Orionides Carrano, Benson and
Sampson, 2012
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii + Allosaurus
fragilis + Passer domesticus) (Hendrickx, Hartman and
Mateus, 2015; modified from Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012)
x= Carnosauria sensu Rauhut and Pol, 2019
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii,
Allosaurus fragilis <- Passer domesticus) (modified)
Comments- A clade containing megalosauroids and avetheropods to
the exclusion of basal tetanurines such as Monolophosaurus,
Chuandongocoelurus, Piatnitzkysaurus, Condorraptor,
"Szechuanoraptor" (now Yangchuanosaurus zigongensis) and/or Xuanhanosaurus
has been recognized by most recent analyses (e.g. Rauhut, 2003; Holtz
et al., 2004; Smith et al., 2007; Carrano et al., 2012). Carrano et al.
finally named it Orionides in 2012.
References- Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of
Tetanurae (Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.
10(2), 211-300.
Hendrickx, Hartman and Mateus, 2015. An overview of non-avian theropod
discoveries and classification. PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate
Palaeontology. 12(1), 1-73.
Rauhut and Pol, 2019. Probable basal allosauroid from the early Middle
Jurassic Cañadón Asfalto Formation of Argentina highlights phylogenetic
uncertainty in tetanuran theropod dinosaurs. Scientific Reports.
= Bahariasauridae Huene, 1948
Bahariasaurus Stromer, 1934
B. ingens Stromer, 1934
Early Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous
Baharija Formation, Egypt
Syntypes- (IPHG 1922 X 47; destroyed) (~11.9 m; ~2.5 tons)
posterior dorsal vertebra (200 mm), thirteenth dorsal vertebra (~180
mm), dorsal neural arch, dorsal rib fragment, first sacral vertebra
(~135 mm), second sacral vertebra (~120 mm), third sacral vertebra
(~120 mm), pubes (1.03 m), proximal ischium
?(IPHG 1922 X 48a; destroyed) incomplete posterior cervical vertebra
(~125 mm)
(IPHG 1922 X 48b; destroyed) partial posterior dorsal vertebra (~170 mm)
(IPHG 1922 X 48c; mislabeled as 48d in plate 2 of Stromer, 1934;
destroyed) incomplete posterior dorsal vertebra (180 mm)
(IPHG 1922 X 48 B; destroyed) pubis (~>760 mm)
Paratypes- ?(IPHG 1911 XII 23; destroyed) (juvenile?) proximal
(IPHG 1912 VIII 62; destroyed) partial ilium, proximal pubis
(IPHG 1912 VIII 62a; destroyed) partial posterior dorsal centrum (220
....(IPHG 1912 VIII 62b; destroyed) incomplete posterior dorsal
vertebra (225 mm)
....(IPHG 1912 VIII 62c; destroyed) posterior dorsal centrum (225 mm)
....(IPHG 1912 VIII 62d; destroyed) proximal caudal centrum (155 mm)
....(IPHG 1912 VIII 62e; destroyed) ?first dorsal neural arch
....(IPHG 1912 VIII 62f; destroyed) mid caudal vertebra (170 mm)
(IPHG 1912 VIII 74; destroyed) proximal ischium
(IPHG 1912 VIII 83a; destroyed) (juvenile?) mid caudal vertebra (73 mm)
....(IPHG 1912 VIII 83b; destroyed) mid caudal vertebra (70 mm)
Albian-Early Cenomanian, Early Cretaceous-Late Cretaceous
Tegama Group, Niger
Referred- ?(MNHN coll.; from Iguallala) (multiple individuals)
proximal caudal centrum (65 mm), two mid caudal centra (60, 55 mm)
(Lapparent, 1960)
?(MNHN coll.; from In Abangarit) (multiple individuals) three mid
caudal centra (60, 55, 50 mm) (Lapparent, 1960)
Diagnosis- (proposed) distal gap between pubes longer than
transverse width of pubis. Combination of elongate dorsal centra
(posterior dorsal centra >150% longer than tall); pleurocoels in
first through third sacral vertebrae; ventral median groove in first
through third sacral centra; pubis lacks an obturator foramen;
interpubic foramen short, about equal to pubic width; pubic boot short
(~19% of pubic length); ischium has an obturator notch.
Comments- Stromer (1934) specifies not only IPHG 1922 X 47 as
the type in his text, but also IPHG 1922 X 48. These then become
syntypes for the species, though in the plate captions he only
indicates 47 is the type. The syntypes were discovered in 1922, though
the referred material is from 1911 and 1912. As with all of Stromer's
Baharija material, the fossils themselves were destroyed in 1944.
Rauhut (2003) claimed no diagnostic characters are apparent in
Stromer's figures, so declared Bahariasaurus a nomen dubium.
Yet it can be distinguished from all other taxa. The holotype possesses
sacral pleurocoels, which are known in very few theropods.
"Brontoraptor" (=Torvosaurus?) has them in sacral one, but
differs in having no ventral sacral groove, a more robust pubis with
obturator foramen, long interpubic foramen and little distal separation
of the pubes, and no obturator notch in the ischium. Mapusaurus
has pleurocoels in the first sacral as well, but the centra are tall,
the ischium has a posterodorsal groove and the obturator process is
low. The same can be said for Acrocanthosaurus, which also
differs in its robust pubis with long boot and elongate interpubic
foramen. Tyrannosaurids sometimes have anterior sacral pleurocoels, but
differ in having tall centra, no ventral sacral groove, an elongate
interpubic foramen, little distal separation of the pubes, a long pubic
boot, and proximodorsal ischial process. Aerosteon has
pneumatic sacral centra, but has tall centra, an elongate interpubic
foramen, little distal separation of the pubes, and a long pubic boot.
Other theropods with sacral pleurocoels are derived coelurosaurs with
distally placed obturator processes. Chure (2000) claimed Bahariasaurus
was a nomen nudum, but it was clearly established within the guidelines
of the ICZN, so is valid.
Description- This refers only to the apparent holotype IPHG 1922
X 47. The two posterior dorsal centra are ~157% and 189% longer than
tall and ~82% and ~95% as wide as tall, although both are crushed.
Articular ends are very weakly opisthocoelous, so that Stromer
described them as basically platycoelous. The dorsal rib fragment has a
lenticular distal section and cresentric proximal section due to a
developing medial ridge and is stated to be thinner than Spinosaurus'.
Only the first three sacrals are preserved, which are fused and
platycoelous with the fourth sacral unfused to them. Sacral centra are
very elongate, with centra 1 and 3 being 193% and 200% longer than tall
respectively, but about as wide as long with values of 108% and 89%.
Carrano and Sampson (2008) said Stromer reported that both Bahariasaurus
and Ceratosaurus "shared an unusual constriction of the
vertebral centra", but Stromer actually wrote it was the elongation
that was shared. Sacrals two and three have minimum central widths of
83% and 86% of sacral one. All preserved sacrals have a longitudinally
elongate pleurocoel and a ventral median groove. The pubes are
preserved lacking the proximal edges. The shaft is stated to have
little curvature in lateral view and has a symphysis extending ~65% of
its length. Distal to this there is an interpubic fenestra and the
distal ends are separated as well. The pubic boot is stated to be
small, and is posteriorly transversely narrow and more proximally
placed than the distal pubic end. While the proximal ends are
incomplete, enough of the posterior margin is preserved to show there
were no obturator or pubic fenestrae. A laterally projected pubic
tubercle is placed closer to the proximal end than to the symphysis,
and the shaft proximal to the symphysis is
anterolaterally-posteromedially compressed with the transverse axis 85%
the diameter of the sagittal axis. Distally, the pubes show no obvious
expansion or compression at the level of the boot. The ischium has no
proximodorsal process but does have a low mid dorsal process slightly
distal to the obturator process. While incomplete preserved, there is a
proximally placed obturator process. Stromer states there is a deep pit
in the ilial peduncle. The lateral surface dorsal to the obturator
process is strongly concave, forming a fossa whose edge which continues
distally as a strong ridge in the ventral half of the shaft.
Referred specimens- Stromer (1934) referred several specimens to
Bahariasaurus. The posterior cervical IPHG 1922 X 48a is
strongly opisthocoelous, lacks a ventral keel and has single
pleurocoels which are not axially elongate. The parapophysis is placed
directly ventral to the pleurocoel, and the anterior articular ball
lacks the peripheral band of megalosauroids. The posterior dorsals IPHG
1922 X 48b and c seem too large to belong to the same individual as
48a, and have single pleurocoels and no obvious parapophyses. 48c has a
neural spine without basal webbing or an I-beam section, and lacks
accessory centrodiapophyseal laminae. There does seem to be a weak
posterodorsal ridge lateral to the hyposphene. The pubis IPHG 1922 X 48
B is basically straight and similar to the holotype in lacking proximal
fenestrae, though the ischial peduncle is slightly curved distally. The
distal boot is broken posteriorly but has almost no anterior extension.
Stromer feels these vertebrae "obviously" belong to Bahariasaurus
and states the pubis is "very similar". Proximal ischium IPHG 1912 VIII
74 shows slight differences from the holotype which Stromer thought
might be explained by sexual dimorphism but which are comparable to
individual variation in other theropods. Stromer states posterior
dorsals IPHG 1912 VIII 62a-c only differ from the holotype in being
posteriorly broader and larger, which he attributes sensibly to
positional and ontogenetic variation. Along with these, caudals IPHG
1912 VIII 62d-f were all found in the same layer and are of the right
size to derive from one individual. Proximal caudal centrum IPHG 1912
VIII 62d is amphicoelous with a pair of pleurocoels and ventral groove.
Stromer distinguishes it from Carcharodontosaurus based on the
ventral groove, but this is known to vary within the tail of other
theropods. The supposed proximal caudal neural arch IPHG 1912 VIII 62e
is very unlike theropod caudals, but similar to the tenth cervical of
e.g. Neovenator and Allosaurus in the broad
diamond-shaped postzygapophyseal-spine region and broadly triangular
diapophyses. The neural spine is very low. Caudal vertebra IPHG 1912
VIII 62f has central proportions similar to the 7th of Majungasaurus
and 20th of Allosaurus, but has an extremely reduced neural
spine compared to those taxa and no accessory anterior spine. The
amphicoelous centrum lacks pleurocoels or a ventral groove. The partial
ilium IPHG 1912 VIII 62 is not illustrated and the description lacks
useful details. A proximal pubis is given the same number, though there
is no mention of association. It's very similar to IPHG 1922 X 48 B and
no doubt belonged to the same taxon. IPHG 1912 VIII 83a-b were referred
to Bahariasaurus based on the similarity to IPHG 1912 VIII 62f,
though considered to be juvenile. Small proximal ischium IPHG 1911 XII
23 was referred to juvenile Bahariasaurus as well, and is
difficult to compare though its ilial peduncle is longer than the
holotype or IPHG 1912 VIII 74. The pubis IPHG 1912 VIII 81 was referred
to Bahariasaurus by Stromer and stated to be "generally very
similar to it", but differs several ways. Bahariasaurus has a
less conspicuous and more proximally placed lateral flaring (15% down
the shaft, compared to 21%). The distal end is not flared laterally.
There is an extensive separation of the pubic shafts distally, and the
interpubic foramen is more distally placed (80% down the shaft, vs.
71%). Chure (2000) also questioned the referral of this pubis due to
its sinuous curve in lateral view. There are several specimens Stromer
questionably refers to the genus as well. IPHG 1912 VIII 60 (also
60a-h) is an associated skull fragment, eight caudal vertebrae, centrum
and scapulocoracoid, of which the caudals may belong but the
scapulocoracoid seems spinosaurid. IPHG 1912 VIII 69 is a large femur
and IPHG 1912 VIII 70 is a large fibula that is avetheropodan or
ceratosaurian. Neither can be compared to Bahariasaurus but are
similar to Deltadromeus, the femur sharing a couple apomorphies
with that genus.
Lapparent (1960) referred additional remains to this taxon. The centrum
from In Abangarit seems to have a pleurocoel, but could equally belong
to Carcharodontosaurus. Three caudal centra from Iguallala have
no particular characters assigning them to any theropod clade.
Rauhut (1995) mentioned cf. Bahariasaurus vertebrae which were
later described as Carcharodontosauridae indet. (Vb-607) by Rauhut
(1999). This was compared to IPHG 1912 VIII 62d, which is referred to Bahariasaurus
without good reason to not refer it to Carcharodontosaurus.
Relationships- Rauhut (1995) referred Bahariasaurus to
the Carnosauria (his Allosauroidea) based on a few characters. The
absence of a distal pubic symphysis in Bahariasaurus was
conflated with the interpubic fenestra in Allosaurus and Sinraptor,
whereas all tetanurines except some derived coelurosaurs have
interpubic fenestrae and Bahariasaurus has an apomorphically
long distal symphyseal gap. The absence of a pubic obturator foramen is
found in allosaurian carnosaurs, but also in Marshosaurus, Eustreptospondylus,
spinosaurids and most coelurosaurs among tetanurines. The form of the
anterior trochanter is based on referred avetheropod specimen IPHG 1912
VIII 69 which may be a carnosaur, but is not necessarily Bahariasaurus.
He placed the genus in Carcharodontosauridae based on the presence of
caudal pleurocoels, but these are also known in Torvosaurus and
megaraptorans among non-maniraptorans. Thus there is no evidence Bahariasaurus
is a carnosaur.
Paul (1988) placed Bahariasaurus in his Allosauridae
paraphyletic to Tyrannosauridae, as the genus closest to the latter
family. This was based on the "classic allosaur" femur IPHG 1912 VIII
69 which is questionably referred, the referred fibula IPHG 1912 VIII
70 "of the tyrannosaur mold", and the supposedly "very narrow" pubes
like tyrannosaurs. Yet the pubes of Monolophosaurus, Sinraptor
and various coelurosaurs are equally narrow. A similar position was
suggested by Kurzanov (1989), on the basis of a few characters.
Non-opisthocoelous ('amphicoelous') dorsals are only known posteriorly
in Bahariasaurus, as in most theropods. The supposedly
centrally positioned neural processes are not placed differently than Allosaurus.
The "drastic widening of the acromial region of the scapula" is based
on referred probable spinosaurid specimen IPHG 1912 VIII 60, and is not
evident from that specimen due to breakage. Molnar et al. (1990)
repeated these, stating amphicoelous anterior dorsals were a character,
but this region is unknown in Bahariasaurus. Similarly, the
second character was restated as centrally (instead of distally) placed
neural spines in distal caudals, when none are known from Bahariasaurus.
The anteriorly oriented fibular tubercle is plesiomorphic for
theropods. Chure (2000) repeated these characters, but also claimed Bahariasaurus
had a triangular obturator process when the shape is unpreserved. Chure
also proposed an extremely narrow scapular blade (based on referred
probable spinosaurid specimen IPHG 1912 VIII 60) and a longitudinal
ridge on the lateral ischium (in the type and IPHG 1912 VIII 74). This
ridge is seemingly the one over the obturator region and at least
somewhat more distally. Tyrannosaurus does have a version of
this over the distal obturator area, which is also found in Guanlong,
Juratyrant, Aviatyrannis and Yutyrannus. Yet
this is also found in Torvosaurus, Neovenator,
giganotosaurines, Huaxiagnathus and Ornitholestes so is
not a tyrannosauroid character. This leads to no characters suggesting
tyrannosauroid affinities.
Holtz et al. (2004) referred Bahariasaurus to Avetheropoda
based on the obturator process, but this is also found in Eustreptospondylus
and Afrovenator. The obturator notch in the pubis was said to
be like allosaurians and coelurosaurs, but as noted above this is also
present in Marshosaurus, Eustreptospondylus and
spinosaurids. The interpubic foramen was also said to be like these
clades, but this is present in all tetanurines except some derived
coelurosaurs. Within Tetanurae, no characters of Bahariasaurus
are unique to avetheropods.
Sereno et al. (1996) compared Bahariasaurus to their new taxon Deltadromeus,
which has led to discussion of synonymy. The referred Bahariasaurus
coracoid IPHG 1912 VIII 60, pubes IPHG 1912 VIII 81, femur IPHG 1912
VIII 69 and fibula IPHG 1912 VIII 70 were all referred to Deltadromeus
by Sereno et al., which has also led to the comparison. Sereno et al.
(1996) distinguished the genera using three characters, two of which
were due to his misidentification of Deltadromeus' distal
ischium as a pubis. The other is the narrower ilial peduncle of Bahariasaurus'
ischium. The holotype of Tyrannosaurus has a narrower ilial
peduncle on the ischium than referred specimens AMNH 5027 and RTMP
81.61, so this character falls within individual variation. While this
has been viewed as possible evidence of synonymy, there is very little
that can be compared between the genera. Besides undescribed pubic
fragments of Deltadromeus, only the proximal ischium and mid
caudals can be compared, which are schematically illustrated in Deltadromeus.
Carrano and Sampson (2008) claimed Stromer said Bahariasaurus
and neoceratosaurs "both shared an unusual constriction of the
vertebral centra", but as noted above it is elongation that Stromer
noted, which is also present in e.g. coelurosaurs. When entered into
Tortosa et al.'s ceratosaur matrix, Bahariasaurus emerges
sister to the only tetanurine Allosaurus, suggesting it is not
a ceratosaur.
When entered into a modified version of Caranno et al's tetanurine
matrix, Bahariasaurus emerges as an orionidan excluded from
Piatnitzkysauridae, Megalosaurinae, Spinosauridae and Acrocanthosaurus+Carcharodontosaurinae.
Further resolution depends on including more characters in analyses,
especially around basal Coelurosauria.
References- Stromer, 1934. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof.
E. Stromers in den Wüsten Ägyptens. II. Wirbeltierreste der
Baharije-Stufe (unterstes Cenoman). 13. Dinosauria. Abhandlungen der
Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Neue Folge. 22, 1-79.
Huene, 1948. Short review of the lower tetrapods. In Du Toit (ed.).
Robert Broom commemorative volume. Royal Society of South Africa
Special Publication. 65-106.
Lapparent, 1960. Les dinosauriens du "Continental intercalaire" du
Sahara central. Memoirs of the Geological Society of France. 88A, 1-57.
Paul, 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster, New
York. 464 pp.
Kurzanov, 1989. O proiskhozhdenii i evolyutsii infraotryada dinozavrov
Carnosauria. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal. 1989(4), 3-14.
Molnar, Kurzanov and Dong, 1990. Carnosauria. In Weishampel, Osmólska
and Dodson (eds.). The Dinosauria. University of California Press,
Berkeley. 169-209.
Rauhut, 1995. Zur systematischen Stellung der afrikanischen Theropoden Carcharodontosaurus
Stromer 1931 und Bahariasaurus Stromer 1934. Berliner
Geowissenschaften Abhandlungen. 16, 357-375.
Sereno, Dutheil, Iarochene, Larsson, Lyon, Magwene, Sidor, Varricchio
and Wilson, 1996. Predatory dinosaurs from the Sahara and Late
Cretaceous faunal differentiation. Science. 272(5264), 986-991.
Rauhut, 1999. A dinosaur fauna from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of
Northern Sudan. Palaeontologia Africana. 35, 61-84.
Chure, 2000. A new species of Allosaurus from the Morrison
Formation of Dinosaur National Monument (Utah-Colorado) and a revision
of the theropod family Allosauridae. PhD thesis. Columbia University.
964 pp.
Holtz, Molnar and Currie, 2004. Basal Tetanurae. In Weishampel, Dodson
and Osmólska (eds.). The Dinosauria (second edition). University of
California Press, Berkeley. 71-110.
Carrano and Sampson, 2008. The phylogeny of Ceratosauria (Dinosauria:
Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 6, 183-236.
Benson and Radley, 2010
= "Cruxicheiros" Benson and Radley, 2009 online
C. newmanorum Benson and Radley, 2010
= "Cruxicheiros newmanorum" Benson and Radley, 2009 online
Early Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Chipping Norton Limestone Formation, England
Holotype- (WARMS G15770) partial femur
Paratype- ....(WARMS G15771) partial posterior cervical or
anterior dorsal vertebra, incomplete dorsal neural arch, partial dorsal
vertebra, several rib fragments, partial distal caudal vertebra,
fragmentary scapulocoracoid, metacarpal (lost), partial ilium, proximal
pubis, fibula (lost), fragments
Diagnosis- (after Benson and Radley, 2010) proximomedially
inclined ridge within trochanteric fossa of femur.
Comments- The description of Cruxicheiros was realeased
online in November 2009, though it was not officially published on
paper until March 2010.
Benson and Radley (2010) found Cruxicheiros to be a tetanurine
outside Megalosauria+Piatnitzkysauridae+Monolophosaurus+Chuandongocoelurus
and Avetheropoda, though only one more step was needed to place it in
Megalosauridae (as a eustreptospondyline). Additionally, only 3 more
steps were needed to place it sister to Megalosaurus, showing
numerous affinities are possible. Adding it to Carrano et al.'s (2012)
matrix recovered Cruxicheiros as an orionidan outside
Spinosauridae and Avetheropoda.
Reference- Benson and Radley, 2010. A new large-bodied theropod
dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Warwickshire, United Kingdom. Acta
Palaeontologica Polonica. 55(1), 35-42.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Yadagiri, 1982
D. indicus Yadagiri, 1982
Hettangian-Pliensbachian, Early Jurassic
Kota Formation, India
Holotype- (GSI 1/54Y/76) proximal pubis
Paratypes- ?(GSI coll.) lateral tooth, dorsal vertebra (160 mm),
proximal caudal vertebra (150 mm), proximal ischium
Diagnosis- open obturator notch in pubis; anteroproximal flaring
and smoothly convex proximal surface of pubis; more proximally placed
obturator notch than Patagonykus.
Description- The illustrated tooth is typical of most theropods
in being laterally compressed, recurved and having fine serrations. The
tooth seems more compressed (30% of FABL) than most theropods (eg. Liliensternus
airelensis, Gojirasaurus, Dilophosaurus, Magnosaurus,
Torvosaurus, Szechuanosaurus), though Liliensternus liliensterni
is similar in this regard. Though interdental variation could be a
factor here, as posterior teeth are known to be more laterally
compressed in theropods, Dilophosaurus and Magnosaurus
never reach a Dandakosaurus level of compression anywhere in
the tooth row.
The dorsal vertebra is opisthocoelous and lacks a pleurocoel.
Opisthocoelous dorsals are only known in non-tyrannoraptoran
tetanurines (the exception is Parvicursorinae), suggesting Dandakosaurus
is a member of this clade. The absence of a pleurocoel is of little use
without positional data.
The caudal vertebra is amphicoelous, with "two lateral cavities on
either side" and a keeled ventral surface. The first character is
common in theropods. The second is only known in Spinostropheus, Carcharodontosaurus,
megaraptorans, Patagonykus, caenagnathoids and Achillobator.
Keeled proximal caudal centra are known in at least torvosaurs and
The holotype proximal pubis has several odd characters. There is no
obturator fenestra, just an open obturator notch, as in Elaphrosaurus,
Eustreptospondylus, Suchomimus, Allosaurus,
carcharodontosaurids and most coelurosaurs. The proximal border forms a
smooth convex arch from the ilial contact to the ischia contact, with
no distinct peduncles. This is approached in some coelophysoids (eg. Coelophysis
longicollis referred specimen) and Archaeornithomimus, but
is most similar to Patagonykus, Unenlagia and Achillobator.
Proximally, the pubis flares sharply anteriorly to form an acute
anteroproximal corner. This is similar to the situation in Coelurus,
tyrannosaurids, Caudipteryx, Nanshiungosaurus and
alvarezsaurids. It seems to only be developed in forms with somewhat
mesopubic pelvic orientations. Additional evidence for mesopuby in Dandakosaurus
may come from the possible pubic peduncle of the ischium, which fits
the ischial surface of the pubis to form an angle of about 35 degrees
between the bones.
Only the proximal portion of the ischium is preserved. There is a
concave anterior margin which matches up with the ischial peduncular
area of the pubis. No other area is appropriate for the pubic contact,
though Yadagiri seems to have identified this as the area between the
pubic peduncle and obturator process. If the concave area were the
acetabulum, the pubis and ischium would be subparallel. Articulating
the pubis more dorsoposteriorly on the ischium leaves nowhere for an
acetabular surface or ischial peduncle. The acetabular surface is small
and sharply concave, so may be broken and continuous with the ischial
peduncle in life. The posterior surface is gently concave, while the
anterior surface is broken.
This was excavated in 1958-1961 and first mentioned by Jain et al.
(1962) as "a carnosaur ... less well represented than the sauropod in
this first collection. Judging by its pelvis, it should prove to be of
about the same size as the well-known Antrodemus
valens ... that is, more than 30 ft. long." The
phylogenetic relationships of this taxon are uncertain, especially
considering how advanced it seems for its age. When entered into
Carrano et al.'s (2012) matrix, it emerges as an orionidan excluded
from Piatnitzkysauridae, Megalosaurinae, Spinosauridae, Yangchuanosaurus,
derived metriacanthosaurines and Allosauria. The possibility elements
have been misidentified or derive from more than one taxon (such as a
sauropodomorph) should not be excluded. It is one of the earliest
tetanurines. Previous suggestions regarding abelisauroid affinity
(Aravind, DML 1997) were based on maxillary characters unknown in the
specimen. Where Aravind got his data is unknown, but it can be
considered irrelevant now that the known material has been determined.
Jain, Robinson and Roy Chowdhury, 1962. A new vertebrate fauna from the
Early Jurassic of the Deccan, India. Nature. 194(4830), 755-757.
Yadagiri, 1982. Osteological studies of a carnosaurian dinosaur from
the Lower Jurassic Kota Formation: Andhra Pradesh. Geological Survey of
India (Progress Report for Field Season Programme 1981-1982), Regional
Palaeontological Laboratories, Southern Region. 7 pp.
Aravind, DML 1997. https://web.archive.org/web/20191030094430/http://dml.cmnh.org/1997May/msg00840.html
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
"Megalosaurus" hungaricus
Nopcsa, 1902
Coniacian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
unnamed formation, Romania
Holotype- (MAFI ob. 3106, lost) tooth (~22 mm)
Comments- This species was discovered in an unnamed formation,
not the later Sinpetru Formation as is often stated (Csiki and
Grigorescu, 1998). Carrano et al. (2012) note the widely spaced distal
serrations may be diagnostic, and the high DSDI (1.25) resembles basal
tyrannosauroids and dromaeosaurids. This is also found in Marshosaurus,
Acrocanthosaurus and Falcarius however, so the taxon is
provisionally assigned to Orionides incertae sedis.
References- Nopcsa, 1902. Notizen uber Cretacische Dinosaurier.
Pt. 2. Megalosaurus hungaricus nov. sp. ein Theropode der
Siebenburgischen Kreide. Sitzungsberichte der Koniglichen Akademie
Wissenschaften. 3, 104-107.
Csiki and Grigorescu, 1998. Small theropods from the Late Cretaceous of
the Hateg Basin (Western Romania) - an unexpected diversity at the top
of the food chain. Oryctos. 1, 87-104.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
"reynoldsi" Welles, Powell and Pickering vide Pickering,
Early Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Chipping Norton Limestone Formation (= Charlbury Formation), England
Material- ?(SDM 44.16) proximal scapula (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.19; intended holotype) ilium (Reynolds, 1939)
? tooth (39 mm, FABL 23.5 mm) (Reynolds, 1939)
Diagnosis- (suggested) several pronounced vertical ridges above
the supracetabular shelf extending halfway to the blade's dorsal edge.
Other diagnoses- Pickering (DML, 2002) listed several features
as differing from Metriacanthosaurus parkeri. Of these, the
straighter dorsal ilial margin and broadly exposed medial wall of the
brevis shelf are seen in Eustreptospondylus, while the long
ischial peduncle is also present in Yangchuanosaurus zigongensis.
The lower ilial blade are seen in both. Contra Pickering, the pubic
peduncle is not noticably longer nor the subpreacetabular notch more
open than in Metriacanthosaurus.
Comments- Lydekker (1888) referred a metatarsal III (NHMUK R413)
from the Chipping Norton Formation to Megalosaurus bucklandi.
Gardiner (1937, 1938) and Reynolds (1938) reported large theropod
remains from two quarries in the Chipping Norton Limestone Formation,
which Reynolds (1939) described and referred to Megalosaurus.
Pickering (1995) credited the name Metriacanthosaurus reynoldsi
to Welles, Powell and Pickering in his 1995 unpublished bibliographic
manuscript. It was later used in the comparative section of another
unpublished manuscript (Welles and Pickering, 1999). This paper was
largely extracted from the European megalosaur manuscript Welles and
Powell worked on in the 1970s but never published, specifically the Megalosaurus
redescription section. Pickering intends to publish an updated version
of the megalosaur manuscript as Mutanda Dinosaurologica, and has posted
small excerpts including the diagnosis of Metriacanthosaurus
"reynoldsi" online (DML, 2002). In any case, the name is a nomen nudum
as Pickering didn't follow ICZN Article 8.1.3- it must have been
produced in an edition containing simultaneously obtainable copies by a
method that assures numerous identical and durable copies. The 1999
paper shows his new taxon to be based on all the Chipping Norton
theropod material from both quarries, as well as NHMUK R413, scapula
OUM J.29800 and a few other elements. Day and Barrett (2004) believed
both their Megalosaurus femoral morphotypes A and B were
present in the sample- SDM 44.23 as morphotype B and SDM 44.24 as
morphotype A. Benson (2009, 2010) referred the New Park Quarry material
to Megalosaurus bucklandii based on the close resemblence of
maxilla SDM 44.1 to Taynton Limestone specimens and an M. bucklandii
autapomorphy in sacrum SDM 44.4, while other elements were
provisionally referred as there is no evidence of more than one taxon
in the quarry. These additional elements are- maxilla NHMUK R8303,
anterior dentary NHMUK R8304, partial dentary NHMUK R8305, proximal
ischium NHMUK R9668, proximal caudal vertebrae NHMUK R9672-9673,
partial anterior cervical vertebra NHMUK R9674, mid caudal vertebrae
NHMUK R9675-9676, proximal caudal vertebra NHMUK R9677, mid caudal
vertebra SDM 44.5, coracoids SDM 44.14-15, humerus SDM 44.18, femur SDM
44.24 and distal metatarsal IV 44.25. NHMUK R413 and OUM J.29800 were
also referred to M. bucklandii based on autapomorphies.
Additional New Park Quarry material referred by Welles and Pickering to
"reynoldsi" but not mentioned by Benson is here provisionally referred
to Megalosaurus- sacra NHMUK R9679 and R9680 and dorsal SDM
44.10. Finally, Benson (2010) referred two specimens from Oakham Quarry
to M. bucklandii based on autapomorphies (ischium SDM 44.20 and
metatarsal III NHMUK R9665), but refrained from referring additional
elements from this quarry as he notes some "can be referred to a
second, unnamed taxon (R. B. J. Benson, unpubl. data)." This near
certainly refers to "reynoldsi", whose intended holotype is an ilium
from Oakham Quarry (SDM 44.19). Further study by Benson and/or
Pickering may clarify the identity of the other Oakham Quarry elements.
Welles and Pickering also referred several elements from other quarries
to "reynoldsi"- dorsal GSM 37523, scapula SDM 34.17 and humerus 44.22
from the Chipping Norton Formation, and proximal caudals OUM J13720 and
J.29799 from the Sharp's Hill Formation. These are provisionally placed
as Tetanurae incertae sedis here until their descriptions are published.
The identity of SDM 44.19 is difficult to determine from the published
illustration, since many useful ilial characters would only be visible
in medial or ventral views. However, it is a tetanurine based on the
lack of a strong crest between the supracetabular crest and brevis
fossa, and is not a coelurosaur based on the large ischial peduncle and
widely exposed brevis fossa in lateral view. It differs from Megalosaurus
and Metriacanthosaurus in many of the same ways- broad medial
wall to the acetabulum, especially posteriorly; longer ischial
peduncle; broad esposure of medial wall of the brevis fossa; low ilial
blade. It is more similar to Metriacanthosaurus in the wide
subpreacetabular notch, and anteroposteriorly wide ischial peduncle,
but shares a series of short vertical ridges above the acetabulum with Megalosaurus
(albeit more pronounced). Pickering's (DML, 2002) only ilial character
for Metriacanthosaurus is "ilium + ischium fused", which isn't
true of M. parkeri or "reynoldsi." Thus is seems whatever
"reynoldsi" is, there's no reason to refer it to Metriacanthosaurus.
A greater resemblence is seen to Eustreptospondylus, which
shares the broad esposure of medial wall of the brevis fossa and low
ilial blade. Another similar ilium is that of Yangchuanosaurus
zigongensis, which shares the broad medial wall to the acetabulum,
longer ischial peduncle, and low ilial blade. Which of these two taxa
it is more closely related to will require study of the specimen itself
and additional specimens from Oakham Quarry. Adding it to Carrano et
al.'s (2012) matrix results in it being a non-carcharodontosaurid,
non-coelurosaur orionidan.
The illustrated Oakham tooth (NHMUK or SDM colls) is short (height/FABL
1.66) and moderately recuved with perpendicular serrations on at least
the apical half of the distal carina. Only light longitudinal
striations are indicated on the enamel. At least one of the scapulae
mentioned by Reynolds (SDM 44.16 or 44.17) is unfused to the coracoid,
though it is unknown if this one was from Oakham Quarry.
References- Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and
Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W.,
Part 1. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria,
Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural
History, London. 309 pp.
Gardiner, 1937. Reptile-bearing oolite, Stow. Reports of the British
Association for the Advancement of Science (Blackpool). 1936, 296.
Gardiner, 1938. Reptile-bearing oolite, Stow. Reports of the British
Association for the Advancement of Science (Nottingham). 1937, 290.
Reynolds, 1938. A collection of reptilian bones from the Oölite near
Stow-in-the-Wold, Glos. Reports of the British Association for the
Advancement of Science. 1937, 356-357.
Reynolds, 1939. A collection of reptile bones from the Oolite near
Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire. Geological Magazine. 76, 193-214.
Pickering, 1995. Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in
Philopatry. A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised
printing. Capitola, California. 478 pp.
Welles and Pickering, 1999. Megalosaurus bucklandii. Private
publication of Stephen Pickering, An extract from Archosauromorpha:
Cladistics & Osteologies. A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology
Project. 119 pp.
Day and Barrett, 2004. Material Referred to Megalosaurus
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Middle Jurassic of Stonesfield,
Oxfordshire, England: One taxon or two? Proceedings of the Geologists'
Association. 115, 359-366.
Benson, 2009. An assessment of variability in theropod dinosaur remains
from the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) of Stonesfield and New Park
Quarry, UK and taxonomic implications for Megalosaurus bucklandii
and Iliosuchus incognitus. Palaeontology. 52(4), 857-877.
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Pickering, in prep. Mutanda Dinosaurologica.
Dai and Xu, 2019
"Y. puanensis" Dai and Xu, 2019
Aalenian, Middle Jurassic
Laojun Village, Xintiagou Formation,
Chongqing, China
Material- (CLGPR V00002)
(subadult) (~4.7 m) axis (58 mm), third/fourth cervical vertebra (69
mm), partial fifth cervical vertebra (68 mm), partial sixth cervical
vertebra (54 mm), seventh cervical vertebra (70 mm), ninth cervical
vertebra (58 mm), tenth cervical vertebra (61 mm), two proximal
cervical ribs, incomplete first dorsal neural arch (61 mm), second
dorsal centrum (52 mm), third dorsal vertebra (60 mm), incomplete mid
dorsal vertebra (63 mm), several partial dorsal ribs, three chevrons
Diagnosis- (after Dai et al.,
2020) mediolateral width of axial centrum tapers ventrally, resulting
in subtriangular outline in posterior view; axis with an accessory
medial spinopostzygapophyseal lamina; ball-like structure at base of
anterior margin of axial neural spine; ventral median ridge present in
anterior cervicals (also in Marshosaurus);
posterior pneumatic foramen or fossa present in some cervical centra
(also in Piatnitzkysaurus and
prominent epipophyses present in posterior cervicals; cervical
epipophyses not angled laterally; posterior cervical and anterior
dorsal vertebrae with transversely bifurcated neural spines (also in
anterior dorsals of Condorraptor,
Marshosaurus and Piatnitzkysaurus); fossae
immediately ventral to anterior dorsal parapophyses.
Comments- This was discovered
in 2016 and first announced as a new theropod from Yunyang County
(Global Times, 2019; the new ornithopod being Sanxiasaurus CLGPR V00003 and the
plesiosaur Pliosauroidea indet. CLGPR V00004) and named by Dai and Xu
(2019) in an SVP
abstract, as a new taxon of megalosaurid. Unfortunately, ICZN
Article 9.10 states "materials issued primarily to participants at
meetings (e.g. symposia, colloquia, congresses, or workshops),
including abstracts and texts of presentations or posters" do not count
as published works, making "Yunyangosaurus puanensis" Dai and Xu, 2019
a nomen nudum. It was later described in detail by Dai et al.
(2020) and named again as if new without mention of the SVP abstract,
but this paper has no mention of ZooBank and as of December 1 2024
"Yunyangosaurus" lacks an entry on the ZooBank website. Thus
according to ICZN Article 8.5.3 (an electronic work must "be
registered in the Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature
(ZooBank) (see Article 78.2.4) and contain evidence in the work itself
that such registration has occurred"), "Yunyangosaurus puanensis" Dai
et al., 2020 is also a nomen nudum that will only be technically valid
pending action on behalf of the authors or ICZN as its journal is not
published physically.
Dai et al. added "Yunyangosaurus" to Carrano et al.'s tetanurine
analysis and recovered it as a tetanurine closer to birds than Chuandongocoelurus
but excluded from piatnitzkysaurids, spinosaurids, allosauroids and
neocoelurosaurs. Most recently, Rauhut et al. (2024) used the
Mesozoic Tetrapod Group Theropod Matrix to recover it as either a basal
megalosauroid or sister to Allosauria.
References- Dai and Xu, 2019. A
new megalosaurid theropod from the Middle Jurassic Xintiangou Formation
of Chongqing, People's Republic of China and its implication for early
tetanuran evolution. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and
Abstracts 2019, 86.
Global Times, 2019. New dinosaur species found in Chongqing, southwest
China. Global Times. June 17. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/201906/1154634.shtml
Dai, Benson, Hu, Ma, Tan, Li, Xiao, Hu, Zhou, Wei, Zhang, Jiang, Li,
Peng, Yu and Xu, 2020. A new possible megalosauroid theropod from the
Middle Jurassic Xintiangou Formation of Chongqing, People’s Republic of
China and its implication for early tetanuran evolution. Scientific
Reports. 10:139.
Rauhut, Bakirov, Wings, Fernandes and Hübner, 2024. A new theropod
dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation of Kyrgyzstan.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 201(4), zlae090.
unnamed orionidan (Galton and Molnar, 2005)
Middle Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Stonesfield Slate, England
Material- (OUM J28971) incomplete ilium
Comments- Galton and Molnar (2005) described OUM J28971 as a
specimen of Iliosuchus. Benson (2009) believed OUM J28971 was
from a different taxon because its lateral ilial ridge is more
vertical, there are accessory ridges anterior and posterior to it, and
the brevis fossa is visible laterally at the base of the postacetabular
process. The latter difference is more accurately expressed by saying
the brevis fossa of the holotype does not extend as close to the
ischial peduncle, though even in OUM J28971 it is very shallow and
laterally angled there. Additional differences are- the pubic peduncle
of OUM J28971 is much wider compared to the length of its articular
surface when compared to OUM J29780, and has a posteriorly concave edge
on its articular surface; the pubic peduncle is less anteriorly
oriented than the holotype. Carrano et al. (2012) agreed with Benson
and also proposed larger size as a distinguishing character, but this
could be ontogenetic as the age of all specimens is unknown.
Benson merely said this is Theropoda indet., but Carrano et al.
specified it further as Tetanurae indet.. Indeed when added to Carrano
et al.'s matrix it emerges as a non-piatnitzkysaurid, non-allosaurian
orionidan. As most of the characters which differ from Iliosuchus
are shared with Megalosaurus and both are found in the same
formation, OUM J28971 may be a juvenile of that taxon.
References- Galton and Molnar, 2005. Tibiae of small theropod
dinosaurs from Southern England. In Carpenter (Ed.). The Carnivorous
Dinosaurs. 3-22.
Benson, 2009. An assessment of variability in theropod dinosaur remains
from the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) of Stonesfield and New Park
Quarry, UK and taxonomic implications for Megalosaurus bucklandii
and Iliosuchus incognitus. Palaeontology. 52(4), 857-877.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
unnamed orionidan (Royo-Torres, Cobos and Alcalá, 2009)
Tithonian-Berriasian, Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous
Villar del Arzobispo Formation, Spain
Material- (CPT-1980) lateral tooth (98.2x43.1x19.9 mm)
Comments- Though originally referred to Allosauroidea by
Royo-Torres et al. (2009), Gasco et al. (2012) reevaluated it as a
megalosaurid or carcharodontosaurid.
References- Alcala, Royo-Torres, Cobos and Luque, 2009. Updating
dinosaur record from Teruel (Aragon, Spain). Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 29(3), 53A.
Royo-Torres, Cobos and Alcalá, 2009. Diente de un gran dinosaurio
terópodo (Allosauroidea) de la Formación Villar del Arzobispo
(Titónico-Berriasiense) de Riodeva (España). Estudios Geológicos.
65(1), 91-99.
Gascó, Cobos, Royo-Torres, Mampel and Alcalá, 2012. Theropod teeth
diversity from the Villar del Arzobispo Formation
(Tithonian-Berriasian) at Riodeva (Teruel, Spain). Palaeobiodiversity
and Palaeoenvironments. 92(2), 273-285.
unnamed probable orionidan (Brusatte and Clark, 2015)
Late Bajocian-Early Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Vlatos Sandstone Formation, Scotland
Material- (GLAHM 152390a) lateral tooth (21.3x13.2x7.7 mm)
Comments- Brusatte and Clark (2015) found that this tooth is
most similar to megalosaurids, tyrannosauroids and dromaeosaurids.
Reference- Brusatte and Clark, 2015. Theropod dinosaurs from the
Middle Jurassic (Bajocian-Bathonian) of Skye, Scotland. Scottish
Journal of Geology. 51(2), 157-164.
Megalosauroidea Huxley, 1869
vide Nopcsa, 1928
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Allosaurus
fragilis, Passer domesticus) (Benson, 2010)
Other definitions- (Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Allosaurus
fragilis, Tyrannosaurus rex) (Rauhut and Pol, 2019;
modified from Carrano et al., 2012)
(Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Passer domesticus)
(Hendrickx, Hartman and Mateus, 2015)
= Megalosauri Fitzinger, 1843
= Megalosauroides Gervais, 1852
= Spinosauroidea Stromer, 1915 sensu Olshevsky, 1991
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus <- Passer domesticus)
(Holtz et al., 2004)
Other definitions- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, Torvosaurus tanneri <-
Allosaurus fragilis, Passer domesticus) (Allain et al., 2012)
= Spinosauria Olshevsky, 1991
= Torvosauroidea Jensen, 1985 vide Sereno et al., 1994
= Spinosauroidea sensu Allain et al., 2012
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, Torvosaurus tanneri <-
Allosaurus fragilis, Passer domesticus)
= Megalosauroidea sensu Carrano et al., 2012
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Allosaurus
fragilis, Tyrannosaurus rex)
= Megalosauroidea sensu Hendrickx, Hartman and Mateus, 2015
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Passer domesticus)
Comments- Spinosauroidea is the name most commonly given to the
megalosaur-spinosaur clade from 1994 to 2010, based on analyses which
usually excluded Megalosaurus during the period of time most
workers restricted the name to the lectotype dentary and thus excluded
it from most analyses. However, according to the ICZN, a superfamily
containing Megalosaurus must be called Megalosauroidea. The
issue is complicated by the fact Spinosauroidea was originally given a
node-based definition, while Megalosauroidea has been given a more
inclusive stem-based definition.
Sereno (in press) suggested using Spinosauria for a stem-based clade
including Spinosauroidea but excluding avetheropods, in case taxa like
eustreptospondylines or Poekilopleuron fall outside the Torvosaurus+Spinosaurus
clade. This is similar to his prior use of Torvosauroidea (to contain Afrovenator
plus what is now defined as Spinosauroidea) and to Holtz et al.'s and
Allain et al.'s stem-based version of Spinosauroidea. However,
Megalosauroidea has priority over all of those names and was defined
this way by Benson (2010), with the Torvosaurus+Spinosaurus
clade now named Megalosauria.
References- Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2009. The phylogeny of
megalosauroids (Dinosauria: Theropoda) with implications for the
evolution of North African paleoecosystems. First International
Congress on North African Vertebrate Palaeontology. 21-22.
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Allain, Xaisanavong, Richir and Khentavong, 2012. The first definitive
Asian spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of
Laos. Naturwissenschaften. 99(5), 369-377.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Hendrickx, Hartman and Mateus, 2015. An overview of non-avian theropod
discoveries and classification. PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate
Palaeontology. 12(1), 1-73.
Rauhut and Pol, 2019. Probable basal allosauroid from the early Middle
Jurassic Cañadón Asfalto Formation of Argentina highlights phylogenetic
uncertainty in tetanuran theropod dinosaurs. Scientific Reports.
unnamed megalosauroid (Evers and Wings, 2020)
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Bed 83, Langenberg Quarry, Mittlerer Kimmeridge, Lower Saxony, Germany
Material- (DfMMh/FV/287) incomplete left fibula
Reference- Evers and Wings, 2020. Late Jurassic theropod dinosaur bones from the Langenberg Quarry (Lower Saxony, Germany) provide evidence for several theropod lineages in the central European archipelago. PeerJ. 8:e8437.
unnamed megalosauroid (Molnar, Angriman and Gasparini, 1996)
Coniacian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous
Hidden Lake Formation, James Ross Island, Antarctica
Material- (MLP 89-XII-1-1) (~3 m) distal tibia
Comments- Molnar et al. (1996) believed this was from a
megalosauroid or basal carnosaur (due to placing Piatnitzkysaurus
in the clade). Carrano et al. (2012) agreed with the similarities, and
suggested it was megalosauroid as they placed Piatnitzkysaurus
in that clade.
References- Molnar, Angriman and Gasparini, 1996. An Antarctic
Cretaceous theropod. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 39, 669-674.
