertebra (39 mm), sixth caudal vertebra (38 mm), seventh
caudal vertebra (38 mm), eighth caudal vertebra (38 mm), ninth caudal
vertebra (36 mm), tenth caudal vertebra (36 mm), eleventh caudal
vertebra (34 mm), twelfth caudal vertebra (33 mm), thirteenth caudal
vertebra (31 mm), fourteenth caudal vertebra (31 mm), fifteenth caudal
vertebra (31 mm), sixteenth caudal vertebra (28 mm), seventeenth caudal
vertebra (28 mm), eighteenth caudal vertebra (26 mm), nineteenth caudal
vertebra (22 mm), twentieth caudal vertebra (22 mm), twenty-first
caudal vertebra (18 mm), twenty-second caudal vertebra (13 mm), several
chevrons, partial scapulocoracoids, furcula (128 mm), humeri (222 mm),
radius (180 mm), partial ilia, femora (366 mm), tibiae (310 mm), distal
tarsal III, distal tarsal IV, metatarsal I (57 mm), phalanx I-1 (33
mm), metatarsal II (116 mm), phalanx II-1 (30 mm), phalanx II-2,
metatarsal III (120 mm), phalanx III-1 (27 mm), phalanx III-2, phalanx
III-3, metatarsal IV, phalanx IV-1 (27 mm), phalanx IV-2, phalanx IV-3,
partial metatarsal V
Paratype- (LH V0008) sacrum, ilia
Diagnosis- (after Zhang et al., 2001) radius with a prominent
biceps tuberosity; tibia with an extremely long fibular crest that ends
at over 50% the length of the tibia (also in Nothronychus? graffami).
(proposed) distal humerus expanded more than three times shaft width.
Other diagnoses- Most of Zhang et al.'s (2001) listed diagnostic
characters are more widely distributed, as noted by Zanno (2010). In
particular, Zanno stated the distal caudal prezygapophyses were not
more divergent than other therizinosaurs, based on unpublished data
probably referring to Nothronychus? graffami. Proximal caudal
vertebrae with a fossa ventral to the transverse process are also known
in Nothronychus mckinleyi and N? graffami, as well as
oviraptorosaurs such as Nomingia. The lateral surface of the
preacetabular process is twisted dorsally in most therizinosaurs (e.g. Falcarius,
Nothronychus? graffami, Segnosaurus). The fibular crest
of the tibia is not significantly more elongate (57%) than in Nothronychus?
graffami (55%), though is longer than Nothronychus mckinleyi
(50%), Segnosaurus and Erliansaurus (both 48%).
Proximal pedal phalanges with well developed heels are present in Erlikosaurus,
Therizinosaurus, Nothronychus mckinleyi and N?
Comments- The type material was discovered in 1999.
Neimongosaurus has an almost complete vertebral column preserved,
assuming 22 presacrals like Nanshiungosaurus. The fourteen
cervicals are 804 mm long, the eight dorsals are 315 mm and the
estimated 28 caudals are about 755 mm (it appears about six are
missing). Though no sacral measurements are given, both the last dorsal
and the first caudal are about 40 mm. Estimating for Neimongosaurus'
six sacral vertebrae leads to a length of 240 mm. Assuming the skull is
about 95% of humeral length (93% in Erlikosaurus, 98% in Alxasaurus),
that means a 211 mm long skull. These all total to 2.33 meters.
References- Zhang, Xu, Sereno, Kwang and Tan, 2001. A
long-necked therizinosauroid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Iren
Dabasu Formation of Nei Mongol, People’s Republic of China. Vertebrata
PalAsiatica. 39(4), 282-290.
Burch, 2006. The range of motion of the glenohumeral joint of the
therizinosaur Neimongosaurus yangi (Dinosauria: Theropoda).
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 27(3), 46A.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Erliansaurus Xu,
Zhang, Sereno, Zhao, Kuang, Han and Tan, 2002
E. bellamanus Xu, Zhang, Sereno, Zhao, Kuang, Han and
Tan, 2002
Middle-Late Campanian, Late Cretaceous
Sanhangobi, Iren Dabasu Formation, Inner Mongolia, China
Holotype- (LH V0002) (~2.57 m; 120 kg; subadult) mid cervical
vertebra (61 mm), posterior cervical vertebra (50 mm), anterior dorsal
vertebra (45 mm), two proximal caudal vertebrae (50, 47 mm), scapula
(227 mm), humerus (276 mm), radius (220 mm), ulna (237 mm), metacarpal
I (57 mm), phalanx I-1 (58 mm), manual ungual I (91 mm), metacarpal II
(116 mm), phalanx II-1 (40 mm), phalanx II-2 (45 mm), manual ungual II
(~76 mm), metacarpal III (79 mm), phalanx III-1 (17 mm), phalanx III-2
(14 mm), phalanx III-3 (33 mm), manual ungual III, partial ilium, pubic
fragments, ischial fragments, femur (412 mm), tibiae (373 mm), fibula
(~350 mm), partial metatarsals
Diagnosis- (after Xu et al., 2002) enlarged nutrient foramen on
proximal caudal vertebrae; crest-like posterior trochanter on humerus;
anterior margin of proximal tibia significantly higher than posterior
margin; distally located hypertrophied iliofibularis tubercle on fibula
(also in Nothronychus?).
(proposed) manual phalanges of digit II each shorter than 40% of
metacarpal II length.
Other diagnoses- Xu et al. note the presence of an oval fossa by
the posterior humeral trochanter, but this is present in other
therizinosaurs as well (e.g. Falcarius, Neimongosaurus-
Zanno, 2008). Zanno (2010) believes the supposed supratrochanteric
process on the ilium is merely the anterior portion of the
postacetabular tuber present in derived therizinosaurs, as the ilium is
crushed and poorly preserved. Xu et al. note Nothronychus and Segnosaurus
also have a distally placed m. iliofibularis tubercle on their fibula,
but state Erliansaurus' is larger. Zanno states Nothronychus
also has a hypertrophied tubercle, but the issue cannot be resolved
with current illustrations.
Comments- The holotype was discovered in 1999.
Erliansaurus bellamanus has wonderful appendicular preservation,
but very few known vertebrae. The mid-cervical vertebra is actually
shorter than Neimongosaurus' (~85%), indicating a much shorter
neck proportionately, as all other dimensions are larger (appendicular
elements 13-24% larger). The cervical series was approximately 680 mm,
assuming a similar number of cervicals. The anterior dorsal centrum is
13% larger than Neimongosaurus', giving a dorsal length
estimate of 355 mm. A sacrum about 20% larger than Neimongosaurus'
would be about 290 mm long. The proximal caudal centrum resembles the
third of Neimongosaurus and is about 1.32 times as long,
suggesting a tail length of 990 mm. Finally, the skull was probably
about 255 mm long, judging by the humeral length. Thus, Erliansaurus
was approximately 2.57 meters.
References- Xu, Zhang, Sereno, Zhao, Kuang, Han and Tan, 2002. A
new therizinosauroid (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous
Iren Dabau Formation of Nei Mongol. Vertebrate Palasiatica. 40(3),
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Kobayashi, Takasaki, Fiorillo, Tsogtbaatar and Hikida, 2022
P. japonicus
Kobayashi, Takasaki, Fiorillo, Tsogtbaatar and Hikida, 2022
Early Campanian, Late Cretaceous
Nakagawa, Osoushinai Formation, Yezo
Group, Hokkaido, Japan
Holotype- (NMV-52) cervical
central fragment, metacarpal I (57.87 mm), proximal manual ungual ?I,
proximal manual ungual ?II, incomplete manual ungual ?III (~170 mm)
Diagnosis- (after Kobayashi et
al., 2022) dorsoventrally flattened metacarpal I (dorsoventral height
less than half of transverse width) with no rotation of the axis of the
distal end; proximodorsal lip in manual unguals II and III (also in Falcarius); shallow depression at
proximoventral side of of manual ungual III, connecting to the
collateral groove (also in Nothronychus
and Therizinosaurus);
proximally extending ventral process (also in Erliansaurus and Therizinosaurus); weak flexor
tubercle expressed as small ridge (also in Therizinosaurus).
Other diagnoses- Note Kobayashi
et al. (2022) listed "presence of
proximodorsally projecting dorsal lip in digits I and III", but this is
a typo for II and III as the proximodorsal edge of I is unpreserved.
Comments- Discovered in
September 2000, Murakami et al. (2012) described this as Maniraptora
gen. et sp. indet. based on the proximodorsal lips on its manual
unguals. They further noted it shared a character with Therizinosaurus,
the lack of a groove between flexor tubercle and articular surface on
at least some unguals, which "potentially suggests that this specimen
belongs to a derived therizinosauroid." Kobayashi et al. (2022)
redescribed the specimen, identifying a vertebral fragment and
reinterpreting the dorsal edge of manual ungual I to be broken and thus
not necessarily lipped proximally. They added it to a version of
Zanno's TWiG analysis, recovering it in a polytomy with other
therizinosaurids. Paralitherizinosaurus
falls out sister to Falcarius
if scored in Hartman et al.'s maniraptoromorph matrix, but can fall out
elsewherte in Therizinosauria outside the Segnosaurus+Nothronychus clade with a single
step. It is placed sister to Therizinosaurus
here based on the ungual similarities not scored for in these analyses.
References- Murakami, Hirayama,
Hikida and Hirano, 2008. A theropod dinosaur (Saurischia: Maniraptora)
from the Upper Cretaceous Yezo Group of Hokkaido, northern Japan.
Paleontological Research. 12(4), 421-425.
Kobayashi, Takasaki, Fiorillo, Tsogtbaatar and Hikida, 2022. New
therizinosaurid dinosaur from the marine Osoushinai Formation (Upper
Cretaceous, Japan) provides insight for function and evolution of
therizinosaur claws. Scientific Reports. 12:7207.