Piatnitzkysauridae Carrano,
Benson and Sampson, 2012
Definition- (Piatnitzkysaurus floresi <- Megalosaurus
bucklandii, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus) (modified after
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012)
Other definition- (Piatnitzkysaurus
floresi <- Megalosaurus bucklandii, Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus, Allosaurus fragilis)
(Rauhut and Pol, 2019)
= Piatnitzkysauridae sensu Rauhut and Pol, 2019
Definition- (Piatnitzkysaurus floresi <- Megalosaurus
bucklandii, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, Allosaurus fragilis)
Diagnosis- (after Carrano et al., 2012) short or absent anterior
maxillary ramus; two parallel rows of nutrient foramina on lateral
surface of maxilla; vertically striated or ridged paradental plates
(also in Megalosaurus); no axial pleurocoels; moderate
development of axial diapophyses; reduced axial parapophyses (also in
Eustreptospondylus and Afrovenator); anteriorly inclined
posterior dorsal neural spines; canted distal humeral condyles (also in
Comments- Smith et al. (2007) recovered Piatnitzkysaurus
and Condorraptor in a clade, while Benson (2008, 2010) found Marshosaurus
to be related as well. Carrano et al. (2012) named the latter group
Currie and Zhao (1994) advanced the idea Piatnitzkysaurus
was an abelisaurid, reminiscent of Bonaparte and Novas' (1985) remark
their new family Abelisauridae has "diverse characters that unite it
with Jurassic forms such as Piatnitzkysaurus
and Ceratosaurus"
(translated). Holtz (1995), Rauhut (2003) and Smith et al. (2007; with Condorraptor)
found Piatnitzkysaurus to be a non-orionidan tetanurine. Benson
(2008, 2010) and Carrano et al. (2012) found piatnitzkysaurids to be
non-megalosaurian megalosauroids in their large analyses, which is
provisionally accepted here. Both Bonaparte (1979) and Gao (1999) place
Piatnitzkysaurus in Megalosauridae itself, and Holtz et al.
(2004) found it to be a eustreptospondyline/afrovenatorine in his
analysis. Paul (1988), Novas (1992), Perez-Moreno et al. (1993) and
Holtz (2000) all find Piatnitzkysaurus to be a tetanurine
closer to avetheropods than megalosauroids. Molnar et al. (1981) placed
Piatnitzkysaurus in his Allosauridae, which is equivalent to
modern Allosauroidea. Holtz (1992) found Piatnitzkysaurus to be
a non-allosaurian carnosaur. While listed under Allosauridae in
Kurzanov (1989) and Molnar et al. (1990), the text indicates they
viewed Piatnitzkysaurus as a carnosaur outside Allosaurus+Tyrannosaurus.
Bonaparte (1986) in his monograph of the genus placed it in an
Allosauridae oddly expanded to include Dilophosaurus, but not Ceratosaurus
or Torvosaurus.
Using Carrano et al.'s analysis to test the liklihood of alternate
topologies, moving piatnitzkysaurids into Carnosauria is only 2 steps
longer (megalosauroids follow), and in this case they are sister to
allosauroids. It also takes 2 steps to move them sister to
Avetheropoda. Enforcing a non-orionidan position leads to trees 3 steps
longer, meaning any of these topologies is easily possible.
Megalosaurid piatnitzkysaurids are 4 steps longer, and further
enforcing them as afrovenatorines is 6 steps longer, so increasingly
less likely but still possible. Placing them as closer to Allosauria
than metriacanthosaurids as in Kurzanov and Molnar et al. is 18 steps
longer though, and thus implausible. Making Piatnitzkysaurus an
abelisaurid (only Condorraptor follows unlike previous tests
where Marshosaurus does as well) is 56 steps more, so near
certainly wrong.
References- Bonaparte, 1979. Dinosaurs: A Jurassic assembalge
from Patagonia. Science. 205, 1377-1379.
Molnar, Flannery and Rich, 1981. An allosaurid theropod dinosaur from
the Early Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia. Alcheringa. 5, 141-146.
Bonaparte and Novas, 1985. Abelisaurus comahuensis, n. g., n.
sp., Carnosauria del Cretacico Tardio de Patagonia. Ameghiniana.
21(2-4), 259-265.
Bonaparte, 1986. Les dinosaures (Carnosaures, Allosauridés, Sauropodes,
Cétosauridés) du Jurassique Moyen de Cerro Cóndor (Chubut, Argentina).
Annales de Paléontologie (Vert.-Invert.). 72(3), 247-289.
Paul, 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster, New
York. 464 pp.
Kurzanov, 1989. O proiskhozhdenii i evolyutsii infraotryada dinozavrov
Carnosauria. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal. 1989(4), 3-14.
Molnar, Kurzanov and Dong, 1990. Carnosauria. In Weishampel, Osmólska
and Dodson (eds.). The Dinosauria. University of California Press,
Berkeley. 169-209.
Holtz, 1992. An unusual structure of the metatarsus of Theropoda
(Archosauria: Dinosauria: Saurischia) of the Cretaceous. PhD thesis.
Yale University. 347 pp.
Novas, 1992. La evolucion de los dinosaurios carnivoros. In Sanz and
Buscalioni (eds.). Los
Dinosaurios y Su Entorno Biotico: Actas del Segundo Curso de
Paleontologia in Cuenca. Instituto "Juan Valdez", Cuenca, Argentina.
Perez-Moreno, Sanz, Sudre and Sige, 1993. A theropod dinosaur from the
Lower Cretaceous of Southern France. Revue de Paleobiologie. 7,
Currie and Zhao, 1994. A new carnosaur (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the
Jurassic of Xinjiang, People's Republic of China. Canadian Journal of
Earth Sciences. 30(10), 2037-2081.
Holtz, 1995. A new phylogeny of the Theropoda. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 15(3), 35A
Gao, 1999. [A complete carnosaur skeleton from Zigong, Sichuan: Yangchuanosaurus
hepingensis]. Sichuan Science and Technology Press, Chengdu. 100 pp.
Holtz, 2000. A new phylogeny of the carnivorous dinosaurs. GAIA. 15,
Rauhut, 2003. The interrelationships and evolution of basal theropod
dinosaurs. Special Papers in Palaeontology. 69, 1-213.
Smith, Makovicky, Hammer and Currie, 2007. Osteology of Cryolophosaurus
ellioti (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Jurassic of
Antarctica and implications for early theropod evolution. Zoological
Journal of the Linnean Society. 151, 377-421.
Benson, 2008. A new theropod phylogeny focusing on basal tetanurans and
its implications for European 'megalosaurs' and Middle Jurassic
dinosaur endemism. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 51A.
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Rauhut and Pol, 2019. Probable basal allosauroid from the early Middle
Jurassic Cañadón Asfalto Formation of Argentina highlights phylogenetic
uncertainty in tetanuran theropod dinosaurs. Scientific Reports.
Gasosaurus Dong
and Tang, 1985
G. constructus Dong and Tang, 1985
Bajocian, Middle Jurassic
Dashanpu, Xiashaximiao Formation, Sichuan, China
Holotype- (IVPP V7264) four cervical centra, seven dorsal
vertebrae, first sacral vertebra, second sacral vertebra, third sacral
vertebra, fourth sacral vertebra, fifth sacral vertebra, seven caudal
vertebrae, humerus, ilium, pubis (345 mm), ischium (305 mm), femur (425
mm), tibia (370 mm), fibula, astragalus, metatarsal II, metatarsal III,
pedal ungual IV
Paratype- ?(IVPP V7265) three teeth
Referred- material (Holtz, 2000)
Comments- Traditionally associated with megalosauroids, Holtz
(2000) found it to be a basal coelurosaur in his analyses. This was
based on the upturned femoral head, anterior trochanter cleft from the
head, and proximal fibula being >75% the proximal tibial width.
However, he also indicated new undescribed specimens suggest Gasosaurus
is a carnosaur, perhaps a sinraptorid (Currie pers. comm. 1998 to
Holtz). Carrano et al. (2012) found that the proximal femur is broken,
so that the seemingly high anterior trochanter is an illusion. They
believed it most likely to be a non-coelurosaur tetanurine and stated
the holotype is being restudied (Hone pers. comm. to Carrano et
al.). Hartman et al. (2019) recovered it sister to Piatnitzkysaurus and Condorraptor, although
non-maniraptoromorph characters were poorly sampled. It is
provsionally placed there pending future analysis.
References- Dong and Tang, 1985. A new Mid-Jurassic theropod (Gasosaurus
constructus gen. et sp. nov.) from Dashanpu, Zigong, Sichuan
Province, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 23(1), 77-82.
Holtz, 2000. A new phylogeny of the carnivorous dinosaurs. Gaia. 15,
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Hartman, Mortimer, Wahl, Lomax, Lippincott and Lovelace, 2019. A new
paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America supports a
late acquisition of avian flight. PeerJ. 7:e7247.
Madsen, 1976
M. bicentissimus Madsen, 1976
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation, Colorado?, Utah, US
Holotype- (UMNH VP 6373; = UUVP 2826) ilium (375 mm)
Paratypes-....(UMNH VP 6379; = UUVP 2832) ischium (305 mm)
....(UMNH VP 380; = UUVP 2878) ischium
....(UMNH VP 6387; = UUVP 4736) pubis (393 mm)
?(UMNH VP 6364; = UUVP 40-555) dentary
?(UMNH VP 6367; = UUVP 3454) dentary
?(UMNH VP 6368; = UUVP 3502) dentary
(UMNH VP 6372; = UUVP 1182, UUVP 1845) ilia
(UMNH VP 6374; = UUVP 2742) ilium
?(UMNH VP 7820; = UUVP 3236) premaxilla
?(UMNH VP 7824; = UUVP 1846, UUVP 1864) maxillae
?(UMNH VP 7825; = UUVP 4695) maxilla
Referred- ?(BYUVP 5201) proximal caudal vertebra (53 mm) (Britt,
?(CMNH 21704; = DINO 16455b; = DMN 343; juvenile) posterior skull,
posterior mandible, atlas, axis, cervical vertebrae, dorsal vertebrae,
dorsal rib, scapula, humerus (Chure, Madsen and Britt, 1993)
(DMNH 3718) partial skull, vertebrae (Carrano et al., 2012)
(DMNH coll.) eight teeth (Kane, 2020)
(UMNH VP 6374; = UUVP 2742) ilium (Carrano et al., 2012)
(UMNH VP 6384; = UUVP 40-295) pubis (Carrano et al., 2012)
(UMNH VP 6386; = UUVP 1867) pubis (Carrano et al., 2012)
?(UUVP 99) caudal vertebra (Britt, 1991)
?(UUVP 441) caudal vertebra (Britt, 1991)
?(UUVP 5247) caudal vertebra (Britt, 1991)
?(UUVP 5780) caudal vertebra (Britt, 1991)
?(UUVP coll.) dorsal vertebrae (Chure, Britt and Madsen, 1997)
(YPM-PU 72-1) partial pelvis (Carrano et al., 2012)
Diagnosis- (after Carrano et al., 2012)
Comments- Marshosaurus
was originally based on pelvic elements, with cranial elements
tentatively referred, all from the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry of Utah
(Madsen, 1976). The holotype ilium was discovered in 1962, along with
paratypes UMNH VP 380, 6367, 6368, 6374, 6379 and 7820. Britt
(1991) described a caudal vertebra from the Dry Mesa Quarry of Colorado
which resembled others from the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry. He tentatively
referred these to Marshosaurus, with another form (BYUVP 5073,
5103 and 8908) referred to Stokesosaurus. However, these
identifications may be switched. Chure et al. (1993) noted a
medium-sized partial skeleton found in the Brushy Basin Member of
Dinosaur National Monument, stating the camerate vertebral
pneumatization is primitive while the braincase pneumatization
resembles tyrannosaurids more than Allosaurus or Ceratosaurus.
This was described a bit more by Chure et al. (1997), and referred to Marshosaurus
based on resemblence to undescribed and questionably referred dorsal
neural spines from Cleveland-Lloyd.
Relationships- Madsen (1976) originally left Marshosaurus
as Theropoda incertae sedis, but noted resemblences to several
coelurosaurs (Coelurus, Microvenator, Velociraptor,
Deinonychus). Benson (2008, 2010) and Carrano et al. (2012) have
found it to be a non-megalosaurian megalosauroid, related to Piatnitzkysaurus
in Piatnitzkysauridae, which is followed here. Russell (1984) included Marshosaurus
in the Megalosauridae. Chure et al. (1993) called Marshosaurus
a carnosaur, and in 1997 clarified it as a "primitive carnosaur",
closer to Megalosaurus and Eustreptospondylus than
derived carnosaurs. Paul (1988) placed it closer to Avetheropoda than
megalosauroids. Kurzanov (1989) placed Marshosaurus as an
allosaurid, though his family may have been paraphyletic to
tyrannosaurids. Holtz et al. (2004) found Marshosaurus to be a
basal coelurosaur, though with very low support. Interestingly, Paul,
Kurzanov and Holtz et al. all believed Marshosaurus was more
closely related to Allosaurus than Piatnitzkysaurus,
though only the latter had the genera widely separated.
Enforcing Marshosaurus to be sister to Avetheropoda in Carrano
et al.'s (2012) matrix is 2 steps longer, as is making it be a
carnosaur, and making it be a megalosaurid is 4 steps longer, so all
are easily possible. Forcing it to be a coelurosaur takes 12 more
steps, and forcing it to be closer to Allosauria than
metriacanthosaurids takes 18 more steps, so are both unlikely. All of
these end up keeping it in Piatnitzkysauridae. Breaking this up by
additionally forcing it to be closer to Allosaurus than Piatnitzkysaurus
is unlikely regardless of the alternate placement- sister to
Avetheropoda (Piatnitzkysaurus ends up just basal to both as in
Paul, 1988) takes 10 more steps; coelurosaur (Piatnitzkysaurus
ends up outside Avetheropoda) takes 16 more steps, and closer to
Allosauria than metriacanthosaurids (Piatnizkysaurus is a
non-allosauroid carnosaur) takes 23 more steps.
References- Madsen, 1976. A second new theropod dinosaur from
the Late Jurassic of east central Utah. Utah Geology. 3, 51-60.
Russell, 1984. A check list of the families and genera of North
American dinosaurs. Syllogeus. 53, 1-35.
Paul, 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster. 464
Britt, 1991. Theropods of Dry Mesa Quarry (Morrison Formation, Late
Jurassic), Colorado, with emphasis on the osteology of Torvosaurus
tanneri. Brigham Young University Geology Studies. 37, 1-72.
Chure, Britt and Madsen, 1993. New data on the theropod Marshosaurus
from the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic: Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) of
Dinosaur NM. In Santucci (ed.). National Park Service Paleontology
Research Abstract Volume. Technical Report NPS/NRPEFO/NRTR 93/11:28
Chure, Madsen and Britt, 1993. New data on theropod dinosaurs from the
Late Jurassic Morrison FM. (MF). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
13(3), 30A.
Chure, Britt and Madsen, 1997. A new specimen of Marshosaurus
bicentesimus (Theropoda) from the Morrison Formation (Late
Jurassic) of Dinosaur National Monument. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 17(3), 38A.
Benson, 2008. A new theropod phylogeny focusing on basal tetanurans and
its implications for European 'megalosaurs' and Middle Jurassic
dinosaur endemism. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 51A.
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Kane, 2020. Identifying Jurassic theropod genera using GIS maps of
tooth serrations. The Society
of Vertebrate Paleontology 80th
Annual Meeting, Conference Program. 197.
cf. M? sp. (Gerke and Wings, 2016)
?Early Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Holzen/Ith, ?Unterer Kimmeridge, Lower Saxony, Germany
Material- (GZG.V.010.330; Morphotype J) tooth (30.5x14.8x8 mm)
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Lindener Berg, Mittlerer or Oberer Kimmeridge, Lower Saxony, Germany
(GZG.V.010.392; Morphotype J) tooth (~30x~16.2x~9 mm)
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Tönniesberg, Mittlerer Kimmeridge, Lower Saxony, Germany
(NLMH106235b; = Dahl coll.; Morphotype J) tooth (29.8x13.9x8 mm)
Tooth GZG.V.010.330 was labeled as from the "Oxfordium?" according to Gerke and Wings, but as their Figure 1 indicates Holzen/Ith exposures only extend down to the Early Kimmeridgian. Perhaps it is Early Kimmeridgian then, although the authors list it as Late Kimmeridgian.
Gerke and Wings wrote "The cladistic analysis places morphotype J with a strict consensus of eight most parsimonious trees within Megalosauridae", while "The DFA classifies two teeth of morphotype J as Neovenator (41.27 and 46.97%) and NLMH106235b to Piatnitzkysaurus (50%)," They suggest "NLMH106235b, the most complete crown of morphotype J, shares several similarities with teeth described for Marshosaurus, a member of the clade Piatnitzkysauridae: A slender, elongated crown in lateral view; mesial denticles that are smaller than the distals; mesial carinae terminating at midcrown; the extent of the distal carinae and a comparable serration density at the distal carinae. However, the lateral teeth of Marshosaurus are smaller and seem to be more laterally compressed, except for RD4 of UMNH VP6368." They conclude "Morphotype J is treated here as pertaining to a member of the clade Megalosauroidea. The referral to Marshosaurus is only tentatively and requires further description of its dentition."
Reference- Gerke and Wings, 2016. Multivariate and cladistic analyses of isolated teeth reveal sympatry of theropod dinosaurs in the Late Jurassic of northern Germany. PLoS ONE. 11(7), e0158334.
M? sp. (Naish, online 2001)
Late Jurassic?
Comments- Naish (DML, 2001) alludes to European Marshosaurus
Reference- Naish, DML 2001. https://web.archive.org/web/20191030094445/http://dml.cmnh.org/2001Mar/msg00328.html
Rauhut, 2005
C. currumili Rauhut, 2005
Middle Toarcian, Early Jurassic
Cañadón Asfalto Formation,
Chubut, Argentina
Holotype- (MPEF-PV 1672) tibia
Paratypes- ....(MPEF-PV 1673) ?fourth cervical vertebra (57 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1674) ?seventh cervical vertebra (70 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1675) tenth cervical vertebra (59 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1676) first dorsal centrum (61 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1677) mid dorsal centrum (~70 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1678) mid dorsal centrum (~68 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1679) partial anterior dorsal neural arch
....(MPEF-PV 1680) posterior dorsal vertebra (80 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1681) second sacral vertebra (75 mm), third sacral
vertebra (75 mm), fourth sacral vertebra (72 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1682) mid caudal vertebra (77 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1683) distal caudal vertebra (67 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1684) dorsal rib fragment
....(MPEF-PV 1685) dorsal rib fragment
....(MPEF-PV 1686) ilial fragment
....(MPEF-PV 1687) ilial fragment
....(MPEF-PV 1688) pubic fragment
....(MPEF-PV 1689) partial ischium
....(MPEF-PV 1690) distal femur
....(MPEF-PV 1691) distal femur
....(MPEF-PV 1692) metatarsal IV (242 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1693) proximal pedal ungual
....(MPEF-PV 1694) lateral tooth (FABL 11 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1695) lateral tooth (FABL 10.5; ~26 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1696) proximal pubis
....(MPEF-PV 1697) ?second dorsal vertebra (57.5 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1700) posterior dorsal vertebra (76 mm)
.....(MPEF-PV 1701) first sacral vertebra (69 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1702) anterior caudal vertebra (56 mm)
....(MPEF-PV 1703) partial chevron
....(MPEF-PV 1704) ilial fragment
....(MPEF-PV 1705) anterior dorsal vertebra (65 mm)
Diagnosis- (from Rauhut, 2005) pleurocoel in anterior cervical
vertebrae placed behind the posteroventral corner of the parapophyses;
large, shallow depression laterally on the base of the cnemial crest;
metatarsal IV with a distinct step dorsally between shaft and distal
articular facet.
Other diagnoses- Carrano et al. (2012) noted a large nutrient
foramen on the lateral side of the ischial peduncle of the ilium is
also present in other theropods like Piatnitzkysaurus and Megalosaurus.
They also stated the proximal tibia is abraded, making the absence of a
posterior notch uncertain.
Comments- Originally ambigiously said to be a basal tetanurine
by Rauhut (2005), Smith et al. (2007), Benson (2008, 2010) and Carrano
et al. (2012) have all since found it to be a piatnitzkysaurid.
References- Rauhut, 2002. Dinosaur evolution in the Jurassic: A
South American perspective. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 22(3),
Rauhut, 2005. Osteology and relationships of a new theropod dinosaur
from the Middle Jurassic of Patagonia. Palaeontology. 48(1), 87-110.
Smith, Makovicky, Hammer and Currie, 2007. Osteology of Cryolophosaurus
ellioti (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Jurassic of
Antarctica and implications for early theropod evolution. Zoological
Journal of the Linnean Society. 151, 377-421.
Benson, 2008. A new theropod phylogeny focusing on basal tetanurans and
its implications for European 'megalosaurs' and Middle Jurassic
dinosaur endemism. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 51A.
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Bonaparte, 1979
P. floresi Bonaparte, 1979
Middle Toarcian, Early Jurassic
Cañadón Asfalto Formation,
Chubut, Argentina
Holotype- (PVL 4073) (4.24 m, 275 kg (Mazzetta et al., 2000
estimated 450 kg) subadult) maxillae, frontal, braincase, anterior
dentary, axis, incomplete fourth cervical vertebra, fifth cervical
vertebra, partial seventh cervical vertebra, tenth cervical vertebra,
incomplete first dorsal vertebra, third dorsal vertebra, incomplete
fourth dorsal vertebra, sixth dorsal vertebra, partial seventh dorsal
vertebra, ninth dorsal vertebra, tenth dorsal vertebra, eleventh dorsal
vertebra, twelfth dorsal fragments, thirteenth dorsal neural arch,
fourteenth dorsal vertebra, three dorsal rib fragments, four sacral
vertebrae, second caudal vertebra, fourth caudal vertebra, incomplete
scapulae (480 mm), partial coracoids, humerus (286 mm), ulna (218 mm),
partial ilia, incomplete pubes (450 mm), ischium (~423 mm), femora (552
mm), tibiae (492 mm), fibulae (470 mm), metatarsal III (282 mm)
Referred- (MACN CH 895) two posterior dorsal vertebrae, two
dorsal centra, four sacral vertebrae, humerus, pubis, partial ischia,
tibia (515 mm), metatarsal II (253 mm), metatarsal III (290 mm),
metatarsal IV (252 mm) (Bonaparte, 1986)
Diagnosis- (after Rauhut, 2004) parasphenoid recess;
parasphenoid recesses communicate; basipterygoid recesses longer
anteroposteriorly than high dorsoventrally; width of the articular
surface of the basipterygoid processes is more than twice their length
and the transverse span between the processes of the left and right
side is less than the width of the basal tubera (also in Piveteausaurus?).
(after Carrano et al., 2012) strongly inflated base of maxillary
ascending process; evenly rounded ventral surfaces of most sacral
centra, except sacral 3 bears flat midline strip and sacral 5 is broad
and flat.
Comments- This genus has had numerous suggested affinities, from
abelisaurid to allosaurid (see Comments under Piatnitzkysauridae).
References- Bonaparte, 1979. Dinosaurs: A Jurassic assembalge
from Patagonia. Science. 205, 1377-1379.
Bonaparte, 1986. Les dinosaures (Carnosaures, Allosauridés, Sauropodes,
Cétosauridés) du Jurassique Moyen de Cerro Cóndor (Chubut, Argentina).
Annales de Paléontologie (Vert.-Invert.). 72(3), 247-289.
Rauhut, 2004. Braincase structure of the Middle Jurassic theropod
dinosaur Piatnitzkysaurus. Canadian Journal of Earth Science.
41(9), 1109-1122.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Megalosauria Bonaparte, 1850
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii + Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus) (Hendrickx, Hartman and Mateus, 2015)
Other definitions- (Dubreuillosaurus valesdunensis, Eustreptospondylus
oxoniensis <- Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, Allosaurus fragilis,
Passer domesticus) (Allain et al., 2012)
= Spinosauroidea sensu Sereno, 1998
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus + Torvosaurus tanneri)
= Spinosauroidea sensu Sereno, in press
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus + Torvosaurus tanneri,
- Allosaurus fragilis, Passer domesticus)
Comments- Though originally a term equivalent to Theropoda, this
term has been used for two different definitions recently. Allain et
al. (2012) defined it as all taxa closer to Dubreuillosaurus
valesdunensis and Eustreptospondylus oxoniensis than to Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus, Allosaurus fragilis or Passer domesticus. This
is equivalent to Megalosauridae in some phylogenies where it is valid,
and doesn't include Megalosaurus in other phylogenies (e.g.
Holtz, 2000). A month later, Carrano et al. (2012) used this name for
the megalosaurid+spinosaurid node. While they did not define it, (Megalosaurus
bucklandii + Spinosaurus aegyptiacus) would be the obvious
definition and was used by Hendrickx et al. (2015). As this is a more
useful clade and always includes its eponymous genus, the latter
definition is used here.
References- Bonaparte, 1850. Conspectus Systematum Herpetologiae
et Amphibiologiae. Editio Altera Reformata [Survey of the systems of
reptiles and amphibians. Second revised edition]. E. J. Brill, Leyden.
[pp unknown]
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Allain, Xaisanavong, Richir and Khentavong, 2012. The first definitive
Asian spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of
Laos. Naturwissenschaften. 99(5), 369-377.
Hendrickx, Hartman and Mateus, 2015. An overview of non-avian theropod
discoveries and classification. PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate
Palaeontology. 12(1), 1-73.
Streptospondylidae Kurzanov, 1989
Meyer, 1832
= "Streptospondylus" Meyer, 1830
S. altdorfensis Meyer, 1832
= Streptospondylus rostromajor Owen, 1842
= Laelaps gallicus Cope, 1867
= Poekilopleuron gallicum (Cope, 1867; as Poecilopleurum
gallicum) Cope, 1869
= Dryptosaurus gallicus (Cope, 1867) Olshevsky, 1991
Late Callovian-Early Oxfordian, Middle Jurassic-Late Jurassic
Vaches Noires Cliffs, Calvados, France
Lectotype- (MNHN 8605) (subadult) distal pubis
....(MNHN 8606) distal fibula
....(MNHN 8607) distal tibia (140 mm wide)
....(MNHN 8608) astragalus (114 mm wide)
....(MNHN 8609) calcaneum
....(MNHN 8787) tenth cervical vertebra, first dorsal vertebra (76 mm),
second dorsal vertebra (64 mm), proximal dorsal rib
....(MNHN 8788) posterior part of fifth sacral vertebra, first caudal
....(MNHN 8789) fifth or sixth dorsal vertebra (74 mm)
....(MNHN 8789) posterior dorsal vertebra (97 mm)
....(MNHN 8793) fourth or fifth dorsal vertebra (72 mm)
....(MNHN 8794) postzygopophysis of twelfth dorsal vertebra, posterior
half of thirteenth dorsal vertebra, first sacral vertebra (98 mm),
anterior part of second sacral vertebra
....(MNHN 8907) three posterior dorsal vertebrae (90, 95 mm)
Referred- ?...(MNHN 9645) distal femur (Gaudry, 1890)
Diagnosis- (from Allain, 2001) two hypapophyses on anterior
dorsal vertebrae; anterior dorsal centra strongly opisthocoelous and
strongly flattened; posterior dorsal vertebrae platycoelous; elongate
mid and posterior dorsal centra; lateral extension of the medial
buttress above the dorsomedial edge of the ascending process of the
astragalus doesn’t reach the median part of the distal end of the
tibia; large depression at the base of the ascending process of the
astragalus; lack of posteromedial process on the astragalus.
Comments- Allain (2001) states "the theropod vertebrae are
designed here as a lectotype of this taxon" but then lists all material
except the femur as the lectotype, making it uncertain exactly what the
lectotype is.
This taxon was recently suggested to be the sister taxon of Eustreptospondylus
(Allain, 2001; Smith et al., 2007) based on the presence of carotid
processes in their anterior dorsal vertebrae. Benson (2008, 2010) found
it to be a member of either Megalosauroidea or Carnosauria, until
further data (Benson et al., 2010) placed it in Sinraptoridae sister to
Lourinhanosaurus. Their most recent study (Carrano et al., 2012)
instead has it a megalosaurian outside Spinosauridae, and
Megalosaurinae+Afrovenatorinae (or when properly ordered,
Megalosaurinae OR Afrovenatorinae). It only takes 2 more streps to make
Streptospondylus an afrovenatorine (though in that case
Streptospondylinae has priority for the subfamily name).
References- Meyer, 1830. uber fossile Saurier. Isis. 1830,
Meyer, 1832. Paleologica zur Geschichte der Erde und ihrer Gashopfe.
Frankfurt am Main. 560 pp.
Owen, 1842. Report on British fossil reptiles. Report of the British
Association for the Advancement of Science. 11, 60-204.
Cope, 1867. Account of extinct reptiles which approach birds.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1867,
Cope, 1869. Synopsis of the Extinct Batrachia and Reptilia of North
America. Part 1. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society,
New Series. 14, 252 pp.
Gaudry, 1890. Les Enchaînements du monde animal dans les temps
géologiques. Fossiles secondaires. Savy, Paris. 322 pp.
Olshevsky, 1991. A revision of the parainfraclass Archosauria Cope,
1869, excluding the advanced Crocodylia. Mesozoic Meanderings. 2, 196
Allain, 2001. Redescription of Streptospondylus altdorfensis,
Cuvier’s theropod dinosaur, from the Jurassic of Normandy.
Geodiversitas. 23(3), 349-367.
Allain, 2002. Les Megalosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Nouvelle
découverte et révision systématique: Implications phylogénétiques et
paléobiogéographiques. PhD thesis. 329 pp.
Smith, Makovicky, Hammer and Currie, 2007. Osteology of Cryolophosaurus
ellioti (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Jurassic of
Antarctica and implications for early theropod evolution. Zoological
Journal of the Linnean Society. 151, 377-421.
Benson, 2008. A new theropod phylogeny focussing on basal tetanurans,
and its implications for European 'megalosaurs' and Middle Jurassic
dinosaur endemism. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 51A.
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Benson, Brusatte and Carrano, 2010. A new clade of large-bodied
predatory dinosaurs (Theropoda: Allosauroidea) that survived to the
latest Mesozoic. Naturwissenschaften. 97, 71-78.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
unnamed megalosaurian (Janensch, 1925)
Late Tithonian, Late Jurassic
Upper Dinosaur Member of the Tendaguru Formation, Tanzania
Material- (MB R 1926) astragalus (212 mm wide), calcanear
....(MB R 3627; = MW 1) incomplete fibula
Comments- MB R 3627 was originally a syntype of Ceratosaurus
roechlingi (Janensch, 1925), though he did not mention the probably
associated tarsus. Not only are they too large for the roechlingi
type, Rauhut (2011) assigned them to Megalosauroidea based on the basal
tetanurine grade astragalus and absent proximomedial fibular fossa. The
latter has since been optimized as a megalosaurian character. Other
tetanurine material from Tendaguru (e.g. ilium MB R 3628) may belong to
the same taxon.
References- Janensch, 1925. Die Coelurosaurier und Theropoden
der Tendaguru-Schichten Deutsch-Ostafrikas. Palaeontographica. 1(supp.
7), 1-99.
Rauhut, 2011. Theropod dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic of Tendaguru
(Tanzania). Palaeontology. 86, 195-239.
unnamed possible megalosaurian (El-Zouki, 1980)
Hauterivian-Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Cabao Formation, Jannawan, Libya
Material- posterior dorsal centrum
Comments- El-Zouki (1980) referred a vertebra to ?Spinosaurus
sp. as a caudal, but Le Loeuff et al. (2010) note "the published plate
(a vertebral centrum in ventral view) does not allow any precise
assessment." Carrano et al. (2012) reinterpret it as a posterior dorsal
centrum, noting "The proportions match well with the posterior dorsals
of Baryonyx and Suchomimus but are relatively
shorter than those of Megalosaurus
and carcharodontosaurids. The (presumed) ventral surface is only
slightly narrower than the centrum, similar to the condition in Megalosaurus and Suchomimus." They "consider it
likely that this specimen belongs to the clade Megalosauria."
References- El-Zouki, 1980. Stratigraphy and lithofacies of the
continental clastics (Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous) of Jabal
Nafusah, NW Libya. In Salem and Busrewil (eds.). The Geology of Libya,
Vol. II. Academic Press. 393-418.
Le Loeuff, Métais, Dutheil, Rubinos, Buffetaut, Ois Lafont, Cavin,
Moreau, Tong, Blanpied and Sbeta, 2010. An Early Cretaceous vertebrate
assemblage from the Cabao Formation of NW Libya. Geological Magazine.
147(5), 750-759.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Megalosauridae Huxley, 1869
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus, Allosaurus fragilis, Passer domesticus) (Holtz et al.,
Other definitions- (Torvosaurus tanneri + Afrovenator
abakensis + Dubreuillosaurus valesdunensis) (modified from
Allain, 2002)
(Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Spinosaurus aegyptiacus,
Sinraptor dongi, Allosaurus fragilis, Carcharodontosaurus saharicus)
(Benson, 2010)
= Eustreptospondylidae Paul, 1988
= Torvosauridae Jensen, 1985 sensu Sereno, 1998
Definition- (Torvosaurus tanneri <- Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus) (modified)
= Megalosauridae sensu Benson, 2010
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus, Sinraptor dongi, Allosaurus fragilis, Carcharodontosaurus
= Megalosauria sensu Allain et al., 2012
Definition- (Dubreuillosaurus valesdunensis, Eustreptospondylus
oxoniensis <- Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, Allosaurus fragilis,
Passer domesticus)
= Torvosauridae sensu Sereno, in press
Definition- (Torvosaurus tanneri <- Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus, Allosaurus fragilis, Passer domesticus)
Comments- Traditionally a large paraphyletic family containing
most basal tetanurines and carnosaurs, Megalosauridae has been limited
since the late 1980's to include far fewer taxa.
References- Jensen, 1985. Uncompahgre dinosaur fauna: A
preliminary report. Great Basin Naturalist. 45, 710-720.
Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, 2015. The dentition of megalosaurid
theropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 60(3), 627-642.
Streptospondylus? cuvieri
Owen, 1842
= Megalosaurus cuvieri (Owen, 1842) Huene, 1908
= Megalosaurus (Streptospondylus) cuvieri Deperet and Savornin, 1927
Early Bajocian, Middle Jurassic
Inferior Oolite Formation, England
Holotype- (Kingdon coll.; lost) tooth, partial anterior dorsal
vertebra (~114 mm), partial dorsal neural spine, broad flat bone, long
bone fragments
Comments- Eustreptospondylus oxoniensis was referred to Streptospondylus
cuvieri before it was named. This taxon is not necessary the same
as Streptospondylus altdorfensis, which lived later in France.
Owen (1842) also referred an anterior dorsal from the Toarcian Jet Rock
Formation (Ripley coll.), but this is indeterminate past Tetanurae.
The convex anterior articular surface suggests a tetanurine, while the
camerate interior excludes it from Carcharodontosauridae and
Megaraptora. The absence of a ventral keel is unlike Piatnitzkysaurus+Condorraptor,
megalosaurines+afrovenatorines, spinosaurids and metriacanthosaurines.
The large pleurocoel (49% of anterior articular surface height) is like
Streptospondylus and megalosaurids, so it is tentatively
referred to that clade here. It thus may actually belong to Streptospondylus.
References- Owen, 1842. Report on British fossil reptiles.
Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 11,
Huene, 1908. Die Dinosaurier der Europäischen Triasformation mit
berücksichtigung der Ausseuropäischen vorkommnisse. Geologische und
Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Suppl. 1(1), 1-419.
Depéret and Savornin, 1927. La faune de reptiles et de poisons albiens de Timimoun (Sahara algérien). Bulletin de la société géologique de France. 27, 257-265.
unpublished megalosaurid (Siegwarth et al., unpublished)
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation, Wyoming, US
Material- (TATE coll.) ilium
Comments- This was found by "Brontoraptor" but smaller and
different in morphology.
Reference- Siegwarth, Lindbeck, Redman, Southwell and Bakker,
unpublished. Megalosaurid dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic Morrison
Formation of Eastern Wyoming. 27 pp.
unnamed Megalosauridae
Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Langenberg Quarry, Lower Saxony, Germany
Material- (DFMMh/FV.CL340L) incomplete tooth (~31x19x10.5 mm) (Gerke and Wings, 2016)
(DFMMh/FV.CL340S) incomplete tooth (~15x10.8x6 mm) (Gerke and Wings, 2016)
Comments- Gerke and Wings (2014) reported non-Torvosaurus Megalosauridae teeth from the Struckmann collection at the NLMH originating from Lindener Berg, but while their final 2016 paper did identify teeth from the area as non-Torvosaurus megalosaurids (Morphotypes A, L and N), none are from Lindener Berg or the Struckmann collection. Gerke and Wings (2014) also wrote "Four Langenberg Quarry teeth, previously assigned to velociraptorine dinosaurs [by Lubbe et al., 2009], are removed from Dromaeosauridae and regarded as belonging to Tyrannosauroidea, Neotheropoda and Megalosauridae based on their dental characters." Their final 2016 paper did identify DFMMh/FV382 from Lubbe et al. (2009) as cf. Megalosauridae and possible juvenile of their cf. Torvosaurus sp. Morphotype B.
Gerke and Wings (2016) described
DFMMh/FV.CL340L and found "the cladistic analysis that recovers this tooth as megalosaurid" while "The DFA classifies DFMMh/FV.CL340L as Ceratosaurus premaxillary (48.44%) and on the second rank to Duriavenator (33.54%)." Notably, it lacks the lingual fluting of all Ceratosaurus premaxillary teeth. Thus they tentatively assign it to cf. Megalosauridae.
Gerke and Wings (2016) stated "DFMMh/FV.CL340S shows many similarities with DFMMh/FV.CL340L, e.g. nearly identical CBR (0.56); the braided-oriented surface texture; well-developed transversal undulations; position of the mesial carinae on the crown and perpendicular oriented, rounded distal denticles." They found it to also fall out in Megalosauridae in their cladistic analysis and "The DFA classifies DFMMh/FV.CL340S as Dubreillosaurus (78.07%)."
References- Lubbe, Richter and Knötschke, 2009. Velociraptorine
dromaeosaurid teeth from the Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) of Germany.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 54(3), 401-408.
Gerke and Wings, 2014.
Characters versus morphometrics: A case study with isolated theropod
teeth from the Late Jurassic of Lower Saxony, Germany, reveals an
astonishing diversity of theropod taxa. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2014, 137.
Eustreptospondylinae Paul,
Definition- (Eustreptospondylus oxoniensis <- Megalosaurus
bucklandii) (Holtz et al., 2004)
Other definitions- (Eustreptospondylus oxoniensis <- Torvosaurus
tanneri, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, Allosaurus fragilis)
(Sereno, in press)
Comments- Holtz et al.'s (2004) definition only includes Megalosaurus
bucklandii as an external specifier, and I agree with Sereno (in
press) that additional ones are useful in case eustreptospondylines are
closer to allosaurids than to Megalosaurus (Paul, 1988;
Kurzanov, 1989; Molnar et al., 1990; Holtz, 2000). This is especially
true considering Megalosaurus' uncertain placement among
Walker, 1964
E. oxoniensis Walker, 1964
= Magnosaurus oxoniensis (Walker, 1964) Rauhut, 2003
Late Callovian, Middle Jurassic
Middle Oxford Clay Formation, England
Holotype- (OUM J13558) (4.63 m, 218 kg; subadult) (partial skull
~483 mm) premaxillae, incomplete maxillae, lacrimal, postorbitals,
squamosal, quadrate, frontals, parietal, partial braincase, dentaries,
teeth (lost), axis (~44 mm), third cervical vertebra (45 mm), fourth
cervical vertebra, fifth cervical centrum (55 mm), sixth cervical
centrum (60 mm), seventh cervical centrum (60 mm), eighth cervical
vertebra (60 mm), ninth cervical vertebra (60 mm), tenth cervical
vertebra (60 mm), first dorsal vertebra (60 mm), second dorsal centrum
(62 mm), third dorsal centrum (62 mm), fourth dorsal vertebra, fifth
dorsal vertebra (63 mm), sixth dorsal vertebra, seventh dorsal vertebra
(74 mm), eighth dorsal centrum (77 mm), ninth dorsal vertebra (78 mm),
tenth dorsal vertebra (82 mm), eleventh dorsal centrum (88 mm), first
sacral vertebra, third sacral vertebra, fourth sacral vertebra, fifth
sacral centrum, first caudal vertebra (~68 mm), second caudal vertebra,
third caudal centrum, fourth caudal vertebra, partial fifth caudal
centrum, seventh caudal centrum, eighth caudal vertebra, tenth caudal
centrum (~68 mm), twelfth caudal centrum (~61 mm), thirteenth caudal
centrum (~60 mm), sixteenth caudal vertebra, twenty-first caudal
vertebra, scapula (299 mm), humerus (231 mm), ilium (365 mm), pubes
(451 mm), ischia (358 mm), femora (498 mm), tibiae (479 mm), fibulae
(467 mm), astragali (86 mm wide), calcaneum (lost), metatarsal II (~193
mm), phalanx II-1 (64 mm), phalanx II-2 (~51 mm), metatarsal III (232
mm), phalanx III-1 (80, 85mm), phalanx III-2 (65, 63mm), phalanx III-3
(54 mm), pedal ungual III (54 mm), metatarsal IV (207 mm), phalanx IV-1
(76 mm), phalanx IV-2 (53 mm)
Diagnosis- (after Rauhut, 2000) differs from Magnosaurus
in the proximal extent of the pubic symphysis.
(after Sadleir et al., 2008) shallow lacrimal fenestra that
incorporates a second smaller foramen; fossa on posterolateral surface
of ventral postorbital process; squamosal with a hypertrophied ventral
flange that overhangs the laterotemporal fenestra in lateral view,
partially obscuring its posterodorsal corner; ventral keels absent on
presacral vertebrae; marked depression on anterior part of ventral
surface of tenth cervical vertebra.
differs from Magnosaurus in- having interdental plates which
are longer than tall; pubis with less transverse expansion at
acetabular margin in proximal view; lateral margin of distal femur
straight in posterior view; dorsoventrally extending ridge on lateral
surface of cnemial crest absent.
(after Carrano et al., 2012) pubic peduncle of ilium as broad
anteroposteriorly as mediolaterally; lateral wall of iliac brevis fossa
nearly horizontal, exposing medial wall of fossa along entire length in
lateral view.
Comments- This specimen was originally described by Phillips
(1871) as combining Streptospondylus and Megalosaurus
attributes, but left unnamed. Nopcsa (1905, 1906) referred the specimen
to Streptospondylus cuvieri in his description, while Huene
referred the specimen to either Streptospondylus cuvieri
(1907-08, 1923, 1926) or Megalosaurus cuvieri (1926, 1932).
Walker (1964) erected the new genus Eustreptospondylus for the
specimen, as it not referrable to Megalosaurus or Streptospondylus.
Streptospondylus? cuvieri is now restricted to the lost holotype
partial dorsal vertebra, which is an indeterminate theropod.
The jugal mentioned by Huene (1926) is probably the squamosal. The
supposed parts of the coronoid and angular figured by Nopcsa (1906) are
probably parts of the dentaries. Huene's (1926) fourteenth dorsal
vertebra does not exist and his account of 29 preserved caudal
vertebrae is in error as well. Phillips (1871) and Huene (1926)
describe and illustrate a distal metacarpal and manual phalanx, which
are either lost or misidentified pedal elements.
Though found as a basal megalosaurid by Carrano et al. (2012), only
three more steps are needed to place it in Afrovenatorinae (which would
then be called Eustreptospondylinae) as in Allain (2002), so either
possibility is likely. Five more steps are needed to place Eustreptospondylus
closer to spinosaurids than Afrovenator as in Sereno et al.
(1994) and 7 more steps are needed to place it closer to spinosaurids
than Torvosaurus or Afrovenator are, as in Smith et al.
(2007). These possibilities are possible though less likely.
References- Phillips, 1871. Geology of Oxford and the Valley of
the Thames. 529 pp.
Nopcsa, 1905. Notes on British dinosaurs. Part III: Streptospondylus.
Geological Magazine. 5, 289-293.
Nopcsa, 1906. Zur kenntnis des Genus Streptospondylus. Beiträge
zur Paläontologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. 19, 59-83.
Huene, 1908. Die Dinosaurier der Europäischen Triasformation mit
berücksichtigung der Ausseuropäischen vorkommnisse. Geologische und
Palaeontologische Abhandlungen Suppl. 1(1), 1-419.
Huene, 1923. Carnivorous Saurischia in Europe since the Triassic.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 34, 449-458.
Huene, 1926. The carnivorous Saurischia in the Jura and Cretaceous
formations, principally in Europe. Revista del Museo de La Plata. 29,
Huene, 1932. Die fossile Reptil-Ordnung Saurischia, ihre Entwicklung
und Geschichte. Monographien zur Geologie und Palaeontologie. 4(1),
viii + 361 pp.
Walker, 1964. Triassic reptiles from the Elgin area: Ornithosuchus
and the origin of carnosaurs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society of London B. 248, 53-134.
Sereno, Wilson, Larsson, Dutheil and Sues, 1994. Early Cretaceous
dinosaurs from the Sahara. Science. 266, 267-271.
Rauhut, 2000. The interrelationships and evolution of basal theropods
(Dinosauria, Saurischia). PhD thesis. University of Bristol. 440 pp.
Allain, 2002a. Les Megalosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Nouvelle
découverte et révision systématique: Implications phylogénétiques et
paléobiogéographiques. PhD thesis. 329 pp.
Rauhut, 2003. The interrelationships and evolution of basal theropod
dinosaurs. Special Papers in Palaeontology. 69, 1-213.
Sadleir, Barrett and Powell, 2004. Anatomy and systematics of Eustreptospondylus
oxoniensis (Dinosdauria: Theropoda): Evolutionary implications.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 24(3), 24A.
Smith, Makovicky, Hammer and Currie, 2007. Osteology of Cryolophosaurus
ellioti (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Jurassic of
Antarctica and implications for early theropod evolution. Zoological
Journal of the Linnean Society. 151, 377-421.
Sadleir, Barrett and Powell, 2008. The anatomy and systematics of Eustreptospondylus
oxoniensis, a theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic from
Oxfordshire, England. Monograph of the Palaeontological Society. 1-82.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, 2015. The dentition of megalosaurid
theropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 60(3), 627-642.
= Megalosaurinae sensu Holtz et al., 2004
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Eustreptospondylus
= Megalosauridae sensu Allain, 2002
Definition- (Torvosaurus tanneri + Afrovenator abakensis
+ Dubreuillosaurus valesdunensis) (modified)
Megalosaurinae Huxley, 1869 sensu
Nopcsa, 1928
Definition- (Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Afrovenator
abakensis) (modified from Carrano et al., 2012)
Other definitions- (Poekilopleuron bucklandii <- Torvosaurus
tanneri) (modified from Allain, 2002)
(Megalosaurus bucklandii <- Eustreptospondylus oxoniensis)
(Holtz et al., 2004)
= Torvosaurinae Jensen, 1985 vide Allain, 2002
Definition- (Torvosaurus tanneri <- Poekilopleuron
bucklandii, Afrovenator abakensis) (modified from Allain,
Benson, 2008a
= "Walkersaurus" Welles and Powell, 1995 vide Welles, Powell and
Pickering, 1994
D. hesperis (Waldman, 1974) Benson, 2008a
= Megalosaurus hesperis Waldman, 1974
= "Walkersaurus" hesperis (Waldman, 1974) Welles and Powell,
1995 vide Welles, Powell and Pickering, 1994
Late Bajocian, Middle Jurassic
Upper Inferior Oolite, England
Holotype- (NHMUK R332) (~5 m) partial premaxillae, maxilla,
vomer, partial dentaries, partial surangular, teeth, fragments
Diagnosis- (after Benson, 2008a) deep groove on dorsal surface
of jugal process containing numerous pneumatic foramina; array of small
foramina in ventral part of articular surface for premaxilla.
Comments- This specimen was originally described by Owen (1883)
and referred to Megalosaurus bucklandi. Walker (1964) noted it
was probably a distinct species, due to tooth count and a supposed
lateral groove between the premaxilla and maxilla. Waldman (1974)
officially named the species Megalosaurus hesperis. The taxon
was studied by Welles and Powell in the 1970's as part of their
redescription of European theropods, where they intended to rename it Walkersaurus
hesperis. This was not made publically available until Pickering
revised it and sent it to a few colleagues in 1994, though due to its
low circulation most paleontologists only learned about the name in
1999 from his 1995 description of Dilophosaurus "breedorum"
(often cited as being from 1999) and his bibliographic work "Jurassic
Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry". Both of these papers
face similar problems to the 1994 work in that they do not conform to
IZCN Article 8.1.3- it must have been produced in an edition containing
simultaneously obtainable copies by a method that assures numerous
identical and durable copies. Thus "Walkersaurus" is a nomen nudum,
though Pickering does plan to include it in his book "Mutanda
Dinosaurologica". Holtz (2000) found the species to have several
possible positions as a tetanurine less derived than Afrovenator
+ Avetheropoda in his cladistic analysis. Most recently, Benson (2008a)
has redescribed the material and placed it in a new genus- Duriavenator.
Benson (2008b, 2010) found Duriavenator to emerge as a
megalosaurid in his phylogenetic analysis. Carreano et al. (2012)
further found it to be a megalosaurine, but as only one more step is
necessary to make it an afrovenatorine, this is highly uncertain.
References- Owen, 1883. On the skull of Megalosaurus.
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. 39, 334-347.
Walker, 1964. Triassic reptiles from the Elgin area: Ornithosuchus
and the origin of carnosaurs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society of London B. 248, 53-134.
Waldman, 1974. Megalosaurids from the Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) of
Dorset. Palaeontology. 17, 325-339.
Welles, Powell and Pickering, 1994. An extract from: Archosauromorpha:
Cladistics and osteologies. A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project.
10 pp.
Pickering, 1995. Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in
Philopatry. A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised
printing. Capitola, California. 478 pp.
Welles and Pickering, 1995. An extract from: Archosauromorpha:
Cladistics and osteologies. A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project.
70 pp.
Holtz, 2000. A new phylogeny of the carnivorous dinosaurs. Gaia. 15,
Benson, 2008a. A redescription of 'Megalosaurus' hesperis
(Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Inferior Oolite (Bajocian, Middle
Jurassic) of Dorset, United Kingdom. Zootaxa. 1931, 57-67.
Benson, 2008b. A new theropod phylogeny focusing on basal tetanurans
and its implications for European 'megalosaurs' and Middle Jurassic
dinosaur endemism. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 51A.
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, 2015. The dentition of megalosaurid
theropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 60(3), 627-642.
Pickering, in prep. Mutanda Dinosaurologica.
Buckland, 1824
= "Megalosaurus" Parkinson, 1822
M. bucklandii Mantell, 1827
= Megalosaurus "conybeari" Ritgen, 1826
= Megalosaurus bucklandi Meyer, 1832
= Megalosaurus (Megalosaurus) bucklandii Deperet and Savorni, 1927
= Metriacanthosaurus "brevis" Welles, Powell and Pickering vide
Pickering 1995
Middle Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Taynton Limestone Formation (=Stonesfield Slate), England
Lectotype- (OUM J13505) anterior dentary, teeth
Paralectotypes- (OUM J13561) incomplete femur (860 mm)
(OUM J13563) incomplete pubis
(OUM J13565) incomplete ischium (610 mm)
(OUM J13572) distal metatarsal II
(OUM J13576) incomplete sacrum (113, 108, 99, 108, 113 mm)
(OUM J13577) incomplete posterior dorsal vertebra (114 mm)
(OUM J13579) incomplete proximal caudal vertebra (99 mm)
(OUM J13580) posterior dorsal rib
(OUM J13585) posterior cervical rib
(OUM J29881) ilium
(OUM coll.; lost) tooth
Referred- (CAMSM Woodwardian collection D.11.35.c) partial
scapula (Benson, 2009b)
?(Duke of Marlborough coll.) partial dentary (lost) (Owen, 1857)
(GSM 57809) metatarsal II (Benson, 2009b)
(GSM 113081) tooth (Benson, 2009b)
(MNHN 9630) incomplete femur (~745 mm) (Day and Barrett, 2004)
(NHMUK 2016) fragmentary humerus (Benson, 2009b)
(NHMUK 2331) tooth (Benson, 2009b)
(NHMUK 25581) partial mid caudal centrum (Lydekker, 1888)
?(NHMUK 25582) proximal ischium (Lydekker, 1888)
?(NHMUK 28301) fragmentary ?pubis (Lydekker, 1888)
?(NHMUK 28608) tooth (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 28957) two sacral vertebrae (Lydekker, 1888)
....(NHMUK R1098) partial sacrum (Owen, 1857)
(NHMUK 31804) incomplete femur (810.0 mm) (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 31805) tibia (Benson, 2010)
(NHMUK 31806) femur (805 mm) (Owen, 1857)
(NHMUK 31808) incomplete femur (820.0 mm) (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 31809) tibia (645 mm) (Owen, 1857)
(NHMUK 31810) coracoid (150 mm) (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 31811; intended holotype of Metriacanthosaurus "brevis")
partial ilium (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 31812) partial mid caudal vertebra (Benson, 2009b)
(NHMUK 31813) posterior dorsal vertebra (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 31824) dorsal rib (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 31825) dorsal rib (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 31828) jugal (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(NHMUK 31834) tooth (Lydekker, 1888)
?(NHMUK 31932) pedal phalanx (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 33229) mid caudal vertebra (Benson, 2009b)
(NHMUK 36585) ulna (232 mm) (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 37303) dorsal rib (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 40127) tooth, tooth fragment, anterior tooth (Benson, 2009b)
(NHMUK 40128a; = 40125a in Lydekker, 1888?) metatarsal IV (Phillips,
(NHMUK 40131) partial coracoid (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 41305) partial tooth (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 42024) tooth (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 44097) dorsal rib (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 44097a) dorsal rib (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK 47963) tooth, tooth tip(Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R234) two teeth (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R283) partial ilium (Lydekker, 1888)
?(NHMUK R285) cervical vertebra (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R700) partial sacrum (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R1099) incomplete scapulocoracoid (830 mm; scapula 705 mm)
(Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R1100) ilium (770 mm) (Owen, 1857)
(NHMUK R1101) ilium (~832 mm) (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R1102) tibia (700.0 mm) (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R1103) distal tibia (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R12557) tibia (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J13506) maxilla (451 mm) (Huxley, 1869)
(OUM J13559) incomplete maxilla (Phillips, 1871)
(OUM J13560) ilium (~765 mm) (Walker, 1964)
(OUM J13562) tibia (660 mm) (Galton and Molnar, 2005)
(OUM J13567) incomplete pubis (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM J13568) incomplete tibia (722 mm) (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM J13569; cast as NHMUK R1104) metatarsal III (335 mm) (Phillips,
(OUM J13573) distal metatarsal II (Phillips, 1871)
(OUM J13574) scapulocoracoid (845 mm; scapula 704 mm) (Phillips, 1871)
(OUM J13575) humerus (388 mm) (Phillips, 1871)
(OUM J13578) proximal caudal vertebra (108 mm) (Phillips, 1871)
(OUM J13582) mid dorsal rib (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J13583) mid dorsal rib (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J13584) dorsal rib (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29751) rib (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29752) rib (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29753a) proximal femur (Day and Barrett, 2004)
(OUM J29754) proximal femur (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29758) distal tibia (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29761) incomplete humerus (Phillips, 1871)
(OUM J29762) tooth (Benson, 2009b)
?(OUM 29764) long bone shaft (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29766) sacral fragment (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29767) sacral fragment (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29768) proximal caudal centrum (Phillips, 1871)
(OUM J29777) basal tooth (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM J29779) pedal ungual (102 mm) (Phillips, 1871)
(OUM J29792) dorsal rib (Benson et al., 2008)
(OUM J29802) incomplete femur (690.0 mm) (Day and Barrett, 2004)
(OUM J29803) incomplete femur (740.0 mm) (Day and Barrett, 2004)
(OUM J29809) tooth (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM J29810) apical tooth (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM J29813) posterior mandible (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29863) tooth (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM J29864) tooth fragment (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM J29869) distal humerus (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29872) ischial shaft (Phillips, 1871)
(OUM J29873) proximal ischium (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29874) scapula (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29875; = OUM mount of Carrano, 1998?) tibia (693 mm?) (Benson,
(OUM J29879) incomplete scapula (765 mm) (Day and Barrett, 2004)
(OUM J29880) femoral fragment (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29882) ilium (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM J29883) partial ilium (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29884) partial ilium (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29885) partial ilium (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29888) partial scapulocoracoid (795 mm) (Day and Barrett, 2004)
(OUM J29889) partial scapulocoracoid (Day and Barrett, 2004)
(OUM J29890) scapula (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29891) scapulocoracoid (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM J29892) rib (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29893) dorsal rib (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J29895) rib (Benson, 2010)
(OUM J48171) tooth (Benson, 2009b)
(OUM coll.) chevron (169 mm) (Huene, 1926)
Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Great Oolite Group, England
(NHMUK R413) metatarsal III (338 mm) (Lydekker, 1888)
Early Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Chipping Norton Limestone Formation, England
(NHMUK R8303) incomplete maxilla (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
(NHMUK R8304) partial dentary (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
(NHMUK R8305) partial dentary (Benson, 2009b)
(NHMUK R9665) metatarsal III (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
(NHMUK R9666) proximal metatarsal IV (Benson, 2009b)
(NHMUK R9668) proximal ischium (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
(NHMUK R9669) dorsal rib (Benson, 2010)
(NHMUK R9672) incomplete proximal caudal vertebra (124 mm) (Reynolds,
(NHMUK R9673) proximal caudal vertebra (118 mm) (Reynolds, 1939)
(NHMUK R9674) partial anterior cervical vertebra (Benson, 2010)
(NHMUK R9675) incomplete mid caudal vertebra (Reynolds, 1939)
(NHMUK R9676) mid caudal vertebra (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
(NHMUK R9677) incomplete proximal caudal vertebra (Welles and
Pickering, 1999)
(NHMUK R9678) partial anterior dorsal vertebra (Benson, 2010)
?(NHMUK R9679) sacrum (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(NHMUK R9680) sacrum (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(NHMUK coll.) ribs, bone fragments (Benson, 2010)
(SDM 44.1) partial maxilla (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.4) partial sacrum (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.3) tooth (Benson, 2009b)
(SDM 44.5) incomplete mid caudal vertebra (82.5 mm) (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.6) posterior dorsal centrum (119.5 mm) (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.7) proximal caudal vertebra (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(SDM 44.10) dorsal vertebra (131 mm) (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.13) dorsal rib (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.14) coracoid (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.15) coracoid (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.18) incomplete humerus (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.20) incomplete ischium (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.21) distal ischium (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.23) femur (785 mm) (Day and Barrett, 2004)
(SDM 44.24) femur (800 mm) (Reynolds, 1939)
(SDM 44.25) distal metatarsal IV (Reynolds, 1939)
Early-Middle Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Sharp's Hill Formation, England
(OUM J.29800) incomplete scapula (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(Royal College of Surgeons coll.) tooth, tooth fragments, femur,
partial femur, tibia, phalanx, bone fragment (Owen, 1954)
?(GPIT 18392?) proximal femur, fibula (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(GSM 3887) sacrum (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(OUM J12142) partial mandible, teeth (Delair, 1975)
?(OUM J13598) tooth (Benton and Spencer, 1995)
?(OUM J13882) tooth (Benton and Spencer, 1995)
?(OUM J29765) proximal scapula (Benton and Spencer, 1995)
?(OUM J29773) tooth (Benton and Spencer, 1995)
?(OUM J29797) partial pubis (Reid, 1985)
?(Phillips coll.) pedal ungual (lost) (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(RCS 72) femur (lost) (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(RCS 73) partial femur (lost) (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
?(RCS 74) distal tibia (lost) (Welles and Pickering, 1999)
? posterior cervical centrum (60 mm) (Phillips, 1871)
Diagnosis- (after Walker, 1964) dorsally directed flange around
midheight on the scapular blade.
(after Benson, 2009b) lateral dentary groove broad (also in Torvosaurus);
ventral surface of second sacral centrum bearing longitudinal, angular
ridge (also in "Brontoraptor"); an array of posterodorsally inclined
grooves on the lateral surface of the median iliac ridge (also in "Metriacanthosaurus"
"reynoldsi"); anteroposteriorly thick ischial apron with an almost flat
medial surface; a prominent, rugose distal ischial tubercle; and
complementary groove and ridge structures on the articular surfaces
between metatarsals II and III.
(after Carrano et al., 2012) dorsally directed flange at mid-height of
scapular blade.
Other diagnoses- Benson et al. (2008) stated the longitudinal
groove in the ventral part of the lateral surface of the dentary was an
autapomorphy, but Benson (2010) found this to be due to damage. He also
cited the slit-like foramen anterior to the termination of the
Meckelian groove, but in 2010 reported this was prone to individual
variation in Allosaurus fragilis. The presence of 13-14 dentary
teeth (which is estimated from the 11 preserved in the lectotype) is
also true in other megalosaurids- ~14(11+) in Magnosaurus, 13
in Dubreuillosaurus and Eustreptospondylus, and
~14-15(13+) in Duriavenator.
Benson (2009, 2010) reported a unique combination of dentary characters
to distinguish the lectotype, but most of these are plesiomorphic. The
lack of an enlarged third dentary alveolus is also found in Monolophosaurus
and most non-megalosauroids. The dentary is straight in dorsal view in
all megalosaurids and is not more transversely expanded anteriorly in Duriavenator,
Eustreptospondylus or Dubreuillosaurus. Duriavenator
and Magnosaurus also have tall dentary interdental plates.
Those of all megalosaurids are unfused. All megalosaurids also have two
Meckelian foramina and shallow Meckelian grooves. Benson also proposed
postcranial autapomorphies. The sacral centra 1-3 and 5 of most
non-maniraptoriform theropods are evenly rounded.
Comments- The lectotype dentary was collected in 1797. Parkinson
(1822) used the name "Megalosaurus", but without description or
indication of type material, making it a nomen nudum. The same can be
said of Ritgen's (1826) species Megalosaurus "conybeari".
Molnar et al. (1990) incorrectly attributed the species M.
bucklandii to Ritgen, 1826. Meyer (1832) used the spelling bucklandi
for the species, and has been followed by numerous authors, but this is
incorrect. Molnar et al. designated OUM J13505 as the lectotype, making
the additional elements described by Buckland (1824) paralectotypes.
Buckland (1824) described the paralectotype pubis as a fibula, and
ischium as a clavicle (Phillips, 1871). Owen (1857) followed the
ischial identification, described an Iguanodon
ischium as the scapula, and the ilia as coracoids. Owen incorrectly
stated the partial sacrum NHMUK R1098 is from the Wealden. Philips also
reports Cuvier believed the metatarsal to be a humerus. He also
described two elements as a scapula and ischium (= sacral rib?), but
these are lost and may not belong to theropods (Benson, 2010). Phillips
believed the proximal caudal vertebra was a posterior dorsal vertebra.
The ulna (OUM J36585) was misidentified as a sacral rib by Lydekker
(1888). Huene (1926) incorrectly listed two mandibles as being
preserved in the type material, and listed the Kimmeridge Clay
metatarsus (OUM J13586) and tibia (OUM J29886) as being from the
Stonesfield Slate. The partial maxilla SDM 44.1 was misidentified by
Reynolds (1939) as a dentary. Holtz (1994) lists OUM J13561 as being a
femur and tibia, but the tibia is OUM J13562. While Welles and
Pickering (1999) listed GPIT 18392 as a partial Megalosaurus
hindlimb, this number has been associated in the literature with a Sellosaurus
specimen. Benson et al. (2008) incorrectly stated rib OUM J29792 was
part of the paralectotype.
Not Megalosaurus bucklandii- Owen (1857) figured several
teeth as M. bucklandi (NHMUK 2828, 2332, 3222-3225), but these
are from Cretaceous deposits and are probably indeterminate theropods.
A large unfused scapulocoracoid mentioned by Phillips (1871) as being
from a different species of megalosaur is possibly OMNH J29887, a
proximal scapula which Day and Barrett (2004) and Benson (2009)
reidentified as a sauropod. Phillips (1871) illustrated a metatarsus
(OUM J13586) as Megalosaurus that was later illustrated by
Huene (1926) with an associated tibia (OUM J29886) as M. bucklandii.
Welles and Powell recognized these limb bones were distinct in the
1970's, and the nomen nudum Megalosaurus phillipsi was later
assigned to the taxon by Pickering (1995). It is here suggested to be
more closely related to Torvosaurus and described in its own
entry. Owen (1883) described a partial skull as Megalosaurus
bucklandi, but this was later named Megalosaurus hesperis
by Waldman (1974) and placed it its own genus (Duriavenator) by
Benson (2008). Lydekker (1888) referred several specimens to M.
bucklandi- an incomplete sacrum (museum of the Geological Society
collection) from the Coral Rag; two teeth (NHMUK 47152, R497) from the
Inferior Oolite; a tooth (NHMUK 28608) from the Cotswold Slates; a
dorsal centrum (NHMUK 47169) from the Cornbrash Formation; a tooth
(NHMUK 39476) from the Forest Marble Formation; a dorsal vertebra
(NHMUK 42028) from the Potton Sands; and a proximal tibia (NHMUK 32725)
from the Vaches Noires Cliffs. These are all indeterminate theropods.
He also claimed Owen (1857) referred the Cretaceous theropod manual
ungual NHMUK R1105 and distal pedal ungual NHMUK R2482 to M.
bucklandi, but Owen's plate caption merely says "Megalosaurus
(?)". Huene (1906) described a partial braincase from the Taynton
Limestone as Megalosaurus bucklandi, but this was reidentified
as Cetiosaurus by Woodward (1910), a conclusion confirmed by
Galton and Knoll (2006). Reynolds (1939) referred numerous specimens to
Megalosaurus, of which ilium SDM 44.19 is a different taxon
referred to as Metriacanthosaurus "reynoldsi" by Pickering
(1995), while scapulae SDM 44.16 and 44.17, a tooth from Oakham Quarry
and humerus SDM 44.22 are less diagnostic.
Megalosaurus morphotypes A and B- The disarticulated
nature of Megalosaurus remains and lack of proper description
until recently have led to suggestions that more than one taxon could
be represented, and that only the lectotype dentary should be referred
to the genus (e.g. Rauhut, 2000; Allain and Chure, 2002; Benson et al.,
2008). Welles and Powell were among the first to suggest this, based on
parts of their 1970's manuscript that have been subsequently released
by Pickering (Welles and Pickering, 1999). They separated Chipping
Norton remains as Metriacanthosaurus reynoldsi and some Taynton
Limestone remains as Metriacanthosaurus brevis. These issues
are discussed below. Allain and Chure (2002) noted the femur NHMUK
31806 differs from the paralectotype OUM J13561 in being straight with
a medially directed head. This was expanded on by Day and Barrett
(2004), who grouped Megalosaurus femora in two morphotypes.
Morphotype A included NHMUK 31804 and 31806, MHHN 9630, OUM J29753a and
J29802, and SDM 44.24. They are also distinguished by a distomedially
oriented buttress supporting the anterior trochanter, a narrow ridge
connecting the anterior trochanter to the femoral head, a shallow
extensor groove, and subequally sized distal condyles. Morphotype B
femora included NHMUK 31808, OUM J13561 and J29803, and SDM 44.23.
Benson (2009) reviewed these supposed differences. He found the femoral
head is always anteromedially oriented, though the more anterior angle
in morphotype B femora (~40 degrees) is due to damage and deformation,
seen in morphotype A femur NHMUK 31804 as well. The difference in
curvature is attributed to distortion of originally straight shafts,
with similar variation seen in Cleveland-Lloyd Allosaurus. The
distomedial buttress is identified as the anterior intermuscular line
and is found to not correspond to femoral types, with morphotype A
femur NHMUK 31806 lacking it and morphotype B femora NHMUK 31808 and
OUM J13561 having them. Individual variation is also noted for this
feature in Dry Mesa Ceratosaurus. The ridge connecting the
anterior trochanter and femoral head is present in all well preserved
specimens, including morphotype B femur SDM 44.23. The extensor groove
is present in all specimens as well, though shallower in OUM J13561 due
to erosion of the anterior condyles. Finally, the distal condyles have
similar proportions in most specimens, with a broader lateral condyle
but longer medial condyle, with the exception of OUM J29803. The latter
specimen is highly crushed transversely, explaining the difference.
Benson concluded only one taxon was represented by the femora and most
other Taynton Limestone and New Park Quarry cranial and postcranial
material, which led to him referring all of it to M. bucklandii
in his later (2010) osteology of the taxon.
A Stonesfield Slate sinraptorid? Bakker et al. (1992) thought
maxilla OUM J13506 was from a sinraptorid due to its short anterior
ramus, while Naish and Martill (2007) noted this was primitive and
suggested it could be an abelisauroid instead. Note this would be
consistant with Welles and Pickering' idea of Metriacanthosaurus
"brevis" being in that formation, though they refer the maxilla to Megalosaurus.
Benson (2007) noted it differed from sinraptorids in having a maxillary
fossa instead of fenestra, and from ceratosaurs in having unfused
interdental plates, but resembled other jaw elements of Megalosaurus.
Metriacanthosaurus brevis- Owen (1857) originally
described Megalosaurus ilia as coracoids, noting three
specimens were in the NHMUK and figuring one. Lydekker (1888)
recognized these as ilia and incorrectly listed the one illustrated by
Owen as NHMUK 31811 (as BMNH 31811), though Pickering (DML, 2002) notes
it is actually NHMUK R1100 (as BMNH R1100). NHMUK 31811 remained as a
specimen of Megalosaurus bucklandii until Pickering credited
the name Metriacanthosaurus brevis to English theropod material
in his 1995 unpublished bibliographic manuscript. It was later used in
the comparative section of another unpublished manuscript (Welles and
Pickering, 1999). This paper was largely extracted from the European
megalosaur manuscript Welles and Powell worked on in the 1970s but
never published, specifically the Megalosaurus redescription
section. Pickering intends to publish an updated version of the
megalosaur manuscript as Mutanda Dinosaurologica, and has posted small
excerpts including the diagnosis of Metriacanthosaurus "brevis"
online (DML, 2002). In any case, the name is a nomen nudum as Pickering
didn't follow ICZN Article 8.1.3- it must have been produced in an
edition containing simultaneously obtainable copies by a method that
assures numerous identical and durable copies. Pickering says of M.
"brevis" and Metriacanthosaurus parkeri, "their great height
and shortness -- diagnostic for Metriacanthosaurus -- separates
them from ilia of Megalosaurus bucklandii and Allosaurus."
Additionally, Allain and Chure (2002) stated NHMUK 31811 and R1100
(misidentified as OUM J13560) are "quite different from one another in
shape in proportions." However, Day and Barrett (2004) found the
shortness was an illusion caused by a broken postacetabular process and
a plaster reconstructed preacetabular process. Benson (2009) agreed and
also found it shared an autapomorphy with other M. bucklandii
ilia- a series of posterodorsally oriented ridges that give the
posterior part of the median ridge an undulating texture. Indeed, the
characters Pickering lists as distinguishing M. "brevis" from M.
parkeri are largely also those that distinguish M. bucklandii
from M. parkeri (nearly straight upper margin; taller
preacetabular process), or don't distinguish M. "brevis" from M.
bucklandii (narrower notch between preacetabular process and pubic
peduncle; longer, lower acetabulum; 250 mm long). So I see no reason to
support M. "brevis" and synonymize it with M. bucklandii.
Pickering also referred several other specimens to M. "brevis".
OUM J29888 is a pectoral girdle which Day and Barrett and Benson
couldn't distinguish from M. bucklandii. NHMUK 31806 is a femur
which Allain and Chure stated differs from the paralectotype in being
straight with a medially directed head. Day and Barrett (2004) used
this as the basis for their morphotype A femora, but Benson (2009)
found the head orientation to be individual variation and the curvature
of type B femora to be taphonomic. Additional differences between
morphotype A and B femora were also found to be preservational or
individual variation (see below), and Benson (2009, 2010) referred both
types to M. bucklandii. Ironically, M. parkeri's femur
has a sigmoid shaft, though it does have a medially directed head.
NHMUK 31809 and OUM J13562 are tibiae which Benson (2009, 2010)
referred to M. bucklandii and which share a bulbous fibular
crest with that taxon. NHMUK 31809 differs from M. parkeri in
having a smaller cnemial crest which is not as laterally angled and a
smaller and more laterally placed fibular crest. Thus all supposed Metriacanthosaurus
"brevis" material is referrable to Megalosaurus bucklandii and
does not bear particular resemblence to Metriacanthosaurus
itself. Coincidentally, NHMUK 31806 and 31809 are the femur and tibia
illustrated as examples of those elements in Benson's (2010)
redescription of M. bucklandii, though the other tibia and the
pectoral girdle remain unillustrated.
Chipping Norton remains- Lydekker (1888) referred a metatarsal
III (NHMUK R413) from the Chipping Norton Formation to Megalosaurus
bucklandi. Gardiner (1937, 1938) and Reynolds (1938) reported large
theropod remains from two quarries in the Chipping Norton Limestone
Formation, which Reynolds (1939) described and referred to Megalosaurus.
Reynolds misidentified maxilla SDM 44.1 as a dentary, dorsal centrum
SDM 44.6 as a caudal. Pickering (1995) credited the name Metriacanthosaurus
reynoldsi to Welles, Powell and Pickering in his unpublished 1995
manuscript and later used it in the comparative section of Welles and
Pickering, 1999. It is a nomen nudum in both though, as Pickering
didn't follow ICZN Article 8.1.3- it must have been produced in an
edition containing simultaneously obtainable copies by a method that
assures numerous identical and durable copies. The 1999 paper shows his
new taxon to be based on all the Chipping Norton theropod material from
both quarries, as well as NHMUK R413 and a few other elements. Day and
Barrett (2004) believed both their femoral morphotypes A and B were
present in the sample- SDM 44.23 as morphotype B and SDM 44.24 as
morphotype A. Benson (2009, 2010) referred the New Park Quarry material
to Megalosaurus bucklandii based on the close resemblence of
maxilla SDM 44.1 to Taynton Limestone specimens and an M. bucklandii
autapomorphy in sacrum SDM 44.4, while other elements were
provisionally referred as there is no evidence of more than one taxon
in the quarry. Additional New Park Quarry material referred by Welles
and Pickering to "reynoldsi" but not mentioned by Benson is here
provisionally referred to Megalosaurus- sacra NHMUK R9679 and
R9680 and dorsal SDM 44.10. Benson (2010) also referred two specimens
from Oakham Quarry to M. bucklandii based on autapomorphies
(ischium SDM 44.20 and metatarsal III NHMUK R9665), but refrained from
referring additional elements from this quarry as he notes some "can be
referred to a second, unnamed taxon (R. B. J. Benson, unpubl. data)."
This near certainly refers to "reynoldsi", whose intended holotype is
an ilium from Oakham Quarry which resembles Eustreptospondylus
and Yangchuanosaurus zigongensis most closely. Further study by
Benson and/or Pickering may clarify the identity of the other Oakham
Quarry elements.
References- Parkinson, 1822. Outlines of Oryctology. An
introduction to the study of fossil organic remains, especially those
found in the British Strata. London. 350pp.
Buckland, 1824. Notice on the Megalosaurus or great fossil
lizard of Stonesfield. Transactions of the Geological Society of
London. 21, 390-397.
Ritgen, 1826. Versuchte Herstellung einiger Becken urweltlichter
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Dorset. Palaeontology. 17, 325-339.
Delair and Sarjeant, 1975. The earliest discoveries of dinosaurs. Isis.
66(231), 5-25.
Reid, 1985. On supposed Haversian bone from the hadrosaur Anatosaurus,
and the nature of compact bone in dinosaurs. Journal of Paleontology.
59, 140-148.
Molnar, Kurzanov and Dong, 1990. Carnosauria. In Weishampel, Dodson and
Osmólska (eds.). The Dinosauria. University of California Press,
Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oxford. 169-209.
Bakker, Kralis, Siegwarth and Filla, 1992. Edmarka rex, a new,
gigantic theropod dinosaur from the middle Morrison Formation, Late
Jurassic of the Como Bluff outcrop, with comments on the evolution of
the chest region and shoulder in theropods and birds and a discussion
of the five cycles of origin and extinction among giant dinosaurian
predators. Hunteria. 2(9), 1-24.
Benton and Spencer, 1995. Fossil Reptiles of Great Britain. Geological
Conservation Review Series, Chapman & Hall. 386 pp.
Pickering, 1995. Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in
Philopatry. A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised
printing. Capitola, California. 478 pp.
Carrano, 1998. The evolution of dinosaur locomotion: Functional
morphology, biomechanics, and modern analogs. PhD thesis, The
University of Chicago. 424 pp.
Rayfield, 1998. Finite element analysis of the snout of Megalosaurus
bucklandi. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 18(3), 71A.
Welles and Pickering, 1999. Megalosaurus bucklandii. Private
publication of Stephen Pickering, An extract from Archosauromorpha:
Cladistics & Osteologies. A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology
Project. 119 pp.
Rauhut, 2000. The interrelationships and evolution of basal theropods
(Dinosauria, Saurischia). PhD thesis. University of Bristol. 440 pp.
Allain, 2002a. Les Megalosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Nouvelle
découverte et révision systématique: Implications phylogénétiques et
paléobiogéographiques. PhD thesis. 329 pp.
Allain and Chure, 2002. Poekilopleuron bucklandii, the theropod
dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) of Normandy.
Palaeontology. 45, 1107-1121.
Pickering, DML 2002. https://web.archive.org/web/20191030094450/http://dml.cmnh.org/2002Mar/msg00553.html
Day and Barrett, 2004. Material referred to Megalosaurus
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Middle Jurassic of Stonesfield,
Oxfordshire, England: One taxon or two? Proceedings of the Geologists'
Association. 115, 359-366.
Galton and Molnar, 2005. Tibiae of small theropod dinosaurs from
Southern England, from the Middle Jurassic of Stonesfield near Oxford
and the Lower Cretaceous of the Isle of Wight. In Carpenter (ed.). The
Carnivorous Dinosaurs. 3-22.
Benson, 2006. The taxonomy, systematics and evolution of the British
theropod dinosaur, Megalosaurus. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 27(3), 41A.
Galton and Knoll, 2006. A saurischian dinosaur braincase from the
Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) near Oxford, England: From the theropod
Megalosaurus or the sauropod Cetiosaurus? Geological
Magazine. 143(6), 905-921.
Benson, 2008. A redescription of 'Megalosaurus' hesperis
(Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Inferior Oolite (Bajocian, Middle
Jurassic) of Dorset, United Kingdom. Zootaxa. 1931, 57-67.
Benson, Barrett, Powell and Norman, 2008. The taxonomic status of Megalosaurus
bucklandii (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Middle Jurassic of
Oxfordshire, UK. Paleontology. 51, 419-424.
Benson, 2009a. The taxonomy, systematics and evolution of the British
theropod dinosaur Megalosaurus.
PhD thesis, University of Cambridge. [pp]
Benson, 2009b. An assessment of variability in theropod dinosaur
remains from the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) of Stonesfield and New
Park Quarry, UK and taxonomic implications for Megalosaurus
bucklandii and Iliosuchus incognitus. Palaeontology. 52(4),
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, 2015. The dentition of megalosaurid
theropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 60(3), 627-642.
Pickering, in prep. Mutanda Dinosaurologica.
M? sp. indet. (Owen, 1857)
Early Jurassic
Coral Rag of Dry Sandford, England
Material- (GSL coll.; cast as NHMUK R1027) incomplete sacrum
(first vertebra 127 mm) (Owen, 1857)
teeth (Huene, 1932)
Comments- Owen (1857) described the sacrum as Megalosaurus,
and Lydekker (1888) referred it to M. bucklandi. This specimen
is probably too early to be Megalosaurus, but should be checked
for that genus' apomorphic keeled second centrum.
References- Owen, 1857. Monograph on the Fossil Reptilia of the
Wealden Formations. Part III. Dinosauria (Megalosaurus).
Palaeontographical Society Monographs. 34, 1-26.
Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the
British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W., Part 1.
Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata,
Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural History,
London. 309 pp.
Huene, 1932. Die fossile Reptil-Ordnung Saurischia, ihre Entwicklung
und Geschichte. Monographien zur Geologie und Palaeontologie. 4(1),
viii + 361 pp.
M? sp. indet. (Owen, 1857)
Bajocian, Middle Jurassic
Inferior Oolite, England
Material- (NHMUK 47152) tooth (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R497) partial tooth (Owen, 1857)
Comments- Owen (1857) illustrates NHMUK R497 as Megalosaurus,
while Lydekker (1888) refers it and 47152 to M. bucklandi.
Huene (1932) thought these might belong to Magnosaurus instead
of Megalosaurus. These specimens cannot be referred to Megalosaurus
bucklandii because the teeth of that taxon lack described
References- Owen, 1857. Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the
Wealden and Purbeck Formations. Part III. Dinosauria (Megalosaurus).
[Wealden]. The Palaeontographical Society, London. 1855, 1-26.
Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the
British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W., Part 1.
Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata,
Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural History,
London. 309 pp.
M? sp. indet. (Lydekker, 1888)
Middle Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Cotswold Slates, England
Material- (NHMUK 28608) tooth (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R2635) tooth (Benton and Spencer, 1995)
(GLCRM T.70-1, G.72-3, T.74-6) ribs, limb elements (Benton and Spencer,
Comments- These specimens cannot be referred to Megalosaurus
bucklandii because the teeth of that taxon lack described
apomorphies and the Cotsweld postcrania have yet to be described.
References- Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and
Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W.,
Part 1. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria,
Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural
History, London. 309 pp.
Benton and Spencer, 1995. Fossil Reptiles of Great Britain. Geological
Conservation Review Series, Chapman & Hall. 386 pp.
M? sp. indet.
(Naish, online 2022)
Middle Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Enstone, Hampen Formation, England
Material- (OUMNH J29757) distal
femur (~270 mm trans)
Comments- Naish (online 2022)
wrote that Stewart had "noticed that what appeared to be the Plot bone
["Scrotum humanum"] was very much still in existence, and - furthermore
- was on show in a museum; specifically, the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford
... where it’s accessioned as OUMNH PAL J29757." He noted several
similarities, of which the longitudinal cracks in the flexor groove,
elongate broken area covering the ectocondylar region and longitudinal
striations proximal to that are valid and relatively unique, as well as
both being found in Cornwell. As Naish notes, "It 'stands in' for
the Plot bone" in the museum's display which identifies the latter as Megalosaurus, but is not explicitly
said to be that specimen or Megalosaurus
itself. However, Naish states that in 2021 Stewart and Ketchum
weighed the specimen and determined it was about half the mass Plot
reported for "Scrotum" so could not be the same specimen.
The Hampen Formation (used to be called Hampen Marly Formation or Beds)
is only slightly above beds that diagnostic Megalosaurus is known from, so
OUMNH J29757 could be that genus. However, Proceratosaurus, "Metriacanthosaurus" "reynoldsi"
and Cruxicheiros are also
known from around the same area and time, but the wider flexor groove
is more like Megalosaurus
than Cruxicheiros, and the
shape is pretty dissimilar from proceratosaurid Guanlong and much larger than it or
"reynoldsi" is incomparable and of uncertain relations. The
ectocondylar tuber does seem to be more medially placed than Megalosaurus (but similar to
"Sctrotum"), but this may be due to compression and shearing.
Reference- Naish, 2022 online.
Robert Plot’s Lost Dinosaur Bone. https://tetzoo.com/blog/2022/12/12/robert-plots-lost-dinosaur-bone
M? sp. indet. (Lydekker, 1888)
Late Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Cornbrash Formation, England
Material- (NHMUK 47169) dorsal centrum
Comments- Lydekker (1888) provisionally referred this centrum to
Megalosaurus bucklandi. This specimen cannot be referred to Megalosaurus
bucklandii because the dorsal vertebrae of that taxon lack
described apomorphies.
Reference- Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and
Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W.,
Part 1. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria,
Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural
History, London. 309 pp.
M? sp. indet. (Phillips, 1871)
Late Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Forest Marble Formation, England
Material- (NHMUK 39476) tooth (Lydekker, 1888)
(OUM J29772) metatarsal IV (Phillips, 1871)
(Parker coll.) femur (Huene, 1926)
distal femur (~914 mm) (Phillip, 1871)
partial femur (~1.07 m) (Phillips, 1871)
teeth (Freeman, 1979)
Comments- Lydekker (1888) refers NHMUK 29476 to Megalosaurus
bucklandi. Huene (1932) stated he could find no differences between
Megalosaurus bucklandii and NHMUK 39476 and the Parker
collection femur.
References- Phillips, 1871. Geology of Oxford and the Valley of
the Thames: Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 523 pp.
Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the
British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W., Part 1.
Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata,
Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural History,
London. 309 pp.
Huene, 1926. The carnivorous Saurischia in the Jura and Cretaceous
formations, principally in Europe. Revista del Museo de La Plata. 29,
Huene, 1932. Die fossile Reptil-Ordnung Saurischia, ihre Entwicklung
und Geschichte. Monographien zur Geologie und Palaeontologie. 4(1),
viii + 361 pp.
Delair, 1973. The dinosaurs of Wiltshire. Whiltshire Archaeology and
Natural History Magazine. 68, 1-7.
Freeman, 1979. A Middle Jurassic mammal bed from Oxfordshire.
Palaeontology. 22(1), 135-166.
M? sp. indet. (Owen, 1842)
Oxfordian, Late Jurassic
Corallian Oolite, England
Material- (Yorkshire Museum coll.) teeth
Reference- Owen, 1842. Report on British fossil reptiles, part
II. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.
11, 60-204.
M? sp. indet. (Lydekker, 1888)
Early Cretaceous
Potton Sands, England
Material- (NHMUK 42028) fragmentary posterior dorsal vertebra
Comments- Lydekker (1888) provisionally referred this vertebra
to Megalosaurus bucklandi. This specimen is too late to be Megalosaurus,
and cannot be referred to that taxon because the dorsal vertebrae of M.
bucklandii lack described apomorphies.
Reference- Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and
Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W.,
Part 1. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria,
Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural
History, London. 309 pp.
M? sp. indet. (Owen, 1854)
Hauterivian-Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Weald Clay, England
Material- (Royal College of Surgeons coll.) posterior dorsal
(Royal College of Surgeons coll.) dorsal centrum, caudal vertebra,
distal caudal vertebra
(Royal College of Surgeons coll.) partial neural arch
(Royal College of Surgeons coll.) ungual
Comments- These specimens are too late to be Megalosaurus,
and cannot be referred to that taxon because the vertebrae and unguals
of M. bucklandii lack described apomorphies.
Reference- Owen, 1854. Descriptive catalogue of the fossil
organic remains of Reptilia and Pisces contained in the Museum of The
Royal College of Surgeons of England. Taylor and Francis, London. 184
M? sp. indet. (Buckland, 1837)
Besancon, France
Material- (University of Besancon coll.) (lost) jaw fragments,
teeth, bones (Buckland, 1837)
(University of Besancon coll.) two sacral vertebrae (Buffetaut et al.,
References- Buckland, 1837. Geology and Minerology Considered
with Reference to Natural Theology. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and
Blanchard. 443 pp.
Buffetaut, Cuny and Pharisat, 2007. William Buckland's French Megalosaurus.
Terra Nova. 6(3), 323-326.
M? sp. indet. (Sauvage, 1900)
Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Indre, France
Material- tooth
Comments- This specimen cannot be referred to Megalosaurus
bucklandii because the teeth of that taxon lack described
Reference- Sauvage, 1900. Note sur les poissons et les reptiles
du Jurassique inferieur du department de l'Indre. Bulletin de la
societie geologiques de France, 3rd series. 28, 500-504.
M? sp. indet. (Mercier, 1937)
Early Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Ecouche Limestone, France
Material- tooth
Comments- This specimen cannot be referred to Megalosaurus
bucklandii because the teeth of that taxon lack described
References- Mercier, 1937. Notes paleontologiques. Bulletin de
la Société Linnéenne de Normandie, 8e série. 9, 33-36.
Buffetaut, Cuny and Le Loeuff, 1991. French Dinosaurs: The best record
in Europe? Modern Geology. 16(1/2), 17-42.
M? sp. indet. (Lydekker, 1888)
Late Callovian-Early Oxfordian, Middle Jurassic-Late Jurassic
Vaches Noires Cliffs, Calvados, France
Material- (NHMUK 32725) proximal tibia (740 mm) (Lydekker, 1888)
(Tubingen Palaeontological University Museum coll.) distal femur, pedal
phalanx III-1 (Huene, 1926)
Comments- Lydekker (1888) referred NHMUK 32725 to Megalosaurus
References- Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and
Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W.,
Part 1. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria,
Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural
History, London. 309 pp.
Huene, 1926. The carnivorous Saurischia in the Jura and Cretaceous
formations, principally in Europe. Revista del Museo de La Plata. 29,
M? sp. indet. (Royo and Gomez, 1927)
Hauterivian-Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Weald Clay, Spain
Comments- These specimens are too late to be Megalosaurus.
Reference- Royo and Gomez, 1927. Sur le facies wealdien
d'Espange. Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 4th series.
27, 125-128.
M? sp. indet. (Ubaghs, 1892)
Late Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous
Maastricht Formation, Belgium
Material- fragmentary tooth
Comments- This specimen is too late to be Megalosaurus,
and cannot be referred to that taxon because the teeth of M.
bucklandii lack described apomorphies. Based on its age, this is
more probably abelisaurid or dromaeosaurid.
Reference- Ubaghs, 1892. Le Megalosaurus dans la craie
superieure du Limbourg. Bulletin de la Société belge de Géologie, de
Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie, Bruxelles. 6, 26-29.
"Scrotum" Brookes, 1763
"S. humanum" Brookes, 1763
Aalenian-Bajocian?, Middle Jurassic
unknown quarry, Inferior Oolite?, Cornwell, England
Material- (lost) distal femur (~235 mm trans)
Diagnosis- (proposed)
ectocondylar tuber limited to medial half of ectocondyle; ectocondyle
subequal in size and shape to endocondyle.
Originally described and illustrated by Plot (1677) as the distal femur
of a giant human, this is famous as being the first Mesozoic dinosaur
bone to be published. Brookes (1793) later summarized Plot's
description and opinions but labeled the specimen Sctrotum Humanum
in his plate. Rieppel (2022) notes that "At the top of page 317,
Brookes (1763) noted that 'other stones have been found exactly
representing the private parts of a man; and others in the shape of
kidneys . . . ', and continued further down on the same page" described
the femur. As "the plates and the individual figures they contain
not numbered separately, but are identified by the pagination number of
the page on which the respective specimens are mentioned or described.
The conclusion seems to be that the illustrator took the femur fragment
to be an example of those stones referred to on page 317 as 'exactly
representing the private parts of a man', and erroneously labelled it
accordingly." Phillips (1871) believed it was from the Inferior
(Aalenian-Bajocian) and stated "It may have been the femur of a large
megalosaurus or a small ceteosaurus" without evidence. As
described by
Delair and Sargeant (1975), Halstead (1970) "pointed out that because
of its date of publication (post-Linnean, i.e. after 1758), this
binomen can be considered a perfectly valid publication of the first
generic and specific name ever applied to dinosaurian remains. It is
perhaps fortunate that the name was not thereafter employed by any
subsequent worker, and thus Scrotum humanum Brookes must be treated as
a nomen oblitum and discarded." They (and Halstead) considered it
probable to be Megalosaurus
than Cetiosaurus
without evidence and stated "The specimen unfortunately is lost."