Maleev, 1954
T. cheloniformis Maleev, 1954
Early Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous
Nemegt, Nemegt Formation, Mongolia
Holotype- (PIN 551-483) (~8.2 m; ~3.9 tons) several dorsal rib
fragments, proximal manual ungual I, incomplete manual ungual II (~655
mm), incomplete manual ungual III (~500 mm), metatarsal(?) (270 mm),
Referred- (IGM 100/15) (9.6 m; ~6.2 tons) dorsal rib fragments,
gastralial fragments, scapulocoracoids (one fragmentary; scapula 670
mm, coracoid 360 mm), humeri (760 mm), radii (550.4 mm), ulna (620.2
mm), distal carpal I, distal carpal II, metacarpal I (145.5 mm),
metacarpal II (286.8 mm), phalanx II-1 (141.7 mm), phalanx II-2 (145.8
mm), manual ungual II (~585 mm), metacarpal III (191.6 mm) (Barsbold,
Early Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous
Altan Uul, Nemegt Formation, Mongolia
(IGM 100/17; lost?) proximal manual ungual ?III (~435 mm) (Barsbold,
Early Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous
Upper White Beds of Khermeen Tsav, Mongolia
(IGM 100/16; lost?) distal manual ungual ?I (Barsbold, 1976)
?(IGM 100/45; lost?) (~6.5 m; ~1.9 tons) femoral fragments, tibial
fragments (distal end 253 mm wide), astragalus, calcaneum, distal
tarsal IV, proximal metatarsal I, distal phalanx I-1, proximal pedal
ungual I, metatarsal II (200 mm), phalanx II-1 (85 mm), phalanx II-2
(95 mm), metatarsal III (250 mm), phalanx III-2 (~64.9 mm), proximal
pedal ungual III, proximal metatarsal IV, phalanx IV-1 (70 mm), phalanx
IV-2 (30 mm), phalanx IV-3 (33 mm), phalanx IV-4 (~65 mm) (Perle, 1982)
Diagnosis- (after Maleev, 1955) large size; hypertrophied manual
unguals, longer than four times proximal height; manual unguals highly
compressed transversely (<20% of dorsoventral height).
(after Barsbold, 1976) humerus with hypertrophied deltopectoral crest,
exceeding 60% of humeral length; deep incision into lateral margin of
distal carpal I; manual unguals very slightly curved; manual unguals
with only slight decrease in height distally.
(after Clark et al., 2004) distal carpals partially fused to
metacarpals I and II.
(after Zanno, 2010) enlarged medial longitudinal crest on metacarpal I;
manual ungual I nearly flat ventrally in lateral view.
Other diagnoses- Maleev's (1955) original diagnosis was based on
comparison to protostegids, so included the absence of dorsal armor,
which is of course plesiomorphic for theropods. However, the body was
probably not broad and depressed, and the "nearly derived forelimbs"
are too ambiguous to evaluate.
Barsbold (1976) listed many additional characters. The short scapular
blade is probably caused by a missing distal end, while the "elongated
ventral expansion" of the scapulocoracoid, whether referring to the
acromion of posteroventral coracoid process, is primitive for
therizinosaurs. The distal humerus is expanded more in Neimongosaurus.
The untwisted humerus and sigmoid radial shaft are found in several
other therizinosaurs. The olecranon fossa of the ulna (described as
semilunate) seems to be shaped similarly to that of Falcarius.
The semilunate distal carpus is plesiomorphic for therizinosaurs. The
first metacarpal is shortest and dorsoventrally flattened, second
longest, and third most slender in all therizinosaurs. The manual
phalanges are comparatively longer than in Erliansaurus.
Of Zanno's (2010) characters, Erliansaurus and Nothronychus?
graffami also have metacarpal I over 66% of metacarpal III length
(72% and 75% respectively vs. 76% in Therizinosaurus). Zanno
says Therizinosaurus' manual unguals lack ventrally projecting
flexor tubercles, but that on ungual II is comparable to those of Erliansaurus
in extending to the proximal ungual edge and only having a low ventral
corner. Manual ungual I does have an extremely reduced ventral corner
however, giving the illusion of a non-projected flexor tubercle.
Comments- The holotype (PIN 551-483) was discovered in 1948 and
described by Maleev in 1954 as a new taxon of turtle, related to
protostegids. It consists of rib fragments, a metacarpal and three
incomplete manual unguals. Maleev illustrated a rib fragment and
ungual, while Rozhdestvensky (1970) illustrated all three unguals.
Rozhdestvensky reidentified the metacarpal as a metatarsal (he writes
metatarsus, but Maleev described a single element), and referred both
it and the ribs to Sauropoda without justification. The dorsal rib
fragments are described as having T-shaped to triangular sections,
which differs from the round sections in titanosaurs and embryonic
therizinosaurs. Unfortunately, no adult therizinosaur ribs have had
their cross sections described yet, though some theropods are known to
have T-shaped sections (e.g. Tugulusaurus). Notably, the
photographed ribs of Suzhousaurus suggest they have a
longitudinal ridge that could indicate a T-shaped section. However,
Barsbold (1976) states the rib fragments found with IGM 100/15 are more
slender than those found with the holotype. This may indicate the ribs
do not belong to Therizinosaurus, or that different sections or
positions of rib were preserved with each specimen. The metapodial is
described as 270 mm long, which is close in size to metacarpal II in
IGM 100/15, but too short to be any metatarsal except metatarsal I
unless Therizinosaurus had a much shorter pes than Nothronychus?
graffami. The reported dorsoventral width of the proximal end (20
mm) is too small to be any metapodial, except perhaps metatarsal I,
which only has a narrow contact with the tarsus. The cylindrical distal
condyle resembles metatarsals more than the ginglymoid metacarpals of
therizinosaurs. This may therefore be a metatarsal I, but the narrow
proximal dimension of metatarsal I in Therizinosaurus is
transverse instead of dorsoventral, and the "short, low crest" present
on the dorsal surface mentioned by Maleev is of unknown homology.
Metacarpals of titanosaurs differ in lacking distal condyles, with both
sauropod metacarpals and metatarsals are too deep proximally to match
Maleev's measurements. There seems to be no reason to suggest it is a
sauropod metatarsal instead of a therizinosaur metatarsal, and
Rozhdestvensky could have been easily confused by the derived
morphology of therizinosaurs (stout metatarsals with wide ends) which
is somewhat sauropod like.
The referred specimen IGM 100/15 was discovered in 1973 and includes
pectoral girdles, forelimbs (missing digits I and III), dorsal ribs and
gastralia (Barsbold, 1976). The forelimb is proportioned very much like
and is about 1.8 times larger, leading to a length of 9.6 meters. The
holotype is about 85% as large, so 8.2 meters long. Another proximal
end of a manual ungual (IGM 100/17) was found in 1968 and identified as
belonging to digit III by Barsbold. Another referred manual
ungual (IGM 100/16) was found in 1972 and referred to digit I by
Barsbold. As it lacks the proximal portion, it cannot be measured
accurately. The hindlimb specimen (IGM 100/45) was also discovered in
1973 but is not directly comparable (Perle, 1982), so is referred only
tentatively. It is actually only 94% as large as Segnosaurus
specimen IGM 100/82, so would be about 6.5 meters long. This specimen
was illustrated in figure 18.2K of Barsbold and Maryanska's (1990)
segnosaur chapter as segnosaurid indet.. Zanno (2010) states the IGM
material is all lost but there are photos on Wikipedia of the mounted
specimen so this is untrue for 100/15 at least.
References- Maleev, 1954. New turtle-like reptile in Mongolia.
Priroda. 1954, 106-108.
Rozhdestvensky, 1970. Giant claws of enigmatic Mesozoic reptiles.
Paleontological Journal. 1970(1), 131-141.
Barsbold, 1976. New data on Therizinosaurus (Therizinosauridae,
Theropoda). In Kramarenko, Luvsandansan, Voronin, Barsbold,
Rozhdestvensky, Trofimov and Reshetov (eds.). Paleontology and
Biostratigraphy of Mongolia. The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological
Expedition, Transactions. 3, 76-92.
Perle, 1982. On a new finding of the hindlimb of Therizinosaurus
sp. from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. Problems in Mongolian
Geology. 5, 94-98.
Barsbold and Maryanska, 1990. Saurischia sedis mutabilis: Segnosauria.
in Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria. University of
California Press. 408-415.
Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004. Therizinosauroidea. In Weishampel,
Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria Second Edition. University of
California Press. 151-164.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
unnamed therizinosaurid (Manning, Joysey and Cruikshank, 1997)
Santonian-Campanian, Late Cretaceous
Nanchao Formation, Henan, China
Material- (CAGS-01-IG-1; = RAP 194D) incomplete skull, mandible,
vertebrae, three manual unguals, egg
(CAGS-01-IG-2; = RAP 3495D) (embryo) egg, parabasisphenoid, two
metacarpals, partial femora, partial tibiae, metatarsal, fragments
(CAGS-01-IG-4; = RAP 3494D) (embryo) egg, posterior dorsal centrum,
dorsal neural arch, humerus, ulna, femur, tibia, fragments
(CAGS-01-IG-5; = RAP 10495D) (embryo) egg, atlantal centrum, atlantal
arch, axis, third cervical vertebra, fourth cervical vertebra, fifth
cervical vertebra, cervical ribs, several dorsal vertebrae, six dorsal
ribs, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, pubes, incomplete ischia, partial
femur, partial tibiae, fibula, metatarsal
(CAGS-01-IG-7; = RAP 7294D) (embryo) egg, fragments
(CAGS-01-IG-11; = RAP 1294D) (embryo) egg, fragments
(CAGS-01-IG-12; = RAP 294D) (embryo) egg, dorsal centra, dorsal neural
arch, dorsal rib, humerus, ilium, fragments
(CAGS-01-IG-13) nest of seven eggs
....(RAP 596D) egg
....(RAP 696D) egg
....(RAP 796D) (embryo) egg, elements
....(RAP 1196D) (embryo) egg, elements
....(CAGS-01-IG-6; = RAP 1496D) (embryo) egg, parabasisphenoid, two
cervical centra, anterior dorsal centrum, two dorsal rib, mid caudal
vertebra, coracoid, furcula, partial ilium, two pedal unguals, fragments
(RAP 195D) egg
(RAP 896D) egg
(RAP 1094D) egg
(RAP 1096D) egg
(RAP 2395D) egg
(RAP 10494D) disarticulated skull and partial postcrania, egg
Comments- The eggs are dendroolithid.
Sigogneau-Russell et al. (1998) referenced RAP 194D to compare its
tooth size to isolated theropod teeth from the Berriasian of Anoual,
Morocco. This was misinterpreted by Ford (
as a reference to a Moroccan therizinosaur egg and embryo.
Hartman et al. (2019) were the first authors to include these embryos
in a phylogenetic analysis, recovering them as therizinosaurids just
basal to a Nanshiungosaurus
plus Segnosaurus clade.
References- Cohen, Cruickshank, Joysey, Manning and Upchurch,
1995. The Dinosaur Egg and Embryo Project. Exhibition Guide. Rock Art,
O'Brien, 1995. Dinosaur embryos spark exitement, concern. Science. 267,
Manning, Joysey and Cruikshank, 1997. Observations of microstructures
within dinosaur eggs from Henan Province, Peoples Republic of China. in
Wolberg, Stump and Rosenburg eds. Dinofest International: Proceedings
of a Symposium held at Arizona State University. Philadelphia: Academy
of Sciences. 287-290.
Sigogneau-Russell, Evans, Levine and Russell, 1998. The Early
Cretaceous microvertebrate locality of Anoual, Morocco: A glimpse at
the small vertebrate assemblages of Africa. in Lucas, Kirkland and
Estep (eds.). Lower and Middle Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems. New
Mexico Mesuem of Natural History and Science. 14, 177-181.
Manning, Joysey and Cruikshank, 2000. In ovo tooth replacement in a
therizinosaurid dinosaur. First International Symposium on Dinosaur
Eggs and Babies. Extended Abstracts. 129-134.
Kundrát, Cruickshank, Manning and Joysey, 2001. Structure of the
embryonic parabasisphenoid in a therizinosauroid dinosaur. Journal of
Morphology. 248(3), 251-252.
Kundrát, Cruickshank, Manning and Nudds, 2004. Therizinosauroid
affinities within maniraptoriform theropods based on embryonic data.
EAVP 2, abstracts, pg. 20.
Kundrát, Cruickshank, Manning and Nudds, 2007. Embryos of
therizinosauroid theropods from the Upper Cretaceous of China:
Diagnosis and analysis of ossification patterns. Acta Zoologica. 89(3),
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Dong, 1979
N. brevispinus Dong, 1979
Late Cretaceous
IVPP locality 74015, Nanxiong Group, Dapingcun, Guangning
County, Guangdong, China
Holotype- (IVPP V4731) (~4.40 m; 600 kg) axis (135 mm; lost),
third through twelfth cervical vertebrae (1.27 m; twelfth cervical 76
mm; all lost), first through tenth dorsal vertebrae (730 mm; lost),
sacrum (six vertebrae- 680 mm), first caudal vertebra (lost),
incomplete ilium (726 mm), proximal pubis, proximal ischia (474 mm)
Diagnosis- (after Dong, 1979) twelve cervical vertebrae; highly
elongate cervical vertebrae (2.5 times length of dorsal centra) (also
in Nothronychus mckinleyi); opisthocoelous posterior cervical
centra; ten dorsal vertebrae (unknown in other therizinosaurs more
derived than Beipiaosaurus); sacral spine tables (also in Suzhousaurus);
sacral neural spines with saddle shaped depressions on apex; narrow,
elongate preacetabular process (also in Nothronychus? graffami).
(after Clark et al., 2004) proximal puboischial contact much deeper
than acetabulum.
(proposed) ventral edge of preacetabular process cenvex.
Other diagnoses- As Nanshiungosaurus was originally
identified as a sauropod by Dong (1979), most of the diagnostic
character he listed are now known to be plesiomorphic for
therizinosaurs- short neck compared to sauropods; platycoelous anterior
cervical centra; cervical pleurocoels poorly developed compared to
sauropods; low cervical neural spines; cervical neural spines not
bifid; platycoelous dorsal centra; dorsal centrum height and length
subequal; dorsal pleurocoels shallow compared to sauropods; low and
broad dorsal neural spines; short sacral neural spines; sacral neural
spines fused into lamina; low ilium compared to sauropods; pubis not
twisted; obturator foramen absent in pubis; thick lateral margin of
pubis (as contrasted to the pubic apron); plate-like ischium; fused
ischial symphysis. The presence of ten dorsal vertebrae is less than
the at least twelve present in Beipiaosaurus, but is unknown in
other more derived therizinosaurids. Dorsal neural spine tables are
also present in Falcarius and Suzhousaurus. Zanno
(2010) notes there are actually six sacral vertebrae in Nanshiungosaurus,
not five as described by Dong. The pubic peduncle of the ilium is
neither straight nor robust. The expanded distal ischium is near
certainly the obturator process and mid dorsal process as found in
other therizinosaurs, with the narrow distal tip broken off.
Comments- Nanshiungosaurus
was originally identified by Dong (1979) as a titanosaurine
(titanosaurian in modern usage) sauropod closest to Titanosaurus
itself, but stated "the two are so distinct that it is obvious the
Nanxiong specimen belongs to a new clade." It was still
considered a sauropod by Paul (1984), but by 1988 he had illustrated it
as a segnosaur, both without comment. The first justified
referral to Segnosauria was by Maryanska and Barsbold (1990), who noted
"an opisthopubic pelvis that is very similar to that of S. galbinensis" and that "the
structure of cervical vertebrae in N.
brevispinus is similar to that in the Mongolian
Zanno (2010) notes much material is lost, and the pelvis is less
complete than when described by Dong.
The stratigraphic nomenclature has been controversial with Zhao et
al.'s 1991 scheme dividing the Nanxiong into a lower Yuanpu Formation
(which Zanno, 2010 placed Nanshiungosaurus
in) and an upper Pingling Formation (which Russell et al., 1993 placed Nanshiungosaurus
in when they said "Rare skeletal remains in the
Pingling Formation indicate the presence of ... therizinosaurids" and
cite Dong, 1979; note Le Loeuff 2012 didn't realize this and thought
Russell et al.'s therizinosaurid remains were different). The
Guangdong Geological Survey Institute's 2017 stratigraphic nomenclature
replaces the Yuanpu Formation with the Dafeng Formation, which has been
suggested to be Cenomanian-Middle Campanian by Xi et al. 2021 and which
Ke et al. (2023) assigned Nanshiungosaurus
to. If Russell et al. were correct in placing Nanshiungosaurus
in the Pingling Formation, that's now known as the Zhenshui Formation
which Xi et al. assign to the Early Maastrichtian. Its
stratigraphic level is shown
in Figure 2 section 10 number 11 of
Mateer and Chen (1992).
One potential problem with size estimates for this species is that both
the line drawings and the plates are said to be at 1/4 size, but the
plates are 1.7 times larger. The line drawing scale is correct, as
shown by two pieces of evidence. First, Russell and Dong (1994)
estimate Nanshiungosaurus' mass as 1.5 tons, compared to Segnosaurus'
1.9 tons. The pelvis of Segnosaurus (GM 100/80) and Nanshiungosaurus
are similar in size assuming the smaller size estimate, with two other Segnosaurus
specimens being slightly larger. Russell and Dong's mass estimates make
sense in this case. If Nanshiungosaurus were 1.7 times larger
though, it would also be 1.7 times larger than Segnosaurus'
holotype. It would then be almost 5 times heavier, putting the mass
estimate at over 9 tons. Second, Dong and Yu (1997) diagnosed Nanshiungosaurus?
bohlini as being larger than any known segnosaur. The first dorsal
vertebra in this taxon is 124 mm long. If the smaller size estimate is
correct, Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus' twelfth cervical
(topologically equivalent to N? bohlini's first dorsal, as the
latter has two less cervicals) is 76 mm long, but if the larger
estimate is correct, it is 129 mm long. This would make N.
brevispinus equivalent to N? bohlini in size, clearly not
what Dong thought was true when describing the latter species. Note
both of the reasons involve Dong, who described Nanshiungosaurus
and should therefore know its size.
The pelvis is of similar size to Enigmosaurus, Nothronychus
and Segnosaurus (IGM 100/80). The width and height of the
illustrated twelfth cervical and third dorsal average 85% (76-91%) of
the equivalents in Nothronychus' anterior dorsal (which is one
of the first three in the series). Subtracting for spaces between
centra in the mounted specimen gives a cervical length of 1400 mm, a
dorsal length of 730 mm and a sacral length of 680 mm. Adding 440 mm
for a Segnosaurus-sized skull and 1200 mm for a Neimongosaurus-proportioned
tail gives a total length of 4.45 meters.
References- Dong, 1979. The Cretaceous dinosaur fossils in
southern China. In
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and Nanjing
Institute of Paleontology (eds.). Mesozoic and Cenozoic Red Beds in
Southern China. Science Press. 342-350.
Paul. 1984. The segnosaurian dinosaurs: Relics of the
prosauropod-ornithischian transition? Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 4(4), 507-515.