Halstead and Sarjeant (1993; publication duplicated in 1995) noted that
while Scrotum should be treated as a nomen oblitum under ICZN Article
23b (First Edition), "no application was made then, or has been made
since, for the formal suppression of Brookes's binomen." The
Edition of the ICZN came out in 1985 and eliminated the nomen oblitum
clause, so the authors petitioned the ICZN in 1992 "(I) to use its
plenary powers to suppress the generic name Scrotum Brookes, 1763 and the
specific name S. humanum
Brookes, 1763; (2) to retain on the Official List of Generic Names in
Zoology the name Megalosaurus
Buckland in Parkinson, 1822, type species by subsequent designation M. bucklandi Meyer. 1832. (3) to
retain on the Official List of Specific Names in Biology the name bucklandi as published in the
binomen Megalosaurus bucklandi
(specific name of the type species of Megalosaurus
Buckland in Parkinson, 1822, by designation in Meyer, 1832); (4) To
place on the Official List of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in
Zoology the name Scrotum
Brookes, 1763; (5) to place on the Official List of Rejected and
Invalid Specific Names in Zoology the name humanum Brookes, 1763, as published
in the binomen Scrotum humanum,
and as suppressed in (1) above." as listed in 1993. As recalled
by the
authors, Tubbs (Executive Secretary to the ICZN) replied later that
year that "The text on p. 301 of Brookes (1763) makes it quite clear
that the two words "Scrotum humanum" on the plate were a description of
a specimen, and that Brookes did not establish a genus Scrotum or a species humanum (any more than he did a
species Kidney stone on the
same plate!). The words just happened to be Latin." Furthermore,
since "[the name Scrotum humanum]
has never been used as a scientific name", it "is therefore unavailable
under Article 11d of the Code" (Third Edition- "Names to be treated as
valid when proposed. - Except as in (i) below, a name must be treated
as valid for a taxon when proposed unless it was first published as a
junior synonym and subsequently made available under the provisions of
Section e of this article."). Finally, because "Plot's long-lost
specimen was ... not certainly, a Megalosaurus
bone", Tubbs wrote that "the Commission is willing to take action only
when there is an appreciable and real, as opposed to hypothetical,
threat to stability or nomenclature. This is not the case for Megalosaurus." Note that
Tubbs was incorrect that Brookes ever specified Scrotum Humanum
was a description instead of a name, with page 301 being an unrelated
section on plant fossils, so his use of Article 11d was unwarranted
although recently supported by Rieppel's logic. He was also wrong
that it had never been used as a scientific name, as Molnar et al.
(1990) listed Scrotum humanum
as a carnosaur nomen dubium. Under the current
ICZN, "Scrotum humanum" would be a nomen nudum based on Article 11.5-
"To be available, a name must be used as valid for a taxon when
proposed." Tubbs was right that the referral to Megalosaurus was merely
hypothetical though, as it has never been supported by published
evidence and seems unwarranted.
The femur is dissimilar from Cetiosaurus
(both the lectotype OUMNH J13615 and the Rutland specimen LCM
G468.1968) in that the sauropods are 45-86% larger, have a distally
extended medial
condyle, and a fibular groove placed at the lateral edge. Note
estimated transverse diameter is based on Plot's statement the
narrowest shaft circumference was 15 inches (= 381 mm) and scaled from
the figure. Compared to this, Megalosaurus
femora are slightly smaller (shaft diameter 265-343 mm), and differ in
having a more distomedially extended and pointed medial condyle, more
laterally positioned ectocondylar tuber, and a straight lateral edge
until the distal extent of the tuber. These same differences are
usually present in e.g. Cruxicheiros,
piatnitzkysaurids, Eustreptospondylus,
Erectopus, Allosaurus, and Juratyrant
among large Jurassic theropods whose distal femora are undistorted and
figured in posterior view. If "Scrotum" is from the Inferior
Oolite it
is also earlier than Megalosaurus,
and differs from the contemporaneous Magnosaurus
in the same ways when preserved (more laterally positioned ectocondylar
tuber; straight lateral edge until the distal extent of the tuber),
although it could derive from Duriavenator
with which it cannot be compared. Sinraptor
is slightly more similar to "Scrotum" in having a convex lateral edge
alongside the ectocondylar tuber, but it is "Brontoraptor" which is
most similar in having that character, an evenly rounded medial condyle
and a more medially placed ectocondylar tuber. Torvosaurus
(ML 632) shows the last character at least but cannot be evaluated for
the rest, so "Scrotum" might be best characterized as a torvosaur and
may relate to "Megalosaurus"
"phillipsi" from the Kimmeridgian of England that also has characters
similar to "Brontoraptor" and Torvosaurus.
"Brontoraptor" also has a similar circumference (376 mm) and internal
cavity size based on Siegwarth et al.'s Figure 8E. Whether the
remaining differences (ectocondylar tuber limited to medial half of
ectocondyle; ectocondyle subequal in size and shape to endocondyle) are
genuine or illustration error caused by Plot generalizing then
unfamiliar megalosauroid anatomy is uncertain. Note "Scrotum" can
excluded from Ceratosauria based on the absence of a tall anteromedial
crest, and from Coeluridae, Proceratosauridae and Maniraptoromorpha
based on the deep extensor groove described by Plot and large size
(with occasional exceptions, e.g. Yutyrannus).
References- Plot, 1677. The Natural History of Oxford-shire,
being an essay towards the Natural History of England. Oxford. 358 pp.
Brookes, 1763. The Natural History of Waters, Earths, Stones, Fossils
and Minerals, with their Virtues, Properties and Medicinal Uses: To
which is added, the methods in which Linnaeus has treated these
subjects. Vol. 5. J. Newberry. 364 pp.
Robinet, 1768. Vue philosophique de la gradation naturelle des formes
de l'être, ou les essais de la nature qui apprend a faire l'homme.
Harrevelt. 260 pp.
Phillips, 1871. Geology of Oxford and the Valley of the Thames. Oxford
at the Clarendon Press. 523 pp.
Halstead, 1970. Scrotum humanum Brookes 1763 - the first named
dinosaur. Journal of Insignificant Research. 5(7), 14-15.
Delair and Sargeant, 1975. The earliest discoveries of dinosaurs. Isis.
66, 5-25.
Buffetaut, 1979. A propos du reste de dinosaurien le plus anciennement
décrit: l'interprétation de J.-B. Robinet (1768). Histoire et Nature.
14, 79-84.
Molnar, Kurzanov and Dong, 1990. Carnosauria. In Weishampel, Dodson and
Osmólska (eds.). The Dinosauria. University of California Press.
Halstead and Sarjeant, 1993. Scrotum humanum Brookes - the
earliest name for a dinosaur? Modern Geology. 18, 221-224.
Halstead and Sarjeant, 1995. Scrotum humanum Brookes - the
earliest name for a dinosaur? In Sarjeant (ed.), 1995. Vertebrate
Fossils and the Evolution of Scientific Concepts; A tribute to L.
Beverly Halstead. Gordon and Breach. 219-222.
Delair and Sargeant, 2002. The earliest discoveries of dinosaurs: The
records re-examined. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 113,
Rieppel, 2022 (online 2021). The first ever described dinosaur bone
fragment in Robinet's philosophy of nature (1768). Historical Biology.
34(5), 940-946.
"phillipsi" Welles, Powell and Pickering vide Pickering, 1995
Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Kimmeridgian Clay, England
Material- (OUM J29886) tibia (740 mm) (Huene, 1926)
....(OUM J13586) metatarsal II (360 mm), incomplete metatarsal III,
incomplete metatarsal IV (Phillips, 1871)
Diagnosis- (from Pickering, DML 2002) cnemial crest more
laterally angled.
(suggested) metatarsal II transversely narrower in proximal view; a
wide lateral flare to the ventral rim of the lateral ligament pit on
metatarsal II.
Other diagnoses- Pickering has listed his intended diagnosis for
this species online (DML, 2002). Of his listed characters, the tibia
does not seem noticably straighter in "phillipsi" than in Megalosaurus
or Torvosaurus. The fibular crest begins at a similar position
proximally. I cannot confirm the presence of a pit in the astragalar
facet in M. bucklandii, and the "concavity of the distal end is
wider" in Torvosaurus and "Brontoraptor" as well. The latter is
also true of the medial malleolus, which "does not extend so far below
the medial end." The tibia is equally robust in "Brontoraptor", Torvosaurus
tanneri and T? sp. ML 430 from Portugal, which also share
the transversely expanded lateral condyle. While the fibular crest
extends more distally than in M. bucklandii, it does not do so
more than "Brontoraptor" or ML 430.
Comments- OUM J29886 is intended as the holotype, though Huene
(1926) felt they belonged to the same individual.
Phillips (1871) illustrated the metatarsus as Megalosaurus in
figure 68. Huene (1926) later illustrated both the tibia and metatarsus
as Megalosaurus bucklandi, incorrectly stating they derive from
the Stonesfield Slate (Pickering, DML 2002). Huene also lists the
metatarsals again as Megalosaurus sp. under entry 54 of his
list, which also get listed as ?Megalosaurus sp. by him in
1932. Pickering (1995) first mentioned the name Megalosaurus
phillipsi in an unpublished bibliographic manuscript. It was later
used in the comparative section of another unpublished manuscript
(Welles and Pickering, 1999). This paper was largely extracted from the
European megalosaur manuscript Welles and Powell worked on in the 1970s
but never published, specifically the Megalosaurus
redescription section. Pickering intends to publish an updated version
of the megalosaur manuscript as Mutanda Dinosaurologica, and has posted
small excerpts including the diagnosis of "phillipsi" online (DML,
2002). In any case, the name is a nomen nudum as Pickering didn't
follow ICZN Article 8.1.3- it must have been produced in an edition
containing simultaneously obtainable copies by a method that assures
numerous identical and durable copies. Curiously, Benson's (2010)
recent redescription of Megalosaurus does not even mention the
specimens, though they do lack the only character in his diagnosis of M.
bucklandii for which it can be checked- complementary groove and
ridge structures on the articular surfaces between metatarsals II and
When entered into my saurischian supermatrix, "phillipsi" emerges in a
polytomy with non-spinosaurid megalosauroids. This specimen will be
compared to Megalosaurus bucklandii, Torvosaurus and
"Brontoraptor" (note Pickering and Welles synonymized the first two at
least), as it differs markedly from Eustreptospondylus (used as
the outgroup comparison), while Magnosaurus and Dubreuillosaurus
are too incomplete to be compared usefully and Afrovenator
remains largely undescribed. Poekilopleuron differs in having a
proximal corner on its medial malleolus and an astragalar facet that
extends far up the medial edge of the tibia. As noted above in the
'other diagnoses' section, "phillipsi" apomorphically resembles
Morrison megalosaurs and ML 430 more than Megalosaurus in being
robust and having a transversely expanded lateral condyle. It
apomorphically resembles "Brontoraptor" and ML 430 more in having a
distally extending fibular crest, but is primitively more like Megalosaurus
than any of these taxa in having a low angled medial malleolus. The
proximodistally wide medial side to the astragalar facet is most
similar to "Brontoraptor" and Torvosaurus, and the fibular
crest lacks the apomorphically bulbous shape of Megalosaurus'.
In proximal view, the incisura tibialis is plesiomorphically shallower
than Megalosaurus as in Torvosaurus and "Brontoraptor",
but the shape is plesiomorphically more similar to Megalosaurus
than "Brontoraptor" in having a narrower cnemial crest and more
posteriorly extensive medial condyle. Metatarsal II is of equal
robusticity to Megalosaurus, unlike Torvosaurus'
apomorphically massive element. It apomorphically shares the medial
flare to the ventral rim of the collateral ligament pit with Torvosaurus
though. It differs from both in being transversely narrower proximally
and having a wide lateral flare to the ventral rim of the opposite
collateral ligament pit. In proximal view, Megalosaurus and
"phillipsi" both have a posterior concavity on metatarsal II, and share
a convex anterior edge, as in the outgroup. Distally, it is primitively
deeper than in either Megalosaurus or Torvosaurus.
Metatarsal III is primitively more medially bowed than either, and is
again less robust than Torvosaurus'. Proximally, metatarsal III
is closer to Torvosaurus in having an apomorphic highly concave
lateral margin and lacking the apomorphic sinuous medial margin of Megalosaurus.
It has a primitively blunter posteromedial corner than either of them.
Distally, the lateral condyle is apomorphically narrower as in Torvosaurus.
Metatarsal IV has an apomorphically concave lateral edge as in Megalosaurus,
unlike the sinusoidal edge of Torvosaurus. The distal shaft
width is intermediate, and the articular end plesiomorphically expands
transversely less than in Megalosaurus. Ignoring the
symplesiomorphies then, "phillipsi" shares five apomorphic states with Torvosaurus,
and only one with Megalosaurus. It also shares these
apomorphies with "Brontoraptor" and ML 430 where known, and shares the
distally projecting fibular crest uniquely with those two specimens. I
conclude Welles, Powell and Pickering were correct to refer "phillipsi"
to their more inclusive version of Megalosaurus, but if Torvosaurus
is separated as most modern workers do, it would be better referred to
that genus. "Brontoraptor" has been recently assumed to be synonymous
with Torvosaurus, and if so the features "phillipsi" shares
with the former to the exclusion of the latter may be individual
variation or incorrectly illustrated for "Brontoraptor". However, the
fact Portuguese tibia ML 430 has the same characters suggests this may
not be the case. Whether ML 430 should be referred to "phillipsi" is an
interesting question, as they are both from Late Jurassic Europe. While
the distally extensive fibular crest might suggest so, the broadly
flared medial malleolus and laterally straight lateral malleolus of ML
430 resemble Torvosaurus more, while the medially narrow
astragalar facet is more like Megalosaurus than any torvosaur.
Both "phillipsi" and ML 430 are best referred to Megalosauridae.
References- Phillips, 1871. Geology of Oxford and the Valley of
the Thames. Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 523 pp.
Huene, 1926. The carnivorous Saurischia in the Jura and Cretaceous
formations, principally in Europe. Revista del Museo de La Plata. 29,
Huene, 1932. Die fossile Reptil-Ordnung Saurischia, ihre Entwicklung
und Geschichte. Monographien zur Geologie und Palaeontologie. 4(1),
viii + 361 pp.
Pickering, 1995. Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in
Philopatry. A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised
printing. Capitola, California. 478 pp.
Welles and Pickering, 1999. Megalosaurus bucklandii. Private
publication of Stephen Pickering. An extract from Archosauromorpha:
Cladistics & Osteologies. A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology
Project. 119 pp.
Pickering, DML 2002. https://web.archive.org/web/20191030094450/http://dml.cmnh.org/2002Mar/msg00553.html
Pickering, in prep. Mutanda Dinosaurologica.
"Brontoraptor" Redman, 1995
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation, Wyoming, US
Material- (TATE 0012; = CPS 1003; = TATE 1003) (adult) atlas (60
mm), axis (150 mm), sacrum (620 mm), first caudal vertebra (105 mm),
second caudal vertebra (113 mm), third caudal vertebra (121 mm), fourth
caudal vertebra (112 mm), fifth caudal vertebra (113 mm), seventh
caudal vertebra (111 mm), eighth caudal vertebra (118 mm), ninth caudal
vertebra (118 mm), tenth caudal vertebra (119 mm), eleventh caudal
vertebra (118 mm), twentieth caudal vertebra (118 mm), six chevrons
(305, 285, 265, 245, 210, 118 mm), scapula, coracoids, ilium (~930 mm),
pubis (~610 mm), ischium (590 mm), femur (830 mm), tibia (700 mm),
fibula (650 mm)
Diagnosis- (from Siegwarth et al., unpublished) differs from Torvosaurus
tanneri in- ilium with straight dorsal edge; vertical pubic
peduncle of ilium; brevis shelf oriented laterally; short pubic
symphysis; reduced pelvic canal; ischium not strongly curved; obturator
process present; no ischial symphysis.
differs from Edmarka rex in- scapula expanded distally; pubis
and ischium more gracile with different distal expansions
Comments- Siegwarth et al. (unpublished, though written after
1994 based on the bibliography, and listed as 1997 by Carrano et al.,
2012) wrote a manuscript that is oddly credited to volume 2 of the
nonexistant journal 'Contributions from the Tate Museum Collections,
Casper, Wyoming'. In it, they describe the sacrum, first caudal
vertebra, ilium, pubis, femur, tibia and fibula of TATE 0012 as parts
of Edmarka paratype TATE 1003. A later version of the
manuscript included Bakker and described more material from the
specimen, this time calling it TATE 0012, which Edmarka
paratype CPS 1003 had apparently been integrated into as TATE 0012-11.
All of this material was discovered in 1993-1996. Redman (1995) had
used the name Brontoraptor for this material in a magazine
article (without species name, making it a nomen nudum- ICZN 13.3). In
the second unpublished manuscript, Seigwarth et al. state TATE 0012 is
at least a different species than Torvosaurus tanneri and
probably a different genus. They note earlier versions of the
manuscript called the specimen Brontoraptor but that based on a
recommendation by Carpenter, they will wait for further comparison to Torvosaurus
to name a new genus. The final version of this manuscript was cited by
Bakker (1996) as being published in volume 3 of Hunteria, but there's
no evidence such a volume was produced. Mateus et al. (2006) and
Carrano et al. have listed the material as Torvosaurus without
justification. The latter merely state "Brontoraptor" and Edmarka
"may represent species level variants of Torvosaurus, but we do
not consider the observed differences as sufficient to justify a new
taxon at this time."
References- Redman, 1995. [title unknown]. Paleo Horizons.
Winter Issue, [pp unknown].
Bakker, 1996. The real Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs and habitats at Como
Bluff, Wyoming. In Morales (ed.). Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin.
60, 35-49.
Mateus, Walen and Antunes, 2006. The large theropod fauna of the
Lourinha Formation (Portugal) and its similarity to the Morrison
Formation, with a description of a new species of Allosaurus.
In Foster and Lucas (eds.). Paleontology and Geology of the Upper
Jurassic Morrison Formation. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and
Science Bulletin. 36, 123-129.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Siegwarth, Lindbeck, Redman, Southwell, unpublished. Giant carnivorous
dinosaurs of the family Megalosauridae from the Late Jurassic Morrison
Formation of eastern Wyoming. Contributions from the Tate Museum
Collections, Casper, Wyoming. 2, 40 pp.
Siegwarth, Lindbeck, Redman, Southwell and Bakker, unpublished.
Megalosaurid dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation of
Eastern Wyoming. 27 pp.
Siegwarth, Lindbeck, Bakker and Southwell, "1996" [unpublished]. Giant
carnivorous dinosaurs of the family Megalosauridae. Hunteria. 3, 1-77.
Edmarka Bakker, Kralis,
Siegwarth and Filla, 1992
E. rex Bakker, Kralis, Siegwarth and Filla, 1992
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation, Wyoming, US
Syntypes- (CPS 1002) incomplete scapula (~950 mm), partial
(CPS 1004) dorsal ribs
(CPS 1005) jugal (444 mm)
(CPS 1006) first caudal vertebra (140 mm)
Paratype- (CPS 1001) partial third dorsal rib, fourth dorsal
rib, ninth dorsal rib, tenth dorsal rib, partial eleventh dorsal rib,
dorsal rib
Referred- ?(CPS 1010) pubis (866 mm) (Bakker et al., 1992)
?(TATE coll.) pubis (790 mm), proximal ischium (Siegwarth et al.,
Kimmeridgian-Tithonian, Late Jurassic
Morrison Formation, Utah, US
?(CEUM 3301) pubes (Siegwarth et al., unpublished)
Comments- Bakker et al. (1992) confusingly label the proximal
caudal vertebra as CPS 1005 in the material list, which is the same
number as the jugal. In the discussion, it is called CPS 1006. Also,
they label the ribs CPS 1001 in the discussion and figures, but as CPS
401 in the material list. Given the other specimen numbers, CPS 1001 is
the more likely possibility. A coracoid (CPS 1003, though now
apparently part of TATE 0012) was originally included as a paratype,
but is part of a specimen Siegwarth et al. (unpublished) believe
differs from Edmarka and which has been called "Brontoraptor".
Synonymized with Torvosaurus tanneri by Holtz et al. (2004) and
Carrano et al. (2012) without detailed analysis.
References- Bakker, Kralis, Siegwarth and Filla, 1992. Edmarka
rex, a new, gigantic theropod dinosaur from the Middle Morrison
Formation, Late Jurassic of the Como Bluff outcrop, with comments on
the evolution of the chest region and shoulder in theropods and birds
and a discussion of the five cycles of originn and extinction among
giant dinosaurian predators. Hunteria. 2(9), 1-24.
Holtz, Molnar and Currie, 2004. Basal Tetanurae. In Weishampel, Dodson
and Osmólska (eds.). The Dinosauria Second Edition. University of
California Press. 71-110.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Siegwarth, Lindbeck, Redman, Southwell and Bakker, unpublished.
Megalosaurid Dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation of
Eastern Wyoming. 27 pp.
"Megalosaurus" ingens Janensch, 1920
= Ceratosaurus ingens (Janensch, 1920) Paul, 1988
Tithonian, Late Jurassic
Upper Dinosaur Member of the Tendaguru Formation, Tanzania
Lectotype- (MB R 1050) tooth (~120x48x23 mm)
Paralectotypes- (MB R 1060) tooth
(MB R 1069) tooth
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Middle Dinosaur Member of the Tendaguru Formation, Tanzania
Paralectotypes- (MB R 1054) tooth
(MB R 1057) tooth
(MB R 1058) tooth
(MB R 1061) tooth
(MB R 1067) tooth
Callovian-Oxfordian, Middle Jurassic-Late Jurassic
Lower Dinosaur Member of the Tendaguru Formation, Tanzania
Paralectotypes- (MB R 1053) tooth
(MB R 1064) tooth
Callovian-Tithonian, Middle Jurassic-Late Jurassic
Tendaguru Formation, Tanzania
Paralectotypes- (MB R 1082) tooth
?(MB R coll.) thirteen teeth, tooth fragments
Diagnosis- (after Gerke and Wings, 2016) combination of- mesial carina reaches cervix; low serration count (5-7 per 5 mm); quadrangular mesial serrations, well-developed distal interdenticular sulci; well-developed marginal undulations.
Comments- Note Madsen and Welles (2000) incorrectly attributed the
combination Ceratosaurus ingens to Rowe and Gauthier (1990) and
wrongly considered it a lapsus calumni, apparently unaware of Paul's
book. Though Janensch (1925) referred 13 more teeth and
tooth fragments to the taxon, these are excluded by Rauhut (2011) as
not sharing the exact same combination of characters. Rauhut did note
there are Tendaguru teeth that are similar except for the absence of
enamel undulations, which are individually variable in many other taxa.
While this species has been referred to both Megalosaurus (Janensch, 1920) and Ceratosaurus (Paul, 1988), Rauhut (2011)
noted it differs from these taxa. Specifically, Megalosaurus differs in having a more strongly recurved crown tip, finer serrations,
mesial serrations that ends well above the cervix, and
lacks basally-directed interdenticular sulci. Ceratosaurus also lacks the latter sulci, has strongly transversely flattened
crowns, pronounced flat or even slightly concave surfaces adjacent to the
carinae, and never shows enamel undulations. Rauhut (1995) noted
similarity with Carcharodontosaurus in the interdenticular sulci, and suggested it may be a carcharodontosaurid. He later (2011)
made the same suggestion, this time based on the combination of only
slightly recurved crowns, basally directed interdenticular sulci, mesial carina extends to cervixn, and
marginal, apically curved enamel undulations. More recently, Gerke and Wings (2016) noted all of these characters in their extremely similar German Morphotype A teeth, which grouped with Torvosaurus in Hendrickx's dental phylogenetic analysis and DFA. Thus "Megalosaurus" ingens is placed as a torvosaur here pending further study (Rauhut in prep.).
References- Janensch, 1920. Ueber Elaphrosaurus bambergi und die Megalosaurier aus den Tendaguru Schichten Deutsch-Ostafrikas.
Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin.
1920, 225-235.
Janensch, 1925. Die Coelurosaurier und Theropoden der
Tendaguru-Schichten Deutsch-Ostafrikas. Palaeontographica. 1(supp. 7),
Paul, 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster, New
York. 464 pp.
Rowe and Gauthier, 1990. Ceratosauria. In Weishampel, Osmólska and
Dodson (eds.). The Dinosauria. University of California Press. 151-168.
Rauhut, 1995. Zur systematischen Stellung der afrikanischen Theropoden Carcharodontosaurus Stromer, 1931, und Bahariasaurus Stromer, 1934. Berliner
geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 16(1), 357-375.
Madsen and Welles, 2000. Ceratosaurus (Dinosauria, Theropoda) a
revised osteology. Miscellaneous Publication 00-2 Utah Geological
Survey. 80 pp.
Rauhut, 2006. Theropod dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic of Tanzania and
the origin of Cretaceous Gondwanan theropod faunas. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. 26(3), 113A.
Rauhut, 2011. Theropod dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic of Tendaguru
(Tanzania). Palaeontology. 86, 195-239.
Gerke and Wings, 2016. Multivariate and cladistic analyses of isolated teeth reveal sympatry of theropod dinosaurs in the Late Jurassic of northern Germany. PLoS ONE. 11(7), e0158334.
"M." cf. ingens (Windolf, 1998)
?Early Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Holzen/Ith, ?Unterer Kimmeridge, Lower Saxony, Germany
(GZG.V.010.333; Morphotype A) tooth (77x31.5x17.8 mm) (Royo y Gómez in García, Chillón and Ortega, 2009)
(GZG.V.010.389; Morphotype A) tooth (73x32x16 mm) (Gerke and Wings, 2016)
Early Berriasian, Early Cretaceous
Holzen/Ith, Serpulit, Lower Saxony, Germany
(MB.R.2800; Morphotype A) tooth (56.5x24.7x14.5 mm) (Gerke and Wings, 2016)
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Thüste, gigas-Beds, Lower Saxony, Germany
(NLMH101379; = Struckmann coll.; Morphotype A) apical tooth (Windolf, 1998)
Comments- Von Koenen et al. (1906) mention Megalosaurus teeth from the gigas-Beds of Holzen, which were identified as containing Late Kimmeridgian ammonite Gravesia irius not Tithonian Gravesia gigas by Schweigert (1999). Gerke and Wings (2016) stated "GZG.V.010.333, GZG.V.010.389 and MB.R.2800 ... could represent the Megalosaurus teeth mentioned by von Koenen et al", but as the former two have museum labels reading "Oxfordium?" and the third reading "Purbeck/Serpulit", it seems unlikely they would be the same as material from the then supposedly Tithonian ('Portlandian') gigas-Beds. Von Koenen's material is retained as Averostra indet. here.
Windolf (1998) figures NLMH101379 as "Tooth of a carnivorous dinosaur (theropod from a previously unknown family) (Collection of the Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover); Thüste/Hils; Upper Jurassic. Length of the preserved part: 2.5 cm" (translated). Gerke and Wings (2014) initially wrote "A very large tooth tip from the Tithonian of Thueste can be assigned to Torvosaurus sp. based on shape, orientation of the denticles, a denticle-density of 6/5 mm, and comparison with teeth recently described from the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian of Portugal", referring to NLMH101379. This is listed by Gerke and Wings' (2016) table as being from the gigas-Beds, but as Thüste is very close to Holzen/Ith and distant from Porta Westfalica in North Rhine-Westphalia where Schweigert determined gigas-Beds actually contained Gravesia gigas, it is probably Late Kimmeridgian as well. Gerke and Wings (2016) assigned this specimen to their Morphotype A.
Garcia et al. (2009) quoted from Royo y Gomez's (1924-1925) diary- "At the Geological Institute in Göttingen (Germany), he also describes teeth that he cites as belonging to Megalosaurus monasterio (sic): "Huge tooth. The enamel is more than 80 mm long and the total tooth 10 mm. It has denticulated keels in the anterior part up to 15 mm from the base and in the posterior part all of it. 37 mm. of half circumference”." Based on these measurements and Gerke and Wings' table, this is almost certainly GZG.V.010.333, cataloged as Megalosaurus sp. in the GZG and with a crown height of 77 mm and mesial serrations ending ~16 mm from the enamel base. This was assigned by Gerke and Wings (2016) to their Morphotype A.
Gerke and Wings (2016) identify two further specimens as Morphotype A. GZG.V.010.389 joins GZG.V.010.333 are teeth labeled Megalosaurus sp. from the "Oxfordium?", but as their Figure 1 indicates Holzen/Ith exposures only extend down to the Early Kimmeridgian. Perhaps these are Early Kimmeridgian then, although the authors list them as Late Kimmeridgian. They list the age of MB.R.2800 (also labeled Megalosaurus sp.) as Late Kimmeridgian as well, but its label of "Purbeck/Serpulit" would place it in the Berriasian.
Gerke and Wings (2016) find "The cladistic analysis assigns morphotype A to Torvosaurus, agreeing in part with DFA results (GZG.V.010.333, Torvosaurus mesialmost, 68.8%; GZG.V.010.389, Torvosaurus, 84.9%; MB.R.2800, Afrovenator, 33.29%)" and that the "very coarse denticles on the mesial and distal carinae (MC and DC, 6-7) ... is seen only in larger teeth of Tyrannosaurus, Torvosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus." However they state it does differ from Torvosaurus in having the mesial carina reach the cervix (which also differs from Wiehenvenator). They noted a number of characters shared with "Megalosaurus" ingens from similarly aged beds in Tanzania (mesial carina reaches cervix; low serration count [5-7 per 5 mm]; quadrangular mesial serrations, well-developed distal interdenticular sulci; well-developed marginal undulations), but stated "Possible additional congruence must await further description of the Tendaguru material (O.W.M. Rauhut in prep.)." Gerke and Wings (2016) concluded "morphotype A is regarded here as a member of the clade Megalosauridae, but this assignment is only provisionally given the similarities to the Tendaguru material." In the absence of stated differences between Morphotype A and ingens, they are placed together here as torvosaurs pending Rauhut's future work on Tendaguru theropod teeth.
References- von Koenen, Müller and Grupe, 1906. Geologische Karte von Preußen und benachbarten deutschen Ländern Lieferung 127: Blatt Alfeld. Preußische Geologische Landesanstalt. [pp].
Windolf, 1998. Dinosaurierfunde in Niedersachsen. Arbeitskreis Paläontologie Hannover. 26, 1-7.
Schweigert, 1999. Neue biostratigraphische Grundlagen zur Datierung des nordwestdeutschen höheren Malm. Osnabrücker Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen. 25, 25-40.
García, Chillón and Ortega, 2009. Contributions of José Royo y Gómez to the knowledge on the dinosaurs of Spain. Paleolusitana. 1, 339-364.
Gerke and Wings 2014. Characters versus morphometrics: A case study with isolated theropod teeth from the Late Jurassic of Lower Saxony, Germany, reveals an astonishing diversity of theropod taxa. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts, 2014. 137.
Gerke and Wings, 2016. Multivariate and cladistic analyses of isolated teeth reveal sympatry of theropod dinosaurs in the Late Jurassic of northern Germany. PLoS ONE. 11(7), e0158334.
Rauhut, Hübner and Lanser, 2016
W. albati Rauhut, Hübner and Lanser, 2016
Middle Callovian, Middle Jurassic
Ornatenton Formation, Germany
Holotype- (WMN P27454) (Das Monster von Minden) (>9 year old
subadult) (~8.3 m) lateral tooth
....(WMN P27455) fused medial gastralia
....(WMN P27456) anterior tooth (~42 mm)
....(WMN P27457) lacrimal
....(WMN P27458) astragalus (193 mm trans)
....(WMN P27459) lateral tooth
....(WMN P27461-62) two dentary fragments
....(WMN P27464) dorsal rib fragment
....(WMN P27465) dorsal rib fragment
....(WMN P27466) dentary fragment
....(WMN P27467) lateral tooth
....(WMN P27470) anterior quadratojugal
....(WMN P27473) lateral tooth
....(WMN P27475) incomplete premaxilla
....(WMN P27476) dorsal rib fragment
....(WMN P27477) postorbital
....(WMN P27479) fibula (~730 mm)
....(WMN P27480) anterior dorsal rib (1.05 m)
....(WMN P27482) incomplete manual phalanx III-1 (~81 mm)
....(WMN P27483) lateral tooth (~73 mm)
....(WMN P27484) partial calcaneum
....(WMN P27499) mid caudal vertebra (114 mm)
....(WMN P27500) mid caudal vertebra (114 mm)
....(WMN P27501) incomplete proximal caudal vertebra (~110 mm)
....(WMN P27502) fibula
....(WMN P27403) posterior dorsal rib
....(WMN P27504) incomplete maxilla (skull ~870 mm)
?...(WMN P29131) partial caudal vertebra
?...(WMN P47417) partial caudal vertebra
Diagnosis- (after Rauhut et al., 2016) Anterior margin of nasal
process of premaxilla offset from anterior margin of premaxillary body
by slight concavity (also in Sciurumimus); medial premaxillary
foramen placed over second alveolus, not the third; first premaxillary
tooth considerably smaller than second (also in spinosaurids);
maxillary antorbital fossa reduced; excavatio pneumatica on ascending
process of maxilla (also in Ceratosaurus and some allosauroids);
lacrimal with small oval depression in antorbital fossa anterior to
lacrimal fenestra; very short and high anterior process of lacrimal,
its length less than half the height of the bone; postorbital with
transversely notably concave orbital facet in dorsal part of anterior
side, with markedly raised lateral and medial margins; oblique ridge on
medial side of fibula at about the level of iliofibularis tubercle;
proximal part of astragalar ascending process deflected laterally,
resulting in marked kink in lateral margin of process.
Comments- The holotype was discovered in 1998 and initially
reported in 1999 as a giant (~15 m) allosaur (e.g. November National
Geographic article), called Das Monster von Minden after the town it
was discovered in. Nothing further was released until Rauhut et al.'s
(2015) abstract, placing the taxon in Megalosauridae. It was officially
described by Rauhut et al. (2016), who used a version of Carrano et
al.'s tetanurine analysis to recover Wiehenvenator as a
megalosaurid sister to Torvosaurus. Note the actual size turns
out to be much smaller than the initial claims, with the authors'
skeletal reconstruction being 8.3 meters long. Also, the manual phalanx
was identified as a pedal phalanx in the 2015 abstract. Only two of the
ribs are complete and only the left fibula is undistorted enough to
measure, but the paper does not specify which specimen numbers
correspond to these (Rauhut, pers. comm. 2016 provided the
identifications for the materials list above)..
References- [author?], 1999. [title?] National Geographic German
Edition. November, [pp].
Rauhut, Hübner and Lanser, 2015. A new theropod dinosaur from the late
Middle Jurassic of Germany and theropod faunal turnover during the
Jurassic. Libro de resúmenes del V Congreso Latinoamericano de
Paleontología de Vertebrados. 62.
Rauhut, Hübner and Lanser, 2016. A new megalosaurid theropod dinosaur
from the late Middle Jurassic (Callovian) of north-western Germany:
Implications for theropod evolution and faunal turnover in the
Jurassic. Palaeontologia Electronica. 19.2.26A, 1-65.
Torvosaurus Galton and
Jensen, 1979
Diagnosis- (after Britt, 1991) interdental wall making up
one-half the medial surface of the maxillary body.
(after Carrano et al., 2012) very shallow maxillary fossa; fused
interdental plates.
(after Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014b) protuberant ridge below maxillary
fossa, in ventral part of anterior corner of lateral antorbital fossa.
Other diagnoses- Hendrickx and Mateus (2014b) also listed
expanded fossae in posterior dorsal and anterior caudal centra forming
enlarged and deep pneumatic openings; highly ossified puboischiadic
plate; and distal expansion of ischium with prominent lateral midline
crest and oval outline in lateral view. However, these areas are
unpreserved in T. gurneyi and thus only scorable in T.
References- Galton and Jensen, 1979. A new large theropod
dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic of Colorado. Brigham Young University
Geology Studies. 26(2), 1-12.
Britt, 1991. Theropods of Dry Mesa Quarry (Morrison Formation, Late
Jurassic), Colorado, with emphasis on the osteology of Torvosaurus
tanneri. Brigham Young University Geology Studies. 37, 1-72.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014b. Torvosaurus gurneyi n. sp., the
largest terrestrial predator from Europe, and a proposed terminology of
the maxilla anatomy in nonavian theropods. PLoS ONE. 9(3), e88905.
T. tanneri Galton and Jensen, 1979
= Megalosaurus tanneri (Galton and Jensen, 1979) Paul, 1988
Tithonian, Late Jurassic
Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, US
Lectotype- (BYUVP 2002 in part) humerus (429)
Paralectotypes- (BYUVP 2002 in part) humerus (412 mm), radius
(187 mm), ulnae (225, 229 mm)
(BYUVP 2003) (skull ~1.31 m) anterior dentary
(BYUVP 2004a-d) fragment of fifth cervical vertebra, sixth cervical
vertebra (115 mm), seventh cervical vertebra (123 mm), eighth cervical
vertebra (121 mm)
(BYUVP 2005) first dorsal vertebra (135 mm)
(BYUVP 2006) fifth dorsal vertebra (118 mm)
(BYUVP 2007) sixth dorsal vertebra (~107 mm)
(BYUVP 2008) twelfth dorsal vertebra
(BYUVP 2009) dorsal vertebra
(BYUVP 2010) metacarpal I (72.3 mm)
(BYUVP 2011) metacarpal II (117.5 mm)
(BYUVP 2012) metacarpal III (96.5 mm)
(BYUVP 2013) ilium
(BYUVP 2014) pubes (736 mm)
(BYUVP 2015) ischium (736 mm)
(BYUVP 2016) tibia (725 mm)
(BYUVP 2017) incomplete tibia
(BYUVP 2018) manual phalanx I-1 (~65 mm)
(BYUVP 5029) astragalus
(BYUVP 9620) fibula (688 mm)
(BYUVP 9622) calcaneum
Referred- (BYU 725/2003) tooth (Brusatte et al., 2007)
(BYUVP 2020) manual ungual I (Galton and Jensen, 1979)
(BYUVP 4860) third cervical vertebra (90 mm) (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 4881) distal ischium (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 4882) premaxilla (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 4883) jugals (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 4884) atlantal intercentrum (50 mm), neurapophysis (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 4890) thirteenth dorsal vertebra (130 mm) (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 4976a-k) eighth caudal vertebra (115 mm), eighth chevron, ninth
caudal vertebra (118 mm), ninth chevron, tenth caudal vertebra (119
mm), tenth chevron (232 mm), eleventh caudal vertebra (116 mm),
eleventh chevron (220 mm), twelfth caudal vertebra (104 mm), twelfth
chevron (190 mm), thirteenth caudal vertebra (109 mm), thirteenth
chevron (185 mm), fourteenth caudal vertebra (100 mm), fourteenth
chevron (~180 mm), fifteenth caudal vertebra, fifteenth chevron,
sixteenth caudal vertebra (100 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 4977) ilium (853 mm) (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 4998) fourth dorsal vertebra (124 mm) (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 5004) fourth caudal vertebra (127 mm) (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 5005) metatarsal III (320 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5009) metatarsal III (348 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5020) calcaneum (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 5077) metatarsal II (295 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5086) second caudal vertebra (116 mm) (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 5110) quadrate (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 5129) fibula (686 mm), astragalus (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 5136) fibula (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 5147) metatarsal II (303 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5241) metatarsal III (357 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5276) metatarsal II (288 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5277) metatarsal III (358 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5278) metatarsal IV (302 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5279) metatarsal IV (308 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5280) metatarsal III (365 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5281) metatarsal II (307 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 5286) lacrimal (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 8966) metatarsal IV (302 mm) (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 9013) twelfth caudal vertebra (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 9090) tenth dorsal vertebra (~113 mm) (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 9120) seventh dorsal vertebra (112 mm) (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 9121) ninth dorsal vertebra (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 9122) maxilla (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP 9135) twenty-third caudal vertebra (86 mm) (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 9249) postorbital (Britt, 1991)
(BYUVP 9621) astragalus (Jensen, 1985)
(BYUVP coll.) teeth (Jensen, 1985)
(CM 1254) tooth (Britt, 1991)
(DMNH 2243) posterior dorsal vertebra (Britt, 1991)
(FMNH PR 3060) three gastralial fragments, metacarpal III (85 mm),
phalanx III-2 (34 mm), pedal phalanx I-1 (80 mm), incomplete metatarsal
II (~306 mm), incomplete metatarsal III (~356 mm), metatarsal IV (287
mm) (Hanson and Makovicky, 2014)
(MWC coll.) tooth (Kane, 2020)
?(YPM 58269) partial tibia (Dalman, 2014)
(YPM coll.) tooth (>100 mm) (Lull, 1927)
two teeth (Foster, 2005)
Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation, Colorado, US
humerus (Carpenter, 1998)
Kimmeridgian-Tithonian, Late Jurassic
Morrison Formation, Colorado, US (Skull Creek quarry)
(CMC VP15575; Elvis) (~10 m) premaxillary teeth, maxilla, surangular,
angular, articular, teeth, fifth to tenth cervical vertebrae, cervical
ribs, first to thirteenth dorsal vertebrae, dorsal ribs, sacrum, first
to second caudal vertebrae, partial furcula, ilia, pubes, ischia,
femur, distal tibia, phalanx II-2, proximal phalanx III-2 (Galiano,
(DMNS coll.) tooth (Kane, 2020)
Diagnosis- (after Rauhut, 2000) opisthocoelous cervical
vertebrae with a pronounced flat rim around the anterior ball (unknown
in T. gurneyi); fenestra in neural arch of dorsal vertebrae in
front of hyposphene (unknown in T. gurneyi).
(after Carrano et al., 2012) expanded pneumatic fossae in posterior
dorsal and anterior caudal vertebrae centra forming enlarged, deep
openings (unknown in T. gurneyi); highly ossified puboischiadic
plate (unknown in T. gurneyi); distal expansion of ischium with
prominent lateral midline crest and oval outline in lateral view
(unknown in T. gurneyi).
(after Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014b) protuberant ridge on anterior part
of medial shelf, posterior to anteromedial process; interdental wall
falling short relative to lateral wall; interdental plates with broad
ventral margin.
Other diagnoses- The shallow maxillary fossa and fused
interdental plates listed by Carrano et al. (2012) are also present in T.
Comments- Britt (1991) noted the forelimb elements of BYUVP 2002
were found disarticulated and that at least two equally sized
individuals were preserved in the quarry, so that restriction of the
holotype would be preferrable. He chose the left humerus, but the ICZN
doesn't allow a holotype to be designated after the fact. The humerus
would be a lectotype, which is how it is interpreted by Hendrickx and
Mateus (2014b). Also note the original BYU 2016 of Galton and Jensen
(1979) was divided into several specimen numbers by Britt.
Allain et al. (2012) believed manual ungual I BYUVP 2020 could be from
a spinosaurid because of its elongation, but as no other spinosaurid
remains are known from the Morrison, this is questionable.
The most significant articulated specimen is nicknamed Elvis and was
initially privately owned (Galiano, 2015) before being bought by the
Cincinnati Museum Center as CMC VP15575 (Miller, pers. comm. 2021).
References- Lull, 1927. Organic Evolution, Macmillan, New York.
729 pp.
Galton and Jensen, 1979. A new large theropod dinosaur from the Upper
Jurassic of Colorado. Brigham Young University Geology Studies. 26(2),
Jensen, 1985. Uncompahgre dinosaur fauna: A preliminary report. Great
Basin Naturalist. 45, 710-720.
Paul, 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster, New
York. 464 pp.
Britt, 1991. Theropods of Dry Mesa Quarry (Morrison Formation, Late
Jurassic), Colorado, with emphasis on the osteology of Torvosaurus
tanneri. Brigham Young University Geology Studies. 37, 1-72.
Carpenter, 1998. Vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Morrison Formation
near Cañon City, Colorado. Modern Geology. 23, 407-426.
Rauhut, 2000. The interrelationships and evolution of basal theropods
(Dinosauria, Saurischia). PhD thesis. University of Bristol. 440 pp.
Foster, 2005. Evidence of size-classes and scavenging in the theropod Allosaurus
fragilis at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry (Late Jurassic), Rabbit Valley,
Colorado: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 25(3), 59A.
Brusatte, Benson, Carr, Williamson and Sereno, 2007. The systematic
utility of theropod enamel wrinkles. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 27(4), 1052-1056.
Allain, Xaisanavong, Richir and Khentavong, 2012. The first definitive
Asian spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of
Laos. Naturwissenschaften. 99(5), 369-377.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Dalman, 2014. New data on small theropod dinosaurs from the Upper
Jurassic Morrison Formation of Como Bluff, Wyoming, USA. Volumina
Jurassica. 12(2), 181-196.
Hanson and Makovicky, 2014. A new specimen of Torvosaurus tanneri
originally collected by Elmer Riggs. Historical Biology. 26(6), 775-784.
Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014b. Torvosaurus gurneyi n. sp., the
largest terrestrial predator from Europe, and a proposed terminology of
the maxilla anatomy in nonavian theropods. PLoS ONE. 9(3), e88905.
Galiano, 2015. Torvosaurus. Maxilla & Mandible Ltd. 11 pp.
Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, 2015. The dentition of megalosaurid
theropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 60(3), 627-642.
Kane, 2020. Identifying Jurassic theropod genera using GIS maps of
tooth serrations. The Society
of Vertebrate Paleontology 80th
Annual Meeting, Conference Program. 197.
T. gurneyi Hendrickx and
Mateus, 2014b
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Porto Novo-Amoreira Member of Lourinha Formation, Portugal
Holotype- (ML 1100) (~10 m, ~4-5 tons) (skull ~1.15 m) maxilla
(612 mm), tooth (127 mm), partial proximal caudal centrum
Paratype- (ALT-SHN.116) maxillary fragment (Malafaia et al.,
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Sobral Member of Lourinha Formation, Portugal
Referred- (FUB PB Ther 1) lateral tooth (Rauhut and Kriwet,
?(FUB PB Ther 2) partial tooth (Rauhut and Kriwet, 1994)
(ML 1188) (embryo) maxilla, dentary, dentary tooth, five teeth, three
centra, bones, eggshell fragments (Araujo et al., 2012)
Early Tithonian, Late Jurassic
Bombaral Member of Lourinha Formation, Portugal
(ML 430) (~7 m, ~1.6-1.7 tons) tibia (820 mm) (Mateus and Antunes,
(ML 962) anterior tooth (85.8 x 31.2 x 20.2 mm) (Hendrickx and Mateus,
Late Kimmeridgian-Early Tithonian, Late Jurassic
Lourinha Formation, Portugal
(ML 148) tooth (? x 35.2 x 17.7 mm) (Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, in
(ML 500) tooth (? x 41.3 x 19.9 mm) (Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, in
(ML 632) (~10 m; ~3-4 tons) distal femur (~1.11 m) (Mateus et al.,
(ML 857) tooth (59.5 x 32.2 x 17.1 mm) (Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo,
in press)
(ML 1853) tooth (43.5 x 24.8 x 13.7 mm) (Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo,
in press)
Diagnosis- (after Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014b) than eleven
maxillary teeth; interdental plates with straight ventral margin;
interdental wall nearly coincidental with lateral wall of maxillary
body; absence of protuberant ridge on anterior part of medial shelf,
posterior to anteromedial process, with coincidental posterior
extension of dorsal and medial ridges of anteromedial process.