Paul, 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster: New
York 464 pp.
Russell, Russell and Sweet, 1993. The end of the dinosaurian era in the
Nanxiong Basin. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 31(2), 139-145.
Russell and Dong, 1994. The affinities of a new theropod from the Alxa
Desert, Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China. Canadian Journal of
Earth Sciences. 30, 2107-2127.
Dong and Yu, 1997. A new segnosaur from Mazongshan Area, Gansu
Province, China. in Dong (ed). Sino-Japanese Silk Road Dinosaur
Expedition. China Ocean Press, Beijing. 90-95.
Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004. Therizinosauroidea. in In
Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria Second Edition.
University of California Press. 151-164.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Le Loeuff, 2012. Paleobiogeography and biodiversity of Late
Maastrichtian dinosaurs: How many dinosaur species went extinct at the
Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary? Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. 183(6), 547-559.
Ke, Rahman, Song, Hu, Niu, Lou, Li and Han, 2023. A new species of Nanhsiungchelys (Testudines:
Cryptodira: Nanhsiungchelyidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Nanxiong
Basin, China. PeerJ. 11:e15439.
bohlini Dong and Yu, 1997
Early Albian, Early Cretaceous
Lower Red Beds of the Zhonggou Formation, Gansu, China
Holotype- (IVPP V 11116; lost) (5.3 m; ~1 ton) atlas, axis (148
mm), third cervical vertebra (146 mm), fourth cervical vertebra (161
mm), fifth cervical vertebra (163 mm), sixth cervical vertebra (164
mm), seventh cervical vertebra (183 mm), eighth cervical vertebra (183
mm), ninth cervical vertebra (184 mm), tenth cervical vertebra (183
mm), eleventh cervical vertebra, cervical ribs, first dorsal vertebra
(124 mm), second dorsal vertebra, third dorsal vertebra, fourth dorsal
vertebra, fragmentary dorsal ribs
Diagnosis- (after Dong and Yu, 1997) differs from Falcarius,
Alxasaurus, Neimongosaurus and Nanshiungosaurus
brevispinus in having platycoelous cervical centra; primitively
differs from Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus in having
transversely narrow anterior dorsal neural spines.
(proposed) primitively differs from Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus
and Neimongosaurus in having eleven cervical vertebrae;
primitively differs from Beipiaosaurus in having an axial
neural spine which rises anteriorly; primitively differs from Falcarius
and Erliansaurus in having cervicals without a median keel;
differs from Neimongosaurus in that cervical centra 7-10 are
longer than 5-6; differs from Beipiaosaurus, Alxasaurus,
Nothronychus mckinleyi, Erliansaurus and Neimongosaurus
in having fused cervical ribs; differs from Nothronychus? graffami,
Erliansaurus and Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus in having
amphiplatyan dorsal centra; primitively differs from Erliansaurus
in having anterior dorsal pleurocoels.
Other diagnoses- Dong and Yu (1997) included several additional
characters in their diagnosis. The large size is matched or exceeded by
several other therizinosaurs (Therizinosaurus, Segnosaurus,
Suzhousaurus, etc.). They use the platycoelous cervicals and
anterior dorsals as a diagnostic character, contrasting them with Nanshiungosaurus
brevispinus' opisthocoelous posterior cervicals and platycoelous
anterior cervicals and dorsals. The cervical centra are also
platycoelous in Nothronychus, Erlikosaurus, Segnosaurus,
posterior cervicals of Falcarius, and anterior cervicals of Nanshiungosaurus
brevispinus, but amphiplatyan in Alxasaurus, and
amphicoelous in Neimongosaurus and posterior cervicals of Falcarius.
Which state is derived is difficult to determine, as Caudipteryx
has amphicoelous centra, Microvenator has platycoelous centra
and the Morrison oviraptoriform has opisthocoelous centra. Low and long
cervical neural spines are found in all therizinosaurs. The cervical
zygapophyses are not longer or wider than in other taxa such as Neimongosaurus
or Falcarius. Dong and Yu state the cervical zygapophyses are
placed well above the neural canals, which is true in Falcarius
as well, especially in posterior cervicals. It is also true in Neimongosaurus'
mid cervicals and Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus' posterior
cervicals, while the dorsally exposed neural canal in Nothronychus
may be due to damage. The anterior dorsal neural spines are said to be
low, which matches Falcarius, Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus,
Nothronychus mckinleyi and N? graffami, though those of Alxasaurus
and Neimongosaurus are tall. They are also diagnosed as being
narrow, which matches Falcarius, though Alxasaurus and
the Nothronychus species have spines which taper to narrow
apices, and Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus' is broad. Finally,
anterior dorsal vertebrae with ventral keels are present in all
The number of cervical vertebrae is lower than Nanshiungosaurus
brevispinus (12) or Neimongosaurus (14), but may be the
same as Beipiaosaurus (11-12) and basal oviraptorosaurs. Fused
cervical ribs are present, like Falcarius, Erlikosaurus,
Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus and Segnosaurus,
but unlike Beipiaosaurus, Alxasaurus, Erliansaurus, Nothronychus
mckinleyi and Neimongosaurus.
Comments- Nanshiungosaurus
bohlini was discovered in 1992. Dong and Yu (1997) list
different lengths for vertebral centra in the text than they do in the
measurement table. In the text, the axis is 152 mm, the seventh and
eighth cervicals are 192 mm and the ninth and tenth are 143 mm. They
also later state the dorsals are platycoelous, instead of amphiplatyan.
Zanno (2010) indicates the specimen is lost.
This is a difficult specimen to evaluate, as the description is brief,
only the cervicals in dorsal and ventral views were photographed, the
specimen is lost, comparative vertebrae in other therizinosaurs are
often broken or distorted, and most other therizinosaur vertebrae are
from uncertain positions in the presacral column. Consequently, there
are no known diagnostic characters for the species, though a
combination of primitive characters does distinguish it from most
contemporaneous therizinosaurs (Falcarius, Beipiaosaurus,
Alxasaurus). However, it cannot be compared with Suzhousaurus
from the same stratigraphic group besides agreeing in general
anterior dorsal morphology, and may be synonymous. If they are indeed
synonymous, Li et al. (2007) note the correct name will be Suzhousaurus
bohlini. Forcing it to be sister to Suzhousaurus in Hartman et al.'s
(2019) matrix takes 2 additional steps. Dong and Yu gave no
reason to refer the species to Nanshiungosaurus, it lived much
earlier than that genus, and the number of cervical vertebrae may
indicate it is outside the clade formed by Nanshiungosaurus and
Neimongosaurus. Li et al. and Zanno agree the species is not Nanshiungosaurus
and put the genus in quotes. Forcing Nanshiungosaurus
monophyly in
Hartman et al.'s matrix only takes a single step. In their
analysis, bohlini resolves as
a therizinosaurid in the Segnosaurus
plus Nothronychus clade,
unlike Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus
or Suzhousaurus.
References- Dong and Yu, 1997. A new segnosaur from Mazongshan
Area, Gansu Province, China. In Dong (ed.). Sino-Japanese Silk Road
Dinosaur Expedition. China Ocean Press, Beijing. 90-95.
Tang, Luo, Zhou, You, Georgi, Tang, and Wang, 2001. Biostratigraphy and
palaeoenvironment of the dinosaur-bearing sediments in Lower Cretaceous
of Mazongshan area, Gansu Province, China. Cretaceous Research. 22(1),
Li, Peng, You, Lamanna, Harris, Lacovata and Zhang, 2007. A large
therizinosauroid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of
northwestern China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 81(4),
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
You, Morschhauser, Li and Dodson, 2018. Introducing the Mazongshan
dinosaur fauna. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 38(supp. 1), 1-11.
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Perle, 1979
S. galbinensis Perle, 1979
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Amtgai, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
Holotype- (IGM 100/80) (5.3 m; 1 ton) mandibles (~379 mm; one
partial), basioccipital, dorsal rib fragments (lost), median gastralium
(lost), sacrum, ten proximal caudal vertebrae (lost), fifteen distal
caudal vertebrae (lost), incomplete humerus (lost), radius (lost), ulna
(lost), phalanx II-1 (99 mm; lost), phalanx II-2 (100 mm; lost), manual
ungual II (195 mm; lost), incomplete ilia (750 mm; one lost), pubes
(750 mm; one lost), ischia (650 mm; one lost), incomplete femur
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Khara Khutul, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
Paratypes- (IGM 100/82) (7.0 m; 2.4 tons) dorsal rib fragments
(lost), incomplete ilia (one lost), distal pubis (lost), proximal
ischium (lost), femur (~1050 mm; only shaft fragment not lost),
proximal femur, tibia (860 mm, 260 wide; proximal portion lost), fibula
(765 mm; lost), astragalus, calcaneum, distal tarsal III, distal tarsal
IV, metatarsal I (145 mm; lost), phalanx I-1 (82 mm; lost), pedal
ungual I (lost), metatarsal II (218 mm; lost), phalanx II-1 (88 mm;
lost), metatarsal III (274 mm; lost), phalanx III-1 (88 mm; lost),
metatarsal IV (266 mm; lost), phalanx IV-1 (51 mm; lost), metatarsal V
(96 mm; lost)
(>7 m) posterior ilium
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Amtgai, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
(IGM 100/83) (6.3 m; 1.8 tons) fragmentary cervical neural arch,
scapulocoracoid (lost), humeri (one proximal; 560 mm), radii (335 mm),
ulna (390 mm), manual ungual (lost)
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Amtgai, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
Referred- (IGM 100/81) tibia, fibula, astragalus, calcaneum
(Barsbold and Perle, 1980)
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Bayshin Tsav, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
?(IGM coll.; field #8) fibula (Zanno, 2010)
(IGM coll.; field #93) pubis (Zanno, 2010)
Diagnosis- (after Perle, 1979) dorsoventrally compressed manual
phalanges II-1 and II-2.