Comments- The holotype was discovered in 2003 and first
described by Mateus et al. (2006), then described in depth later by
Hendrickx and Mateus (2014b). Rauhut and Kriwet (1994) first described
FUB PB Ther 1 and 2 as "Megalosaurus" pombali specimens which
they placed as Carnosauria indet., but the first was later referred to Torvosaurus
gurneyi by Hendrickx and Mateus (2014b). The eggshells associated
with Torvosaurus are dendroolithid.
References- Rauhut and Kriwet, 1994. Teeth of a big theropod
dinosaur from Porto das Barcas (Portugal). Berliner
Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, E. 13, 179-185.
Mateus and Antunes, 2000. Torvosaurus sp. (Dinosauria:
Theropoda) in the Late Jurassic of Portugal. Livro de Resumos do I
Congresso Iberico de Paleontologia. 115-117.
Antunes and Mateus, 2003. Dinosaurs of Portugal. Comptes Rendus
Palevol. 2, 77-95.
Mateus, Walen and Antunes, 2006. The large theropod fauna of the
Lourinha Formation (Portugal) and its similarity to the Morrison
Formation, with a description of a new species of Allosaurus.
In Foster and Lucas (eds.). Paleontology and Geology of the Upper
Jurassic Morrison Formation. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and
Science Bulletin. 36, 123-129.
Malafaia, Ortega, Silva and Escaso, 2008. Fragmento de un maxilar de
teropodo de Praia da Corva (Jurasico Superior. Torres Vedras,
Portugal). Palaeontologica Nova SEPAZ. 8, 273-279.
Araujo, Castanhinha, Mateus and Martins, 2012. Late Jurassic theropod
embryos from Porto das Barcas, Lourinha Formation, Portugal. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2012, 57.
Araujo, Castanhinha, Martins, Mateus, Hendrickx, Beckmann, Schell and
Alves, 2013. Filling the gaps of dinosaur eggshell phylogeny: Late
Jurassic theropod clutch with embryos from Portugal. Scientific
Reports. 3, 1924.
Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014a. Abelisauridae (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from
the Late Jurassic of Portugal and dentition-based phylogeny as a
contribution for the identification of isolated theropod teeth.
Zootaxa. 3759(1), 1-74.
Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014b. Torvosaurus gurneyi n. sp., the
largest terrestrial predator from Europe, and a proposed terminology of
the maxilla anatomy in nonavian theropods. PLoS ONE. 9(3), e88905.
Malafaia, Ortega and Silva, 2014. New cranial remains assigned to
Megalosauridae (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Late Jurassic of
Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
Program and Abstracts 2014, 175.
Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, 2015. The dentition of megalosaurid
theropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 60(3), 627-642.
cf. T. sp. (Struckmann, 1871)
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Ahlem, Mittlerer Kimmeridge, Lower Saxony, Germany
Material - (NLMH101375b; = Struckmann coll.; as Saurocephalus münsteri; Morphotype B) incomplete tooth (~42x20.5x~10 mm) (Struckmann, 1871)
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Bed 83, Langenberg Quarry, Mittlerer Kimmeridge, Lower Saxony, Germany
?(DFMMh/FV382; Morphotype N) (juvenile?) tooth (10.2x6.3x3.3 mm in GW2016; or 9.66x5.81x3.40 mm in LEA2009) (Lubbe, Richter and Knötschke, 2009)
?(NLMH0105652; Morphotype N) (juvenile?) tooth (4.9x3x1.5 mm)
(Gerke and Wings, 2016)
Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Langenberg Quarry, Lower Saxony, Germany
(DFMMh/FV1205; cast; Morphotype B) tooth (41.3x20.5x11 mm) (Gerke and Wings, 2016)
(DFMMh/FV1206; cast; Morphotype B) tooth (~56x~21.8x~11.5 mm) (Gerke and Wings, 2016)
Oxfordian, Late Jurassic
Marienhagen, Korallenoolith, Lower Saxony, Germany
(GZG.V.010.381; Morphotype B) incomplete tooth (~45x22.8x10.5 mm) (Wichmann, 1907)
Early Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Marienhagen, Unterer Kimmeridge, Lower Saxony, Germany
(RPM.NKP.14356; Morphotype B) tooth (57x26.8x~?13 mm) (Gerke and Wings, 2016)
Late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic
Tönniesberg, Mittlerer Kimmeridge, Lower Saxony, Germany
(NLMH16416b; Morphotype L) fragmentary anterior tooth (?x?x15 mm)
(Gerke and Wings, 2016)
(NLMH106235a; Morphotype L) partial anterior tooth (40.7x17x12.2 mm)
(Gerke and Wings, 2016)
Morphotype B- Struckmann (1871) listed "Teeth of Saurocephalus Münsteri v. Meyer. Quite rare." (translated) collected by himself from the Middle Pteroceras layers of Ahlem. Based on Gerke and Wings' (2016) specimen table, this corresponds to two teeth (NLMH101375a, b) labeled Saurocephalus münsteri from the Struckmann collection from Ahlem. One of these (NLMH101375b) was assigned to Morphotype B by Gerke and Wings. Gerke and Wings (2014) reported Torvosaurus sp. teeth from the Struckmann collection at the NLMH (supposedly from Lindener Berg but all such teeth described by them in 2016 are from the nearby Ahlem or Tönniesberg), which may refer to NLMH101375b.
Von Koenen et al. (1911) mention Megalosaurus teeth "in Oxfordian sediments of the now abandoned quarry southwest of Marienhagen" (Gerke and Wings, 2016), which matches "Megalosaurus Monasterii Mnstr." reported by Wichmann (1907) from the Korallenoolith of the southern Roggesch quarry near Marienhagen. This is probably GZG.V.010.381 based on its label reading Oxfordian in Gerke and Wings' table, which they assigned to their Morphotype B.
Gerke and Wings' table lists RPM.NKP.14356 from Marienhagen as being labeled Megalosaurus monasterii in its museum's collection. They assign this and DFMMh/FV1205-1206 from the Langenberg Quarry to Morphoype B.
Gerke and Wings find "The cladistic analysis recovers morphotype B close to Torvosaurus and Megalosaurus" while "The DFA assigns four teeth (DFMMh/FV1205, DFMMh/FV1206, GZG.V.010.381 and RPM.NKP.14356) to the megalosaurids Afrovenator and Duriavenator."NLMH101375b is classified as Majungasaurus (39.91%), or possibly Duriavenator (26.16%), but as this tooth is very incomplete, the results should be viewed with caution." They note "The only difference between morphotype B and ... Torvosaurus are the apical mesial denticles, which seem to be vertical rectangular in morphotype B" and so referred Morphotype B to Megalosauridae cf. Torvosaurus sp." Note Gerke and Wings (2014) initially wrote "A very large tooth tip from the Tithonian of Thueste can be assigned to Torvosaurus sp. based on shape, orientation of the denticles, a denticle-density of 6/5 mm, and comparison with teeth recently described from the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian of Portugal", but this specimen (NLMH101379) was instead assigned to their Morphotype A (cf. "Megalosaurus" ingens here) in their final paper.
Morphotype L- Gerke and Wings (2016) determined "The cladistic analysis places morphotype L (coded as mesialmost) ... well within the Megalosauridae" and "The DFA classifies NLMH106235a as Allosaurus", but the latter's mesialmost teeth "differ from morphotype L in possessing often twisted and displaced mesial and distal carinae, distal carinae terminating well below the cervix and a more irregular surface texture." They conclude "It is possible that the teeth of morphotype L were the mesialmost of morphotype B."
Morphotype N- Discovered in the decade prior to 2006, Lubbe et al. (2009) assigned
DFMMh/FV382 to Velociraptorinae based on being "strongly labiolingually compressed, strongly distally recurved and apically sharply pointed and the carinae are serrated mesially and distally, with a distinct size difference between mesial and distal denticles". However, they noted compared to most other Langenberg teeth they assigned to that clade, DFMMh/FV382 was "less strongly recurved [Crown Distal Angle 88.82 vs. 93.97-112.78] and less labiolingually compressed" (CBR 0.59 vs. 0.45-0.55). Further, despite saying "In all specimens the denticles on the mesial carina are smaller than those on the distal carina", they list the DSDI as 0.88 indicating the opposite condition. Apically sharp teeth serrated both mesially and distally are the norm among non-maniraptoriform theropods. Lubbe et al. concluded "The teeth of Velociraptor mongoliensis ... are most similar to the specimens from Langenberg" and that "the main differences between the teeth lie in their size" with Velociraptor being smaller. However, lateral Velociraptor teeth have a CBR of 0.26-0.49 compared to 0.52-0.59 (in DFMMh/FV382, depending on publication) and a DSDI of 1-1.39 compared to 0.88-0.90, thus differing from DFMMh/FV382 in more than their slightly smaller size. Gerke and Wings (2016) further noted "Dromaeosaurid theropods possess an often pronounced labial depression at the cervix [and] an eight-shaped basal cross-section" which are absent in their Morphotype N including this tooth and NLMH0105652 (which was discovered in October 2014- Martin et al., 2016). Instead they found "The cladistic analysis recovers morphotype N ... as Neotheropoda and Piatnitzkysaurus when coded as juvenile" while their "DFA classifies DFMMh/FV382 as Liliensternus (56.46%) and NLMH105652 as Velociraptor (82.19%)." However, "When Piatnitzkysaurus is removed, morphotype N is classified as megalosaurid" and they note "The characteristics of morphotype N show also great agreement with morphotype B [cf. Torvosaurus sp.], e.g. distal carinae terminating well below the cervix, mesial carinae terminating at midcrown and mesial denticles more vertical rectangular-shaped." Thus "Morphotype N is regarded as a possible juvenile megalosaurid", with uncertainty being due to the lack of comparable known juvenile megalosaurid material.
Struckmann, 1871. Die Pteroceras-Schichten der Kimmeridge-Bildung bei Ahlem unweit Hannover. Zeitschrift Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft. 23(1), 214-230.
Wichmann, 1907.
Der Korallenoolith und Kimmeridge im Gebiet des Selter und des Ith. Dieterich University. 39 pp.
von Koenen, Menzel and Schlunck, 1911. Geologische Karte von Preußen und benachbarten deutschen Ländern Lieferung 153: Blatt Gronau. Preußische Geologische Landesanstalt. [pp].
Lubbe, Richter and Knötschke, 2009. Velociraptorine
dromaeosaurid teeth from the Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) of Germany.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 54(3), 401-408.
Gerke and Wings 2014. Characters versus morphometrics: A case study with isolated theropod teeth from the Late Jurassic of Lower Saxony, Germany, reveals an astonishing diversity of theropod taxa. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts, 2014. 137.
Gerke and Wings, 2016. Multivariate and cladistic analyses of isolated teeth reveal sympatry of theropod dinosaurs in the Late Jurassic of northern Germany. PLoS ONE. 11(7), e0158334.
Martin, Schultz, Schwermann and Wings, 2016. First Jurassic mammals of Germany: Multituberculate teeth from Langenberg Quarry (Lower Saxony). Palaeontologia Polonica. 67, 171-179.
T? sp. (Lü and Hu, 1998)
Late Jurassic
Datong, Shanxi, China
Material- eighth dorsal centrum (~140 mm), partial eleventh
dorsal vertebra, partial thirteenth dorsal centrum (~134 mm), fused
partial second, third and partial fourth sacral centra
Comments- Lü and Hu (1998) referred these to Allosaurus
sp., but Carrano et al. (2012) felt the "overall morphology and
cavernous lateral depressions" were comparable to Torvosaurus
and considered them Tetanurae indet. cf. Torvosaurus.
References- Lü and Hu, 1998. Dinosaur remains from Datong
Suburb, Shanxi Province. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 36(3), 252-256.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Afrovenatorinae Carrano, Benson
and Sampson, 2012
Definition- (Afrovenator abakensis <- Megalosaurus
= Megalosaurinae sensu Allain, 2002
Definition- (Poekilopleuron bucklandii <- Torvosaurus
tanneri) (modified)
Diagnosis- (after Carrano et al., 2012) squared anterior margin
of maxillary antorbital fenestra (also in Irritator);
puboischiadic plate broadly open along midline.
References-Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of
Tetanurae (Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.
10(2), 211-300.
unnamed possible afrovenatorine
(Liu and Yeh, 1957)
Aalenian?, Middle(?) Jurassic
Shuangyukou, Qianfoya Formation?,
Sichuan, China
Material- (IVPP V893) (~1.4 m)
(juvenile?) incomplete manual ungual I (~24 mm)
Comments- This was discovered
in 1955 associated with the holotype of Ceratodus minor
(IVPP V892) (Liu and Yeh, 1957). The locality is listed as
"Shung-ya-kou, Hai-t'ang-pu, Kiangyou, Szechuan", which is now called
Shuangyukou, Haitangpu, Jiangyou, Sichuan. The authors list the
age as
"? M. Jurassic", which should stand for Middle(?) Jurassic, as the
Jiangyou area is all Jurassic (e.g. fig. 3 of Luo et al., 2014).
would make IVPP V893 from either the Shangshaximiao, Xiashaximiao or
Qianfoya Formations, which in the absence of geological description
will probably only be resolved via more C. minor
fossils or detailed stratigraphic studies of Jiangyou. Chang and
(1996) listed the horizon as "?Qianfoyan Series". Liu and Yeh
this "Carnosauria indet." under the Huenian system of carnosaurs being
large theropods, though they correctly say it "represents a small
carnivorous dinosaur." They say only that "For comparison with
Megalosaurian phalangeals it is shorter and stouter than the latter",
which might be based on comparison to Allosaurus
given the limited number of 'megalosaurian' manual unguals described at
the time, unless it was being compared to pedal unguals where such a
statement would also always be true. Comparing proximal height
(excluding flexor tubercles), IVPP V893 is
~21% of the size of Afrovenator's
holotype, which may mean this is a
juvenile if correctly assigned to Megalosauroidea.
Comparison- Compared to
ceratosaurs (Saltriovenator, Eoabelisaurus;
elaphrosaurs have reduced unguals so are not relevant), IVPP V893 has a
less prominent flexor tubercle with no proximal notch and a more
concave artcular surface. Carnosaurs have more prominent flexor
tubercles (except Mapusaurus)
and are transversely thicker (at least in Allosaurus and Sinraptor). This includes the
possibly contemporaneous Yangchuanosaurus
shangyouensis (CV 00214). Of roughly contemporaneous
Chinese taxa with preserved manual unguals, Xuanhanosaurus' ungual I has only
been figured in a mostly dorsal view while Kaijiangosaurus' figured ungual is
almost flat proximally and has a sharp angle ventrally like ungual II
of Asfaltovenator. Most
Jurassic coelurosaurs also have more prominent flexor tubercles (Bicentenaria, Zuolong, Tanycolagreus, Juravenator, Guanlong, Ornitholestes, archaeopterygids,
scansoriopterygids), and of those that don't- Compsognathus (digit I), Shishugounykus (digit I) and Sciurumimus
(digit I) have a proximally projected dorsal lip and shallower claw
base, with the first having a proximodistally longer tubercle and the
last a shorter tubercle; Aorun
(digit II) has almost no tubercle and less recurvature; and Shishugounykus
(digit II) has a proximally projected dorsal lip and proximodistally
shorter tubercle. The most similar unguals to IVPP V893 are Tugulusaurus (digit I), Dubreuillosaurus (digit I or II), Leshanosaurus (digit I) and Afrovenator
(digit I), of which the latter is closest but has a slightly deeper
tubercle and more distally placed and ventrally angled (proximally)
vascular groove.
References- Liu and Yeh, 1957.
Two new species of Ceratodus
from Szechuan, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 1(4), 305-311.
Chang and Jin, 1996. Mesozoic fish faunas of China. In Arratia and
Viohl (eds.). Mesozoic Fishes - Systematics and Paleoecology. Friedrich
Pfeil. 461-478.
Luo, Qi, Zhang, Wang and Hen, 2014. Detrital zircon U-Pb ages of Late
Triassic-Late Jurassic deposits in the western and northern Sichuan
Basin margin: constraints on the foreland basin provenance and tectonic
implications. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 103, 1553-1568.
Afrovenator Sereno,
Wilson, Larsson, Duthell and Sues, 1994
A. abakensis Sereno, Wilson, Larsson, Duthell and Sues,
Bathonian-Oxfordian, Middle-Late Jurassic
In Gall, Tiourarén Formation of the Irhazer Group, Niger
Holotype- (UC UBA 1) (6.76 m) skull (~840 mm) (lacking
premaxilla, nasal, frontal, parietal and quadratojugal), prearticular,
axis, third cervical cervical vertebra, fourth cervical vertebra,
eighth cervical vertebra, cervical rib, first dorsal vertebra, fourth
dorsal vertebra, seventh dorsal centrum, eighth dorsal centrum,
eleventh dorsal vertebra, twelfth dorsal vertebra, two dorsal ribs,
proximal caudal vertebra, two mid caudal vertebrae, ten distal caudal
vertebrae, fifteen chevrons, humerus (~400 mm), distal radius, distal
ulna, semilunate carpal, metacarpal I (62 mm), phalanx I-1 (112 mm),
manual ungual I (~135 mm), metacarpal II (135 mm), proximal phalanx
II-1, manual ungual II (~118 mm), phalanx III-3 (53 mm), manual ungual
III (~66 mm), incomplete ilium (567 mm), incomplete pubis (644 mm),
ischium (533 mm), femur (760 mm), tibia (~687 mm), fibula, astragalus
lacking ascending pr., calcaneum, metatarsal I (103 mm), phalanx II-1
(122 mm), pedal ungual II (76 mm), (metatarsal III ~344 mm), metatarsal
IV (321 mm), phalanx IV-1 (90 mm), phalanx IV-2 (106 mm), phalanx IV-3
(87 mm)
Referred- ?(MUPE HB-118) tooth (37.5x18.6x9.9 mm)
(Serrano-Martínez, Vidal, Scisio, Ortega and Knoll, 2016)
?(MUPE HB-125) tooth (~20.3x8.7x5.3 mm) (Serrano-Martínez, Vidal,
Scisio, Ortega and Knoll, 2016)
?(MUPE HB-142) tooth (~31x14.1x9.2 mm) (Serrano-Martínez, Vidal,
Scisio, Ortega and Knoll, 2016)
?(TP4-5) tooth (42.5x19.9x12.7 mm) (Serrano-Martínez, Ortega, Sciscio,
Tent-Manclus, Bandera and Knoll, 2015)
?(TP4-8) tooth (~62x26.6x13.8 mm) (Serrano-Martínez, Ortega, Sciscio,
Tent-Manclus, Bandera and Knoll, 2015)
?(TP4-10) tooth (~37x9.3x20.7 mm) (Serrano-Martínez, Ortega, Sciscio,
Tent-Manclus, Bandera and Knoll, 2015)
?(TP4-12) maxillary fragment (Serrano-Martínez, Ortega, Sciscio,
Tent-Manclus, Bandera and Knoll, 2015)
(after Sereno et al., 1994) maxilla with lobe-shaped anterior
margin of antorbital fossa; third cervical with a low, rectangular
neural spine; very flat semilunate carpal; metacarpal I with a broad
flange for articulation
against metacarpal II.
(after Carrano et al., 2012) posterior extension of distal pubic
expansion inset from lateral surfaces of anterior extension, forming
pair of conjoined, posterior flanges.
Though originally identified as Hauterivian-Barremian and called the
Tiouraren beds by Sereno et al. (1994), the Tiouraren Formation has
been reinterpreted as
Bathonian-Oxfordian (Rauhut and Lopez-Arbarello, 2009). Note
Sereno et al. measured manual ungual length as "measured perpendicular
to the alticular end", so maximum length
from proximodorsal edge to distal tip is estimated from their figure
Sereno et al. placed Afrovenator as a non-megalosaurian
megalosauroid, which takes five more steps in Carrano et al.'s matrix
(whose phylogeny is followed here). Rauhut (2003) found it to be closer
to allosauroids than megalosauroids, which takes 3 more steps when
constrained. Each possibility is quite likely.
References- Sereno, Wilson, Larsson, Dutheil and Sues, 1994.
Early Cretaceous dinosaurs from the Sahara. Science. 266, 267-271.
Rauhut, 2000. The interrelationships and evolution of basal theropods
(Dinosauria, Saurischia). PhD thesis. University of Bristol. 440 pp.
Rauhut and Lopez-Arbarello, 2009. Considerations on the age of the
Tiouaren Formation (Iullemmeden Basin, Niger, Africa): Implications for
Gondwanan Mesozoic terrestrial vertebrate faunas. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 271, 259-267.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Serrano-Martínez, Ortega, Sciscio, Tent-Manclus, Bandera and Knoll,
2015. New theropod remains from the Tiourarén Formation (?Middle
Jurassic, Niger) and their bearing on the dental evolution in basal
tetanurans. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 126(1),
Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, 2015. The dentition of megalosaurid
theropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 60(3), 627-642.
Serrano-Martínez, Vidal, Scisio, Ortega and Knoll, 2016 (online 2015).
Isolated theropod teeth from the Middle Jurassic of Niger and the early
dental evolution of Spinosauridae. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.
61(2), 403-415.
Allain, 2005
= "Calvadosaurus" Holtz, 2007
D. valesdunensis (Allain, 2002) Allain, 2005
= Poekilopleuron valesdunensis Allain, 2002
Middle Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Calcaire de Caen Formation, France
Holotype- (MNHN 1998-13) partial skull (~490 mm), dentary
splenials, surangular impression, angular, incomplete cervical centrum
(45 mm excluding anterior ball), incomplete posterior cervical vertebra
(50 mm excluding anterior ball), axial rib, proximal cervical ribs, two
partial anterior dorsal centra, three partial anterior dorsal neural
arches, two posterior dorsal centra (70 mm), dorsal ribs, two
gastralia, partial second sacral vertebra, partial third sacral
vertebra (85 mm), partial fifth sacral vertebra, fifth sacral rib,
proximal caudal neural arch, seven mid caudal vertebrae (60-65 mm), two
distal caudal vertebrae (38, 40 mm), two chevrons (110, 90 mm), partial
scapula, manual ungual I or II (83 mm on curve), incomplete femur (~450
mm), proximal tibia, incomplete fibula, phalanx III-1 (65 mm),
metatarsal V (58 mm)
Diagnosis- (after Allain, 2005) very low skull, at least three
times longer than high; double curvature of the anterodorsal margin of
the maxillary nasal ramus; postorbital ventral process with U-shaped
cross section; parietals not visible in lateral view; straight medial
margin of the upper temporal fenestra; absence of paraquadrate
fenestra; well developed ventral process on the jugal ramus of the
ectopterygoid; deeply grooved posterior margin of the ectopterygoid
ahead of the subtemporal fenestra; large external mandibular fenestra;
mylohyoid foramen largely opened anteroventrally; femoral head
medioventrally directed; convex anterior surface of distal end of femur.
(after Carrano et al., 2012) ventral notch in posterior outline of
braincase between exoccipitalopisthotics and basioccipital.
References- Allain, 2002a. Les Megalosauridae (Dinosauria,
Theropoda). Nouvelle découverte et révision systématique: Implications
phylogénétiques et paléobiogéographiques. PhD thesis. Museum National
d'Histoire Naturelle Laboratoire de Paleontologie. 329 pp.
Allain, 2002b. Discovery of a megalosaur (dinosauria, Theropoda) in the
Middle Bathonian of Normandy (France) and its implications for the
phylogeny of basal Tetanurae. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
22(3), 548-563.
Allain, 2005. The postcranial anatomy of the megalosaur Dubreuillosaurus
valesdunensis (Dinosauria Theropoda) from the Middle Jurassic of
Normandy, France. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 25(4), 850–858.
Holtz, 2007. Dinosaurs: The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Encyclopedia for
Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages. Random House. 432 pp.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, 2015. The dentition of megalosaurid
theropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 60(3), 627-642.
Li, Peng, Ye, Jiang and Huang, 2009
L. qianweiensis Li, Peng, Ye, Jiang and Huang, 2009
Kimmeridgian?, Late Jurassic
Xiaogu, Shangshaximiao Formation, Sichuan, China
Holotype- (QW200701) (~6.2 m) incomplete skull, posterior
mandible, three teeth, hyoid (95 mm), atlas, axis (78 mm), third
cervical vertebra (80 mm), fourth cervical vertebra (76 mm), fifth
cervical vertebra (80 mm), ninth cervical vertebra (70 mm), tenth
cervical vertebra (60 mm), first dorsal vertebra (70 mm), second dorsal
vertebra (80 mm), third dorsal vertebra (87 mm), fourth dorsal vertebra
(98 mm), fifth dorsal vertebra (99 mm), sixth dorsal vertebra (103 mm),
seventh dorsal vertebra (105 mm), eighth dorsal vertebra (107 mm),
ninth dorsal vertebra (102 mm), tenth dorsal vertebra (97 mm), twelfth
dorsal vertebra (102 mm), fourteenth dorsal vertebra (82 mm), most
dorsal ribs (to 600 mm), sacrum (100, 95, 90, 90, 95 mm), two mid
caudal vertebrae, chevron, metacarpal I, phalanx I-1, manual ungual I,
phalanges II-1, metacarpal III (70 mm), phalanx III-3, manual ungual
III, incomplete ilium, pubis (585 mm), proximal ischial fragment, femur
(600 mm), tibia (580 mm), incomplete fibula, metatarsal II (275 mm),
phalanx II-1, phalanx II-2, pedal ungual II, phalanx III-1, metatarsal
IV, phalanx IV-1, phalanx IV-2, phalanx IV-4, pedal ungual IV
Paratype- (QW200702) (juvenile) femur (220 mm)
Diagnosis- (after Li et al., 2009) supraoccipital with sharp
midline ridge; frontal 2.4 times longer than wide; slender
basipterygoid processes; atlantal intercentrum horseshoe-shaped;
slender dorsal transverse processes; thin dorsal and sacral neural
spines; distinct ventral sacral keel; conspicuous medial ridge along
acetabular edge of ilium.
Comments- Li et al. (2009) assigned this taxon to Sinraptoridae,
but Cau (online, 2009) referred it to Megalosauridae instead, as the
sister taxon to Megalosaurus. As he noted, the elongate
anterior maxillary ramus, lack of medial fenestrae in the antorbital
fossa, long frontal, only slightly decurved paroccipital processes, and
long dorsal centra are all more similar to megalosauroids than
sinraptorids. In addition, I note a ventral keel is present in the
sacra of Megalosaurus and "Brontoraptor", and the medial
acetabular ridge is a megalosauroid synapomorphy in Benson's analysis.
Carrano et al. (2012) found it to be an afrovenatorine particularly
similar to Piveteausaurus.
Most recently, Rauhut et al. (2024) used the Mesozoic Tetrapod Group
Theropod Matrix to recover it as either a basal spinosaurid or a
References- Cau, online 2009. http://theropoda.blogspot.com/2009/12/leshansaurus-li-et-al-2009-sinraptoride.html
Li, Peng, Ye, Jiang and Huang, 2009. A new carnosaur from the Late
Jurassic of Qianwei, Sichuan, China. Acta Geologica Sinica. 83(9),
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Rauhut, Bakirov, Wings, Fernandes and Hübner, 2024. A new theropod
dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation of Kyrgyzstan.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 201(4), zlae090.
Huene, 1923
M. nethercombensis (Huene, 1923) Huene, 1932
= Megalosaurus nethercombensis Huene, 1923
= Streptospondylus nethercombensis (Huene, 1923) Paul, 2010
Early Bajocian, Middle Jurassic
Inferior Oolite Formation, England
Holotype- (OUM J12143) (~4.6 m; adult) incomplete dentaries,
partial posterior dorsal vertebra, rib impressions, partial mid caudal
vertebra (~66 mm), ilial fragment, pubes (one proximal; one
incomplete), distal femora, tibiae (one proximal; one incomplete; 490
mm), distal fibula, fragments
Diagnosis- (after Rauhut, 2000) differs from Eustreptospondylus
in the proximal extent of the pubic symphysis.
(after Sadleir et al., 2008) differs from Eustreptospondylus in
having interdental plates which are taller than long; pubis with
greater transverse expansion at acetabular margin in proximal view;
lateral margin of distal femur concave in posterior view;
dorsoventrally extending ridge on lateral surface of cnemial crest.
(after Benson, 2010) anteroposteriorly elongate foramina located
ventrally on the lateral surface of the dentary.
Comments- In Carrano et al.'s (2012) matrix, it only takes a
single step to move Magnosaurus
from Afrovenatorinae and into Eustreptospondylinae as in Rauhut
(2000). Most recently, Rauhut et al. (2024) used the Mesozoic
Tetrapod Group Theropod Matrix to recover it as either a basal
spinosaurid, eustreptospondyline or sister to Allosauria.
References- Huene, 1923. Carnivorous Saurischia in Europe since
the Triassic. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 34,
Huene, 1926a. The carnivorous Saurischia in the Jura and Cretaceous
formations, principally in Europe. Revista del Museo de La Plata. 29,
167 pp.
Huene, 1926b. On several known and unknown reptiles of the order
Saurischia from England and France. Annal and Magazine of Natural
History, ser. 9. 17, 473-489.
Huene, 1932. Die fossile Reptil-Ordnung Saurischia, ihre Entwicklung
und Geschichte. Monographien zur Geologie und Palaeontologie. 4(1),
viii + 361 pp.
Waldman, 1974. Megalosaurids from the Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) of
Dorset. Palaeontology 17, 325-339.
Rauhut, 2000. The interrelationships and evolution of basal theropods
(Dinosauria, Saurischia). PhD thesis. University of Bristol. 440 pp.
Allain, 2002a. Les Megalosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Nouvelle
découverte et révision systématique: Implications phylogénétiques et
paléobiogéographiques. PhD thesis. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Laboratoire de Paleontologie. 329 pp.
Sadleir, Barrett and Powell, 2008. The anatomy and systematics of Eustreptospondylus
oxoniensis, a theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic from
Oxfordshire, England. Monograph of the Palaeontological Society. 82 pp.
Benson, 2010. The osteology of Magnosaurus nethercombensis
(Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) of the
United Kingdom and a re-examination of the oldest records of
tetanurans. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 8(1), 131-146.
Paul, 2010. The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs. Princeton
University Press. 320 pp.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Hendrickx, Mateus and Araújo, 2015. The dentition of megalosaurid
theropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 60(3), 627-642.
Rauhut, Bakirov, Wings, Fernandes and Hübner, 2024. A new theropod
dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation of Kyrgyzstan.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 201(4), zlae090.
Taquet and Welles, 1977
P. divesensis (Walker, 1964) Taquet and Welles, 1977
= Eustreptospondylus divesensis Walker, 1964
= Proceratosaurus divesensis (Walker, 1964) Paul, 1988
Late Callovian, Middle Jurassic
Marnes de Dives, France
Holotype- (MNHN 1920-7) (adult) frontals, parietals, braincase
Comments- Carrano et al. (2012) note that because the braincase
is so similar to Leshansaurus, and other known megalosaurid
braincases (Eustreptospondylus and Dubreuillosaurus) are
from juveniles, the validity of this species is uncertain.
This taxon is generally placed in Megalosauridae (Taquet and Welles,
1977; Kurzanov, 1989), which was recently found in Benson's (2008,
2010) and Carrano et al.'s (2012) phylogenetic analyses. Exceptions are
Allain (2002) and Paul (1988), who found it to be carnosaurian.
Most recently, Rauhut et al. (2024) used the Mesozoic Tetrapod Group
Theropod Matrix to recover it as either a basal spinosaurid or
carcharodontosaurid outside Carcharodontosaurinae.
References- Walker, 1964. Triassic reptiles from the Elgin area:
Ornithosuchus and the origin of carnosaurs. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 248, 53-134.
Taquet and Welles, 1977. Redescription du crâne de dinosaure théropode
de dives (Normandie). Annales de Paléontologie (Vertébrés). 63(2),
Paul, 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster, New
York. 464 pp.
Allain, 2002a. Les Megalosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Nouvelle
découverte et révision systématique: Implications phylogénétiques et
paléobiogéographiques. PhD thesis. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Laboratoire de Paleontologie. 329 pp.
Benson, 2008. A new theropod phylogeny focussing on basal tetanurans,
and its implications for European 'megalosaurs' and Middle Jurassic
dinosaur endemism. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 51A.
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Rauhut, Bakirov, Wings, Fernandes and Hübner, 2024. A new theropod
dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation of Kyrgyzstan.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 201(4), zlae090.
Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1837
= "Poecilopleuron" Eudes-Deslongchamps vide Bronn, 1937
P. bucklandii Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1837
= "Poecilopleuron bucklandi" Eudes-Deslongchamps vide Bronn, 1937
= Liopleurodon bucklandi (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1837) Sauvage,
= Megalosaurus poikilopleuron Huene, 1923
Middle Bathonian, Middle Jurassic
Calcaire de Caen Formation, France
Holotype- (destroyed; plastoholotype MNHN 1897-2) cervical ribs
(lost), dorsal ribs (lost), gastralia, twenty-one caudal vertebrae
(lost), six chevrons (lost), scapula (lost), humerus (~306 mm), radius
(170 mm), ulna (182 mm), metacarpal I (58 mm), phalanx I-1 (66 mm;
lost), femur (lost), distal tibia (lost), partial fibula (lost),
astragalus (lost), phalanx I-1, pedal ungual I, phalanx II-1, phalanx
II-2, pedal ungual; II, metatarsal III, phalanx III-1, phalanx III-2,
phalanx III-3, pedal ungual III, phalanx IV-2, phalanx IV-3, pedal
ungual IV, ten gastroliths
Diagnosis- (after Allain and Chure, 2002) mid caudal neural
spines as long as their corresponding centrum length; deltopectoral
crest extending to midlength of humerus; ulna lacking olecranon
process; distal end of radius as wide as proximal end; strong ulnar
process at midlength of posteromedial edge of radius; convex lateral
margin of ascending process of astragalus.
(after Rauhut, 2000) metacarpal I with small lateral flange behind
distal articular facet.
Comments- YPM 4839 (2427) is listed in Carrano (1998) as Poekilopleuron? valens with
metatarsal (180 mm) and humeral (323 mm) measurements, but the online
catalogue indicates YPM 4839 is a cast of the Poekilopleuron bucklandii holotype
perhaps measuring the ulna and humerus. YPM 2427 is a Pteranodon proximal ulna, so the
inclusion of this number by Carrano is unexplained.
considered a megalosaurid (Allain, 2002; Holtz et al., 2004), Benson
(2008, 2010) found it to be a carnosaur and more recently (Benson et
al., 2010) a sinraptorid. Carrano et al. (2012) recovered it as an
afrovenatorine, though this is highly uncertain as only one more step
is needed for it to be a piatnitzkysaurid, allosaur or any other kind
of megalosaurid. Moving it to Sinraptoridae takes 4 more steps so is
still quite possible. Most recently, Rauhut et al. (2024) used
the Mesozoic Tetrapod Group Theropod Matrix to recover it as
carcharodontosaurid sister to Concavenator.
References- Bronn, 1837. Lethaea Geognostica oder Abbildungen und Beschreibungen
der für die Gebirge-Formationen bezeichnendsten Versteinerungen. 1, 1-544.
Eudes-Deslongchamps. 1837. Mémoire sur le Poekilopleuron bucklandi,
grande saurien fossile, intermédiare entre les crocodiles et les lézards,
découvert dans les carrières de la Maladrerie, près Caen,
au mois de juillet 1835. Mémoires de la Société
Linnéenne Normandie. 6, 1-114.
Sauvage, 1873. Notes sur les reptiles fossiles. Bulletin de la Société
Géologique de France, série 3. 1, 365-386.
Huene, 1923. Carnivorous Saurischia in Europe since the Triassic.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 34, 449-458.
Carrano, 1998. The evolution of dinosaur locomotion: Functional
morphology, biomechanics, and modern analogs. PhD Thesis, The
University of Chicago. 424 pp.
Rauhut, 2000. The interrelationships and evolution of basal theropods
(Dinosauria, Saurischia). PhD thesis. University of Bristol. 440 pp.
Allain, 2002a. Les Megalosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Nouvelle
découverte et révision systématique: Implications phylogénétiques et
paléobiogéographiques. PhD thesis. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Laboratoire de Paleontologie. 329 pp.
Allain, 2002b. Discovery of a megalosaur (dinosauria, Theropoda) in the
Middle Bathonian of Normandy (France) and its implications for the
phylogeny of basal Tetanurae. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
22(3), 548-563.
Allain and Chure, 2002. Poekilopleuron bucklandi, the theropod
dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) of Normandy.
Paleontology. 45(6), 1107-1121.
Holtz, Molnar and Currie, 2004. Basal Tetanurae. In Weishampel, Dodson
and Osmólska (eds.). The Dinosauria Second Edition. University of
California Press. 71-110.
Benson, 2008. A new theropod phylogeny focussing on basal tetanurans,
and its implications for European 'megalosaurs' and Middle Jurassic
dinosaur endemism. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 51A.
Benson, 2010. A description of Megalosaurus bucklandii
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bathonian of the UK and the
relationships of Middle Jurassic theropods. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society. 158(4), 882-935.
Benson, Brusatte and Carrano, 2010. A new clade of large-bodied
predatory dinosaurs (Theropoda: Allosauroidea) that survived to the
latest Mesozoic. Naturwissenschaften. 97, 71-78.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Rauhut, Bakirov, Wings, Fernandes and Hübner, 2024. A new theropod
dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation of Kyrgyzstan.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 201(4), zlae090.
P? sp. indet. (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1837)
Middle Jurassic
Grande Oolithe, France
Material- (destroyed) tooth
Comments- This cannot be compared to Poekilopleuron, so
cannot be referred to the genus.
Reference- Eudes-Deslongchamps. 1837. Mémoire sur le Poekilopleuron
bucklandi, grande saurien fossile, intermédiare entre les crocodiles
et les lézards, découvert dans les carrières de la Maladrerie,
près Caen, au mois de juillet 1835. Mémoires de la
Société Linnéenne Normandie. 6, 1-114.
P? sp. indet. (Owen, 1854)
Hauterivian-Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Weald Clay, England
Material- (Royal College of Surgeons coll.) partial dorsal
Comments- Based on its age, this material is unlikely to be Poekilopleuron,
and cannot be compared to the genus in any case.
Reference- Owen, 1854. Descriptive catalogue of the fossil
organic remains of reptilia and pisces contained in the Museum of The
Royal College of Surgeons of England. 184 pp.
Spinosauridae Stromer, 1915
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus <- Torvosaurus
tanneri) (modified from Sereno, 1998)
Other definitions- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus <- Megalosaurus
bucklandii, Allosaurus fragilis, Passer domesticus) (Holtz et al.,
(Spinosaurus aegyptiacus <- Torvosaurus tanneri,
Allosaurus fragilis, Passer domesticus) (Allain et al., 2012)
(Spinosaurus aegyptiacus <- Megalosaurus bucklandii,
Allosaurus fragilis) (Rauhut and Pol, 2019)
= Baryonychidae Charig and Milner, 1986
= Irritatoridae Martill et al., 1996
= Sigilmassasauridae Russell, 1996
= Spinosauridae sensu Holtz et al., 2004
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus <- Megalosaurus
bucklandii, Allosaurus fragilis, Passer domesticus)
= Spinosauridae sensu Allain et al., 2012
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus <- Torvosaurus
tanneri, Allosaurus fragilis, Passer domesticus)
= Spinosauridae sensu Rauhut and Pol, 2019
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus <- Megalosaurus
bucklandii, Allosaurus fragilis)
Diagnosis- (after Rauhut, 2000) Dentary with strongly developed
anterior expansion; anterior dentary teeth much larger than the
relatively small and closely spaced posterior teeth; medial alveolar
border is as high as the lateral border and formed by a sheet of bone
of the dentary, rather than by separately ossified interdental plates;
teeth almost round in basal cross section and only slightly recurved;
very long premaxillae, forming a rostral rosette; seven premaxillary
teeth; ventral margin of premaxilla strongly concave; anterior ramus of
maxilla strongly elongated; angle between anterior and ventral ramus of
the lacrimal less than 45°; dorsal vertebrae with several small
vertical laminae connecting the transverse process with the neural
spine dorsally; humerus extremely robust, with strongly expanded
internal tuberosity and distal condyles; ulna with a broad and very
strongly developed olecranon process; ischium with a long and low
obturator flange.
Comments- Sereno's (in press) definition is the same as Holtz et
al.'s (2004) except for the substitution of Torvosaurus for Megalosaurus.
Sereno's has an advantage that Torvosaurus is more often
included in analyses than Megalosaurus (Sereno, 1999; Rauhut,
2000; Allain, 2002), and has a more certain phylogenetic position.
Incidentally, I believe a node-based Spinosauridae may be a better
idea, for this stem-based one could include Chilantaisaurus
(Rauhut, 2000, 2003), coelophysoids (Paul, 1988), tyrannosaurids
(Walker, 1964), carcharodontosaurids (Bonaparte et al., 1990) and other
taxa proposed to be more closely related to Spinosaurus than
megalosaurids, allosaurids or birds.
Candeiro et al. (2004) referred two teeth from the Adamantina Formation
of Brazil (UFRJ-DG 354-Rd and UFRJ-DG 372-Rd) to Spinosauridae, but
Machado et al. (2008) considered them more like to be
crocodyliforms. Canudo et al. (2004) and Salgado et al. (2009)
referred a tooth (Endemas-PV 6) from the Cerro Lisandro Formation of
Argentina to Spinosauridae and cf. Spinosauridae respectively, but
Hasegawa et al. (2010) referred it to Hamadasuchus. Buffetaut
(2008) considered teeth from the Tendaguru Formation of Tanzania (MB R
1084 and possibly 1091) previously referred to Labrosaurus stechowi
to be spinosaurid, but Rauhut (2011) noted they were more similar to
other stechowi
teeth and thus possibly ceratosaurid. Barrett et al. (2010)
described cervical NMV P221081 from the Eumeralla Formation of
Australia as a spinosaurid, but it was later referred to Megaraptoridae
by Poropat et al. (2019). Hone et al. (2010)
described a tooth (XMDFEC V0010) from the Majiacun Formation of China
as a baryonychine, but Kubota et al. (2017) reassigned it to a more
generic theropod.
References- Candeiro, Abranches, Abrantes, Avilla, Martins,
Moreira, Torres and Bergqvist, 2004. Dinosaur remains from western Sao
Paulo State, Brazil (Bauru Basin, Adamantina Formation, Late
Cretaceous). Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 18, 1-10.
Canudo, Salgado, Barco, Bolatti and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2004. Dientes de dinosaurios terópodos y saurópodos de la Formación
Cerro Lisandro (Cenomaniense superior-Turoniense inferior, Cretácio superior)
en Río Negro (Argentina). Geo-Temas. 6, 31-34.
Rayfield and Milner, 2005. Cranial functional morphology of spinosaurid
"crocodile-mimic" dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 25(3),
Rayfield and Milner, 2006. The evolution of piscivory in theropod
dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 26(3), 114A.
Buffetaut, 2008. Spinosaurid teeth from the Late Jurassic of Tengaduru,
Tanzania, with remarks on the evolutionary and biogeographical history
of the Spinosauridae. In Mazin, Pouch, Hantzpergue and Lacombe (eds.).
Mid-Mesozoic life and environments. Documents des Laboratoires de
Geologie Lyon. 164, 26-28.
Machado, Campos and Kellner, 2008. On a theropod scapula (Upper
Cretaceous) from the Marília Formation, Bauru Group, Brazil. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 82(3), 308-313.
Salgado, Canudo, Garrido, Ruiz-Omeñaca, Garcýa, de la Fuente, Barco and
Bollati, 2009. Upper Cretaceous vertebrates from El Anfiteatro area,
Rio Negro, Patagonia. Cretaceous Research. 30, 767-784.
Barrett, Benson, Rich and Vickers-Rich, 2010. A definitive spinosaurid
theropod from the Lower Cretaceous of Australia and its implications
for Gondwanan paleobiogeography. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
Program and Abstracts 2010, 57A.
Hasegawa, Tanaka, Takakuwa and Koike, 2010. Fine sculptures on a tooth
of Spinosaurus (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from Morocco. Bulletin
of Gunma Museum of Natural History. 14, 11-20.
Hone, Xu and Wang. 2010. A probable baryonychine (Theropoda:
Spinosauridae) tooth from the Upper Cretaceous of Henan Province,
China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 48, 19-26.
Rauhut, 2011. Theropod dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic of Tendaguru
(Tanzania). Palaeontology. 86, 195-239.
Allain, Xaisanavong, Richir and Khentavong, 2012. The first definitive
Asian spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of
Laos. Naturwissenschaften. 99(5), 369-377.
Anduza and Fowler, 2014. How might spinosaurids have caught fish?
Testing behavioral inferences through comparisons ith modern
fish-eating tetrapods. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and
Abstracts 2014, 80.
Kubota, Takakuwa and Hasegawa, 2017. Second discovery of a spinosaurid
tooth from the Sebayashi Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Kanna Town,
Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of Gunma Museum of Natural History.
21, 1-6.
Poropat, White, Vickers-Rich and Rich, 2019. New megaraptorid
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) remains from the Lower Cretaceous Eumeralla
Formation of Cape Otway, Victoria, Australia. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology. 39, e1666273.
Rauhut and Pol, 2019. Probable basal allosauroid from the early Middle
Jurassic Cañadón Asfalto Formation of Argentina highlights phylogenetic
uncertainty in tetanuran theropod dinosaurs. Scientific Reports.
Naish, online 2022
Late Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Compton Chine, Cowleaze Chine Member,
Vectis Formation, England
Material- (IWCMS 2018.30; White
Rock spinosaurid) (~13 m) partial anterior dorsal vertebra (69.4 mm
without condyle), two ?dorsal rib fragments, two synsacral centra
(~156, ~142 mm), sacral or caudal central fragment, partial proximal
caudal vertebra, two ilial fragments, two long bone fragments, four
Comments- Discovered over
several months in 2018, this was first mentioned by Austen and Batten
(2018) as "theropod bones from Compton Bay, Isle of Wight (Fig. 46.1)
(J.A.F. Lockwood, pers. comm. 2018)" with one element figured as 46.1
"Probable theropod pelvic fragment showing curved boring b
(Vectis Formation at junction with the Wessex Formation, Compton Bay.
IWCMS 2018.30)." Barker et al. (2022) described the remains as
Spinosauridae indet., "with enormous dimensions similar to those of the
Spinosaurus holotype and
exceeding those of the largest European theropods previously
reported." While no total length estimate was provided, scaling
the proximal caudal centrum height from Baryonyx in their table 5 (assuming
a 9.1 m Baryonyx) leads to
13.2 m which is identical to this site's estimate for the Spinosaurus
type which has equal sacral centrum length to IWCMS 2018.30.
Hence the 13 m estimate given here. Naish (online 2022) stated
"Dinosaur species tend to be unique to specific geological formations,
and ... there’s no indication from anatomy that these remains belong to
any of the previously known Wealden spinosaurids ... For these reasons,
we can be mildly confident that this is a new animal, and we did at
times consider the possibility of giving it a name (cough 'Vectispinus')."
This is of course an
intentional nomen nudum for reasons such as ICZN article 11.5 ("a name
must be used as valid for a taxon when proposed") and 16.1 ("Every new
name published after 1999, including new replacement names (nomina
nova), must be explicitly indicated as intentionally new").
Barker et al. (2022) used Cau's Wessex baryonychine matrix to recover
it very weakly supported as a spinosaurine basal to Ichthyovenator and Spinosaurus.
They found "Three characters were shared between the White Rock
spinosaurid and other spinosaurines, all from the anterior caudal
series: the presence of centrodiapophyseal laminae (Ch. 358:1), the
presence of prezygodiapophyseal laminae (Ch. 626:1), and the presence
of a deep prezygocentrodiapophyseal fossa (Ch. 1605:1)", but that Ichthyovenator and Spinosaurus
"appear to show that fossae and laminae become less prominent in the
more posterior parts of the axial skeleton" and that the caudal of
IWCMS 2018.30.3 [is considered to be] to be more anteriorly placed than
any of the known caudal elements of Riparovenator
or Vallibonavenatrix"
that were scored for baryonychine proximal caudal morphology.
Thus the characters may be present in the currently unknown
proximalmost baryonychine caudals as well.
References- Austen and Batten,
2018. English Wealden fossils: An update. Proceedings of the
Geologists' Association. 129, 171-201.
Barker, Lockwood, Naish, Brown, Hart, Tulloch and Gostling, 2022. A
European giant: A large spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the
Vectis Formation (Wealden Group, Early Cretaceous), UK. PeerJ.
Naish, online 2022. https://tetzoo.com/blog/2022/6/8/giant-spinosaurid-dinosaur-from-the-isle-of-wight
undescribed Spinosauridae
(Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito, Torices and Pereda-Suberbiola, 2019)
Late Barremian-Early Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Enciso Group, Virgen del Villar-2, Peña Cárcena, Igea, La Rioja, Spain
Material- (CPI coll.; Villar) incomplete skeleton (University of
the Basque Country, 2024 online)
Late Barremian-Early Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Enciso Group, Marino 2, Peña Cárcena, Igea, La Rioja, Spain
(CPI coll.; Garras) (medium-sized) palatal elements, (?)dorsal
vertebrae, two partial dorsal ribs, caudal vertebrae, ilium, pubis,
femur, tibia, incomplete fibula, three metatarsals (~281 mm),
phalanges, three manual and pedal unguals (pedal ~74 mm) (Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito, Torices and Pereda-Suberbiola, 2019)
Comments- Isasmendi et al.
(2019) mentioned "The “Garras” excavation carried out in the summer of
2018 in Peña Cárcena" (translated) and stated that partial skeleton was
partially articulated. They further say "its affinity with other
theropods cannot be determined, but it would correspond to a
medium-sized animal." Isasmendi et al. (2021) specified
articulated skeletons belonging to an indeterminate theropod and to
other mid- to large-sized dinosaur have been recovered from Marino 2
and Colladillos 1 sites, respectively", with the former being Garras
that is also photographed in their Figure 2A as "remains of a partially
articulated indeterminate theropod." The latter figure shows two
dorsal ribs, a fibula, three metatarsals and a pedal ungual. University
of the Basque Country's 2024 press release for Riojavenatrix mentions "other
spinosaurid fossils found at Igea, such as the partial skeleton called
“Garras” at Peña Cárcena, and the one excavated in recent years at
Virgen del Villar 2 (very close to Virgen del Villar 1), which has been
given the informal name Villar. The latter is “one of the most complete
skeletons known in the European and world record”. The “Garras”
material is in the final stages of study before publication and the
Villar material is being prepared by the lab team members." Whether
these skeletons belong to Riojavenatrix
or the Enciso spinosaurine, or new taxa, remains to be determined
although they should both be comparable to the former genus.
References- Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito, Torices and Pereda-Suberbiola, 2019. Restos
oseos de dinosaurios teropodos del Cretacico Inferior de Igea (La
Rioja). Zubía. 31, 181-186.
Isasmendi, Navarro-Lorbés, López-Horgue, Sáez-Benito, Viera, Torices
and Pereda-Suberbiola, 2021. Updating the geological and stratigraphic
occurrences of La Rioja dinosaur sites. Palaeobiodiversity of the Lower
Cretaceous Enciso Group at Peña Cárcena (Igea, Spain). Comunicações Geológicas. 108(Especial I), 91-96.
University of the Basque Country, 2024 online. UPV/EHU
researchers discover a new species of carnivorous dinosaur in La Rioja.
Campusa. 3-12-2024.
Isasmendi, in prep.. [title]. PhD thesis. University of the Basque
Country. [pp].
unnamed possible spinosaurid (Bittencourt and Kellner, 2003)
Albian, Early Cretaceous
Romualdo Formation of Santana Group, Brazil
Material- (MN 4743-V) (subadult) incomplete third and fourth
sacral vertebrae, fifth sacral vertebra, six proximal caudal vertebrae,
three proximal chevrons
Comments- Bittencourt and Kellner (2003) excluded MN 4743-V from
Ceratosauria based on the lack of a synsacrum and a ventral midline
groove on the proximal caudal centra. They excluded it from
Coelurosauria based on the transversely rounded ventral sacral margin
and anterior chevrons with a roblike proximal section. They suggested
spinosaurid affinities based on the infradiapophyseal laminae on the
proximal caudals, as well as undisclosed similarities to an undescribed
specimen (MN 4819-V) tentatively referred to that family.
However, a ventral midline groove on proximal caudal centra is present
in nearly every theropod, even Shuvuuia (only the first two
caudals are keeled). It's absence is only reported for Elaphrosaurus,
Carnotaurus, Eustreptospondylus, Cristatusaurus, Shaochilong and
Ornithomimus? sedens. Additionally, synsacra are highly variable in
theropods (seemingly due to age and individual variation).
"Ceratosaurs" (sensu lato) that lack complete sacral fusion include Liliensternus,
some Coelophysis rhodesiensis specimens, Dilophosaurus
and abelisaurids. Tyrannosauroids lack ventrally flattened sacral
centra, a condition that has also been reported for SMNK 2349 PAL and Ornitholestes.
Thus, the flat venter may be a maniraptoriform character, not a
coelurosaurian one. I have not observed any difference in the
anteroposterior elongation of the proximal end of anterior chevrons
between coelurosaurs and non-coelurosaurs. The expansion seen in most
coelurosaurs (but not all- eg. Gallimimus) is also found in
many other theropods, such as Dilophosaurus, Torvosaurus,
Acrocanthosaurus and Allosaurus. This is mostly caused by
paired anterior processes at the proximal end. Baryonyx lacks
these however, adding further proof to their possible spinosaurid
Reference- Bittencourt and Kellner, 2003. New theropod remains
from the Romualdo Member, Santana Formation (Aptian-Albian),
Northeastern Brazil. III Simpósio Brasileiro de Paleovertebrados,
Resumos. 18.
Bittencourt and Kellner, 2004. On a sequence of sacrocaudal theropod
dinosaur vertebrae from the Lower Cretaceous Santana Formation,
northeastern Brazil. Arquivos do Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro. 62(3),
undescribed spinosaurid (Kellner, 2001)
Albian, Early Cretaceous
Romualdo Member of Santana Formation, Brazil
Material- (MN 4819-V) dorsal vertebrae, sacrum, caudal
vertebrae, incomplete forelimbs including carpal, metacarpals,
phalanges and manual ungual I, ilium (553 mm), pubis, ischium,
incomplete hindlimbs
Comments- Both Kellner (2001) and Kellner and Bittencourt (2004)
incorrectly referred to this specimen as MN 4802-V instead of 4819-V
(Machado and Kellner, 2005). Kellner stated the manual ungual I is
large and the ischium has an obturator notch. Machado and Kellner
stated it has tall neural spines as well. Bittencourt and Kellner
stated it was indeterminate but also that it differed from MN 4743-V.
Reference- Kellner, 2001. New information on the theropod
dinosaurs from the Santana Formation (Aptian-Albian), Araripe Basin,
Northeastern Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 21(3), 67A.
Bittencourt and Kellner, 2004. On a sequence of sacrocaudal theropod
dinosaur vertebrae from the Lower Cretaceous Santana Formation,
northeastern Brazil. Arquivos do Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro. 62(3),
Machado and Kellner, 2005. Notes on Spinosauridae (Theropoda,
Dinosauria). Anuário
do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ. 28(1), 158-173.
Machado, Kellner and Campos, 2005. Preliminary information on a
dinosaur (Theropoda, Spinosauridae) pelvis from the Cretaceous Santana
Formation (Romualdo Member) Brazil. II Congresso Latino-Americano de
Paleontologia de Vertebrados. Rio de Janeiro, 2005. Boletim de resumos.
Machado and Kellner, 2008. An overview of the Spinosauridae
(Dinosauria, Theropoda) with comments on the Brazilian material.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28(3), 109A.
undescribed possible spinosaurid (Sayao, Saraiva, Silva and
Kellner, 2011)
Albian, Early Cretaceous
Romualdo Member of Santana Formation, Brazil
Material- (MPSC R-2089) distal femur, proximal tibia, fibula,
pedal digit I, metatarsal II, phalanx II-?, metatarsal III, pedal
ungual III (35 mm), metatarsal IV, pedal ungual IV (31 mm)
Reference- Sayao, Saraiva, Silva and Kellner, 2011. A new
theropod dinosaur from the Romualdo Lagerstatte (Aptian-Albian),
Araripe Basin, Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and
Abstracts 2011, 187.
unnamed possible spinosaurid (Leonardi and Borgomanero, 1981)
Albian, Early Cretaceous
Romualdo Member of Santana Formation, Brazil
Material- (MN 7021-V; = CB-PVF-089) partial dorsal rib
Comments- This was described as an ornithischian ischium by
Leonardi and Borgomanero (1981), but Kellner (1996) felt it needed
further preparation to identify which element and dinosaurian clade it
represents. This preparation was completed after Borgomanero's death
which transferred the specimen from his private collection to the MN.
Machado and Kellner (2001a, b) then were able to identify it as a large
dinosaur's rib, which they provisionally referred to Spinosauridae as
that is the only large dinosaur material currently known from that
References- Leonardi and Borgomanero, 1981. Sobre uma possível
ocorrência de Ornitischia na Formação Santana, Chapada do
Araripe (Ceará). Revista Brasileira de Geociências. 11, 1-4.
Kellner, 1996. Remarks on Brazilian dinosaurs. Memoirs of the
Queensland Museum. 39(3), 611-626.
Machado and Kellner, 2007a. From an ischium to a rib: Review of the
osteological evidence of the supposed ornithischian dinosaur from the
Araripe Basin, Brazil. 190A.
Machado and Kellner, 2007b. On a supposed ornithischian dinosaur from
the Santana Formation, Araripe basin, Brazil. Paleontologia: Cenários
de Vida. 1, 291-299.
undescribed Spinosauridae (Mueller, Bussert, David, Klein and
Salih, 2011)
Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous
Shendi or Wadi Milk Formation, Sudan
Material- jaw fragments, teeth
Reference- Mueller, Bussert, David, Klein and Salih, 2011. New
discoveries and investigations on the Late Cretaceous vertebrate fauna
of Northern Sudan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and
Abstracts 2011, 163-164.
undescribed possible Spinosauridae (Harris and Russell, 1986
Campanian?, Late Cretaceous
lower member of Lapurr Sandstone (= Turkana Grits), Kenya
Material- (KNM coll.)
Comments- Discovered in a 1985
KNM expedition (Williamson and Savage, 1986; Owusu Agyemang et al.,
2019), Harris and Russell (1986) reported a possible spinosaurid from
what was then called the Turkana Grits in Kenya. They used this
to support a "middle" Cretaceous age. Unfortunately, this
document is only an unpublished manuscript which has had low
distribution. The second-hand source of Weishampel et al. (1990)
listed "cf. Spinosaurus sp."
and "?Late Cretaceous ("middle" Cretaceous; Harris and Ruissell
MS)." The second edition of the book keeps the same taxonomic
list but Weishampel et al. (2004) now states the age as
"Turonian-Santonian (Westcott et al. 1993)." The latter has made
this a potentially important find because spinosaurids are unknown
globally after the Cenomanian. However, Westcott et al. (1993)
reports nothing more precise than Cretaceous for these sediments.
O'Connor et al. (2011) state "an estimate of Upper Cretaceous
(Turonian-early Campanian) is based on comparisons with subsurface
geological information and overall faunal composition" while Owusu
Agymang et al. report "palynological evidence supports a
Campanian–Maastrichtian age" without supporting evidence. Thus
both taxonomic identity and stratigraphic age are unevidenced
assertions at the moment.
References- Harris and Russell,
1986 unpublished. Preliminary notes on the occurrence of dinosaurs in
the Turkana Grits of northern Kenya. Unpublished manuscript. 11 pp.
Williamson and Savage, 1986. Early rift sedimentation in the Turkana
Basin, northern Kenya. In Frostick, Renaut, Reid and Tiercelin (eds.).
Sedimentation in the African Rifts. Geological Society of London,
Special Publication 25, 267-283.
Weishampel, 1990. Dinosaurian distribution. In Weishampel, Dodson and
Osmólska (eds.). The Dinosauria. University of California Press. 63-139.
Wescott, Morley and Karanja, 1993. Geology of the "Turkana grits" in
the Lariu Range and Mt. Porr areas, southern Lake Turkana, northwestern
Kenya. Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East). 16,
Weishampel, Barrett, Coria, Le Loeuff, Xu, Zhao, Sahni, Gomani and
Noto, 2004. Dinosaur Distribution. In Weishampel, Dodson and Osmólska
(eds.). The Dinosauria: Second Edition. University of California Press.
O'Connor, Sertich and Manthi, 2011. A pterodactyloid pterosaur from the
Upper Cretaceous Lapurr Sandstone, west Turkana, Kenya. Anais da
Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 83, 309-315.
Owusu Agyemang, Roberts, Downie and Sertich, 2019 (online 2018).
Sedimentary provenance and maximum depositional age analysis of the
Cretaceous? Lapur and Muruanachok sandstones (Turkana Grits), Turkana
Basin, Kenya. Geological Magazine. 156(8), 1334-1356.
undescribed possible Spinosauridae (Serrano-Martínez, Ortega
and Knoll, 2013)
Bathonian-Oxfordian, Middle-Late Jurassic
Tiourarén Formation of the Irhazer Group, Niger
Material- (MUPE HB-87) tooth (23.8x12.7x8.8 mm)
(Serrano-Martínez, Ortega and Knoll, 2013; described by Serrano-Martínez, Vidal, Scisio, Ortega and Knoll, 2016)
(TP4-2) tooth (17.8x10.7x7.4 mm) (Serrano-Martínez, Ortega, Sciscio,
Tent-Manclus, Bandera and Knoll, 2015)
(TP4-3) tooth (20.7x8.2x6.4 mm) (Serrano-Martínez, Ortega, Sciscio,
Tent-Manclus, Bandera and Knoll, 2015)
Comments- Serrano-Martínez et al. (2013) announced what is
probably MUPE HB-87 in an abstract, which was later described by
Serrano-Martínez et al. (2016). Serrano-Martínez et al. (2015)
described two additional teeth, TP4-2 and TP4-3. All of these were
viewed as intermediate between basal tetanurines and spinosaurids. They
have BW/FABL ratios of 69%, 69% and 78% respectively. HB-87 has mesial
and distal serrations which average 20/5 mm and 18/5 mm respectively,
the mesial ones which don't continue basally. TP4-2 lacks mesial
serrations but has 12 serrations per 5 mm, while TP4-3 lacks
serrations. All have sculptured enamel as in spinosaurids, but only the
TP specimens have fluting.
References- Serrano-Martínez, Ortega and Knoll, 2013. Isolated
theropod teeth from the "Argiles de l'Irhazer" (Middle Jurassic) of
Niger. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2013,
Serrano-Martínez, Ortega, Sciscio, Tent-Manclus, Bandera and Knoll,
2015. New theropod remains from the Tiourarén Formation (?Middle
Jurassic, Niger) and their bearing on the dental evolution in basal
tetanurans. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 126(1),
Serrano-Martínez, Vidal, Scisio, Ortega and Knoll, 2016. Isolated
theropod teeth from the Middle Jurassic of Niger and the early dental
evolution of Spinosauridae. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 61(2), 403-415.
Baryonychinae Charig and Milner,
1986 vide Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Gado, Larsson, Lyon, Marcot, Rauhut,
Sadleir, Sidor, Varricchio, Wilson and Wilson, 1998
Definition- (Baryonyx walkeri <- Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus) (Holtz et al., 2004; modified from Sereno et al., 1998)
References- Charig and Milner,
1986. Baryonyx, a remarkable new theropod dinosaur. Nature.
324, 359-361.
Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Gado, Larsson, Lyon, Marcot, Rauhut, Sadleir,
Sidor, Varricchio, Wilson and Wilson, 1998. A long-snouted predatory
dinosaur from Africa and the evolution of the spinosaurids. Science.
282(5392), 1298-1302.
Holtz, Molnar and Currie, 2004. Basal Tetanurae. In Weishampel, Dodson
and Osmólska (eds.). The Dinosauria Second Edition. University of
California Press. 71-110.
undescribed possible baryonychine (Fowler, 2007)
Berriasian, Early Cretaceous
Purbeck Limestone Group, England
Material- (DCM-G95a) tooth
Comments- This is slightly labiolingually compressed, recurved
and lingually fluted. No serrations are preserved but may have been
worn away, and Fowler states it may also be pliosaurid.
References- Fowler, 2007. Recently rediscovered baryonychine
teeth (Dinosauria Theropoda): New morphologic data, range extension and
similarity to ceratosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 27(3),
Fowler, 2007 online. http://www.denverfowler.com/publications/Fowler_2007_SVP.htm
undescribed Baryonychinae (Seeley, 1869)
Late Berriasian-Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Wealden Supergroup, England
Material- (NHMUK 3240) tooth (Fowler, 2007 online)
?(NHMUK 3330) tooth (Fowler, 2007 online)
(NHMUK 10822) tooth (Fowler, 2007)
(NHMUK 26030) tooth (Fowler, 2007 online)
(NHMUK 26031) tooth (Fowler, 2007 online)
(NHMUK 26032) tooth (Fowler, 2007 online)
(NHMUK 36533 in part) two teeth (Fowler, 2007 online)
(NHMUK R212) tooth (Fowler, 2007 online)
(NHMUK R213) tooth (Fowler, 2007 online)
(NHMUK R215) tooth (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R641) tooth (Fowler, 2007 online)
?(NHMUK R642) tooth (Fowler, 2007 online)
(NHMUK R5226) tooth (Fowler, 2007)
(Woodwardian Museum Ji910) tooth (Seeley, 1869)
Comments- These were referred to Suchosaurus (Seeley,
1869; Lydekker, 1880) or catalogued as crocodylians (recognized by
Fowler, 2007), but have inexact published provenence.
References- Seeley, 1869. Index to the fossil remains of Aves,
Ornithosauria, and Reptilia from the Secondary system of strata,
arranged in the Woodwardian Museum of the University of Cambridge. With
a prefatory notice by the Rev. Adam Sedgewick. London, Bell &
Daldy. 143 pp.
Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the
British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W., Part 1.
Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata,
Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural History,
London. 309 pp.
Fowler, 2007. Recently rediscovered baryonychine teeth (Dinosauria
Theropoda): New morphologic data, range extension and similarity to
ceratosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 27(3), 76A.
Fowler, 2007 online. http://www.denverfowler.com/publications/Fowler_2007_SVP.htm
undescribed Baryonychinae (Lydekker, 1888)
Late Berriasian-Valanginian, Early Cretaceous
Hastings Group, England
Material- (NHMUK R635) tooth (Lydekker, 1888)
(NHMUK R1901) two teeth (Fowler, 2007)
References- Lydekker, 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and
Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W.,
Part 1. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria,
Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum of Natural
History, London. 309 pp.
Fowler, 2007. Recently rediscovered baryonychine teeth (Dinosauria
Theropoda): New morphologic data, range extension and similarity to
ceratosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 27(3), 76A.
Fowler, 2007 online. http://www.denverfowler.com/publications/Fowler_2007_SVP.htm
Baryonychinae indet. (Charig and Milner, 1997)
Berriasian-Early Valanginian, Early Cretaceous
Ashdown Beds Formation of the Hastings Group, England
Material- (BEXHM:1993.485) tooth
Diagnosis- compared to Baryonyx, carinae do not extend
to base of crown.
Reference- Charig and Milner, 1997. Baryonyx walkeri, a
fish-eating dinosaur from the Wealden of Surrey. Bulletin of the
Natural History Museum of London (Geology). 53, 11-70.
Baryonychinae indet.
(Martill and Hutt, 1996)
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Wessex Formation of the Wealden Group, England
Material- (IWCMS 1995.207)
tooth (Martill and Hutt, 1996)
(IWCMS 1995.208) tooth (Martill and Hutt, 1996)
(IWCMS 1995.209) tooth (Martill and Hutt, 1996)
(IWCMS 2012.563) dorsal vertebra (Hutt and Newbery, 2004)
(MIWG 3642) two teeth (Martill and Hutt, 1996)
(MIWG 5122) tooth (Martill and Hutt, 1996)
?(MIWG 6527) (~10-11 m) manual phalanx I-1 (Naish, 1999; Naish, Hutt
and Martill, 2001)
(UOP.97) tooth (Charig and Milner, 1997)
Comments- The teeth described
by Martill and Hutt (1996) as Baryonychidae differ from those in the
holotype in having strong labial fluting, but variation of this kind is
also known in Cristatusaurus, Spinosaurus and Oxalaia.
Thus it should not be used as a diagnostic character for distinguishing
spinosaurid species. While they also assign MIWG 5120 to Baryonychidae,
Hutt (2001) lists it as Theropoda indet..
Hutt and Newbery (2004) describe a tall-spined dorsal vertebra (cast
UOP C001.2004) as Baryonyx walkeri.
This vertebra was originally in a private collection but cast as UOP
C001.2004, and has since been officially deposited as IWCMS 2012.563
(Mattsson, pers. comm. 2015). It is illustrated in Naish (2011), who
stated it differs from the B. walkeri
holotype "in possessing
a much taller neural spine and a prominent spinodiapophyseal lamina."
Although often referred to Baryonyx
or B. walkeri itself based on
the correlation of the Wessex Formation and Upper Weald Clay, the 2021
description of Wesssex baryonychines Ceratosuchops
and Riparovenator complicates
matters. Neither taxon preserves manual or dorsal material,
although if Cristatusaurus
is a ceratosuchopsin the tall neural spine would make sense referred to
one of the Wessex baryonychines instead of the short-spined Baryonyx.
References- Martill and Hutt,
1996. Possible baryonychid dinosaur teeth from the Wessex Formation
(Lower Cretaceous, Barremian) of the Isle of Wight, England.
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 107, 81-84.
Hutt, 2001. Catalogue of Wealden Group Dinosauria in the Museum of Isle
of Wight Geology. In Martill and Naish (eds). Dinosaurs of the Isle of
Wight. The Palaeontological Association. 411-422.
Naish, Hutt and Martill, 2001. Saurischian dinosaurs 2: Theropods. In
Martill and Naish (eds). Dinosaurs of the Isle of Wight. The
Palaeontological Association (London). 242-309.
Hutt and Newbery, 2004. A new look at Baryonyx walkeri (Charig
and Milner, 1986) based upon a recent fossil find from the Wealden.
SVPCA 2004. 18.
Naish, 2011. Theropod dinosaurs. In Batten (ed.). English Wealden
Fossils. The Palaeontological Association. 526-559.
undescribed baryonychine (Fowler, 2007 online)
Early Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Atherfield Clay Formation, England
Material- (NHMUK R5165) tooth
Reference- Fowler, 2007 online. http://www.denverfowler.com/publications/Fowler_2007_SVP.htm
Baryonychinae indet. (Torcida, Fuentes, Izquierdo, Montero
and Urien, 1997)
Late Hauterivian, Early Cretaceous
Urbión Group, Tenada de la Rosada, Cabezón de la Sierra, Castile and
Leon, Spain
Material- (PS.C-15,30) partial tooth (?x16.48x12.48 mm)
(PS.C-15,32) tooth (43.5x21,21x13 mm)
Comments- The stratigraphy is
from the Paleobiology Database, while the measurements are from
Isasmendi et al. (2020), except the Crown Height of PS.C-15,30 is
changed from 43 mm to unknown due to its partial preservation.
References- Torcida, Fuentes, Izquierdo, Montero and Urien,
1997. Dientes de dinosaurios teropodos (cf. Baryonyx) en el
Weald de Burgos (Espana). Studia Geologica Salamanticensia. 33, 59-65.
Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito, Torices, Navarro-Lorbés and Pereda-Suberbiola,
2020. New insights about theropod palaeobiodiversity in the Iberian
Peninsula and Europe: Spinosaurid teeth (Theropoda, Megalosauroidea)
from the Lower Cretaceous of La Rioja (Spain). Cretaceous Research.
Baryonychinae indet. (Torcida, Fuentes, Izquierdo, Montero and
Urien, 1997)
Late Hauterivian, Early Cretaceous
El Juguete, Pinilla de los Moros Formation, Urbión Group, Salas
de los Infantes, Castile and Leon, Spain
Material- (J.G. 1) (subadult) chevron (160 mm) (Fuentes
Vidarte, Meijide Calvo, Izquierdo, Molinero, Montero, Pérez, Urien,
Meijide Fuentes and Meijide Fuentes, 1999)
....(J.G. 2) proximal cervical rib
....(J.G. 3) proximal cervical rib
....(J.G. 4) proximal cervical rib
....(J.G. 5) squamosal
....(J.G. 6) postorbital
....(J.G. 7) caudal centrum (90.5 mm)
....(J.G. 8) posterior sacral fragment (fifth centrum 71.5 mm)
....(J.G. 9) cervical neural arch
....(J.G. 10) metacarpal I (65 mm)
....(J.G. 12) proximal metacarpal II
....(J.G. 18) proximal metacarpal III
....(J.G. 21) manual phalanx I-1 (130 mm)
....(J.G. 284) tooth fragment
....(J.G. coll.) 36 fragments
Late Hauterivian, Early Cretaceous
La Tejera-Valdesancho, Pinilla de los Moros Formation, Urbión
Group, Barbadillo del Mercado, Castile and Leon, Spain
(PS.TBMV,13) incomplete tooth (?x14x10.32 mm) (Torcida, Fuentes,
Izquierdo, Montero and Urien, 1997)
Late Hauterivian, Early Cretaceous
Tenada de Costalomo, Pinilla de los Moros Formation, Urbión
Group, Salas de los Infantes, Castile and Leon, Spain
(PS.CLST,2) tooth (26.08x12.96x9.92 mm) (Torcida, Fuentes, Izquierdo,
Montero and Urien, 1997)
Comments- The stratigraphy of
PS.CLST,2 and PS.TBMV,13 is from the Paleobiology Database, while the
measurements are from Isasmendi et al. (2020) except the Crown Height
of the latter is changed from 30.04 mm to unknown due to its partial
Isasmendi et al. (2024) state "this specimen does not belong to
the genus Baryonyx
and, possibly, not even to Spinosauridae, owing to the combination of
the presence of a ridge on the anterior surface of the shaft of the
chevron, instead of a groove, and the absence of paired anterior
processes on the proximal end of the chevron. The described chevron
(MDS-Salas de los Infantes JBS,1) lacks an anterior longitudinal
groove, which is present in Baryonyx,
SM-KK14, and FSAC-KK 11888. In MDS-Salas de los Infantes JBS,1,
instead, the anterior surface is convex, with a ridge appearing
distally, similar to the chevrons assigned to Vallibonavenatrix.
Furthermore, MDS-Salas de los Infantes JBS,1 bears anterior processes,
a feature apparently not present in Spinosauridae. It has been reported
that these processes are not present in the preserved haemal arches of Baryonyx, Riparovenator, Suchomimus, SM-KK14, and
apparently, in Vallibonavenatrix.
In Camarillasaurus
(MPG-KPC45, 60, and 63), most of the preserved chevrons lack the
anterior process, but the left anterior process is present in
MPG-KPC47. Likewise, some of the Baryonyx
and FSAC KK 11888 (O.W.M. Rauhut, pers. comm.) chevrons seem to show
anterior processes, but they are not as developed as in the El Juguete
References- Torcida, Fuentes, Izquierdo, Montero and Urien,
1997. Dientes de dinosaurios teropodos (cf. Baryonyx) en el
Weald de Burgos (Espana). Studia Geologica Salamanticensia. 33, 59-65.
Fuentes Vidarte, Meijide Calvo, Izquierdo, Molinero, Montero, Pérez,
Urien, Meijide Fuentes and Meijide Fuentes, 1999. Restos de Baryonyx
(Dinosauria, Theropoda) en el weald de Salas de los Infantes
(Burgos, España).
I Jornadas Internacionales sobre Paleontología de
dinosaurios y su entorno. 25-26.
Fuentes Vidarte, Meijide Calvo, Izquierdo, Montero, Pérex, Torcida, Urién,
Meijide Fuentes and Meijide Fuentes, 2001. Restos fósiles de Baryonyx
(Dinosauria, Theropoda) en el Cretácico inferior de Salas de los Infantes
(Burgos, España). Actas de las I Jornadas internacionales sobre Paleontología
de Dinosaurios y su entorno. 349-359.
Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito, Torices, Navarro-Lorbés and Pereda-Suberbiola,
2020. New insights about theropod palaeobiodiversity in the Iberian
Peninsula and Europe: Spinosaurid teeth (Theropoda, Megalosauroidea)
from the Lower Cretaceous of La Rioja (Spain). Cretaceous Research.
Isasmendi, Cuesta, Díaz-Martínez, Company, Sáez-Benito, Viera, Torices
and Pereda-Suberbiola, 2024. Increasing the theropod
record of
Europe: A new basal spinosaurid from the Enciso Group of the Cameros
Basin (La Rioja, Spain). Evolutionary implications and
palaeobiodiversity. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 202(3), zlad193.
Baryonychinae indet. (Falset, Santos-Cubedo, Figols and
Fuster, 2009)
Late Hauterivian-Early Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Cantaperdius Formation, Spain
Material- (MG98-I-I) tooth (~35x14x12 mm)
Reference- Falset, Santos-Cubedo, Figols and Fuster, 2009.
Primera cita de Baryonychine (Theropoda: Spinosauridae) en el
Hauterviense terminal-Barremiense basal (Formación Cantaperdius) de
Castellón (España). Journal of Paleontology and Paleoecology,
Paleolusitana. 1, 391-396.
Baryonychinae indet. (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish,
Early Barremian, Early Cretaceous
El Castellar Formation, Spain
Material- (BNA-2/7) tooth (Gasca et al., 2018)
(CSC1-4) incomplete manual ungual I (~220 mm) (Gasca et al., 2018)
(MOAL-1/1) tooth (22.7x14x10.5 mm) (Gasca et al., 2008)
(MPG PX-23) tooth (1.3x.7x.4 mm) (Sanchez-Hernandez et al., 2007)
(SM-2/D1) tooth (11.6x9x6.8 mm) (Gasca et al., 2008)
(SUE1-2) mid caudal centrum (Gasca et al., 2018)
(VES4-1) mid caudal centrum (Gasca et al., 2018)
Comments- Manual ungual I
CSC1-4 was discovered in 2010 and described as Aff. Baryonyx sp. by
Gasca et al. (2018). Gasca et al. state it "differs from that of
Baryonyx walkeri in having a
little less curvature, a straight dorsal
edge in the proximal part, slightly more width above the grooves than
below - comparing the section at mid-length -, and a certain asymmetry,
with the lateral face more flattened."
References- Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish, 2007. Dinosaurs
and other fossil vertebrates from the Late Jurassic and Early
Cretaceous of the Galve area, NE Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimate,
Palaeoecology. 249, 180-215.
Gasca, Moreno-Azanza and Canudo, 2008. Dientes de dinosaurios terópodos
espinosáuridos de la Formación El Castellar (Cretácico Inferior,
Teruel). Palaeontologica Nova. 8, 233-234.
Gasca, Díaz-Martínez, Moreno-Azanza, Canudo and Alonso, 2018. A
hypertrophied ungual phalanx from the lower Barremian of Spain:
Implications for the diversity and paleoecology of Spinosauridae
(Theropoda) in Iberia. Cretaceous Research. 84, 141-152.
Baryonychinae indet. (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish, 2007)
Early Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Camarillas Formation, Spain
Material- (MPG CR(m)-1) tooth (17x7x4 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández,
Benton and Naish, 2007)
(MPG CR(m)-2) tooth (12x6x4 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish,
(MPG CR(m)-3) tooth (18x6x6 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish,
(MPG CR(m)-4) tooth (17x9x7 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish,
(MPG POCA-6) tooth (3.9x1.9x.9 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and
Naish, 2007)
(MPG POCA-7) tooth (3.1x1.5x? mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish,
(MPG POCA-14) tooth (3x1.8x1.5 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and
Naish, 2007)
(MPG POCA-15) tooth (2.8x1.5x.8 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and
Naish, 2007)
(MPG POCA-18) tooth (2x1x.5 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish,
(MPG SC-1) tooth (16x9x8 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish, 2007)
(MPG SC-2) tooth (21x12x7 mm) (Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish,
(MPZ 2014/444) tooth (18.76x7.57x5.36 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
References- Sánchez-Hernández, Benton and Naish, 2007. Dinosaurs
and other fossil vertebrates from the Late Jurassic and Early
Cretaceous of the Galve area, NE Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimate,
Palaeoecology. 249, 180-215.
Alonso and Canudo, 2016. On the spinosaurid theropod teeth from the
Early Barremian (Early Cretaceous) Blesa Formation (Spain). Historical
Biology. 28(6), 823-834.
Baryonychinae indet. (Infante, Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
Early Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Mirambel Formation, Spain
Material- (LAD0-2) tooth fragment (?x6.7x5.3 mm)
Note Isasmendi et al. (2020) incorrectly list this tooth's measurements
as 22x9.6x4.2 mm. This tooth preserves both labial and lingual
fluting and 4.9 serrations per mm.
References- Infante, Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005. Primera
evidencia de dinosaurios terópodos en la Formación Mirambel (Barremiense
inferior, Cretácico Inferior) en Castellote, Teruel.
Geogaceta. 38, 31-34.
Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito, Torices, Navarro-Lorbés and Pereda-Suberbiola,
2020. New insights about theropod palaeobiodiversity in the Iberian
Peninsula and Europe: Spinosaurid teeth (Theropoda, Megalosauroidea)
from the Lower Cretaceous of La Rioja (Spain). Cretaceous Research.
Baryonychinae indet. (Ruiz-Omeñaca, Canudo,
Cruzado-Caballero, Infante and Moreno-Azanza, 2005)
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Blesa Formation, Spain
Material- (CAN1 953) tooth (22.39x8.70x5.96 mm) (Alonso and Canudo,
(CAN1 957) tooth (17.16x7.92x5.15 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 958) tooth (20.75x7.69x5.42 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 959) tooth (9.14x4.32x3.66 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 977) tooth (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 983) tooth (6.96x3.03x2.34 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 984) tooth (8.91x4.03x3.10 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 999) tooth (11.40x4.25x3.85 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 1001) tooth (9.58x3.72x2.53 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 1616) tooth (16.68x7.09x6.05 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(MPZ 97/468) tooth fragment (14.77x5.45x3.28 mm) (Ruiz-Omeñaca et al.,
(MPZ 2001/207) tooth (28.36x13.29x9.38 mm) (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca,
(MPZ 2001/208) tooth (18.14x7.84x5.90 mm) (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca,
(MPZ 2005/303) tooth fragment (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/304) tooth (FABL 8.7 mm) (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/305) tooth fragment (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/306) tooth (FABL 6.6 mm) (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/307) tooth (FABL 6.4 mm) (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/308) tooth fragment (FABL ~9 mm) (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca,
(MPZ 2005/309) tooth (FABL 4.7 mm) (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/310) tooth (FABL 2.5 mm) (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/311) tooth (FABL 3 mm) (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/312) tooth fragment (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/313) tooth fragment (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/314) tooth fragment (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(MPZ 2005/315) tooth fragment (Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2005)
(TPFM coll.) several teeth (Ruiz-Omeñaca et al., 2005)
Comments- MPZ 97/468 was originally described as Theropoda
indet. B by Ruiz-Omeñaca et al. (1997), and later assigned to
Baryonychidae indet. (Ruiz-Omeñaca et al., 1998). Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca (2003) illustrated MPZ 2001/207 and 2001/208 as
Baryonychinae indet.. These three specimens and MPZ 2005/303-315 were
described in detail by Ruiz-Omeñaca et al. (2005).
The teeth are generally similar to Baryonyx, but differ in
being more labiolingually compressed, having labial fluting and a
greater variation in serration density (6-13 per mm vs. 7 per mm).
References- Ruiz-Omeñaca, Canudo and Cuenca-Bescós, 1997.
Primera evidencia de un área de alimentación de dinosaurios herbívoros
en el Cretácico Inferior de España (Teruel). Monografías
de la Academia de Ciencias de Zaragoza. 10, 1-48.
Ruiz-Omeñaca, Canudo and Cuenca-Bescós, 1997.
Primera cita de dinosaurios barionícidos (Saurischia: Theropoda) en el
Barremiense superior (Cretácico inferior) de Vallipón (Castellote,
Teruel). Beca del Museo de Mas de las Matas. 17, 201-223.
Canudo and Ruiz-Omeñaca, 2003. Los restos directos de dinosaurios teropódos
(excluyendo Aves) en España [Direct remains of theropod dinosaurs (excluding
Aves) in Spain]. Ciencias de la Tierra. 26, 347-373.
Ruiz-Omeñaca, Canudo, Cruzado-Caballero, Infante and Moreno-Azanza,
2005. Baryonychine teeth (Theropoda: Spinosauridae) from the Lower
Cretaceous of La Cantalera (Jose, NE Spain). Kaupia. 14, 59-63.
Alonso and Canudo, 2016. On the spinosaurid theropod teeth from the
Early Barremian (Early Cretaceous) Blesa Formation (Spain). Historical
Biology. 28(6), 823-834.
Alonso, Gasca, Navarro-Lorbés, Rubio and Canudo, 2018. A new
contribution to our knowledge of the large-bodied theropods from the
Barremian of the Iberian Peninsula: The "Barranco del Hocino" site
(Spain). Journal of Iberian Geology. 44, 7-23.
unnamed possible Baryonychinae (Ruiz-Omeñaca, Canudo and Cuenca-Bescós, 1997)
Late Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Artoles Formation, Spain
Material- (MPZ 98/59) tooth (19.0x10.0x8.0 mm) (Ruiz-Omeñaca,
Canudo and Cuenca-Bescós, 1997)
(MPZ 98/60) tooth (16.0x8.0x6.4 mm) (Ruiz-Omeñaca, Canudo and Cuenca-Bescós, 1997)
(MPZ 98/61) tooth (~17.0x~7.4x~6.3 mm) (Ruiz-Omeñaca, Canudo and Cuenca-Bescós, 1997)
(MPZ 2014/438) tooth (38.34x15.30x12.56 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(MPZ 2014/439) tooth (21.61x8.94x8.06 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(MPZ 2014/440) tooth (30.79x13.03x11.11 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(MPZ 2014/441) tooth (25.48x9.86x8.55 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(MPZ 2014/442) tooth (7.91x4.42x3.94 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
Comments- These differ from Baryonyx in having both
lingual and labial fluting, and in lacking mesial serrations. This
opens the possibility of them being from a basal spinosaurine.
Reference- Ruiz-Omeñaca, Canudo and Cuenca-Bescós, 1997. Primera
cita de dinosaurios barionícidos (Saurischia: Theropoda) en el
Barremiense superior (Cretácico inferior) de Vallipón (Castellote,
Teruel). Beca del Museo de Mas de las Matas. 17, 201-223.
Alonso and Canudo, 2016. On the spinosaurid theropod teeth from the
Early Barremian (Early Cretaceous) Blesa Formation (Spain). Historical
Biology. 28(6), 823-834.
Baryonychinae indet. (Royo and Gomez, 1927)
Barremian-Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Wealden Supergroup equivalent, Spain
Material- ?teeth (Royo and Gomez, 1927)
Comments- Buffetaut (2010) notes Royo and Gomez (1927) mentioned
Suchosaurus teeth from the Wealden of Spain.
References- Royo and Gomez, 1927. Sur le facies wealdien
d’Espagne. Comptes Rendus de la Societe geologique de France. 10,
Buffetaut, 2010. Spinosaurs before Stromer: Early finds of spinosaurid
dinosaurs and their interpretations. Geological Society, London,
Special Publications. 343, 175-188.
Baryonychinae indet. (Torcida Fernández, Izquierdo Montero,
Huerta Hurtado, Montero Huerta and Pérez Martínez, 2003)
Late Barremian-Early Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Castrillo de la Reina Formation, Spain
Material- (MDS-OTII,81) tooth (?x21.03x14.74 mm) (Alonso, Canudo, Fernández-Baldor and Huerta, 2017)
(MDS-OTII,84) tooth (?x5.21x3.55 mm) (Alonso, Canudo, Fernández-Baldor
and Huerta, 2017)
(MDS-OTII,85) tooth (?x7.06x5.58 mm) (Alonso, Canudo, Fernández-Baldor
and Huerta, 2017)
(MDS-OTII,86) tooth (?x10.5x8.72 mm) (Alonso, Canudo, Fernández-Baldor
and Huerta, 2017)
(MDS-OTII,99) tooth (29.23x14.94x10.55 mm) (Alonso, Canudo, Fernández-Baldor and Huerta, 2017)
(PS-JTS 20) tooth (?x9x7 mm) (Torcida Fernández, Izquierdo Montero,
Huerta Hurtado, Montero Huerta and Pérez Martínez, 2003)
(PS C-1 11) tooth (?x14x10 mm) (Torcida Fernández, Izquierdo Montero,
Huerta Hurtado, Montero Huerta and Pérez Martínez, 2003)
Comments- These teeth are similar to Baryonyx except for
having both labial and lingual fluting. PS-JTS 20 has 6 serrations per
mm mesially (though lacking them basally), and 6-8 per mm distally. PS
C-1 11 has 6 per mm mesially and 5-6 per mm distally.
References- Torcida Fernández, Izquierdo Montero, Huerta
Hurtado, Montero Huerta and Pérez Martínez, 2003. Dientes de dinosaurios
(Theropoda, Sauropoda), en el Cretácico Inferior de Burgos (España).
In Pérez-Lorente (ed.). Dinosaurios y otros Reptiles Mesozoicos en España
(IER, Ciencias de la Tierra, 26). 335-346.
Alonso, Canudo, Fernández-Baldor and Huerta, 2017. Isolated theropod
teeth associated with sauropod remains from El Oterillo II (Early
Cretaceous) site of Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, Spain). Journal of
Iberian Geology. 43(2), 193-215.
undescribed baryonychine
(Suteethorn, Buffetaut, Wongo, Suteethorn and Tong, 2018)
Late Barremian?, Early Cretaceous
Pra Prong, Sao Khua Formation?, Thailand
Material- teeth
Comments- In addition to fluted
teeth, Suteethorn et al. (2018) mention "teeth with no ribbing of the
crown. The enamel shows the fine wrinkling seen on most spinosaurid
teeth. The carinae are well-marked. The mesial carina seems to be
unserrated. The distal carina bears very small irregular serrations
which disappear easily when the tooth is worn."
Reference- Suteethorn,
Buffetaut, Wongo, Suteethorn and Tong, 2018. Morphological
diversity of spinosaurid teeth from the Pra Prong locality (Lower
Cretaceous of eastern Thailand). 5th International Palaeontological
Congress. Abstract Book, 666.
undescribed Baryonychinae
(Sone, Hirayama, He, Yoshida and Komatsu, 2015)
Early Cretaceous
Tembeling Group, Malaysia
Material- (UM10575) tooth
(UM10576) tooth
Comments- Samathi et al. (2019)
state "the teeth show sharp vertical ridges and serrated carinae with
minute denticles and display a veined micro-ornament over the surface
... subcircular tooth crowns in cross-section and the presence of
References- Sone, Hirayama, He,
Yoshida and Komatsu, 2015. First dinosaur fossils from Malaysia:
Spinosaurid and ornithischian teeth. 2nd International Symposium on
Asian Dinosaurs. 18.
Samathi, Chanthasit and Sander, 2019. A review of theropod dinosaurs
from the Late Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous of southeast Asia. Annales de Paléontologie. 105(3), 201-215.
undescribed Baryonychinae (Congleton, 1990)
Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Gres de Gaba Member of the Koum Formation, Cameroon
Material- (CAM 320) tooth
(CAM 322) tooth
(CAM 349) tooth
(CAM 350) tooth
(CAM 351) tooth
(CAM 352) tooth
(CAM 353) tooth
(CAM 354) tooth
(CAM 355) tooth
(CAM 356) tooth
(CAM 357) tooth
(CAM 358) tooth
(CAM 360) tooth
(SMU 72033) tooth
Comments- These were assigned to cf. Spinosauridae by Congleton
(1990) and to Baryonychinae by Bertin (2010) due to their serrations.
References- Congleton, 1990. Vertebrate paleontology of the Koum
Basin, northern Cameroon, and archosaurian paleobiogeography in the
Early Cretaceous. MS thesis. Southern Methodist University. 245 pp.
Bertin, 2010. A catalogue of the material and review of the
Spinosauridae. PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology. 7(4),
unnamed Baryonychinae (Le Loeuff, Métais, Dutheil, Rubinos,
Buffetaut, Ois Lafont, Cavin, Moreau, Tong, Blanpied and Sbeta, 2010)
Hauterivian-Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Jawsh quarry, Cabao Formation, Libya
Material- (UT-JAW2) tooth (27x~12x~9 mm)
(UT-JAW coll.) tooth
Comments- Le Loeuff et al.