(after Clark et al., 1994) at least nine pairs of elongate anterior
dentary teeth.
(after Clark et al., 2004) twenty-four dentary teeth.
(after Zanno, 2010) coronoid process on surangular; humerus straight in
lateral view; deep brevis fossa; pubic foot only very slightly
projected posteriorly.
(after Zanno et al., 2016) ratio of edentulous anterior dentary length
to tooth row length ~1:5; pronounced ventral deflection of anterior
dentary (~30 degrees); dentary tooth row arched, over half dorsoventral
height dorsal to transverse axis of dentigerous portion of dentary;
minimum dorsoventral height of dentary posterior to tooth row, dentary
constricted between posteriormost tooth row and contact with
surangular; lateral dentary shelf located midway between dorsal and
ventral margins; significant proportion (~1/4th) of dorsal dentary
margin edentulous posterior to tooth row, tooth row does not extend to
surangular articulation; medial margin of dental alveolus crenulate
(scalloped); ventral foramen of splenial located anterior to dorsal
foramen; posterior margin of splenial bears a near 90 degree notch to
receive prearticular; posterolateral surangular shelf absent;
surangular dorsoventrally shallow over external mandibular fenestra;
ventral aspect of angular flat; prearticular ventrally displaced,
posterior portion contributes to ventral margin of hemimandible in
medial view; body of prearticular relatively straight; anteriormost
aspect of prearticular terminates in expanded, subcircular tab; mesial
carina of tooth crown folded distally and serrated; extracarinal
denticles populate mesial face of tooth crown; basal portion of mesial
carina bears serrated, triangular facet at cervix; distalmost lateral
dentary teeth subconidont, bearing triple carinae.
Other diagnoses- As this was the first recognized "segnosaur",
most of Perle's (1979) original diagnostic characters are now known to
have a wider distribution. Some are primitive for therizinosaurs-
mandible slender; teeth small; anterior dentary teeth recurved;
anterior dentary teeth highly labiolingually compressed; posterior
dentary teeth lanceolate; bipedal; unreduced forelimbs; well developed
deltopectoral crest; manual ungual I highly curved, pointed and
transversely compressed; elongate pubic symphysis. Many are now
diagnostic of more inclusive therizinosaur clades- closely packed
dentary teeth; anterior dentary teeth larger than posterior teeth;
posterior dentary teeth slightly recurved; posterior dentary teeth
slightly labiolingually compressed; short distal caudal vertebrae;
fused scapulocoracoid; ligament pits poorly developed on manual
phalanges; ilia widely separated due to elongate sacral ribs and
transverse processes; laterally flared preacetabular process; short
postacetabular process; lateral tuberosity on postacetabular process;
opisthopubic pelvis; transversely flattened ischium; distally placed
obturator process; obturator process contacts pubis; astragalar
ascending process laterally deflected; calcaneum fits into deep notch
on astragalus; calcaneum has mobile articulation with astragalus;
metatarsal I contacts tarsus; short metatarsus; metatarsals not
compressed proximally. A few are too vague to evaluate- sacral ribs and
transverse processes, scapulocoracoid, pelvis and metatarsus massive.
Barsbold and Perle (1980) diagnosed Segnosaurus by its thick
pedal unguals, but these are plesiomorphic for therizinosaurs.
Barsbold (1983) lists the small symphyseal diastema in the dentary, but
this is plesiomorphic.
Contra Clark et al. (1994), the dentary teeth do not have a high DSDI.
Clark et al. (2004) listed six sacral vertebrae in their diagnosis, but
this is also present in Nothronychus? graffami and Nanshiungosaurus.
Of Zanno's (2010) diagnostic characters, an overhanging dorsal ilial
margin is present in Nothronychus? graffami (due to crushing?)
and possibly Alxasaurus. A deep distodorsal ischial process is
also present in Suzhousaurus and probably Nanshiungosaurus.
She also lists hypertrophied distal epiphyses of the metatarsals, but
there seems to be little difference between Segnosaurus and
other therizinosaurs more derived than Falcarius in this
regard. A subrectangular obturator process is also present in Suzhousaurus
and Nothronychus? graffami. The subcircular puboischial
fenestra is also present in Enigmosaurus and Suzhousaurus.
A proximodistally deep obturator process is also present in Nothronychus
mckinleyi and probably N? graffami. The absence of medial
fusion of the obturator processes is plesiomorphic, while the absence
of a fused pubic symphysis may be ontogenetic. An anteroposteriorly
wide distal pubic shaft is also present in Suzhousaurus and Nothronychus?
graffami. The brevis fossa may not be deeper than that of Neimongosaurus,
which is described as having a "moderately developed" brevis shelf.
Comments- The remains of Segnosaurus
were discovered in 1973-1975, and were first noted by Barsbold (1976)
who mentioned "A large, laterally compressed ungual phalanx, similar in
structure and form to that attributed to Alectrosaurus,
belongs to another previously unknown dinosaur (under study) found
there [Baynshiren Formation]. This dinosaur does not belong to
Tyrannosauridae." Barsbold (1979) illustrated and briefly
described the pelvis as "segnosaurid", as the official description was
still in press. The holotype of Segnosaurus galbinensis (IGM
100/80; mistyped 100/90 by Barsbold, 1983) includes a mandible, pelvis
and forelimb and vertebral elements. Unfortunately, only the
mandibular, manual and pelvic dimensions are described. Naish (online,
2007) noted a basioccipital is also present, as was shown to him by
Perle, though never mentioned in the literature. Barsbold (1983) also
lists carpal remains for the holotype. Zanno (2010) notes the
vertebral, forelimb and hindlimb material is lost, and the pelvis is
damaged. Zanno also photographs the holotype pelvis, which differs from
earlier illustrations in several respects- the anterodorsal ilial
margin is more rounded, the ischial peduncle of the ilium larger, the
postacetabular process is rectangular and projects ventrally, the pubis
is extremely concave anteriorly and expands gradually toward the boot,
the distodorsal ischial process is larger, the distal ischial end is
longer and narrower, and the obturator process is much larger. The
pelvis is of virtually identical size to Nothronychus,
suggesting this specimen was also close to 5.3 meters. A referred
specimen (IGM 100/83) is a cervical neural arch, pectoral girdle and
forelimb, the latter missing all manual material save an ungual. Zanno
notes that the pectoral girdle and manual ungual are lost. The forelimb
elements are about 20% larger than Nothronychus', so the
specimen may have been about 6.3 meters long. Another possibility is
that this was similar in size to the holotype, but Segnosaurus
has proportionately longer arms than Nothronychus. The holotype
includes comparable elements (humerus, radius, ulna), so the problem is
soluble granted someone examines the remains. The second referred
specimen (IGM 100/82) includes rib fragments, partial pelvis and
virtually complete hindlimb. Zanno notes the ribs, most of the pelvic
material, and some of the hindlimb material including the pes are lost.
He also finds a posterior ilium which is not referrable to this
individual catalogued under the same number. There is confusion
regarding the limb element length in this specimen. Barsbold and Perle
(1980) state the tibia is shorter than the femur, but cite a femoral
length of 840 mm and a tibial length of 860 mm. Barsbold and Maryanska
(1990) stated the tibia was "more than 80%" of femoral length. The
illustration in Barsbold and Perle suggests the tibia is about 830 mm
long. This is very close to the cited measurement, suggesting the
latter is accurate. The femur would then be slightly less than 1075 mm
in length. Comparing the hindlimb elements to other segnosaurs
indicates it was approximately 7.0 meters long. Again, it's possible
this was similar in size to the type, but had proportionately longer
hindlimbs than Nothronychus. And again, examination of the
partial pelvis the two share in common could resolve the problem.
Barsbold (1983) lists IGM 100/87 and 100/88 as referred specimens, but
these are probably typos for 100/82 and 100/83.
Currie and Eberth (1993) suggested isolated elements recovered by the
Sino-Canadian expeditions in 1988 and 1990 from the Iren Dabasu
Formation (Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian) are indistinguishable
from Segnosaurus, but given their provenence it is more likely
these are Erliansaurus, Neimongosaurus and/or the taxon
represented by AMNH 6368.
References- Barsbold, 1976. New data on Therizinosaurus
(Therizinosauridae, Theropoda). In Kramarenko, Luvsandansan, Voronin,
Barsbold, Rozhdestvensky, Trofimov and Reshetov (Eds.). Paleontology
and Biostratigraphy of Mongolia. The Joint Soviet-Mongolian
Paleontological Expedition, Transactions. 3, 76-92.
Barsbold, 1979. Opisthopubic pelvis in the carnivorous dinosaurs.
Nature. 279, 792-793.
Perle, 1979. Segnosauridae - A new family of theropods from the Late
Cretaceous of Mongolia. Trudy - Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongol'skaya
Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya. 8, 45-55.
Barsbold and Perle, 1980. Segnosauria, a new infraorder of carnivorous
dinosaurs. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 25, 185-195.
Barsbold, 1983. Carnivorous dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Mongolia.
Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Palaeontological Expedition.
19, 117 pp.
Barsbold and Maryanska, 1990. Saurischia sedis mutabilis: Segnosauria.
in Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria. University of
California Press. 408-415.
Currie and Eberth, 1993. Palaeontology, sedimentology and palaeoecology
of the Iren Dabasu Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Inner Mongolia,
People's Republic of China. Cretaceous Research. 14, 127-144.
Clark, Maryanska and Barsbold, 2004. Therizinosauroidea. in In
Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria Second Edition.
University of California Press. 151-164.
Naish, online 2007.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Zanno, Tsogtbaatar, Chinzorig and Gates, 2016. Specializations of the
mandibular anatomy and dentition of Segnosaurus galbinensis
(Theropoda: Therizinosauria). PeerJ. 4:e1885.
unnamed therizinosaurid (Gilmore, 1933)
Middle-Late Campanian, Late Cretaceous
AMNH 138, Iren Dabasu
Formation, Inner Mongolia, China
Material- (AMNH 6368; syntype of Alectrosaurus olseni)
humerus (390 mm), manual ungual I (190 mm on curve), manual phalanx
II-1 (74 mm)
?... (AMNH 21784) three mid caudal vertebrae (~41, ~38, ~35 mm), distal
caudal centrum (~24 mm) (Mader and Bradley, 1989)
?... (uncollected) two or three elements (Mader and Bradley, 1989)
Comments- AMNH 6368 was found on May 4 1923 at Third Asiatic
Expedition field site 138, 30 meters away from the lectotype of Alectrosaurus
olseni and was thought to belong to the same individual in the
field. Gilmore (1933) prefered to treat them as two individuals. He
placed them in the same species due to the similarity between the
manual unguals, which are “laterally compressed, strongly curved and
have sharply curved extremities”, as well as the association in the
field and slenderness. Gilmore originally diagnosed A. olseni
partially on the characteristics of this specimen. Rozhdestvensky
(1970) recognized the similarity to Therizinosaurus
and referred Alectrosaurus to
Therizinosauridae, but Barsbold (1976) and Perle (1977) correctly
removed the forelimb from that taxon based on supposed Alectrosaurus
specimen IGM 100/50 with small humerus and manual ungual. Mader
and Bradley (1989) described the specimen in detail as a segnosaurid.
Zanno (2010) notes the slender proportions, poorly defined medial
tuberosity, and posterior humeral trochanter indicates it is not
referable to Neimongosaurus, and it is more gracile than Erliansaurus
and lacks that genus' distinctive crest-shaped posterior trochanter.
Zanno (2006) recovered it as more derived than Alxasaurus in her phylogenetic
analysis, and most recently Hartman et al. (2019) found it sister to Segnosaurus in Therizinosauridae.
AMNH 21784 was also discovered on May 4 1923 at Third Asiatic
field site 138, but
not catalogued until 1984 and not described until 1989 by Mader and
Bradley. While those authors described them as Theropoda incertae
sedis, they may be therizinosauroid based on their resemblence to Alxasaurus'
mid caudals (e.g. short centra that become shorter distally; low neural
spines; similarly placed transverse processes) although their neural
spines are more posteriorly restricted and their prezygapophyses are
longer. Although Mader and Bradley considered the caudals too
small to
belong to the same individual as the humerus, they were comparing them
to theropod proximal caudals as they were unaware of therizinosauroids'
modified caudal series with relatively homogenous caudals decreasing in
length distally. In fact, given that Alxasaurus'
holotype humerus is 4% longer than AMNH 6368, its fourteenth-eighteenth
caudals are also slightly longer (39-44 mm) as is an isolated distal
caudal (26 mm), so the sizes are appropriate to belong to a single
therizinosauroid individual. As they are from the same field
that is provisionally accepted here. Mader and Bradley also noted
"two or three unspecified [theropod] elements that regrettably were not
collected due to their "poor condition" (Granger's field record, Third
Asiatic Expedition)" found with the forelimb and caudal material and
might also belong to the same individual.
References- Gilmore, 1933. On the Dinosaurian Fauna of the Iren
Dabasu Formation. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History. 67,
Rozhdestvensky, 1970. Giant claws of enigmatic Mesozoic reptiles.
Paleontological Journal. 1970(1), 131-141.
Barsbold, 1976. New data on Therizinosaurus (Therizinosauridae,
Theropoda). In Kramarenko, Luvsandansan, Voronin, Barsbold,
Rozhdestvensky, Trofimov and Reshetov (Eds.). Paleontology and
Biostratigraphy of Mongolia. The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological
Expedition, Transactions. 3, 76-92.
Perle, 1977. On the first discovery of Alectrosaurus
(Tyrannosauridae, Theropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia.
Problemy Geologii Mongolii. 3, 104-113.
Mader and Bradley, 1989. A redescription and revised diagnosis of the
syntypes of the Mongolian tyrannosaur Alectrosaurus olseni.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 9(1), 41-55.
Zanno, 2006. The pectoral girle and forelimb of the primitive
therizinosauroid Falcarius utahensis (Theropoda, Maniraptora):
Analyzing evolutionary trends within Therizinosauroidea. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. 26(3), 636-650.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Erlikosaurus Perle
in Barsbold and Perle, 1980
= Erlicosaurus Perle, 1981
E. andrewsi Perle in Barsbold and Perle, 1980
= Erlicosaurus andrewsi Perle, 1981
Cenomanian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Bayshin Tsav, Baynshiren Formation, Mongolia
Holotype- (IGM 100/111) (~3.4 m; ~275 kg) incomplete skull (237
mm, 258 to the occipital condyle), mandibles (246 mm), several
fragmentary cervical vertebrae, humerus (300 mm), metatarsal I (71 mm),
phalanx I-1 (42 mm), pedal ungual I (100 mm), metatarsal II (120 mm),
phalanx II-1 (44 mm), phalanx II-2 (42 mm), pedal ungual II (89 mm),
distal metatarsal III (~122 mm), phalanx III-1 (40 mm), phalanx III-2
(36 mm), phalanx III-3 (35 mm), pedal ungual III (84 mm), distal
metatarsal IV, phalanx IV-1 (38 mm), phalanx IV-2 (15 mm), phalanx IV-3
(15 mm), phalanx IV-4 (27 mm), pedal ungual IV (73 mm)
Diagnosis- (after Barsbold and Perle, 1980) lateral pedal
unguals narrow.
(after Perle, 1981) twenty-three maxillary teeth (unknown in other
therizinosaurs); dentary symphysis more medially recurved than Segnosaurus,
Neimongosaurus or Falcarius; dentary teeth not at all
recurved (also in CAGS-01-IG-1); distal condyles of humerus sharply
separated proximally from shaft (also in Neimongosaurus); .
(after Clark et al., 1994) premaxillary fenestra absent (unknown in
other therizinosaurs); maxillary fenestra absent; maxillary teeth inset
from lateral margin (unknown in other therizinosaurs); vomer extremely
elongate and extending posteriorly to meet cultriform process (also in
an undescribed Chinese therizinosaur- Zanno, 2010); passage for
internal carotid artery enclosed on occiput; external auditory meatus
restricted ventrally by lateral expansion of braincase (unknown in
other therizinosaurs); trigeminal opening divides into three branches
within side wall of braincase (unknown in other therizinosaurs);
lateral dentary shelf begins at fifth tooth position.
(after Zanno et al., 2016) ratio of edentulous anterior dentary length
to tooth row length ~1:8; slight ventral deflection of anterior dentary
(~4 degrees); lateral dentary shelf extensive, reaches posterior
termination of tooth row; lateral dentary shelf sharp, distinctly
raised from lateral surface; tooth row extends to surangular
articulation; posterodorsal dentary process visible in lateral view;
ventral splenial foramen located posterior to dorsal foramen;
posterolateral surangular shelf present; lateral body of surangular
dorsoventrally deep; prearticular bears dorsal tab.
Other diagnoses- Contra Zanno (2010), the transversely
compressed pedal unguals noted by Barsbold and Perle (1980) are
diagnostic, as they differ from Alxasaurus, "Chilantaisaurus"
zheziangensis, Nothronychus? graffami and Segnosaurus.
Nothronychus mckinleyi has narrow medial pedal unguals
(originally identified as manual unguals), but thick lateral unguals,
unlike Erlikosaurus.
Perle (1981) included several characters in his diagnosis which
distinguish Erlikosaurus from Segnosaurus, the only
other recognized therizinosaur at the time. The sharp raised alveolar
edge on the dentary symphysis and extensive length of this toothless
area are also present in Neimongosaurus. While Perle lists the
maxillary tooth count as being 24(25?), it is really 23, which is only
diagnostic due to the unknown counts in other therizinosaurs. The 31
dentary teeth are not significantly more numerous than the 28 teeth in Falcarius.
The lack of a coronoid prominence on the surangular is primitive. The
metatarsal II / humeral ratios of Erlikosaurus and Segnosaurus
are not significantly different- 36% vs. 38%.
Barsbold (1983) listed small, closely positioned teeth in his
diagnosis, but these are present in all therizinosaurs. The toothless
dentary symphysis is present in other derived therizinosaurids as well
(e.g. Neimongosaurus; Segnosaurus).
Barsbold and Maryanska (1990) listed the less flattened anterior
dentary teeth compared to Segnosaurus, but this is
Relatively few therizinosaurs can be evaluated for the characters
listed by Clark et al. (1994) in their diagnosis, as cranial remains
are rare and the complete skull of Beipiaosaurus is still
undescribed. A toothless premaxilla with sharp ventral edges is also
present in the Nanchao therizinosaur embryo (CAGS-01-IG-1). The
elongate external nares are also present in Beipiaosaurus and
the Nanchao embryo. The sharp ventral edge of the antorbital fossa is
also observed in Falcarius. The antorbital fossa is equally
extensive in Beipiaosaurus, though not in the Nanchao embryo
(perhaps due to ontogenetic shortening of the snout). Both Beipiaosaurus
and the Nanchao embryo have a maxillary fenestra, unlike Erlikosaurus,
though other therizinosaurs cannot be evaluated. A reduced number of
nutrient foramina are present on the posterior maxilla in both Falcarius
and the Nanchao embryo. The posterodorsal jugal process also extends
dorsally up the laterotemporal fenestra margin in the Nanchao embryo.