(2010) state UT-JAW2 is "slightly compressed labio-lingually with a
granular enamel. The tooth is fluted and its mesial and distal carinae
show extremely small serrations (7-8/mm)." They refer it to
Baryonychinae as cf. Baryonyx,
though they note "they seem to be broader in relation to the crown
height than is typical for Baryonyx."
Reference- Le Loeuff, Métais, Dutheil, Rubinos, Buffetaut, Ois
Lafont, Cavin, Moreau, Tong, Blanpied and Sbeta, 2010. An Early
Cretaceous vertebrate assemblage from the Cabao Formation of NW Libya.
Geological Magazine. 147(5), 750-759.
Barker, Hone, Naish, Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and
Gostling, 2021
Definition- (Ceratosuchops inferodios <- Baryonyx walkeri, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus) (Barker,
Hone, Naish, Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and Gostling,
Comments- This tribe was
established by Barker et al. (2021) based on Cau's megamatrix, and
included Ceratosuchops, Riparovenator and Suchomimus, but not Baryonyx or Vallibonavenatrix among
Reference- Barker, Hone, Naish,
Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and Gostling, 2021. New
spinosaurids from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous, UK) and the
European origins of Spinosauridae. Scientific Reports. 11:19340.
Taquet and Russell, 1998
= Suchomimus Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Gado, Larsson, Lyon,
Marcot, Rauhut, Sadleir, Sidor, Varricchio, Wilson and Wilson, 1998
C. lapparenti Taquet and Russell, 1998
= Suchomimus tenerensis Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Gado,
Larsson, Lyon, Marcot, Rauhut, Sadleir, Sidor, Varricchio, Wilson and
Wilson, 1998
= Baryonyx tenerensis (Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Gado, Larsson,
Lyon, Marcot, Rauhut, Sadleir, Sidor, Varricchio, Wilson and Wilson,
1998) Sues, Frey, Martill and Scott, 2002
Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Tegama Bed of the Elrhaz Formation, Niger
Holotype- (MNN GDF 366) (subadult) premaxillae, partial maxilla,
partial dentary
Paratypes- (MNN GDF 357, 358, 361) dorsal vertebrae (135 mm)
(MNN GDF 359) posterior (11th?) dorsal neural arch (centrum ~100 mm)
(MNN GDF 365) (adult) premaxilla
Referred- (MNN GAD 70) specimen including cervical vertebrae,
sacral vertebrae, caudal vertebrae (Samathi et al., 2021)
(MNN GAD 72) (juvenile) tibia (700 mm) (Samathi, Chanthasit and Sander,
(MNN GAD 87) specimen including caudal vertebrae (Samathi et al., 2021)
(MNN GAD 94-52) specimen including chevron (Samathi et al., 2021)
(MNN GAD 97) (subadult) tibia (760 mm), astragalus (Samathi, Chanthasit
and Sander, 2019)
(MNN GAD 98) astragalus (Samathi, Chanthasit and Sander, 2019)
?(MNN GAD 151) tooth (53x22x15 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 154) tooth (50x19x14 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 161) tooth (68x20x13 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 166) tooth (54x18x14 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 210) tooth (25x14x8 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and Contessi,
?(MNN GAD 374) tooth (65x21x13 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 504) tooth (63x18x13 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 507) tooth (54x21x16 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
(MNN GAD 513) cervical vertebrae 2-10, dorsal vertebrae 1-5, ribs,
gastralia, girdle and limb elements, manual and pedal elements, furcula
(Lipkin et al., 2007)
?(MNN GAD 518) tooth (45x14x10 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 520) tooth (58x22x15 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 544) tooth (34x12x10 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 570) tooth (23x14x7 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and Contessi,
?(MNN GAD 582) tooth (8x5x3 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and Contessi,
?(MNN GAD 625) tooth (43x20x10 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 1966) tooth (55x17x12 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 1966 a) tooth (47x18x15 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 1966 b) tooth (52x17x17 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
?(MNN GAD 1966 c) tooth (63x19x15 mm) (Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and
Contessi, 2014)
(MNN GDF 214) nasal, prefrontal, frontal, braincase (Ibrahim and
Sereno, 2011)
(MNN GDF 500; holotype of Suchomimus tenerensis) (11.0 m,
2.9-4.8 tons) third cervical rib, fifth cervical rib, eighth cervical
rib, first dorsal vertebra, second dorsal vertebra, third dorsal
vertebra, fifth dorsal vertebra, sixth dorsal vertebra, seventh dorsal
vertebra, eighth dorsal vertebra, ninth dorsal vertebra, tenth dorsal
neural spine, eleventh dorsal centrum, thirteenth dorsal vertebra,
fourteenth dorsal vertebra, fifteenth dorsal vertebra, sixteenth dorsal
vertebra, ten dorsal ribs, gastralia, sacral centra, sacral neural
spines 3-5, caudal transverse processes 2-5, caudal neural spines 1-5,
six mid caudal centra, distal caudal vertebra, three chevrons, scapula,
coracoid, humerus (560 mm), radius (255 mm), ulna, manual ungual I (264
mm), manual ungual II (165 perp. to art,), metacarpal III (130 mm),
manual ungual III (120 perp. to art.), ilium (1 m), pubis, ischium,
femur (1.075 m), tibia (960 mm), metatarsal III (380 mm), pedal phalanx
(Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 501; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) premaxillae,
maxillae (Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 502; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) quadrate
(Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 503; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) partial
dentary (Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 504; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) partial
dentary (Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 505; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) partial
dentary (Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 506; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) axis (Sereno
et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 507; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) posterior
cervical vertebra (Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 508; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) posterior
dorsal vertebra (Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 510; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) caudal
vertebra (Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF 511; paratype of Suchomimus tenerensis) caudal
vertebra (Sereno et al., 1998)
?(MNN GDF coll.) dorsal neural arch (Taquet, 1976)
(MNN GDF coll.) teeth, bones (Sereno et al., 1998)
(MNN GDF coll.) snout (Ibrahim and Sereno, 2011)
Diagnosis- (after Taquet and Russell, 1988) sagittal crest on
(modified after Sereno et al., 1998) elongate subnarial process that
nearly excludes maxilla from external naris (unknown in other
baryonychines); broadened posterior dorsal, sacral and proximal caudal
neural spines; robust humeral tuberosities; hook-shaped radial
Other diagnoses- Sereno et al. (1998) listed 'hypertrophied
ulnar olecranon process that is offset from the humeral articulation'
as a diagnostic character, but Carrano et al. (2012) note it is present
in Baryonyx too. They also listed heightened posterior
dorsal, sacral and proximal caudal neural spines, but Riparovenator has tall caudal
neural spines as well, and a Wessex dorsal possibly belonging to it or Ceratosuchops has a heightened
dorsal neural spine.
Comments- Contra Sereno et al. (1998), Charig and Milner (1997)
and Carrano et al. (2012), Cristatusaurus is not a nomen
dubium. Taquet and Russell (1998) are correct in noting the
"brevirostrine" condition distinguishes Cristatusaurus from Baryonyx,
except that they define this as having a sagittal crest (pg. 351) as
opposed to the more obvious interpretation of having a short snout. A Suchomimus
paratype (MNN GDF 501) has a sagittal crest too. This may be due to
ontogeny, but the same can be said of the characters Sereno et al.
proposed to distinguish Suchomimus from Baryonyx, and Ceratosuchops and Riparovenator are now known to lack
crests as well. In addition, Cristatusaurus and Suchomimus
resemble each other more than Baryonyx in having a less rounded
anterodorsal margin to their premaxillae (also in Ceratosuchops but not Riparovenator), and having a
comparatively larger second alveolus (though it is smaller in Suchomimus
than Cristatusaurus; also in Riparovenator
but not Ceratosuchops). Since
both are from the same formation, share an apparently apomorphy, and
have no obvious differences besides alveolar proportions, they are
synonymized here.
Several authors have suggested synonymizing Cristatusaurus/Suchomimus
with Baryonyx (Charig and Milner, 1997; Milner pers. comm. 1999
to Naish et al., 2001; Sues et al., 2002). While Charig and Milner's
(1997) decision to sink the Cristatusaurus material into Baryonyx
sp. indet. made sense prior to the naming of Cristatusaurus or Suchomimus,
one cannot now sink a named species like lapparenti into "sp.
indet.", nor can one sink Cristatusaurus into Baryonyx
without placing Suchomimus there too (as nothing suggests lapparenti
is closer to walkeri than to tenerensis; quite the
opposite, as seen above). Thus Buffetaut and Ouaja (2002) were wrong to
formally sink Cristatusaurus into Baryonyx sp. but
leave Suchomimus as provisionally valid. Similarly, even though
Sues et al. state "There exists at present no evidence to indicate the
presence of more than one taxon of spinosaurid in the faunal assemblage
from GAD 5", they incorrectly refer to this taxon as Baryonyx
tenerensis instead of B. lapparenti (which would have
priority if lapparenti and tenerensis are one taxon).
The combination Baryonyx lapparenti has yet to appear in the
literature, however. Ultimately, this is a subjective decision since
there is no objective definition of 'genus', and the more recent naming
of Vallibonavenatrix, Iberospinus,
Protathlitis and especially Ceratosuchops
and Riparovenator shows the
community accepts baryonychine species as non-congeneric. The
latter two taxa were recovered closer to Cristatusaurus (as Suchomimus) by their describers, so
would also be species of Baryonyx
if lapparenti was accepted as
such. Finally, sinking all baryonychines into Baryonyx would also imply Suchosaurus was congeneric as well,
creating a taxonomic issue since it has 145 years of priority over Baryonyx.
Taquet (1976) describes a dorsal neural arch as identical to Becklespinax and very similar to Spinosaurus,
so this may belong to Cristatusaurus.
Ibrahim and Sereno (2011) remark on "complete snout and braincase
material" of Suchomimus,
the latter no doubt MNN GDF 214 as mentioned
by Paulina-Carabajal et al. (2019) and Barker et al. (2021).
Fanti et al. (2014) list many "Baryonychinae indet." teeth from
Gadoufoua, here provisionally referred to Cristatusaurus.
Samathi et al. (2019) measured the holotype tibia as 960 mm instead of
Sereno et al.'s 945 mm, and provides some additional details.
References- Taquet, 1984. Une curieuse spécialisation du crane
de certains Dinosaures carnivores du Crétacé: le museau long et
etroit des Spinosauridés.
Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Série 2. 299(5),
Charig and Milner, 1997. Baryonyx walkeri, a fish-eating
dinosaur from the Wealden of Surrey. Bulletin of the Natural History
Museum of London (Geology). 53, 11-70.
Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Gado, Larsson, Lyon, Marcot, Rauhut, Sadleir,
Sidor, Varricchio, Wilson and Wilson, 1998. A long-snouted predatory
dinosaur from Africa and the evolution of the spinosaurids. Science.
282(5392), 1298-1302.
and Russell, 1998. New data on spinosaurid dinosaurs from the
Early Cretaceous of the Sahara. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des
Sciences à Paris, Sciences de la terre et des planetes. 327, 347-353.
Naish, Hutt and Martill, 2001. Saurischian dinosaurs 2: Theropods. In
Martill and Naish (eds.). Dinosaurs of the Isle of Wight. The
Palaeontological Association, London. 242-309.
Buffetaut and Ouaja, 2002. A new specimen of Spinosaurus
(Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of Tunisia, with
remarks on the evolutionary history of the Spinosauridae. Bulletin de
la Societe Geologique de France. 173(5), 415-421.
Sues, Frey, Martill and Scott, 2002. Irritator challengeri, a
spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of
Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 22(3), 535-547.
Hutt and Newbery, 2004. A new look at Baryonyx walkeri (Charig
and Milner, 1986) based upon a recent fossil find from the Wealden.
SVPCA 2004. 18.
Lipkin, Sereno and Horner, 2007. The furcula in Suchomimus
tenerensis and Tyrannosaurus rex (Dinosauria: Theropoda:
Tetanurae). Journal of Paleontology. 81(6), 1523-1527.
Ibrahim and Sereno, 2011. New data on spinosaurids (Dinosauria:
Theropoda) from Africa. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and
Abstracts 2011, 130.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
Fanti, Cau, Martinelli and Contessi, 2014. Integrating palaeoecology
and morphology in theropod diversity estimation: A case from the
Aptian-Albian of Tunisia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology. 410, 39-57.
Paulina-Carabajal, Ezcurra and Novas, 2019. New information on the
braincase and endocranial morphology of the Late Triassic neotheropod Zupaysaurus rougieri using Computed
Tomography data. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. e1630421.
Samathi, Chanthasit and Sander, 2019. Two new basal coelurosaurian
theropod dinosaurs from the Lower Cretaceous Sao Khua Formation of
Thailand. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 64(2), 239-260.
Barker, Hone, Naish,
Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and Gostling, 2021. New
spinosaurids from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous, UK) and the
European origins of Spinosauridae. Scientific Reports. 11:19340.
Samathi, Sander and Chanthasit, 2021. A spinosaurid from
Thailand (Sao Khua Formation, Early Cretaceous) and a reassessment of
Camarillasaurus cirugedae from
the Early Cretaceous of Spain.
Historical Biology. 33(12), 3480-3494.
Ceratosuchops Barker, Hone,
Naish, Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and Gostling, 2021
C. inferodios
Barker, Hone, Naish, Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and
Gostling, 2021
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Wessex Formation of the Wealden Group, England
Holotype- (IWCMS 2014.95.1) prefrontal, frontals, parietal,
orbitosphenoids, laterosphenoids
....(IWCMS 2014.95.2) otoccipital, supraoccipital
....(IWCMS 2014.95.3) basisphenoid, basioccipital, prootics,
....(IWCMS 2014.95.5) anterior premaxillae
....(IWCMS 2021.30) posterior premaxillae
Paratype- ....(IWCMS 2014.95.4)
Diagnosis- (after Barker et
al., 2021) premaxilla with tuberosity at anterior edge of external
naris; narrow subcondylar recess of basioccipital; subcondylar recess
ventrally separated from occipital condyle; deep, elongate sulci medial
to oval scars on basisphenoid; anteroposteriorly thick
interbasipterygoidal web; supraoccipital dorsal process possessing a
gently curving posteroventral surface in coronal section.
Comments- Discovered between
2014 and 2021, the premaxillae and braincase are smaller than Riparovenator,
while the isolated postorbital was referred "as the dimensions of the
articular facets of the postorbital, while damaged, match those of the
respective frontal and laterosphenoid articulations." Barker et
(2021) used Cau's megamatrix to recover it sister to Riparovenator in their new
Ceratosuchopsini within Baryonychinae.
Reference- Barker, Hone, Naish,
Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and Gostling, 2021. New
spinosaurids from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous, UK) and the
European origins of Spinosauridae. Scientific Reports. 11:19340.
Riparovenator Barker, Hone,
Naish, Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and Gostling, 2021
R. milnerae
Barker, Hone, Naish, Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and
Gostling, 2021
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Wessex Formation of the Wealden Group, England
Holotype- (IWCMS 2014.95.6) anterior premaxillae
....(IWCMS 2014.96.1) partial prefrontal, frontals, partial parietal,
orbitosphenoid, laterosphenoid
....(IWCMS 2014.96.2) partial orbitosphenoid, laterosphenoid
....(IWCMS 2014.96.3) lacrimal fragment, prefrontal
....(IWCMS 2020.448.1) posterior braincase
....(IWCMS 2020.448.2) cultriform process of basisphenoid
Paratypes- ....(IWCMS
2014.95.7) posterior nasal
....(IWCMS 2020.447.1-39) at least twenty-two fragmentary to
complete mid to
distal caudal vertebrae, eighteen partial to complete mid to distal
Diagnosis- (after Barker et
al., 2021) deeply notched dorsal orbital margin between prefrontal and
postorbital process of frontal; deeply inset facial nerve (VII) foramen
that is largely obscured from lateral view; deep subcondylar recess
(depth over 1/3 of its mediolateral width; depth less than 1/5 in other
baryonychines); reduced exposure of articular surface of the
basipterygoid process in lateral view.
Comments- Discovered between
2014 and 2020, the premaxillae and braincase are larger than Ceratosuchops while
the isolated nasal fragment was referred "due to its size (the ventral
frontal facet appears too large for the nasal process of the Ceratosuchops
frontal) and similar state of preservation" The caudal elements
were referred "due to their close proximity (c. 10m) to the holotype
basicranial complex." Barker et al.
(2021) used Cau's megamatrix to recover it sister to Ceratosuchops in their new
Ceratosuchopsini within Baryonychinae.
Reference- Barker, Hone, Naish,
Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and Gostling, 2021. New
spinosaurids from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous, UK) and the
European origins of Spinosauridae. Scientific Reports. 11:19340.
Spinosaurinae Stromer, 1915 vide
Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Gado, Larsson, Lyon, Marcot, Rauhut, Sadleir,
Sidor, Varricchio, Wilson and Wilson, 1998
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus <- Baryonyx
walkeri) (Holtz et al., 2004; modified from Sereno et al., 1998)
Diagnosis- (after Sues et al., 2002) tooth crowns with distinct
but non-serrated carinae; fluted enamel on both the labial and lingual
References- Stromer, 1915. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stromers
in den Wüsten Ägyptens. II. Wirbeltier-Reste der Baharîje-Stufe
(unterstes Cenoman). 3. Das Original des Theropoden Spinosaurus aegyptiacus
nov. gen., nov. spec. Abhandlungen der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse Abhandlung. 28(3), 1-31.
Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Gado, Larsson, Lyon, Marcot, Rauhut, Sadleir,
Sidor, Varricchio, Wilson and Wilson, 1998. A long-snouted predatory
dinosaur from Africa and the evolution of the spinosaurids. Science.
282(5392), 1298-1302.
Sues, Frey, Martill and Scott, 2002. Irritator challengeri, a
spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of
Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 22(3), 535-547.
Holtz, Molnar and Currie, 2004. Basal Tetanurae. In Weishampel, Dodson
and Osmólska (eds.). The Dinosauria Second Edition. University of
California Press. 71-110.
Sanchez-Hernandez and Benton, 2014
= "Camarillasaurus" Sanchez-Hernandez and Benton, online 2012
C. cirugedae Sanchez-Hernandez and
Benton, 2014
= "Camarillasaurus cirugedae" Sanchez-Hernandez and Benton, online 2012
Early Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Camarillas Formation, Aragon, Spain
Holotype- (MPG-KPC1) scapular fragment
(MPG-KPC2) scapular fragment
(MPG-KPC3, 4) partial third to fifth synsacral centra
(MPG-KPC5) incomplete proximal chevron
(MPG-KPC6) distal anterior dorsal ?rib
(MPG-KPC7) incomplete first or second dorsal rib
(MPG-KPC8) proximal tibia
(MPG-KPC9) partial posterior dorsal vertebra
(MPG-KPC10) distal caudal vertebra (~80 mm)
(MPG-KPC11) distal caudal vertebra (~80 mm)
(MPG-KPC12) incomplete mid caudal vertebra
(MPG-KPC13) mid caudal vertebra (~80 mm)
(MPG-KPC14) partial proximal caudal centrum
(MPG-KPC15) partial proximal caudal centrum
(MPG-KPC16) partial ?first sacral centrum
(MPG-KPC17) partial proximal caudal centrum
(MPG-KPC18) partial ?sacral central fragment
(MPG-KPC19) partial proximal caudal centrum
(MPG-KPC20) partial proximal caudal centrum
(MPG-KPC21) partial proximal caudal vertebra (115 mm)
(MPG-KPC22) proximal caudal central fragment
(MPG-KPC23) 'coracoid'
(MPG-KPC25-29) fragments
(MPG-KPC30) scapular fragment
(MPG-KPC31) ?caudal neural spine fragment
(MPG-KPC32) ?caudal neural spine fragment
(MPG-KPC33) ?caudal neural spine fragment
(MPG-KPC34) ?scapular fragment
(MPG-KPC35) ?scapular fragment
(MPG-KPC36) ?scapular fragment
(MPG-KPC37) ?scapular fragment
(MPG-KPC38) ?scapular fragment
(MPG-KPC39) incomplete caudal neural arch
(MPG-KPC40-42) fragments
?(MPG-KPC43) partial lateral tooth
(MPG-KPC44) partial proximal chevron
(MPG-KPC45) dorsal rib fragment
(MPG-KPC46) partial proximal caudal centrum
(MPG-KPC47) dorsal rib fragment
(MPG-KPC48) dorsal rib fragment
(MPG-KPC49) dorsal rib fragment
(MPG-KPC50) dorsal rib fragment
(MPG-KPC51) anterior-mid ?cervical neural arch fragment
Referred- .... proximal caudal
vertebra, femur, pedal ungual (Rauhut, Canudo and Castanera, 2019)
Diagnosis- (after Sanchez-Hernandez and Benton, 2014) caudal
vertebrae with articular surfaces that have well developed edges and
are unusually broad; extremely long tibia proximal end, with ratio of
anteroposterior/mediolateral axis of 2.8.
Other diagnoses- While
Sanchez-Hernandez and Benton (2014) included 'chevron with a deep broad
longitudinal groove along the length of the shaft arising from a fossa
placed below the haemal canal on the anterior and posterior side' in
the diagnosis, Samathi et al. (2021) noted it "is present in other
spinosaurids such as Suchomimus
(MNBH GAD G94-52, A.S. pers. obs.) and the Khok Kruat spinosaurid
(SM-KK14, A.S. pers. obs.)." Similarly, the original authors
propose 'tibia with a narrow and deep longitudinal groove placed
anterior to the crista fibularis on the medial [actually lateral]
surface', but Samathi et al. state this "is also found in the Spinosaurus
neotype (FSAC-KK 11,888, A.S. pers. obs.), although this feature" ...
"might be present due to pathology or crushing because it is present on
only one of the two preserved tibiae" and is also "found in one of the
tibiae of Suchomimus (MNBH
GAD 500, A.S. pers. obs.)." Finally they proposed 'articular
surface on the distal end of the chevron blade' based on supposed
ventral chevron tip MPG-KPC6, but as theropod chevrons don't articulate
ventrally with anything, this fragment is more likely to be a distal
anterior dorsal rib (articulating with sternal ribs) if it belongs to
the specimen.
Comments- Sanchez-Hernandez and Benton (2014) described this as
a basal ceratosaur more derived than Limusaurus, but less than Elaphrosaurus,
MNN TIG6 and neoceratosaurs using Carrano and Sampson's ceratosaur
matrix. Note the holotype is only listed as MPG-KPC1-46, but
numbers through 51 are then described in the detailed list, except
vertebra MPG-KPC24 and 25-29 and 40-42 that are presumably the "several
isolated broken fragments of bones." Rauhut et al. (2019)
reported "Further excavation at the type locality yielded some
additional elements, presumably of the type individual, including an
anterior caudal vertebra, a complete femur, and a pedal ungual."
Wang et al. (2016) noted "A fragmentary vertebra tentatively identified
as a cervical [MPG-KPC24] most likely represents an anterior dorsal
based on the position of the parapophyses and presence of a
hypapophysis" and that "the morphology of the hypapophysis in
Camarillasaurus more strongly
resembles those found in some
coelurosaurs (e.g. Nomingia, Avimimus, Mononykus) than the structure on
dorsal 1 of Elaphrosaurus."
Samathi (2019) found "It is too small
to belong to the same individual or even the same taxon as
Camarillasaurus", and Samathi
et al. (2021) excluded the element from
the type material. It is listed here under Maniraptora incertae
Rauhut et al. suggested "A supposed cervical vertebra is a
posterior dorsal vertebra", probably referring to MPG-KPC9 considered
"most likely a cervical" by Sanchez-Hernandez and Benson. The
offset central faces are thus due to deformation, and the absent
pleurocoel and parapophysis not located on the centrum would support
Rauhut et al.'s identification.
Rauhut et al. also suggested "several supposed dorsal vertebrae are
caudal vertebrae", which would seem likely for MPG-KPC17, MPG-KPC20 and
MPG-KPC21 at least, which have the transversely compressed centra with
ventral grooves typical of proximal caudal vertebrae. MPG-KPC51
was identified as "a posterior cervical vertebra or an anterior dorsal"
by Sanchez-Herndandez and Benton, but may be a left fragment of an
anterior-mid cervical upside down, with the labeled 'postzygapophysis'
being an epipophysis and the horizontal ridge being the
postzygapophysodiapophyseal lamina. MPG-KPC39 is described as "a
broken dorsal neural arch" but the supposed prezygapophyses are clearly
postzygapophyses because their articular surfaces angle ventrally, and
the element is a caudal based on the nearly vertical zygapophyseal
surfaces and unexpanded hypantrum. The triangular and rectangular
fossae indicated in figure 5B2 are probably simply erosional.
MPG-KPC31-33 "may be broken tops of neural spines", but are too short
to be from dorsal vertebrae and may be caudal neural spine tips (or
transverse processes) instead.
Wang et al. also correctly noted "Though six sacral vertebrae were
inferred in Camarillasaurus,
it should be noted that the authors only
identified the remains of five vertebrae as sacrals." Although
Sanchez-Hernandez and Benton identified the fused sacrals as 2-4,
Malafaia et al. (2020) figured them as 3-5 based on comparison to
Rauhut et al. note "the 'sternal plates' are parts of the scapulae",
referring to MPG-KPC1-2, and the same may be true of MPG-KPC34-38 that
are listed as "isolated remains of sternal plates." The supposed
coracoid strongly differs from ceratosaurian or megalosauroid theropods
in being anterodistally expanded as in many paravians, having a thick
lip on the lateral side of the posterior edge, and having a ventrally
located foramen that is most likely damage. The element is near
certainly not a coracoid, although a proper identification would
benefit from figures in multiple perspectives.
Contrary to Sanchez-Hernandez and Benton's phylogenetic conclusion,
Rauhut et al. stated "is a megalosauroid tetanuran, and probably a
spinosaurid", and the latter has since been confirmed by Samathi,
Samathi et al. and Malafaia et al... Samathi et al. added it to
Carrano et al.'s tetanurine analysis and found "The spinosaurid
character in Camarillasaurus
is the lack of an anterior process on the chevron", while a "likely
spinosaurine character in Camarillasaurus
is pachyostosis in the tibia", matching Barker et al.'s (2021) recovery
of it using Cau's megamatrix as the basalmost spinosaurine.
References- Sanchez-Hernandez and Benton, 2014 (online 2012).
Filling the ceratosaur gap: A new ceratosaurian theropod from the Early
Cretaceous of Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 59(3), 581-600.
Wang, Stiegler, Amiot, Wang, Du, Clark and Xu, 2016. Extreme
ontogenetic changes in a ceratosaurian theropod. Current Biology.
27(1), 144-148.
Rauhut, Canudo and Castanera, 2019. A reappraisal of the Early
Cretaceous theropod dinosaur Camarillasaurus from Spain. XVII
Conference of the EAVP, Program and Abstracts. 96.
Samathi, 2019. Theropod dinosaurs from Thailand and southeast Asia
Phylogeny, evolution, and paleobiogeography. PhD thesis, Rheinischen
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. 249 pp.
Malafaia, Gasulla, Escaso, Narvaez and Ortega, 2020. An update of the
spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) fossil record from the Lower
Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula: Distribution, diversity, and
evolutionary history. Journal of Iberian Geology. 46, 431-444.
Barker, Hone, Naish,
Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and Gostling, 2021. New
spinosaurids from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous, UK) and the
European origins of Spinosauridae. Scientific Reports. 11:19340.
Samathi, Sander and Chanthasit, 2021. A spinosaurid from
Thailand (Sao Khua Formation, Early Cretaceous) and a reassessment of
Camarillasaurus cirugedae from
the Early Cretaceous of Spain.
Historical Biology. 33(12), 3480-3494.
Oxalaia Kellner,
Azevedo, Machado, Carvalho and Henriques, 2011
O. quilombensis Kellner, Azevedo, Machado, Carvalho and
Henriques, 2011
Early Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous
Alcântara Formation of the
Itapecuru Group, Brazil
Holotype- (MN 6117-V) (skull ~1.35 m) incomplete premaxillae
Paratype- ?(MN 6119-V) maxillary fragment
Referred- ?(UFMA 1.10.229) distal caudal centrum (Medeiros and
Schultz, 2002)
?(UFMA 1.10.240) distal caudal centrum (94 mm) (Medeiros and Schultz,
?(UFMA 1.20.070; morphotype 1) tooth (80 mm) (Medeiros and Schultz,
?(UFMA 1.20.443; morphotype 2) tooth (~101 mm) (Medeiros, 2006)
?(UFMA 1.20.444 SL; 25 morphotype 1, 95 morphotype 2 and 153
intermediates) 273 complete to fragmentary teeth (13-98 mm) (Medeiros,
Diagnosis- (after Kellner et al., 2011) maximum expansion of the
distal end of the premaxillae between the 3rd and 4th alveoli; anterior
projection of the maxillae between the premaxillae in the palatal
region very thin; diastema between the 5th and 6th premaxillary teeth
present but shorter than in Spinosaurus; ventral portion of the
premaxillae very sculptured.
Other diagnoses-
Kellner et al. (2011) also listed the lack of serrations in their
diagnosis, but this is true of all spinosaurines. They listed
"presence of two replacement teeth associated with the 3rd functional
tooth", but Isasmendi et al. (2020) noted "two replacement teeth at
different stages of development within the same alveolus ... has been
documented in the maxilla of Irritator", the dentary of "Iberospinus,
and now in the CPI 477 maxilla." The condition in Iberospinus
where only the third and fifth dentary tooth positions have two
replacement teeth suggests its presence in Oxalaia's third premaxillary
tooth is developmental happenstance, so that positional specificity
should not be used as an autapomorphy.
Comments- Oxalaia's holotype was first mentioned in
abstracts (Machado and Kellner, 2008; Machado et al., 2009) before
being described as a new taxon by Kellner et al. (2011).
Isasmendi et al. (2023) noted that "In MN 6119-V, the preserved alveoli
are visible in lateral view with laterocumbent teeth as occurs in
Spinosaurinae and unlike baryonychines. Furthermore, the paradental
groove in MN 6119-V is wavy or sinusoidal in a similar way to that of
African spinosaurines (e.g., MNHN SAM 124, MSNM V4047 and NNHMUK PV R
16420), and differing from the straighter one of baryonychines."
While these suggest spinosaurine affinities, they furthermore proposed
"The medial shelf of MN 6119-V is subcylindrical, but in ventral view
it does not seem to be strongly directed medially, unlike the specimens
MNHN SAM 124, MSNM V4047 and NHMUK PV R 16420 that have a
proportionally wider medial shelf", and "The height between the
external naris and the alveolar margin is more similar to that of
baryonychines and Irritator, which could indicate it was more
anteriorly located than in MSNM V4047 and NHMUK PV R 16420."
Thus, "it seems that O. quilombensis
cannot be attributed to Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus and, instead, would be more closely related to Irritator."
The isolated teeth are all unserrated and thus referred to
Spinosaurinae. However, they vary morphologically with two extremes and
numerous intermediates. Morphotype 1 is nearly straight with labial and
lingual fluting, rounded in section and lacks enamel wrinkles at its
base. Morphotype 2 is straight to gently curved, lacks fluting, is
round to labiolingually compressed in section and sometimes has basal
enamel wrinkles. While Medeiros considered morphotype 2 to be a
different, otherwise unknown theropod taxon, I find it more likely that
the numerous intermediates and similar size ranges indicate positional
variation within the jaw. Kellner et al. noted morphotype 1 resembled Oxalaia
from the same formation, so all of the teeth are tentatively referred
to that taxon here.
Medeiros and Schultz (2002) referred two distal caudals to Sigilmassasaurus,
which Ibrahim et al. (2014) recently synonymized with Spinosaurus.
As the spinosaurine Oxalaia is from the same formation, it is
likely the caudals belong to it.
References- Medeiros and Vilas Boas, 1999. Ocorrência de uma paleocomunidade
continental do Cenomaniano (Cretáceo Superior) do Nordeste do Brasil.
In: Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontologia de Vertebrados. Resúmenes, La
Plata, UNLP. 15, 18.
Medeiros and Schultz, 2001. Uma paleocomunidade de vertebrados do Cretáceo
médio, bacia de São Luís. In Rossetti, Góes Truckenbrodt
(eds.). O Cretáceo na bacia de São Luís - Grajaú,
Museu Emílio Goeldi. 209-221.
Medeiros and Schultz, 2002. A fauna dinossauriana da Laje do Coringa, Cretáceo
médio do Nordeste do Brasil. Arquivos do Museu Nacional. 60(3), 155-162.
Medeiros, 2005. Spinosaurid teeth variation in mid-Cretaceous Alcântara
Formation, Maranhão state, Brazil. Resumos do XIX Congresso Brasileiro
de Paleontologia e VI Congresso Latino-Americano de Paleontologia. [pp unknown]
Medeiros, 2006. Large theropod teeth from the Eocenomanian of northeastern Brazil
and the occurrence of Spinosauridae. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 9(3),
Machado and Kellner, 2008. An overview of the Spinosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda)
with comments on the Brazilian material. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
28(3), 109A.
Machado, Azevedo, Carvalho, Henriques and Kellner, 2009. A new spinosaurid from
the Cretaceous Alcantara Formation (Maranhao), Northeastern Brazil. Journal
of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29(3), 138A-139A.
Kellner, Azevedo, Machado, Carvalho and Henriques, 2011. A new dinosaur (Theropoda,
Spinosauridae) from the Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Alcântara Formation, Cajual
Island, Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 83(1), 99-108.
Ibrahim, Sereno, Dal Sasso, Maganuco, Fabbri, Martill, Zouhri, Myhrvold
and Iurino, 2014. Semiaquatic adaptations in a giant predatory
dinosaur. Science. 345(6204), 1613-1616.
Sales and Schultz, 2017. Spinosaur taxonomy and evolution of
craniodental features: Evidence from Brazil. PloS One. 12(11), e0187070.
Smyth, Ibrahim and Martill, 2020. Sigilmassasaurus
is Spinosaurus: A reappraisal
of African spinosaurines. Cretaceous Research. 114:104520.
Lacerda, Grillo and Romano, 2022 (2021 online). Rostral morphology of
Spinosauridae (Theropoda, Megalosauroidea): Premaxilla shape variation
and a new phylogenetic inference. Historical Biology. 34(11), 2089-2109.
Isasmendi, Navarro-Lorbés, Sáez-Benito, Viera, Torices and
Pereda-Suberbiola, 2023 (2022 online). New contributions to the skull
anatomy of spinosaurid theropods: Baryonychinae maxilla from the Early
Cretaceous of Igea (La Rioja, Spain). Historical Biology. 35(6),
Irritator Martill,
Cruikshank, Frey, Small and Clarke, 1996
= “Angaturama” Anonymous, 1995
= Angaturama Kellner and Campos, 1996
I. challengeri Martill, Cruikshank, Frey, Small and
Clarke, 1996
= Angaturama limai Kellner and Campos, 1996
Albian, Early Cretaceous
Romualdo Member of Santana Formation, Brazil
Holotype- (SMNS 58022) incomplete skull (~840 mm), teeth,
partial mandibles
Referred- (GP/2T-5; holotype of Angaturama limai)
premaxillae, anterior maxilla, anterior nasal
Diagnosis- (after Sues et al., 2002) nasals with prominent
median bony crest that terminates posteriorly in knob-like, somewhat
dorsoventrally flattened projection; dorsal surface of parietals facing
posterodorsally and vertical axis of braincase inclined
anteroventrally; posterior surface of basisphenoid with deep,
dorsoventrally oval median recess; surangular with broad lateral shelf
(also in Baryonyx).
(after Carrano et al., 2012) midline ridge on dorsal surface of
conjoined premaxillae extending further anteriorly than in Baryonyx
and Cristatusaurus.
Comments- Angaturama was originally printed on a
Brazilian postage stamp in 1995.
References- Martill, Cruickshank, Frey, Small and Clarke, 1996.
A new crested maniraptoran dinosaur from the Santana Formation (Lower
Cretaceous) of Brazil. Journal of the Geological Society of London.
153, 5-8.
Kellner and Campos, 1996. First Early Cretaceous theropod dinosaur from
Brazil with comments on Spinosauridae. Neues Jahrbuch fuer Geologie und
Palaeontologie Abhandlungen. 199(2), 151-166.
Sues, Frey, Martill and Scott, 2002. Irritator challengeri, a
spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of
Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 22(3), 535-547.
Carrano, Benson and Sampson, 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae
(Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 10(2),
unnamed Spinosaurinae (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Blesa Formation, Spain
Material- (CAN1 960) tooth (16.19x6.22x5.96 mm) (Alonso and Canudo,
(CAN1 968) tooth (17.15x5.69x4.44 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 973) tooth (22.19x9.68x8.34 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(CAN1 990) tooth (17.93x7.23x6.42 mm) (Alonso and Canudo, 2016)
(HOC 17) tooth (23.25x10.27x8.61 mm) (Alonso et al., 2018)
(HOC 28) tooth fragment (Alonso et al., 2018)
References- Alonso and Canudo,
2016. On the spinosaurid theropod teeth from the
Early Barremian (Early Cretaceous) Blesa Formation (Spain). Historical
Biology. 28(6), 823-834.
Alonso, Gasca, Navarro-Lorbés, Rubio and Canudo, 2018. A new
contribution to our knowledge of the large-bodied theropods from the
Barremian of the Iberian Peninsula: The "Barranco del Hocino" site
(Spain). Journal of Iberian Geology. 44, 7-23.
unnamed Spinosaurinae
(Navarro-Lorbés and Torices, 2018)
Late Barremian-Early Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Enciso Group, El Horcajo, Trevijano, La Rioja, Spain
Material- (CP-UR-3; = Tre-3) incomplete tooth (37.12x12.72x10.75
mm) (Navarro-Lorbés and Torices, 2018)
(CP-UR-5) tooth (?x18.71x15.4 mm) (Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito, Torices, Navarro-Lorbés and Pereda-Suberbiola,
(CP-UR-8) tooth (42.50x12.71x12.04 mm) (Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito,
Torices, Navarro-Lorbés and Pereda-Suberbiola,
(CP-UR-18) (juvenile) tooth (14.10x5.11x4.97 mm) (Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito, Torices, Navarro-Lorbés and Pereda-Suberbiola,
Comments-Navarro-Lorbés and Torices (2018) described these as
Morphotype 3- "Medium sized teeth (CH = 40-50 mm). Ellipsoidal to
subcircular basal cross section and very elongated crown apically.
Curved posteriorly and with a slight curvature to the lingual region
too. Fluted enamel covering all the surface of the crown. Some of the
specimens present irregularities in the carinae, discarding them as
microdenticles because of their irregularities and their little
development." While Navarro-Lorbés and Torices only analyzed and
figured one (as Tre-3), and never stated how many of their 19 new
theropod and crocodyliform teeth were Morphotype 3, Isasmendi et al.
(2020) included three of them in their discriminant analysis, which
provided specimen numbers and measurements for what turns out to be
four teeth in total. They found "CPUR-18 falls within the smaller
teeth of the sample and is similar in size to those of La Cantalera-1
and Galve. CP-UR-3 and CP-UR-8 are more closely grouped with the teeth
attributed to Spinosaurus",
and thus "The similarity in size between CP-UR-18 and the teeth of La
Cantalera-1 could indicate that its producer was a juvenile
spinosaurine theropod."
References- Navarro-Lorbés and Torices, 2018. Preliminary analysis
of theropod teeth from "El Horcajo", Lower Cretaceous, La Rioja, Spain.
XVI Encuentro de Jovenes Investigadoras en Paleontologia, Libro de
Resumenes. 83-86.
Isasmendi, Sáez-Benito, Torices, Navarro-Lorbés and Pereda-Suberbiola,
2020. New insights about theropod palaeobiodiversity in the Iberian
Peninsula and Europe: Spinosaurid teeth (Theropoda, Megalosauroidea)
from the Lower Cretaceous of La Rioja (Spain). Cretaceous Research.
Allain, Xaisanavong, Richir and Khentavong, 2012
I. laosensis Allain, Xaisanavong, Richir and Khentavong,
Late Barremian-Early Cenomanian (Aptian?), Early-Late Cretaceous
Grès supérieurs Formation, Laos
Holotype- (MDS BK10-01 to 15) twelfth dorsal vertebra (135 mm),
partial thirteenth dorsal neural spine, posterior dorsal rib, dorsal
rib (uncollected), first sacral neural spine, second sacral neural
spine, fused partial second and third sacral vertebrae (third ~90 mm),
third sacral neural spine, fourth sacral neural spine, fifth sacral
neural spine, third sacral ribs, first caudal vertebra (101 mm), second
caudal vertebra (95 mm), ilia (one incomplete; 920, 910 mm), pubes (one
fragmentary; 650 mm), ischia (one incomplete; 496, 494 mm)
Referred- (presacrals are MDS BK10-16 to 25) three teeth,
cervical series, first dorsal vertebra, seven caudal vertebrae, pubis
(Allain, 2014)
(caudals are MDS BK97-02) teeth, vertebrae (Allain, 2014)
Diagnosis- (after Allain et al., 2012) sinusoidal dorsosacral
sail; twelfth dorsal neural spine is 410% of centrum length with
anterodistal finger-like process; posterior dorsal ribs articulated
with sternal complex; fan-shaped sacral neural spines 3 and 4;
transverse processes of first caudal vertebra with sigmoid profile in
dorsal view; deep prezygapophyseal centrodiapophyseal fossae on first
caudal vertebra; long iliac blade with ilium/pubis length ratio 1.46;
proximal pubic plate with obturator and pubic notches; large ischial
plate with ischial foramen (also in Monolophosaurus);
mediolaterally flattened ischial shaft.
Comments- The holotype was discovered in 2010.
Allain (2014) discuss a new specimen preserving a first dorsal vertebra
which is "nearly identical to" Sigilmassasaurus (now a junior
synonym of Spinosaurus), showing an articular surface much
wider than high (ratio of ~1.5) and absent interzygapophyseal laminae.
Relationships- Allain et al. (2012) found Ichthyovenator
to be a basal baryonychine in their phylogenetic analysis. Yet adding
it to the much larger matrix of Carrano et al. 2012 results in it being
sister to Concavenator, with both sister to Allosauria in
Carnosauria. Given the Sigilmassasaurus-like
cervicodorsals and newly recovered teeth in that specimen which are
unrecurved and unserrated, Allain (2014) proposed Ichthyovenator
was "more closely related to Spinosaurinae." Indeed, Barker et al.
(2021) recovered it as a spinosaurine using Cau's matrix.
Several characters led to its placement in Allain et al.'s analysis. Ichthyovenator
is a megalosauroid due to having a vertical ridge anterior to the
hyposphene in the dorsal vertebra. But this is miscoded and is actually
absent. It is a spinosaurid due to the tall dorsal neural spine, but
these are also present in Concavenator, which was not included
in their analysis. It is placed in Baryonychinae due to four
characters- the basally webbed dorsal neural spine; an accessory
centrodiapophyseal lamina on the dorsal, which is also present in the
unincluded Concavenator; a mediolaterally expanded pubic boot;
and a posterior pubic boot "reduced to a small flange". But this is
correlated with the last character, as a reduced posterior pubic boot
(with insignificant anterior boot) leads to a transversely expanded
distal pubis, and indeed the only taxa coded as having the first state
are also the only ones coded as having the second. It is excluded from
Avetheropoda due to the small pubic boot as well. It is excluded from
Allosauroidea because the posterior dorsal neural spine is not
anteriorly inclined, but this is also true in Concavenator.
It's also excluded from Allosauroidea because the ischial obturator
foramen is closed. Yet the two coelurosaurs are miscoded as lacking an
obturator notch; when that's corrected, Ichthyovenator's closed foramen
becomes an autapomorphy. So of the nine characters, three are due to
Allain et al. not including Concavenator in their matrix. Two
are due to miscodings. The two pubic boot characters are correlated, so
are really only one. Yet this character was not used by Carrano et al..
Finally, the neural spine webbing is valid and used by Carrano et al..
Several characters also led to its placement when added to Carrano et
al.'s matrix. Ichthyovenator is sister to Concavenator
due to three characters- tall dorsal neural spine (also in
spinosaurids); accessory centrodiapophyseal lamina (also in
baryonychines); peg-and-socket ilioischial articulation (not included
by Allain et al.). It is an avetheropod because of four characters-
narrow brevis fossa (coded more strictly in Allain et al.); m.
cuppedicus shelf (not included by Allain et al.); open pubic obturator
notch (however, Suchomimus and Baryonyx are miscoded by
Carrano et al.); large and oval pubic obturator notch/foramen (not
included by Allain et al.). It is excluded from Megalosauroidea due to
lacking a vertical ridge anterior to the hyposphene (miscoded by Allain
et al.) and having a vertical ilial ridge (not included by Allain et
al.). So of these nine characters, two are correctly coded as also
present in baryonychines, and another is miscoded as being absent in
baryonychines. Five others aren't used by Allain et al., and another
was miscoded by Allain et al.
In Allain et al.'s matrix, after recoding Ichthyovenator's
hyposphene ridge and the coelurosaurs' obturator notches, and excluding
the correlated pubic boot character, Ichthyovenator is still a
baryonychine. Constraining it to be a non-allosauroid carnosaur takes
five extra steps, which is down from the nine it took before (though it
was slightly more nested in Carnosauria before, but only by two steps).
If we add the five characters Allain et al. didn't use that support
this position (the brevis fossa expansion counts too since it is an
additional state of a character), then either alternative is equally
In Carrano et al.'s matrix, after recoding Baryonyx and Suchomimus
for their obturator notches, Ichthyovenator is now a
non-allosauroid carnosaur and Concavenator is back to
Carcharodontosauridae (making them sister taxa like before is now one
step longer). It now takes three more steps to make Ichthyovenator
a spinosaurid, so that's dropped from five. If we add on the
transversely wide pubic boot character that they didn't include, we
could say it only takes two more steps to make Ichthyovenator a
In conclusion, both matrices give almost the same answer- Ichthyovenator
is either equally likely or two steps more likely to be a basal
carnosaur instead of a baryonychine. The main flaw was that Allain et
al. didn't include several useful characters, which is expected
considering their total character number is 51% of Carrano et al.'s.
Allain's (2014) new report of serrationless and unrecurved teeth could
at least even the odds in favor of a spinosaurid identity, though these
do contradict it being a baryonychine. This is perhaps why when those
two characters are newly coded for Ichthyovenator
in Carrano et al.'s matrix, the same general results are found as
reported above (three more steps needed to move it from a basal
carnosaur to a spinosaurid). However, given the morphology of the
undescribed teeth and cervicodorsals, the taxon is provisionally placed
in Spinosaurinae here.
References- Allain, Xaisanavong, Richir and Khentavong, 2012.
The first definitive Asian spinosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the
Early Cretaceous of Laos. Naturwissenschaften. 99(5), 369-377.
Allain, 2014. New material of the theropod Ichthyovenator from
Ban Kalum type locality (Laos): Implications for the synonymy of Spinosaurus
and Sigilmassasaurus and the phylogeny of Spinosauridae.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts 2014, 78.
Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015. A reappraisal of the
morphology and systematic position of the theropod dinosaur Sigilmassasaurus
from the "middle" Cretaceous of Morocco. PeerJ. 3:e1323.
Barker, Hone, Naish,
Cau, Lockwood, Foster, Clarkin, Schneider and Gostling, 2021. New
spinosaurids from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous, UK) and the
European origins of Spinosauridae. Scientific Reports. 11:19340.
Buffetaut and Ingavat, 1986
S. suteethorni Buffetaut and Ingavat, 1986
Late Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Phu Wiang 1, Sao Khua Formation, Thailand
Holotype- (DMR TF 2043a) tooth (47.7x16.6x12.5 mm)
Paratypes- (DMR TF 2043b) tooth (24.3x?x? mm)
(DMR TF 2043c) tooth
(DMR TF 2043d) tooth
(DMR TF 2043e) tooth
(DMR TF 2043f) tooth
(DMR TF 2043g) tooth
(DMR TF 2043h) tooth
(DMR TF 2043i) tooth
Late Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Kalasin 2, Sao Khua Formation, Thailand
Referred- teeth (Martin, Suteethorn and Buffeaut, 1999)
Late Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Kalasin 11, Sao Khua Formation, Thailand
tooth (Buffetaut and Suteethorn, 1999)
Late Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Phu Din Daeng, Sao Khua Formation, Thailand
(PRC147) incomplete tooth (?x~16x? mm) (Tong, Buffetaut,
Suteethorn, Suteethorn, Cuny, Cavin, Deesri, Martin, Wongko, Naksri and
Claude, 2019)
(PRC coll.) teeth (Tong, Buffetaut, Suteethorn, Suteethorn, Cuny,
Cavin, Deesri, Martin, Wongko, Naksri and Claude, 2019)
Late Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Phu Sung, Sao Khua Formation, Thailand
tooth fragment (Chanthasit, Suteethorn, Naksri, Tong, Wongko and
Sonoda, 2019)
Late Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Phu Wiang 5A, Sao Khua Formation, Thailand
tooth (Martin, Suteethorn and Buffeaut, 1999)
Late Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Sao Khua Formation, Thailand
tooth (Kobayashi, Takai and Hayami, 1964)
Late Barremian?, Early Cretaceous
Pra Prong, Sao Khua Formation?, Thailand
teeth (Suteethorn, Buffetaut, Wongo, Suteethorn and Tong, 2018)
Diagnosis- (after Buffetaut and
Ingavat, 1986) serrationless carinae; oval cross section; ~15 flutes on
both labial and lingual sides.
Buffetaut and Ingavat (1983) briefly described and figured the type
teeth, referring them "either to an unusual theropod dinosaur, or to
some unknown crocodilian." Buffetaut and Ingavat (1986) later
fully described and named the teeth Siamosaurus
referred to ?Spinosauridae. Buffetaut and Suteethorn (1999) noted
that in Kobayashi et al. (1964) "the so-called 'ichthyosaur' tooth
apparently belongs to the enigmatic dinosaur Siamosaurus." Buffetaut and
Suteethorn (1999) state "isolated teeth of Siamosaurus
are frequently found at many vertebrate localities in the Sao Khua
Formation, sometimes, as at Wat Sakawan, in association with sauropod
remains." Martin et al. (1999) list a few localities with Siamosaurus
teeth. Samathi et al. (2019) note "in fact, there are very small
serrations on unworn teeth (E. Buffetaut pers. comm.; A.S.pers. obs.)",
which would remove the reason to assign this to Spinosaurinae.
Suteethorn et al. (2018) note a spinosaurid morph at the Pra Prong
locality "with a strongly ornamented crown, bearing up to 25
well-marked ridges on each face, and with a wrinkled enamel between the
ridges and at the apex." Buffetaut is preparing a redescription
of the taxon (pers. comm. to Bertin, 2010).
References- Kobayashi, Takai and Hayami, 1964. On some Mesozoic
fossils from the Khorat Series of east Thailand and a note on the
Khorat Series. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography. 34, 181-192.
Buffetaut and Ingavat, 1983. Vertebrates from the continental Jurassic
of Thailand. CCOP Technical Bulletin. 16, 68-75.
Buffetaut and Ingavat, 1986. Unusual theropod dinosaur teeth from the
Upper Jurassic of Phu Wiang, northeastern Thailand. Revue de Paléobiologie. 5, 217-220.
Buffetaut and Suteethorn, 1999. The dinosaur fauna of the Sao Khua
Formation of Thailand and the
beginning of the Cretaceous radiation of dinosaurs in Asia.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 150, 13-23.
Martin, Suteethorn and Buffeaut, 1999. Description of the type and
referred material of Phuwiangosaurus
sirindhornae Martin, Buffetaut and Suteethorn, 1994, a sauropod
from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. Oryctos. 2, 39-91.
Bertin, 2010. A catalogue of the material and review of the
Spinosauridae. PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology. 7(4),
Suteethorn, Buffetaut, Wongo, Suteethorn and Tong, 2018. Morphological
diversity of spinosaurid teeth from the Pra Prong locality (Lower
Cretaceous of eastern Thailand). 5th International Palaeontological
Congress. Abstract Book, 666.
Chanthasit, Suteethorn, Naksri, Tong, Wongko and Sonoda, 2019. New
vertebrate fossil site from the Early Cretaceous Sao Khua Formation,
Sakon Nakhon Province, northeastern Thailand. Open Journal of Geology.
9, 619-622.
Samathi, Chanthasit and Sander, 2019. A review of theropod dinosaurs
from the Late Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous of southeast Asia. Annales de Paléontologie. 105(3), 201-215.
Tong, Buffetaut, Suteethorn, Suteethorn, Cuny, Cavin, Deesri, Martin,
Wongko, Naksri and Claude, 2019. Phu Din Daeng, a new Early Cretaceous
vertebrate locality on the Khorat Plateau, NE Thailand. Annales de Paléontologie. 105(3), 223-237.
S. sp. (Buffetaut and Suteethorn 1998)
Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Ban Pia Fan, Khok Kruat Formation, Thailand
(SM-KK 14; Khok Kruat spinosaurid) fourth cervical vertebra, sixth
cervical vertebra, seventh cervical vertebra, tenth cervical vertebra,
dorsal vertebrae, neural spine, ribs, chevron, metacarpal?, pelvic
elements including pubis (Buffetaut, Suteethorn and Tong, 2004)
?...(SM-KK coll.) teeth (Buffetaut, Suteethorn, Le Loeuff, Khansubha,
Tong and Wongko, 2005)
Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Khok Pa Suam, Khok Kruat Formation, Thailand
(PM2016-1-003) tooth (44.3x16.7x13.1 mm) (Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and
Lauprasert, 2019)
(PM2016-1-004) tooth (43.3x16.9x13.1 mm) (Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and
Lauprasert, 2019)
(PM2016-1-005) tooth (39.8x19.6x14.7 mm) (Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and
Lauprasert, 2019)
Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Sam Ran, Khok Kruat Formation, Thailand
(PM2016-1-001) tooth (20x12.8x9.5 mm) (Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and
Lauprasert, 2019)
(PM2016-1-002) tooth (33.6x15.4x14.3 mm) (Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and
Lauprasert, 2019)
Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Lam Pao Dam, Khok Kruat Formation, Thailand
(PM2016-1-006) tooth (56.8x15x14.6 mm) (Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and
Lauprasert, 2019)
(PM2016-1-007) tooth (75.1x32.6x22.7 mm) (Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and
Lauprasert, 2019)
(PM2016-1-008) tooth (46.3x16x11 mm) (Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and
Lauprasert, 2019)
Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Khok Kruat Formation, Thailand
(PM2016-1 coll.) almsot fifty teeth (Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and
Lauprasert, 2019)
Description- Buffetaut and Suteethorn (1998) say "a form similar
to the earlier Siamosaurus
seems to be present" in the Khok Kruat Formation.
Buffetaut et al. (2005) state "at Khok Pa Suam, more unusual teeth
showing an uncompressed crown, extremely reduced serrations and
conspicuous ribbing have been found. Although they resemble crocodilian
teeth, their type of curvature suggests that they belong to
theropods. They are strongly reminiscent of ... Siamosaurus suteethorni ... and
tentatively referred to a spinosaurid."
Wongko et al. (2019) describe a few teeth each from the Khok Pa Suam,
Sam Ran and Lam Pao Dam localities out of "almost sixty spinosaurid
teeth ... collected by Staffs of the Department of
Mineral Resources during the last decade."
Buffetaut et al. (2005) also mention a partial skeleton of a
spinosaurid from another locality and figure a neural spine
intermediate in length between Baryonyx
and Spinosaurus. Siamosaurus
teeth "have been found close to the above-mentioned skeletal elements,
but they may be evidence of scavenging rather than anatomical
Milner et al. (2017) state "have been found close to the
above-mentioned skeletal elements, but they may be evidence of
scavenging rather than anatomical association."
Samathi et al. (2019) identify the cervical numbers based on Evers et
al.'s revision of spinosaurid presacral vertebrae, and note it differs
from Ichthyovenator in that
"SM-KK 14 has an anteriorly concave pubis and a posteriorly curved
chevron." They figure the pubis as well.
References- Buffetaut and Suteethorn, 1998. Early Cretaceous
dinosaurs from Thailand and their bearing on the early evolution and
biogeographical history of some groups of Cretaceous dinosaurs. In
Lucas, Kirkland and Estep (eds.). New Mexico Museum of Natural History
Bulletin. 14, 205-210.
Buffetaut, Suteethorn and Tong, 2004. Asian spinosaur confirmed. SVPCA
2004 Abstracts. [pp unknown]
Buffetaut, Suteethorn, Le Loeuff, Khansubha, Tong and Wongko, 2005. The
dinosaur fauna from the Khok Kruat Formation (Early Cretaceous) of
Thailand. In Wannakao, Youngme, Srisuk and Lertsirivorakul (eds.).
Proceedings of the International Conference on Geology, Geotechnology
and Mineral Resources of Indochina. 575-581.
Milner, Buffetaut and Suteethorn, 2007. A tall-spined spinosaurid
theropod from Thailand and the biogeography of spinosaurs. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology. 27(3), 118A.
Samathi, Chanthasit and Sander, 2019. A review of theropod dinosaurs
from the Late Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous of southeast Asia. Annales de Paléontologie. 105(3), 201-215.
Wongko, Buffetaut, Khamha and Lauprasert, 2019. Spinosaurid theropod
teeth from the red beds of the Khok Kruat Formation (Early Cretaceous)
in northeastern Thailand. Tropical Natural History. 19(1), 8-20.
S? fusuiensis
(Hou, Yeh and Zhao, 1975) new comb.
= Sinopliosaurus fusuiensis Hou, Yeh and Zhao, 1975
Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Xinlong Formation, Guangxi, China
Holotype- (IVPP V4793) five teeth (one lost) (69x16.5x13 mm)
Referred- (NP03) tooth (Amoit et al., 2010)
(NP07) tooth (Amoit et al., 2010)
teeth (Dong, 1992)
several teeth (Mo et al., 2014)
Diagnosis- provisionally indeterminate relative to Siamosaurus
Comments- Note the Xinlong Formation used to be called the Napai
Formation (Mo et al., 2016). These teeth were discovered in 1973 and
originally described by Hou et al. (1975) as a new species of the
pliosaur genus Sinopliosaurus. The type of that genus, S.
weiyuanensis, preserves only teleosaurid teeth in addition to
crocodilian vertebrae and a pliosaurid ischium and femur (the type
specimen) (Young, 1948). Buffetaut et al. (2008) later redescribed the S.
fusuiensis teeth and discovered they were spinosaurid. In
particular, they resemble spinosaurines in a lack of serrations, but
baryonychines in the presence of ribbing. They are identical with those
of Siamosaurus suteethorni and both differ from Baryonyx
in having stronger ribbing. They suggested the teeth belong to a taxon
"closely related to, if not identical with Siamosaurus suteethorni",
which I have formalized here by placing fusuiensis in Siamosaurus.
Dong (1992) mentioned spinosaurine teeth from the Napai Formation, but
whether these refer to the S? fusuiensis material is uncertain.
Mo et al. (2014) note spinosaurid teeth in three additional localities.
References- Young, 1948. Fossil crocodiles in China, with notes
on dinosaurian remains associated with the Kansu crocodiles. Bulletin
of the Geological Society of China. 28, 235-288.
Hou, Yeh and Zhao, 1975. Fossil reptiles from Fusui, Kwangshi.
Vertebrata Palasiatica. 13, 23-33.
Dong, 1992. Dinosaurian Fauna's of China. Ocean Press/Springer-Verlag,
Beijing/Berlin. 188 pp.
Buffetaut, Suteethorn, Tong and Amiot, 2008. An Early Cretaceous
spinosaurid theropod from southern China. Geological Magazine. 145(5),
Amiot, Buffetaut, Lecuyer, Wang, Boudad, Ding, Fourel, Hutt, Martineau,
Medeiros, Mo, Simon, Suteethorn, Sweetman, Tong, Zhang and Zhou, 2010.
Oxygen isotope evidence for semiaquatic habits among spinosaurid
theropods. Geology. 38, 139-142.
Mo, Huang, Xie and Buffetaut, 2014. A megatheropod tooth from the Early
Cretaceous of Fusui, Guangxi, Southern China. Acta Geologica Sinica
(English Edition). 88(1), 6-12.
Mo, Buffetaut, Tong, Amiot, Cavin, Cuny, Suteethorn, Suteethorn and
Jiang, 2016 (online 2015). Early Cretaceous vertebrates from the Xinlong Formation of
Guangxi (southern China): A review. Geological Magazine. 153(1), 143-159.
S? sp. (Hasegawa, Buffetaut, Manabe and Takakuwa, 2003)
Barremian, Early Cretaceous
Lower Member of the Sebayashi Formation, Japan
Material- (GMNH-PV-999) tooth (51x20x14 mm) (Hasegawa,
Buffetaut, Manabe and Takakuwa, 2003)
(KDC-PV-0003) partial tooth (?x7.4x6.8 mm) (Kubota, Takakuwa and
Hasegawa, 2017)
Comments- This is almost identical to Siamosaurus
according to Hasegawa et al. (2003) and Buffetaut et al. (2008).
References- Hasegawa, Buffetaut, Manabe and Takakuwa, 2003. A
possible spinosaurid tooth from the Sebayashi Formation (Lower
Cretaceous), Gunma, Japan. Bulletin of Gunma Museum of Natural History.
7, 1-5.
Buffetaut, Suteethorn, Tong and Amiot, 2008. An Early Cretaceous
spinosaurid theropod from southern China. Geological Magazine. 145(5),
Kubota, Takakuwa and Hasegawa, 2017. Second discovery of a spinosaurid
tooth from the Sebayashi Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Kanna Town,
Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of Gunma Museum of Natural History.
21, 1-6.
unnamed spinosaurine (Lü, Xu, Jiang, Jia, Li., Yuan, Zhang
and Ji, 2009)
Aptian-Albian, EarlyCretaceous
Haoling Formation, Henan, China
Material- (41HIII-00012) tooth (10x5x? mm)
Comments- While originally assigned to the Mangchuan Formation,
Xu et al. 2012 split this into three new formations and revised their
Reference- Lü, Xu, Jiang, Jia, Li., Yuan, Zhang and Ji, 2009. A
preliminary report on the new dinosaurian fauna from the Cretaceous of
the Ruyang Basin, Henan Province of Central China. Journal of the
Paleontological Society of Korea. 25, 43-56.
undescribed Spinosaurinae
(Pause, 1979)
Early-Middle Campanian, Late Cretaceous
El Atrun, Quseir Formation, Kharga
Oasis, Egypt
Material- tooth (Pause, 1979)
teeth (Churcher, 1995)
Early-Middle Campanian, Late
Bee's Friday Site, Quseir Formation,
Dakhla Oasis, Egypt
(ROM? coll.) teeth and/or bones (Churcher, 1999)
Early-Middle Campanian, Late Cretaceous
Wadi el-Battikh (Lungfish Bluff),
Quseir Formation, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt
(ROM? coll.) material (Churcher and De Iluliis, 2001)
Comments- According to Churcher
(1995), Pause's 1979 thesis reported "a damaged tooth assigned to Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus" from "from east of the Darb el-Arbain, at El Atrun, near Maks Bahri, at km 11 south of Baris", but this to too late to be
congeneric with the Cenomanian Spinosaurus.
Churcher further noted "On a visit to the El Atrun exposure in 1993, Dr. Dale A. Russell of the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, and I found isolated teeth of two carnivorous dinosaurs, tentatively assigned to Spinosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus..."
Churcher and Russell (1992) stated in the Dakhla (spelled Dakhleh by
them) Oasis, "theropod and sauropod teeth and bones were found a few
metres below the Duwi Formation." Churcher's (1999) faunal list
matches this with Bee's Friday Site, and says "Subsequently specimens
assignable to Spinosaurus and
Carcharodontosaurus were
obtained", suggesting this was the theropod material mentioned in 1992.
Churcher and de Iluliis (2001) state that at Lungfish Bluff
"Identification of Mut Formation shales here is based on the presence
of terrestrial dinosaurs (e.g. Spinosaurus)."
References- Pause, 1979 . Uber eine fossile Schildkrote (Podocnemis) aus der mittleren Kreide der sudlichen Kharga-Oasen (SW-Agypten). Thesis, Institut fur Geologie und Palaontologie der Technischen Universitat Berlin. 42 pp.
Churcher and Russell, 1992. Terrestrial vertebrates from
strata in Wadi el-Gedid (Kharga and Dakhleh Oases), Western Desert of
Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 12(3), 23A.
Churcher, 1995. Giant Cretaceous
lungfish Neoceratodus tuberculatus
from a deltaic environment in the Quseir (=Baris) Formation of Kharga
oasis, Western Desert of Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
15(4), 845-849.
Churcher, 1999. A note on the Late Cretaceous vertebrate fauna of
the Dakhleh Oasis. In Churcher and Mills (eds.). Reports from the
Survey of Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt, 1977-1987. Dakhleh
Oasis Project: Monograph 2. Oxbow Monograph 99. 55-67.
Churcher and De Iluliis, 2001. A new species of Protopterus and a revision of Ceratodus humei
(Dipnoi: Ceratodontiformes) from the Late Cretaceous Mut Formation of
eastern Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt. Palaeontology. 44(2),
Stromer, 1915
= Sigilmassasaurus Russell, 1996
= Spinosaurini Stromer, 1915 vide Arden, Klein, Zouhri and Longrich,
Definition- (Spinosaurus aegyptiacus
<- Irritator challengeri, Oxalaia quilimboensis) (Arden,
Klein, Zouhri and Longrich, 2019)
S. aegyptiacus Stromer, 1915
= Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis Russell, 1996
= Spinosaurus marocannus Russell, 1996
Early Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous
Baharija Formation, Egypt
Holotype- (IPHG 1912 VIII 19; destroyed) (~13.2 m; aegyptiacus
morphotype) (skull ~1.45 m) maxillary fragment, incomplete dentary
(mandible ~1.34 m), splenial, angular, fifteen teeth (~30x15x14,
22x14x10.5, 19x10x9.5, 40x20x16, ~52x22x20, 68x30x~23, 85x34x~24,
47x20x17, 49x21x18, 52x22x18, 41x~19x17, 40x18x15 mm), third cervical
neural arch, ~fifth cervical vertebra (185 mm), four dorsal vertebrae
(195, 170, ~190, ~210 mm), three dorsal neural arches, anterior dorsal
rib, two middle dorsal ribs, posterior dorsal rib, gastralium, six
gastralia fragments, incomplete first sacral vertebra (155 mm), second
sacral centrum, partial third sacral centrum, proximal caudal vertebra
(90 mm)
Referred- (IPHG 1911 XII 21; destroyed) dorsal centrum (145 mm)
(Stromer, 1934)
(IPHG 1912 VIII 20; destroyed) tooth (Stromer, 1934)
(IPHG 1912 VIII 21; destroyed) tooth (Stromer, 1934)
(IPHG 1912 VIII 22; destroyed) three cervical centra (~110-120, 120,
140 mm), two partial cervical neural arches, dorsal neural spine, two
dorsal ribs, distal fibula (Stromer, 1934)
(IPHG 1922 X45; Spinosaurus B; destroyed) (~9.9 m; brevicollis
morphotype) two partial teeth, first dorsal centrum (117 mm), anterior
dorsal vertebra (~140 mm), anterior dorsal centrum (~135 mm),
incomplete posterior dorsal vertebra (140 mm), posterior dorsal
vertebra (160 mm), partial dorsal rib, two proximal ?dorsal ribs,
partial gastralia, two ilial fragments, distal femur, tibiae (565, 600
mm), proximal phalanx III-1, phalanx IV-? (45 mm), phalanx IV-? (49
mm), pedal ungual (100 mm) (Stromer, 1934)
(IPHG 1922 X 81; destroyed) chevron fragment (Stromer, 1934)
Albain, Early Cretaceous
Continental Intercalaire, Algeria
(MNHN SAM 124; from Gara Samani) (~14.3 m) (skull ~1.42 m) partial
premaxillae, partial maxillae, dentary fragment (Taquet and Russell,
(MNHN SAM 125; from Gara Samani) premaxillary fragment (Taquet and
Russell, 1998)
(MNHN SAM 126; from Gara Samani) cervical centrum (Taquet and Russell,
(MNHN SAM 127; from Gara Samani) cervical centrum (Taquet and Russell,
(MNHN SAM 128; from Gara Samani) dorsal neural arch (Taquet and
Russell, 1998)
(MNNHN coll.; from Alrar) manual phalanx (300+ mm) (Lapparent, 1960)
(MNNHN coll.; from Alrar) pedal ungual III (100 mm) (Lapparent, 1960)
(MNNHN coll.; from Djoua) manual ungual (85 mm) (Lapparent, 1960)
(Univ. Paris 6; lost; from Djoua) two partial teeth (Haug, 1905)
Aptian-Albian, Early Cretaceous
Chicla Formation, Libya
tooth (Le Loeuff and Metais, 2010)
Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous
Kem Kem beds, Morocco
Neotype- (FSAC-KK 11888) (~11.3 m; ~17 year old subadult; aegyptiacus
morphotype) (skull ~1.12 m) nasal, lacrimal(?), prefrontal, squamosal,
quadratojugal, incomplete quadrates (240 mm), dentary fragments, teeth,
axis (80 mm), seventh cervical vertebra (~155 mm), partial tenth
cervical rib, incomplete fourth dorsal neural spine, partial fifth
dorsal vertebra, partial sixth dorsal vertebra (170 mm), fragmentary
seventh dorsal vertebra (170 mm), incomplete eighth dorsal vertebra
(180 mm), partial ninth dorsal neural spine, several partial dorsal
ribs, gastralium, third sacral centrum (145 mm), fourth sacral centrum
(140 mm), fifth sacral centrum (135 mm), ~fourth caudal centrum,
fragmentary ~eighth caudal neural arch, ~eleventh partial caudal neural
spine, ~fourteenth caudal vertebra, five partial chevrons, metacarpal
II fragment, phalanx II-1 (175 mm), proximal phalanx II-2, ilia (~710
mm), pubes, ischia (520 mm), femora (610 mm), tibiae (668 mm), fibulae
(605 mm), metatarsal I (105 mm), phalanx I-1 (115 mm), pedal ungual I,
incomplete metatarsal II, phalanx II-1 (100 mm), phalanx II-2, pedal
ungual II, phalanx III-1 (90 mm), phalanx III-2 (65 mm), phalanx III-3,
pedal ungual III, phalanx IV-1 (60 mm), phalanx IV-2 (50 mm), phalanx
IV-3 (40 mm), phalanx IV-4 (35 mm), pedal ungual IV (80 mm) (Ibrahim et
al., 2014)
Referred- (BSPG 2006 I 53) (brevicollis morphotype) tenth
cervical vertebra (123 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and
Allain, 2015)
(BSPG 2006 I 54) (brevicollis morphotype) first dorsal vertebra
(139 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(BSPG 2006 I 55) (brevicollis morphotype) first dorsal vertebra
(81 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(BSPG 2006 I 56) (brevicollis morphotype) eighth cervical
vertebra (119 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(BSPG 2006 I 57) (aegyptiacus morphotype) incomplete sixth
cervical vertebra (198 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and
Allain, 2015)
(BSPG 2008 I 68) (aegyptiacus
morphotype) tibia (480 mm) (Rauhut, 2009)
(BSPG 2011 I 115) (brevicollis morphotype) ninth cervical
vertebra (123 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(BSPG 2011 I 116) (brevicollis morphotype) tenth cervical
vertebra (123 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(BSPG 2011 I 117) (brevicollis morphotype) sixth cervical
centrum (184 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(BSPG 2011 I 118) (brevicollis morphotype) ?fifth cervical
centrum (212 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
?(BSPG 2013 I 95) (brevicollis morphotype?) anterior dorsal
vertebra (168 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(BSPG 2013 I 97) (aegyptiacus morphotype) incomplete ~sixth
cervical vertebra (140 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and
Allain, 2015)
(CMN 41768; paratype of Spinosaurus maroccanus) (aegyptiacus
morphotype) mid cervical vertebra (183 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41772; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis)
?posterior dorsal vertebra (162 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41774; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) (brevicollis
morphotype) first dorsal vertebra (67 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41775; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) mid
caudal vertebra (94 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41776; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) ?mid
dorsal vertebra (~150 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41790; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) (brevicollis
morphotype) first dorsal vertebra (~127 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41800; bone taxon I) distal manual phalanx (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41820; bone taxon J) manual ungual (81 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41850; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) (brevicollis
morphotype) third dorsal vertebra (152 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41851; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis)
?posterior dorsal vertebra (157 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41852; bone taxon G) incomplete humerus (~650 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41853; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) mid
caudal vertebra (110 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41854; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) mid
caudal vertebra (110 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41855; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) distal
caudal vertebra (59 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41856; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) (brevicollis
morphotype) first dorsal vertebra (146 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41857; holotype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) (brevicollis
morphotype) first dorsal vertebra (121 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41858; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) (brevicollis
morphotype) second dorsal vertebra (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 41869; bone taxon M) (~1 ton) proximal femur (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50402; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) ?mid
dorsal vertebra (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50407; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) ?mid or
posterior dorsal vertebra (98 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50428; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) ?mid
dorsal vertebra (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50790; paratype of Spinosaurus maroccanus) (aegyptiacus
morphotype) mid cervical vertebra, two cervical ribs (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50791; holotype of Spinosaurus maroccanus) (brevicollis
morphotype) ~sixth cervical vertebra (195 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50794; bone taxon I) manual phalanx I-1 (250 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50800; paratype of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis) ?mid or
posterior dorsal vertebra (88 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50805; bone taxon I) manual phalanx II-? (111 mm) (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50813; paratype of Spinosaurus maroccanus) anterior dorsal
neural arch (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50832; paratype of Spinosaurus maroccanus) anterior
dentary, tooth (Russell, 1996)
(CMN 50833; paratype of Spinosaurus maroccanus) mid dentary
(Russell, 1996)
(Eberharde coll.; cast CMN 41977; bone taxon J) manual ungual (189 mm)
(Russell, 1996)
(FSAC-KK 3209) (aegyptiacus morphotype) fused frontals (one
partial) (135 mm) (Arden et al., 2019)
(FSAC-KK 3210) (aegyptiacus morphotype) fused frontoparietals
(Arden et al., 2019)
(FSAC-KK 7715) (brevicollis morphotype) fused frontals (Arden et
al., 2019)
(FSAC-KK 11889) ulna (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(GMNH-FV 2400) tooth (50x33x30 mm) (Hasegawa et al., 2010)
(GZG.V.19990) tooth (29.8x13x11.5 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.19991) tooth (41.8x15x10.6 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.19992) tooth (28.1x12.9x12 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.19993) tooth (33.9x3.6x11 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.19994) tooth (30.2x11x9.6 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20000) tooth (40x14.5x11.9 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20001) tooth (32.2x14.1x11 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20002) tooth (?x18x13.5 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley, 2013)
(GZG.V.20003) tooth (19x7.8x7 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley, 2013)
(GZG.V.20007) tooth (32.1x13.5x11.1mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20010) tooth (30x12.5x9.5 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20011) tooth (37.9x13.4x10.1 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20015) tooth (40.5x15.4x12 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20017) tooth (40x12x15.8 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20018) tooth (30x11x10 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley, 2013)
(GZG.V.20019) tooth (39.5x17x13.5 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20020) tooth (39x13.9x10.5 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20021) tooth (?x13.6x11.5 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20022) tooth (32.2x11.5x9 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20024) tooth (35.5x13.8x10.8 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20026) tooth (41x12.2x10 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20028) tooth (31x10.5x9.1 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20029) tooth (24.5x11.1x8 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20030) tooth (20.5x11.9x9.2 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20032) tooth (45.9x15.9x12.8 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20033) tooth (54x22.4x17 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20034) tooth (48x17.5x12.1 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20035) tooth (61x21x17.3 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(GZG.V.20036) tooth (57.7x21.6x17.3 mm) (Richter, Mudroch and Buckley,
(IMGP 969-1) maxillary fragment (Buffetaut, 1989)
(IMGP 969-2) ?dentary fragment (Buffetaut, 1989)
(IMGP 969-3) tooth (22 mm) (Buffetaut, 1989)
(JP Cr698) pedal ungual ?II (Singer, 2015 online)
(JP Cr coll.) several teeth (Singer, 2015 online)
(MNHM.KK04) partial ilium (Zitouni, Laurent, Dyke and Jalil, 2019)
(MHNM.KK374) (juvenile; aegyptiacus morphotype) quadrate (78
mm) (Hendrickx, 2006; described in Hendrickx, Mateus and Buffetaut,
(MHNM.KK375) (subadult; aegyptiacus morphotype) quadrate (145
mm) (Hendrickx, 2006; described in Hendrickx, Mateus and Buffetaut,
(MHNM.KK376) (brevicollis morphotype) partial quadrate
(Hendrickx, 2006; described in Hendrickx, Mateus and Buffetaut, 2016)
(MHNM.KK377) (subadult; aegyptiacus morphotype) quadrate (130
mm) (Hendrickx, 2006; described in Hendrickx, Mateus and Buffetaut,
(MHNM.KK378) (adult; aegyptiacus morphotype) quadrate (220 mm)
(Hendrickx, 2006; described in Hendrickx, Mateus and Buffetaut, 2016)
(MSNM V4047) (brevicollis morphotype) (~17.7 m) (skull ~1.75 m)
premaxillae, partial maxillae, partial nasals (Dal Sasso et al., 2005)
(MSNM V6353) pedal phalanx III-1 (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6849) distal caudal vertebra (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6872) ~third dorsal vertebra (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6874) ~tenth cervical vertebra (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6877) ~tenth cervical vertebra (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6881) second dorsal vertebra (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6886) proximal manual phalanx (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6888) pedal phalanx (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6893) metacarpal III (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6896) (subadult; aegyptiacus morphotype) quadrate (145
mm) (Ibrahim et al., 2014; described in Hendrickx, Mateus and
Buffetaut, 2016)
(MSNM V6897) pedal phalanx (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V6900) (subadult) ilium (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V7142) distal metatarsal (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(MSNM V7143) ~first dorsal vertebra (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(NHMUK R16420) (aegyptiacus morphotype) premaxillae, partial
maxillae (Milner, 2003)
(NHMUK R16421) (brevicollis morphotype) incomplete dentary
(Milner, 2003)
(NHMUK R16427) (brevicollis morphotype) mid cervical neural arch
(Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(NHMUK R16429) (aegyptiacus morphotype) incomplete anterior
cervical vertebra (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(NHMUK R16434) (brevicollis morphotype) first dorsal vertebra
(113 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(NHMUK R16435) (brevicollis morphotype) third dorsal vertebra
(150 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(NHMUK R16436) (brevicollis morphotype) second dorsal vertebra
(132 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(NHMUK R16665) rostrum (Cuff and Rayfield, 2013)
(NHMUK R36637) (aegyptiacus morphotype) ~eighth cervical centrum
(120 mm) (Evers, Rauhut, Milner, McFeeters and Allain, 2015)
(P.P. No. 481) cervical vertebra (D'Anastasio and Capasso, 2004)
(Piccini coll.; cast MPCM 13574) pedal ungual III (120 mm) (Novas et
al., 2005)
(SGM-Din 3) (brevicollis morphotype) anterior cervical vertebra
(Sereno et al., 1996)
(SGM-Din 4) anterior cervical centrum (Brusatte and Sereno, 2007)
(SGM-Din 5) (brevicollis morphotype) mid cervical vertebra
(Brusatte and Sereno, 2007)
(UCPC-2) nasal fragment (Dal Sasso et al., 2005)
(UCRC PV4) (subadult) partial dentary (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(UCRC PV5) mid caudal vertebra (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(UCRC PV6) distal caudal vertebra (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(UCRC PV7) distal caudal vertebra (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
(UCRC PV8) manual phalanx I-1 (Ibrahim et al., 2014)
teeth (Sadleir, 1998)
(private coll.) (multiple individuals) partial skull (1.05 m), partial
mandibles (Hendrickx, online)
(private coll.) (~8 m; multiple individuals) partial skull, partial
skeleton (Hendrickx, online)
(private coll.) (multiple individuals) premaxillae, quadrate, posterior
mandible, cervical vertebrae, caudal vertebrae (Hendrickx, pers. comm.)
(private coll.) premaxillae, dentary (Hendrickx, pers. comm.)
(private coll.) anterior dentary (Hendrickx, pers. comm.)
Barremian-Albian(?), Early Cretaceous
Lower Kem Kem beds(?), Morocco
Material- (CMN 41629) first dorsal vertebra (150 mm) (Russell,
(CMN 41862) distal caudal vertebra (58 mm) (Russell, 1996)
Albian-Cenomanian, Early-Late Cretaceous
Tegama Group?, Morocco
(MUZ PIG 1647.II.1) tooth (126x34x29 mm) (Niedzwiedzki and Gierlinski,
(MUZ PIG 1647.II.2) tooth (114x44x30 mm) (Niedzwiedzki and Gierlinski,
Albian-Cenomanian, Early-Late Cretaceous
(LINMH 001) tooth (69x22x17 mm) (Kellner and Mader, 1997)
(LINHM 002) tooth (60x17x13 mm) (Kellner and Mader, 1997)
(UCPC OT6) cervical vertebra (Carrano et al. 2012)
five teeth (Heckeberg, 2009)
Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous
Echkar Formation, Niger
(MNNHN IGU11) mid cervical centrum (90 mm) (Brusatte and Sereno, 2007)
(MNNHN coll.; from In Abangarit) pedal ungual II (90 mm) (Lapparent,
teeth (Brusatte and Sereno, 2007)
Early Albian, Early Cretaceous
Chenini Formation, Tunisia
(MGGCTUN coll.; Morphotypes 3 and 5) sixteen teeth (17-70 mm) [check
Fanti et al. for details]
(Office National des Mines BM231) anterior dentary (Buffetaut and
Ouaja, 2002)
teeth (Schluter and Schwarzhans, 1978)
several teeth (Bouaziz et al., 1988)
Diagnosis- (after Carrano et al., 2012) no midline crest on
conjoined premaxillae; premaxilla entirely excluded from borders of
external naris; extremely elongate dorsal neural spines.
(after Ibrahim et al., 2014) external naris and narial fossa small and
retracted near orbit on side of posterior snout; strongly constricted
hourglass-shaped and elongated dorsal centra; greatest anteroposterior
dorsal neural spine width below spine apex; dorsal neural spines
composed of dense bone with narrow central zone of cancellous bone;
proximal one-third of dorsal neural spines textured externally by
vertical striae; long bones lack open medullary cavity; length of ilium
greater than femur; femur strongly bowed anteriorly with fourth
trochanter hypertrophied, extending along ~25% of the femoral shaft;
pedal digit I long, digit I-1 phalanx longest nonungual phalanx in pes;
pedal unguals broader than deep with length almost four times proximal
depth; pedal unguals with flat ventral surface.
Comments- The first Spinosaurus material was discovered
in 1898, consisting of teeth described by Haug (1905) as the
ichthyodectid fish ?Saurocephalus. Schluter and Schwarzhans
(1978) mistakenly referred Spinosaurus teeth to Plesiosaurus
The holotype was discovered in 1912 and described by Stromer (1915).
IPHG 1922 X45 was originally described as a second, unnamed, species of
Spinosaurus by Stromer (1934). It was distinguished from the S.
aegyptiacus holotype in part by its low neural spines and called it
Spinosaurus B. Both it and the Spinosaurus
B specimen were destroyed in 1944 in a British bombing of Munich, and
only fragments were described over most of the century after Stromer's
description. Several undescribed specimens held in private collections
are of note. One is a chimaerical skull auctioned in 2005 and refused
by the NHMUK and MNHN. Another is a partial skeleton reconstructed from
isolated bones and auctioned in 2009 without a sale.
Le Loeuff and Metais (2010) note in an abstract "A single dinosaur
tooth was also discovered in the course of sedimentological exploration
for Total Libya. It is a spinosaurid tooth belonging to a spinosaurine
close to Spinosaurus..."
This is from the Chicla Formation of Libya, called the Kiklah Formation
in the abstract.
(2009) briefly described and figured a tibia (BSPG 2008 I 68) he
assigned to Coelurosauria, but the shape is very similar to Spinosaurus.
Zitouni et al. (2019) described ilium MHNM.KK04 as an abelisaurid, but
was noted to be tetanurine by Malafaia et al. (2020) and specifically
reidentified as Spinosaurus
by Smyth et al. (2020).
Spinosaurus marocannus- Russell (1996) described dentary
fragments, cervical vertebrae and a dorsal neural arch from the
Cenomanian of Morocco as Spinosaurus marocannus. He
distinguished this from S. aegyptiacus by the longer mid
cervical vertebrae (centrum, not including anterior ball, ~1.5 times
height of posterior articular surface). Sereno et al. (1998) rejected
its validity because the only character given in the diagnosis to
distinguish it from S. aegyptiacus was the longer cervical
centra, and they thought this varied within the vertebral column. S.
aegyptiacus preserves two cervicals, one of which is probably the
third, and the other from the middle of the neck. The latter's centrum
has a length to posterior height ratio of 1.05. The two relatively
complete cervicals of S. marocannus have ratios of 1.39 and
1.60. Ratios in Baryonyx's holotype range from 1.25-1.81, which
is the same amount of variation supposedly separating the Spinosaurus
species. Neural spines are comparable in height between Spinosaurus
species, and anteroposterior length of the spine varies with centrum
elongation as seen in Baryonyx. The latter shows similar
differences between cervicals 5 and 6 as seen between S. aegyptiacus
and S. marocannus. Russell states besides the elongation noted
above and of the neural peduncle (also seen in Baryonyx), the
cervicals of the two Spinosaurus species are very similar. The
dentaries are also "essentially indistinguishable". Thus, I must agree
with Sereno et al. that S. marocannus is a junior synonym of S.
Ibrahim et al. 2014- This paper revolutionized our view of Spinosaurus
based on the description of a neotype far more complete than any
previously published specimen. The neotype was discovered in 2008, and
shows Spinosaurus has unusually short hindlimbs and a small
pelvis. This and other evidence suggests the taxon was semiaquatic. The
presence of a nearly complete specimen allowed the authors to refer
other previously known remains to Spinosaurus. This includes
the humerus CMN 41852 described by Russell (1996) as theropod bone
taxon G and the unguals described by him as theropod bone taxon J. As
Russell states the phalanges he calls bone taxon I match the unguals,
those are referred to Spinosaurus here too. Russell states this
manual material matches an ungual and phalanx (misidentified as a
metatarsal) from Algeria referred to Carcharodontosaurus saharicus
by Lapparent (1960), so these are also referred to Spinosaurus
here. It should be noted that some authors such as Evers et al. (2015)
are skeptical the neotype material belongs to one individual or taxon,
though a full evaluation must await its detailed description.
Sigilmassasaurus- Russell (1996) suggested Stromer's
(1934) Spinosaurus B was referrable to his new genus Sigilmassasaurus.
Sereno et al. (1996) later referred the specimen of Spinosaurus
B and the material of Sigilmassasaurus to Carcharodontosaurus,
based on the supposedly broad cervical vertebra found with the
holotype. This was rejected by Novas et al. (2005), who described
differences between Sigilmassasaurus cervicals and pedal
unguals and those of carcharodontosaurids, so viewed the genus as
valid. They also describe the similarity of caudal vertebrae referred
to Spinosaurus B and Sigilmassasaurus to Ouranosaurus
in their quadrangular shape and elongate posterodorsally projecting
neural spines. Canale et al. (2008) proposed these presacral vertebrae
belong to iguanodonts, but contra what they write, ornithischians lack
pleurocoels and camerate internal structure. Evers et al. (2012) noted Sigilmassasaurus
differs from carcharodontosaurids but shares characters with
megalosaurs and specifically spinosaurids. McFeeters et al. (2013) were
more reserved, placing it in Orionides, though noting shared characters
with megalosaurians and some spinosaurids. They referred dorsals except
CMN 41858 to Tetanurae indet., and caudals to Dinosauria indet.. Novas
et al. (2013) believed similarities between the pedal unguals of Spinosaurus
B and Australovenator meant the former might be megaraptoran.
The discovery of the nearly complete Spinosaurus neotype by
Ibrahim et al. (2014) allowed those authors to solve the mystery of Sigilmassasaurus
and Spinosaurus B and synonymize them with Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus. They show all of the elements, including pedal unguals
and caudals, closely match those of the Spinosaurus neotype.
Furthermore, Allain (2014) found the first dorsal vertebra of the
possible spinosaurine Ichthyovenator is nearly identical to Sigilmassasaurus,
cementing this identification.
D'Anastasio and Capasso (2004) describe pathology in a vertebra they
assign to Spinosaurus maroccanus, but which was reassigned to Sigilmassasaurus
by McFeeters et al. (2013), and so is now Spinosaurus aegyptiacus.
A pedal ungual from the Echkar Formation of Niger referred to Carcharodontosaurus
saharicus by Lapparent (1960) matches the Spinosaurus B
morphotype, so can now be referred to Spinosaurus. Brusatte and
Sereno (2007) describe a cervical centrum from that formation as a
paratype of Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis. This centrum
resembles Sigilmassasaurus, so can also now be referred to Spinosaurus.
A pedal ungual from Alrar referred to Carcharodontosaurus saharicus
by Lapparent (1960) matches the Spinosaurus B morphotype, so
can now be assigned to Spinosaurus.
Russell suggested CMN 41629 could be from a separate species than the
upper Kem Kem taxon, based on differences from the specimens he
described as Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis (broader and more
flexed cervicodorsal centra; smaller cervicodorsal pleurocoel with
inflated centrum wall dorsal to it; more ventrally projected
cervicodorsal parapophyses; broader cervicodorsal hypapophysis; less
constricted distal caudal centra; smaller distal caudal neural canal).
Positional variation is unlikely, as the parapophyses are at the same
level as the S. brevicollis holotype. Ontogenetic variation is
similarly unlikely, as it is comparable in size with the holotype. Its
dark color may indicate it derives from the base of the Kem Kem beds,
which may make it Early Cretaceous. He also questionably referred a
distal caudal vertebra (CMN 41862) to this species. Russell noted that
the Spinosaurus B material was intermediate in cervicodorsal
morphology between CMN 41629 and Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis
and from a different formation, so believed it to be a potentially
intermediate species. Evers et al. (2015) described differences between
Sigilmassasaurus and holotypic Spinosaurus vertebrae and
between Spinosaurus B and neotypic Spinosaurus limb
elements, proposing Sigilmassasaurus (including Spinosaurus
B) is a valid taxon. Similarly, Hendrickx (2006) described differences
between five Kem Kem spinosaurine quadrates, which was later published
as Hendrickx et al. (2016). Notably, the latter were able to compare
their quadrates with that of the aegyptiacus
neotype, allowing referral of this element to each morphotype. Arden et
al. (2019) suggested differences between Kem Kem frontals indicated two
taxa, that "FSAC-KK-7115, differs from the smaller specimens
[FSAC-KK3209 and 3210] in being proportionately shorter and broader,
with more weakly concave orbital margins, more deeply notched
postorbital processes, broad overlapping contact of the frontals with
the prefrontals, and a taller sagittal crest. The dorsal projection of
the orbital margins is more weakly developed as well."
Furthermore, "the bone surface of the small FSAC-KK-3209 is dense and
avascular whereas that of the larger FSAC-KK-7115 is highly
vascularized", which "indicates that the smaller specimens are more
mature than the larger one, which was not yet somatically
mature." They furthermore suggested that "Two different
morphotypes of rostrum are present as well. The larger rostrum morph
has been referred to Spinosaurus
cf. aegyptiacus (dal Sasso et
al., 2005 [MSNM V4047]) but given its size, it may instead pertain to Sigilmassasaurus.
A second, smaller spinosaurine rostrum morph (Cuff and Rayfield, 2013
[NHMUK R16665]) is characterized by concave dorsal margin of the
rostrum and a more bulbous premaxilla and overall more gracile
proportions." Chiarenza and Cau (2016) noted the dentary (NHMUK
R16421) described by Milner (2003) differs from the aegyptiacus
holotype in "the overall stouter proportion of the bone, in the shape
of the alveolar margin, and in the number and placement of the
alveoli", which may indicate it belongs to Sigilmassasaurus.
While these differences do suggest more than one taxon is represented
by Spinosaurus material, the vast majority of specimens could
not be assigned to e.g. aegyptiacus vs. brevicollis due
to the lack of associated elements, destruction of the aegyptiacus
holotype and Spinosaurus B specimen, and lack of description
for the aegyptiacus neotype. Given this and the taxonomic
uncertainty that would result from the holotype and neotype being
potentially different species, all material is here retained as Spinosaurus
aegyptiacus pending description of the neotype. Specimens listed
above are identified to each morphotype when possible however.
References- Haug, 1905. Paleontologie. In Foureau (ed.).
Documents scientifiques de la Mission saharienne, Volume 2. Masson,
Paris. 751-832.
Stromer, 1915. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stromers in den Wüsten
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