The basisphenoid also has extremely large peumatic spaces in the
Nanchao embryo and Nothronychus mckinleyi. The anterior carotid
foramen does not seem to be exposed on the occiput of Falcarius,
Nothronychus mckinleyi or the Nanchao embryo, though it is
unknown in other therizinosaurs. A generally homodont dentition of
linguolabially flattened teeth is primitive for theropods, while
maxillary teeth which are small, lanceolate, unrecurved and constricted
at the base are present in Falcarius and likely all
therizinosaurs, as maxillary and dentary dentition is usually extremely
similar. Likewise, coarsely serrated maxillary teeth are not currently
known for any other therizinosaur (Falcarius has
plesiomorphically small serrations), but are likely present in all
derived therizinosaurs, as their dentary teeth are coarsely serrated.
Clark et al. note that Erlikosaurus has fewer elongate anterior
teeth than Segnosaurus, but this is probably primitive, as Falcarius
is similar in this regard. The other mandibular characters listed in
their diagnosis are specified either as being shared with other
therizinosauroids, or as being shared with either Alxasaurus or
Comments- Discovered in 1972, Erlikosaurus was
confusingly described as gen. et sp. nov. in both Barsbold and Perle
(1980) and Perle (1981), though the former attributes the name to Perle
only. Perle (1981) spelled the genus name Erlicosaurus, which
has been followed by some authors (e.g. Barsbold, 1983; Clark et al.,
1994). However, according to the ICZN (Article 32.5), since there is no
evidence in the original publication that the name is spelled
incorrectly, and the issue is not with suffix or gender, Erlikosaurus
is the correct original spelling. This makes Erlicosaurus an
unjustified emendation (Article 33.2), since there is no evidence in
Perle (1981) that he purposefully changed the spelling, and the
original spelling is not cited. According to Article 33.2.3, "the name
thus emended is available and it has its own author and date and is a
junior objective synonym of the name in its original spelling." An
unjustified emendation can become justified it it has prevailing usage
and is attributed the the original author and date, but Erlikosaurus
has 33,500 Google hits vs. 1,410 for Erlicosaurus, and 254 vs.
106 Google Scholar hits (as of 8-21-2019). Thus the genus should be
spelled Erlikosaurus. Barsbold and Perle (1980) note a left and
right pes, but only a single pes is described by Perle (1981).
Currie and Eberth (1993) suggested isolated elements recovered by the
Sino-Canadian expeditions in 1988 and 1990 from the Iren Dabasu
Formation (Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian) are indistinguishable
from Erlikosaurus, but given their provenence it is more likely
these are Erliansaurus, Neimongosaurus and/or the taxon
represented by AMNH 6368. Frontal CMN 12355 from the Dinosaur
Park Formation has been referred to Erlikosaurus
(Currie, 1987), but has since been recognized as troodontid (see
discussion under Therizinosauria).
Erlikosaurus andrewsi is known from a skull, fragmentary
cervical vertebrae, humerus and pes. Unfortunately, the vertebral
dimensions are undescribed, so the length can be only loosely
estimated. Based on the humeral, cranial and metatarsal lengths, Erlikosaurus
was somewhere around 3.4 meters long.
References- Barsbold and Perle, 1980. Segnosauria, a new
infraorder of carnivorous dinosaurs. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 25,
Perle, 1981. A new segnosaurid from Mongolia. Trudy - Sovmestnaya
Sovetsko-Mongol'skaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya. 15, 50-59. [in Russian]
Barsbold, 1983. Carnivorous dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Mongolia.
Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Palaeontological Expedition.
19, 117 pp.
Currie, 1987. Theropods of the Judith River Formation of Dinosaur
Frovincial Park, Alberta. In Currie and Koster (eds). 4th Symposium of
Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems Short Papers. Tyrell Museum of
Palaeontology, Drumheller, Alberta. 52-60.
Barsbold and Maryanska, 1990. Saurischia sedis mutabilis: Segnosauria.
in Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds). The Dinosauria. University of
California Press. 408-415.
Currie and Eberth, 1993. Palaeontology, sedimentology and palaeoecology
of the Iren Dabasu Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Inner Mongolia,
People’s Republic of China. Cretaceous Research. 14, 127-144.
Clark, Perle and Norell, 1994. The skull of Erlicosaurus andrewsi,
a Late Cretaceous "segnosaur" (Theropoda: Therizinosauridae) from
Mongolia. American Museum Novitates. 3115, 39 pp.
Zanno, 2010. A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of
Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora). Journal of Systematic
Palaeontology. 8(4), 503-543.
Lautenschlager, Rayfield, Witmer and Perle, 2011. The endocranial
anatomy of the Mongolian therizinosauroid dinosaur Erlikosaurus
andrewsi as revealed by 3D visualization. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2011, 141.
Lautenschlager, Rayfield, Witmer and Perle, 2012. A biomechanical model
of Erlikosaurus andrewsi (Dinosauria: Therizinosauria) with
implications for cranial function and dietary preferences. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2012, 126.
Lautenschlager, Rayfield, Perle, Zanno and Witmer, 2012. The
endocranial anatomy of Therizinosauria and its implications for sensory
and cognitive function. PLoS ONE. 7(12), e52289.
Lautenschlager, 2013a. Unravleing therizinosaur paleobiology - a
multi-angle approach. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and
Abstracts 2013, 160.
Lautenschlager, 2013b. Cranial myology and bite force performance of Erlikosaurus
andrewsi: A novel approach for digital muscle reconstructions.
Journal of Anatomy. 222(2), 260-272.
Zanno, Tsogtbaatar, Chinzorig and Gates, 2016. Specializations of the
mandibular anatomy and dentition of Segnosaurus galbinensis
(Theropoda: Therizinosauria). PeerJ. 4:e1885.
Kirkland and Wolfe, 2001
Other diagnoses- Contra Zanno et al. (2009), graffami
does not share many unique characters with Nothronychus mckinleyi.
Notably, the obturator process of Nothronychus graffami is not
necessarily more subcircular than that of Segnosaurus and Nanshiungosaurus.
The puboischial fenestra's elongation cannot be measured in N.
mckinleyi due to the missing pubes and seems equally elongate in Nanshiungosaurus
in any case. The pubic contact on the obturator process is also limited
to its distal portion in Suzhousaurus and probably Enigmosaurus
and Nanshiungosaurus. The deep post-obturator notch on the
ischium is also present in Suzhousaurus. This limits their
shared characters to just the distally tapering scapula, which is only
known to be absent in Segnosaurus and Suzhousaurus
among therizinosaurids. Only the distally tapering scapula is uniquely
shared. As both species share derived characters with other
therizinosaurid genera (Suzhousaurus, Segnosaurus,
etc.), graffami may deserve its own genus. Hartman et al.
(2019) recovered the Nothronychus
species in a trichtomy with Erlikosaurus,
which could group with either Nothronychus
species in the same amount of steps. Yet forcing Nothronychus monophyly only took a
single step, and Erlikosaurus
itself had an stable position so could move to be sister to e.g. Therizinosaurus in one step as well.
References- Kirkland and Wolfe, 2001. First definitive
therizinosaurid (Dinosauria; Theropoda) from North America. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. 21(3), 410-414.
Zanno, Gillette, Albright and Titus, 2009. A new North American
therizinosaurid and the role of herbivory in 'predatory' dinosaur
evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 76(1672), 3505-3511.
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
N. mckinleyi Kirkland and Wolf, 2001
Mid Turonian, Late Cretaceous
Moreno Hill Formation, New Mexico, US
Holotype- (MSM P2117) braincase, two ?cranial fragments, two
?dentary teeth (8.4 mm), seven cervical vertebrae (125.5, 133.5, 187,
188 mm), cervical rib, second or third dorsal vertebra (84.8 mm),
dorsal centrum, dorsal ribs, two gastralia, ~tenth caudal vertebra
(66.7 mm), chevron fragment, incomplete scapula (518 mm), humeri (one
distal; 415 mm), ulna (304 mm), phalanx I-1, distal metacarpal II,
phalanx II-1, ischia (530 mm), tibiae (610, 612 mm), fibula, phalanx
I-1 (67.7 mm), pedal ungual I (138 mm), distal metatarsal II, pedal
ungual II (124 mm), pedal ungual III (99 mm), phalanx IV-2 (39.2 mm),
phalanx IV-4 (8.17 mm), pedal ungual IV (92 mm)
....(MSM P4487) incomplete radius or ulna
Diagnosis- (after Kirkland and Wolfe, 2001) serrations on teeth
extend basally to constriction (unknown in N. graffami; also in
Alxasaurus); laterally facing scapular glenoid (also in Segnosaurus).
(after Kirkland et al., 2005) braincase narrow (unknown in N.
(after Zanno et al., 2009) heel on posteroventral surface of caudal
centra hypertrophied (approximately one third the dorsoventral length
of the caudal centrum); post-obturator notch narrow (also in Suzhousaurus).
Other diagnoses- Kirkland and Wolfe (2001) included several
characters in their diagnosis, which Zanno et al. (2009) note are
invalid. The coarse serrations and circular root of the tooth are
typical for therizinosaurs. Anterior dorsals with "long pedicle and
large pleurocoel encasing multiple separate pneumatic foramina" are
present in Nanshiungosaurus? bohlini. The slender scapula is
shared with N. graffami, so is listed in the Nothronychus
diagnosis. The humeral characters (straight, slender shaft; short
deltopectoral crest; humeral trochanter absent) are all plesiomorphic.
The manual ungual characters (flexor tubercle not extending below the
proximal articulation; proximodorsal lip absent) are based on
misidentified pedal unguals. The "thin ischium nearly excluded from
acetabulum with large, rectangular, medially situated, obturator
process" is present in other therizinosauroids such as Segnosaurus
and Suzhousaurus. The distally placed m. iliofibularis tubercle
on the fibula is shared with other derived therizinosauroids. While the
lateral pedal unguals are indeed thick, this is plesiomorphic for
Kirkland et al. (2005) listed the almost horizontally oriented
supraoccipital in their diagnosis, but this is shared by Falcarius,
so may be plesiomorphic. They also revised the pedal ungual thickness
character to indicate pedal unguals II-IV are thin and straight, while
I is thicker. The pedal unguals are not straight, however. Furthermore,
pedal unguals I and II are largest in Erlikosaurus, so the
large thin unguals previously identified as manual unguals would be
more likely to be unguals I and II in Nothronychus. This leaves
the smaller, thicker unguals two be from digits III and IV, reversing
Kirkland et al.'s character.
Zanno et al. (2009) also listed platycoelous proximal caudal centra in
their diagnosis, as it does differ from the amphicoelous condition in N.
graffami. Yet Suzhousaurus and Segnosaurus also
share this character. The elongate mid dorsal ischial process which
extends opposite to the obturator process and scapular glenoid lacking
a buttress are plesiomorphic, shared with most derived
Comments- The ischium was originally identified as a Zuniceratops
squamosal (as MSM P2106; Wolfe and Kirkland, 1998). Kirkland et al.
(2005) described the braincase, and reidentified the manual unguals as
pedal unguals based on comparisons to the then undescribed N?
graffami, which was confirmed by Zanno et al. (2009). Zanno et al.
also recognized additional elements not noted by Kirkland and Wolfe-
three cervical vertebrae, a dorsal centrum, a chevron fragment, and
pedal phalanx I-1. They also reidentified pedal phalanges IV-3 and IV-4
as III-3 and IV-2, and a supposed ulna as an indeterminate radial or
ulnar shaft. Hedrick et al. (2015) added a distal humerus, and
reidentified metatarsal I as II, and pedal phalanx III-3 as IV-4.
Contra Hedrick et al.'s text, both ulnae are not preserved.
References- Wolfe and Kirkland. 1998. Zuniceratops
christopheri n. gen. & n. sp., a ceratopsian dinosaur from the
Moreno Hill Formation (Cretaceous, Turonian) of west-central New
Mexico. In Lucas, Kirkland, and Estep (eds.). Lower and Middle
Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems. New Mexico Museum of Natural History
and Science Bulletin. 14, 307-317.
Kirkland and Wolfe, 2001. First definitive therizinosaurid (Dinosauria;
Theropoda) from North America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
21(3), 410-414.
Kirkland and Wolfe, 2001. A therizinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda)
braincase from the Middle Turonian (Cretaceous) of North America.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 21(3), 68A.
Smith, Kirkland, Sanders, Zanno and DeBlieux, 2004. A comparison of
North American therizinosaur (Theropoda: Dinosauria) braincases.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 24(3), 180A.
Kirkland, Smith and Wolfe, 2005. Holotype braincase of Nothronychus
mckinleyi Kirkland and Wolfe 2001 (Theropoda; Therizinosauridae)
from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) of West-Central New Mexico. in
Carpenter (ed.). The Carnivorous Dinosaurs. 87-96.
Zanno, Gillette, Albright and Titus, 2009. A new North American
therizinosaurid and the role of herbivory in 'predatory' dinosaur
evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 76(1672), 3505-3511.
Lautenschlager, Rayfield, Perle, Zanno and Witmer, 2012. The
endocranial anatomy of Therizinosauria and its implications for sensory
and cognitive function. PLoS ONE. 7(12), e52289.
Smith, 2013. Reconstruction of the braincase and associated soft
tissues of the North American therizinosaur Nothronychus mckinleyi.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2013, 213.
Smith, 2014. The braincase of the North American therizinosaurian Nothronychus
mckinleyi (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 34(3), 635-646.
Hedrick, Zanno, Wolfe and Dodson, 2015. The slothful claw: Osteology
and taphonomy of Nothronychus mckinleyi and N. graffami
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) and anatomical considerations for derived
therizinosaurids. PLoS ONE. 10(6), e0129449.
Smith, 2015. Craniocervical myology and functional morphology of the
small-headed therizinosaurian theropods Falcarius utahensis and
Nothronychus mckinleyi. PLoS ONE. 10(2), e0117281.
Smith, Wolfe and Sanders, 2015. Additional braincase material from the
North American therizinosaur Nothronychus mckinleyi (Turonian:
Moreno Hill Formation, west-central New Mexico). Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2015, 214.
N? graffami Zanno,
Gillette, Albright and Titus, 2009
= Nothronychus "graffami" Zanno, 2008
Early Turonian, Late Cretaceous
Tropic Shale, Utah, US
Holotype- (UMNH VP 16420) (adult) two cervical vertebrae, first
dorsal vertebra (~65 mm), fourth dorsal centrum, fifth dorsal centrum,
incomplete sixth dorsal vertebra (~90 mm), seventh dorsal vertebra (~91
mm), incomplete eighth dorsal vertebra (~95.6 mm), ninth dorsal
centrum, incomplete tenth dorsal vertebra (~55 mm), eleventh dorsal
vertebra (~53 mm), at least fourteen dorsal ribs, gastralia, synsacrum
(525 mm), first caudal vertebra (73 mm), second caudal vertebra (57
mm), third caudal vertebra (55 mm), fourth caudal vertebra (70 mm),
fifth caudal vertebra (80 mm), sixth caudal vertebra (68 mm), seventh
caudal vertebra (72 mm), eighth caudal vertebra (70 mm), ninth caudal
vertebra (67 mm), tenth caudal vertebra (72 mm), eleventh caudal
vertebra (70 mm), twelfth caudal vertebra (60 mm), thirteenth caudal
vertebra (60 mm), fourteenth caudal vertebra (60 mm), fifteenth caudal
vertebra (55 mm), sixteenth caudal vertebra (50 mm), seventeenth caudal
vertebra (50 mm), eighteenth caudal vertebra (35 mm), nineteenth caudal
vertebra (33 mm), twentieth caudal vertebra (34 mm), twenty-first
caudal vertebra (28 mm), twenty-second caudal vertebra (21 mm),
twenty-third caudal vertebra (24 mm), eight chevrons (~75, 95, 85, ~90,
~63, 55 mm), incomplete scapulocoracoid (~540 mm + ~165 mm), incomplete
scapula (~570 mm), incomplete coracoid (~175 mm), humeri (424, 415 mm),
radii (274, 275 mm), ulnae (309, 303 mm), metacarpal I (90.5 mm),
phalanges I-1 (134 mm), manual ungual I (182 mm straight, 215 mm on
curve), metacarpal II (141.2 mm), phalanges II-1 (102 mm), phalanx II-2
(133.4 mm), manual unguals II (187 mm straight, 220 mm on curve, ~198
mm straight, ~270 mm on curve), metacarpals III (121, 126 mm), manual
ungual III (177 mm straight, 210 mm on curve), ilia (one incomplete),
pubes (one incomplete; 587, 575 mm), incomplete ischia (536, 548 mm),
femora (696, 656 mm), tibiae (~654, 644 mm), incomplete fibulae (522
mm), incomplete astragali (171, 173 mm transversely), metatarsal I (133
mm), phalanx I-1 (86.7 mm), metatarsals II (182, 187 mm), phalanx II-1
(78.9 mm), phalanx II-2 (74 mm), pedal ungual II, metatarsals III (215,
217 mm), phalanx III-1 (75.5 mm), incomplete phalanx III-3 (70 mm),
metatarsal IV (232 mm), phalanx IV-1 (54 mm), phalanx IV-2 (45 mm),
phalanx IV-3 (43 mm), phalanx IV-4 (35.6 mm), pedal phalanx, metatarsal
V (74 mm)
Diagnosis- (after Zanno et al., 2009) scapular glenoid with
pronounced buttress; pubic boot with small posterior process (unknown
in N. mckinleyi); posteroventral margin of pubic boot concave
(unknown in N. mckinleyi); mid dorsal process of ischium
proximodistally short (less than 5% of the total length of ischium);
mid dorsal process of ischium located proximal to obturator foramen.
Other diagnoses- Zanno et al. also listed amphicoelous proximal
caudal centra in their diagnosis, as it does differ from the
platycoelous condition in N. mckinleyi. Yet Neimongosaurus,
Erliansaurus and Nanshiungosaurus share this character.
The wide post-obturator notch on the ischium is possibly plesiomorphic,
being seen in Segnosaurus and probably Enigmosaurus and
is plausibly derived from the absent notch found in most coelurosaurs.
The caudal centra lack a strong posteroventral heel unlike N.
mckinleyi, but most other therizinosaurs lack this as well. The
straight ulna is probably taphonomic (Hedrick et al., 2015).
Comments- This specimen was discovered in 2000 and first
identified as therizinosaurid (Gillette et al., 2001), then more
specifically as a species of Nothronychus (Gillette et al.,
2005). Zanno (2008) referred to it as Nothronychus sp. A, but
(accidentally?) labeled it Nothronychus graffami in figure 31
of her unpublished thesis, though this was a nomen nudum at the time
since theses don't count according to the ICZN. Zanno et al. (2009)
later described and officially named the species. As noted above under
the Nothronychus comments, it may not be referrable to that
Hedrick et al. (2015) reidentified the supposed furcula as a
gastralium, though mistyped it as referring to N. mckinleyi's
description. Contra Hedrick et al.'s text, right metatarsals II and III
are preserved, not II and IV.
References- Gillette, 2001. A Late Cretaceous (Early Turonian)
therizinosaurid dinosaur (Therizinosauridae, Theropoda) from the Tropic
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